Is TRON at MK Pooh-Sized Friendly?

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When I first saw Tron, it reminded me of Hagrids at Universal. The body position seems similar (maybe Tron's looks a little more uncomfortable?) I had the chance to ride Hagrid's both on the cycle and in the side car (seems Hagrid's had a better engineering idea, with half the seats more accessible?). Two TOTALLY DIFFERENT experiences. The side car was much more comfortable, and the cycle was way more fun. And yes, it was a bit of an uncomfortable neck angle, but the ride was pretty short.
I initially had thought the same, that it would be similar to Hagrids. But comparing pics of the two rides, Hagrids is sitting more up right with your thighs straight out and feet planted on the floor and weight on your bum. Tron seems to have your whole body tilting forward, so your knees are closest to the floor and your legs look more compact with your weight on your knees, stomach/chest and arms? (hello Tom Felton!)


My son is a DAS user at Disney & Universal. You are right there are some rides he can't ride (at Universal). He shouldn't be excluded from riding something because Disney has not prepared and did not put in a good system to give him access. There is a big difference where the guest has made that decision to not ride vs Disney has dropped the ball on accessibility of the line (not the ride).
Yes. We travel with a permanently wheelchair-bound kid. There are some rides like Soarin'. I get it. You aren't going to hoist rando wheelchairs. And Peter Pan and Pirates. Again, I get it, the ride is too old, this is too much. But FOP required a bench seat and some glass. Navi required a wheelchair boat. Really not cool, Disney.

I'm glad to see Tron has a bench seat that it looks like pretty much anyone can ride, and it looks like it's a pretty easy transfer from a wheelchair. GOTG was NOT an easy transfer, and we were adults transferring a kid. This is awesome news.
correct. He is morbidly obese and was able to fit. Unfortunately some people that are even larger than him might not be able to fit, but they can still ride (regular seat), just need to wait a bit longer. It is hard to accommodate everyone, we are talking about safety reasons and also efficiency on loading very large guests. Also, imagineers created the ride to be ridden as a bike, there is that as well.

1) There is zero need for that kind of talk towards Nate (Paging Mr. Morrow)
2) The ride was created for Shanghai. 2 ride trains were created at the same time, and this one has been in storage until the ride at WDW was ready. People in Shanghai are smaller than those in North America. To not adapt the ride mechanism, or to not add more bench seats, is a mistake on Disney's part. Of course it is difficult to accommodate everyone, but these are things that should have been thought of ahead of time.
1) There is zero need for that kind of talk towards Nate (Paging Mr. Morrow)
2) The ride was created for Shanghai. 2 ride trains were created at the same time, and this one has been in storage until the ride at WDW was ready. People in Shanghai are smaller than those in North America. To not adapt the ride mechanism, or to not add more bench seats, is a mistake on Disney's part. Of course it is difficult to accommodate everyone, but these are things that should have been thought of ahead of time.

I am sorry, I was not being offensive at all. I was simply using a medical diagnosis (I am a MD) to describe his size and implications of riding Tron instead of using derogatory terms

Morbid obesity is a medical diagnosis and not mockery.
My DH has had a TKR (total knee replacement) 5 years ago. I'm hoping he will be able to ride comfortably. He can't kneel on that knee but bending isn't a problem. He just can't put his weight all on it.
I thought the same thing about Nate and this terrible comment immediately.
MD or not,
This isn’t the place to diagnose someone and make them feel bad about themselves.
Just terrible…..

my goodness, I was trying to describe the fact he is very large individual and still fitted. instead of using "very large" or whatever other term, I used an approved medical term. is that really offensive?

I am out of this thread,no point of arguing this. If moderation wants to delete that comment or punish me, that is fine with me.
Uh, Guardians isn't hard to get? Since when? Maybe at 1 it lasts a bit longer but at 7 am, it is still HARD to get. Maybe you don't try often since you can't ride without prepping? We do ride, 2 times a day for ever Epcot reservation, 3 when there are Deluxe hours. So I've ridden 20+ times, going back to preview day and haven't seen a single woozy or sick person. Only person sitting on bench at the stairs was someone who bailed and didn't ride not because they were motion sick but scared of coasters (they were in line in front of us and I heard their entire debate on to ride or not ride, saw them use the chicken exit)
So no, it's not the horrific hurl machine that many make it out to be.
Goodness folks here got to realize negative, especially negative Disney, gets more clicks than saying, oh, it ran fine and no one had any issues.
Clicks are what these bloggers and whatnot get paid for. They use words to get clicks.
Everyone breathing adult knows this. Or should.

I've ridden GOG many, many, many times and have never - not once - seen anyone sitting on a bench, looking green, hurling, or standing at the restroom. And thanks to the Dis, I've been on the lookout each and everytime (and we do child swap so I make my husband look around, too, just to report back :laughing: ). They clearly added some things after previews because *some* were getting sick but it's been completely overblown.
my goodness, I was trying to describe the fact he is very large individual and still fitted. instead of using "very large" or whatever other term, I used an approved medical term. is that really offensive?

I am out of this thread,no point of arguing this. If moderation wants to delete that comment or punish me, that is fine with me.
Since you asked, and appear unaware, yes, it's generally considered an offensive term.
I initially had thought the same, that it would be similar to Hagrids. But comparing pics of the two rides, Hagrids is sitting more up right with your thighs straight out and feet planted on the floor and weight on your bum. Tron seems to have your whole body tilting forward, so your knees are closest to the floor and your legs look more compact with your weight on your knees, stomach/chest and arms? (hello Tom Felton!)


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Definitely a different body position, and might I say, one that looks super uncomfortable! I can't imagine being stuck on a car in that position!
After all the videos coming out yesterday and today, it looks like the only issues will be how big your upper calves and lower thighs are. Belly and chest sizes don't seem to have an impact.
We need a wake up call in our country. Stating that Nate is morbidly obese is fact, not a put down. Encouraging folks to contort themselves in order to squeeze into a ride is dangerous.

Disney made a huge mistake building this in the US. What a waste of $. It costs reportedly 5.5 BILLION dollars to make. Compare that to $500000 for Cosmic Rewind. Disney could have started a new park. Epic Universe is reportedly 1 billion.
We need a wake up call in our country. Stating that Nate is morbidly obese is fact, not a put down. Encouraging folks to contort themselves in order to squeeze into a ride is dangerous.

Disney made a huge mistake building this in the US. What a waste of $. It costs reportedly 5.5 BILLION dollars to make. Compare that to $500000 for Cosmic Rewind. Disney could have started a new park. Epic Universe is reportedly 1 billion.
There is absolutely no way Disney would ever spend $5.5 billion on a single ride. That's less than the entire Shanghai park, where the original ride is located, cost to build. Tron was probably in the $300 to $400 million range.

The reported number for Guardians is $500 million, but even that sounds like a high estimate. Expedition Everest in 2023 dollars would cost $150 million.
There is absolutely no way Disney would ever spend $5.5 billion on a single ride. That's less than the entire Shanghai park, where the original ride is located, cost to build. Tron was probably in the $300 to $400 million range.

The reported number for Guardians is $500 million, but even that sounds like a high estimate. Expedition Everest in 2023 dollars would cost $150 million.
That's crazy. Velocicoaster cost only $80 to $120 million.
There is absolutely no way Disney would ever spend $5.5 billion on a single ride. That's less than the entire Shanghai park, where the original ride is located, cost to build. Tron was probably in the $300 to $400 million range.

The reported number for Guardians is $500 million, but even that sounds like a high estimate. Expedition Everest in 2023 dollars would cost $150 million.
I would also like to point out that Epic Universe is going to cost a lot more than $1 Billion. Comcast stated in 2021 that they would be spending about $1 Billion in fiscal 2022 alone and that the total cost will be billions of dollars.

Edit: Did some research and couldn't find any numbers for money spent on Epic universe prior to 2022 but in the latest call Comcast said it spent around $800 Million in 2022. They don't state a hard number for epic universe in 2023 but mention that Capex for their parks will be $1.2 Billion more than 2022 with the majority due to Epic Universe. This would mean that they expect about $1.7-$2B in 2023. The call also states that 2023 and 2024 will be comparable in spending for Epic Universe and will be the peak spend.

With all of this, it would seem Epic Universe may cost anywhere from $5B-6B. Maybe more depending on how much they spent prior to 2022 and how much they spend in 2025.
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