Isn't it a little early to start a PTR?..Why yes, yes it is.(we are back!12/13)

just wanted to let you know that walmart put out little tiny ball ornaments that are Disney themed--I didn't get a pic but there are 6 and I think they are under 5.00--I found some princess mini ornaments at CVS and I believe they had some regular disney character ones too. I was in such a hurry yesterday that I didn't buy them so I'll have to pick them up this weekend...
I know what you mean about overwhelmed--seriously. Atlanta isn't too bad of an airport, it's huge, lots of places to walk around and window shop--I used to fly in there on my way to Chicago for work.

The iphone has an airplane mode--here's the link from apple support that will tell you how to use it(i'm still so super jealous that you have an iphone, but I did try to see if the ATT coverage would work here at home and we have zilch, nada, zip. The coverage area for them has always been the worst here in the mtns of NC, so I'll have to wait :( )

I am mainly worried that Amelia will get scared and not want to get on the 2nd flight! Thanks for the Iphone tip!

We are driving also..........All the way from California!.................
It will be a very long drive, but thats what we do for disney :cloud9:
That is a lOOOOOOONG drive! Thanks for joining!

just wanted to let you know that walmart put out little tiny ball ornaments that are Disney themed--I didn't get a pic but there are 6 and I think they are under 5.00--I found some princess mini ornaments at CVS and I believe they had some regular disney character ones too. I was in such a hurry yesterday that I didn't buy them so I'll have to pick them up this weekend...

Thanks for the tip! I have given up on the decorating our room thing......I have a feeling we will be buying so many souveniers that they will be our decorations!


I am so overwhelmed right now!!!! I have spent the whole day cleaning and doing laundry before my parents arrive tomorrow. I also made LOTS of cookies for Dave to take with him to the cabin. Dave is leaving tomorrow to go deer hunting so my parents are comming to stay with Amelia. I work Thursday and Friday night and Saturday and Sunday morning. I really need to get to the party store to get some decorations for Amelia's party and we need to get the cake ordered! Maybe those are things I can do after work this weekend? I need to get a pic up of our invites....they turned out super cute!!!

Next Wednesday we need to take Amelia to the picture place to get her pics taken so they are ready to hand out at the party....Cross your fingers for us!

Packing? I haven't even thought about packing!!!!! I probably will wait until the weekend before after all of this birthday maddness is done.

We will see if I get time tonight and I will upload pics from my nephews birthday party the past weekend.
Are you going back to the same place for her two year old photos? You might start preparing her leading up to them regardless. We will tell Lilian that we are taking to get her photos taken and what do you think you want to wear type questions to get her excited for them. Do you have it planned at, generally, at a good time for her? Make sure you have snacks and drinks just in case. Under the lights can be pretty warm so I try to make sure we give her a break every few minutes or so.

party: party: Yay for being less than a month away!!! :dance3::jumping1::rainbow:

Don't start worrying something will go wrong!! You have been planning an prepping that you will be prepared!! Do you have your last minute list written out yet? Last minute things to get? pack?

Target has some pretty cute things up already for Christmas--including smaller trees in all kinds of fun colors (if you like a non-traditional green tree). I just was there today. I am debating on getting Lilian two Disney Christmas cds for her stocking or just because before Christmas for driving around. I love holiday music!!

She is getting Tinkerbell for Christmas from my Dad. I am glad to know it is good. She LOVED :love: the first one so hopefully that will be a hit with her too. She is also getting Snow white. :goodvibes

Thanks for the photo tips....hopefully she will do better. I might make sure Dave and I are presentable too just in case. That way she can warm up with pics of us before hand.

Packing is going on the backburner until this birthday party is over!!!

The new Tinkerbell is sooooo cute!


I have been planning in my head what souviners I want us to buy while we are down is my list so far. This also includes Christmas shopping for some.

Pick a pearl for Amelia and I.....I might save hers and eventually make a bracelet/necklace.

My little pony you think Amelia is too young for this

Mr Potato head box

new potholders and kitchen towels for us

Christmas ornaments from WS for my inlaws and Dave's granparents

Candy from WS for an elderly friend of the family

Mickey ears for Amelia

Frank the Combine from the Cars movie for my nephew Logan

Some Star Wars legos for Logan

And more that I can't think of right now!!!!

I love to shop so I have a feeling we will be bringing back lots of good stuff. I plan on packing diapers/wipes and snack food so we have room in the suitcases on the way back!
Just found your PTR! I need to catch up!

I'm from IL..and LOVE St. Louis!

Amelia is just so adorable! :cutie:
I'm not sure that Amelia is old enough for the my pony, unless you just buy her the ponies and not the accessories, a friend of mines DD got one and the pieces are ittty bitty, like the size of a dime or smaller (not all of them, but definitely alot of them) A definite choking hazzard.
We got Amelia's 2 year pics done last night and she did MUCH better than I expected. I had M&Ms in my bag and I would give her a couple in betoween each shot. Worked great. They had Santa there and we waited until the end to get her pic with him.....she went to tears right away....that was the end of the session. But we did get some great shots out of it. I had them start with some family shots to warm her up.

Here is a pic of our on the lookout for us if you will be at WDW December 1 to 10!






Amelia in her birthday dress.....Minnie Mouse!






We got most of the party stuff done yesterday.....we just have to pick up the cake and balloons on Sat morning. And I need to get all of my grocery items Friday night after work. Once the party is over I can go back to my Disney planning!!!!:lmao:

PS....I am kinda bummed that they turned out so small! Does anyone know how to make pics bigger from photobucket?
Just found your PTR! I need to catch up!

I'm from IL..and LOVE St. Louis!

Amelia is just so adorable! :cutie:

Thanks for joining! Where in IL? I am originally from the Springfield area. Thanks we think so too!

I'm not sure that Amelia is old enough for the my pony, unless you just buy her the ponies and not the accessories, a friend of mines DD got one and the pieces are ittty bitty, like the size of a dime or smaller (not all of them, but definitely alot of them) A definite choking hazzard.

I think I might just get the costumes and the larger items....I think there is a bed and other items like that. If I get the smaller pieces they will be put away until she is a little older or if Dave or I are playing with her. I think they have costumes......we will have to be playing with her to help her get the costumes on and off!


I have been planning in my head what souviners I want us to buy while we are down is my list so far. This also includes Christmas shopping for some.

Pick a pearl for Amelia and I.....I might save hers and eventually make a bracelet/necklace.

My little pony you think Amelia is too young for this

Mr Potato head box

new potholders and kitchen towels for us

Christmas ornaments from WS for my inlaws and Dave's granparents

Candy from WS for an elderly friend of the family

Mickey ears for Amelia

Frank the Combine from the Cars movie for my nephew Logan

Some Star Wars legos for Logan

And more that I can't think of right now!!!!

I love to shop so I have a feeling we will be bringing back lots of good stuff. I plan on packing diapers/wipes and snack food so we have room in the suitcases on the way back!

I am looking forward to the shopping too! My Little Pony: Lilian has been playing with them for awhile now (she just turned three). She probably started at about 2 years old. She loves to brush their tails and such. You can always get some and put them up if you think some of the pieces are too small.

We have a similar shopping list. :) I want to get Mickey Ears (for the three of us since we have never gotten a set before), My Little Pony Accessories, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head Pieces among many others I am sure that will end up on our list.

We got Amelia's 2 year pics done last night and she did MUCH better than I expected. I had M&Ms in my bag and I would give her a couple in betoween each shot. Worked great. They had Santa there and we waited until the end to get her pic with him.....she went to tears right away....that was the end of the session. But we did get some great shots out of it. I had them start with some family shots to warm her up.

PS....I am kinda bummed that they turned out so small! Does anyone know how to make pics bigger from photobucket?

I am so glad the photo session went better for you this time around! They are just adorable :) Love the Minnie dress! That is what my DD was for Halloween this year.

Photobucket: Above each photo is an option to size them. Have you tried that yet?

I'ts party day!!!! I just thought I would write a quick house is clean.....Amelia is down for a nap......the food prep is done....and I have 2 hours and 45 minutes until guests arrive. I hope to have pics from the party up tonight or tomorrow....I need to make sure my memory card is clean before we leave.

Last night I was watching Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice (My DVR records them because I work on Thursday nights). They showed the previews for the next episode and they said it would air in 2 weeks......I realized where I would be during that guessed it in DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!! I got so excited realizing that and Dave didn't understand!

10 days to go!!!!! I can't wait! I am planning on putting our Christmas stuff out tomorrow after I clean up the party mess so that all of our decorations will be up when we get back!

I will be back tomorrow to dance for single digits!!!!:dance3:
:goodvibes I hope Amelia's party is fabulous!! Looking forward to seeing pictures if you are willing to post a few.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Single digit dance, well almost!!!!!
:goodvibes I hope Amelia's party is fabulous!! Looking forward to seeing pictures if you are willing to post a few.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Single digit dance, well almost!!!!!

I'm trying to post pics....I promise!


So I FINALLY get a moment to sit down at the computer and download Amelia's birthday party pics for everyone to see. For some reason the screen that prompts you to download them is not popping up! (for those of you who do not know I am not a computer person......I don't know how else to download them). Dave took Amelia to visit his grandma so I could have some time to myself on the computer....he is the computer person so now I have to wait until he comes back to see if he can fix the problem.

I finally started packing last night. I had found some travel space bags at the dollar store and let me tell you they are AWESOME!!!!!!!! I wanted to try to get at least 5 outfits for each of us in our 2 carryon bags.....I more than succeded! I don't want to use them for my checked bag because it is rather large and it is easy to get it over 50lbs with out compressing anything. Now I have to just wait for Dave to get home so we can start packing his stuff.....and I need to do laundry for some of our stuff.

It hasn't really sunk in yet that my trip is so soon! I can't wait for Tuesday!:yay:
yay for tuesday!!!!!!!:yay::banana::cool1: I know what you mean about being overwhelmed and running around. I'm in a nervous tizzy, lol. I'm just ready to get on the plane and get it started so I can get over the jitters about it:rotfl: I'm almost packed for all of us--but I'll finish it up tomorrow. Lucky you and the space bags! I was just at the Dollar tree today and didn't see any, so I'm doing the roll and stuff method, lol.
yay for tuesday!!!!!!!:yay::banana::cool1: I know what you mean about being overwhelmed and running around. I'm in a nervous tizzy, lol. I'm just ready to get on the plane and get it started so I can get over the jitters about it:rotfl: I'm almost packed for all of us--but I'll finish it up tomorrow. Lucky you and the space bags! I was just at the Dollar tree today and didn't see any, so I'm doing the roll and stuff method, lol.

I think I have all of our clothes packed.....I still have some stuff that needs washing.....socks! I also want to make sure the majority of my laundry is done before I leave so we just have vacation stuff to wash when we return.

I am so ready to be on the plane too! I still have to get through work tomorrow and Monday though.

I was soooo happy when I found the space bags....I think they were at a you have one of those in your area? They were $5 for a box with larger and one smaller. I fit about 5 outfits for Amelia in the smaller one and 4 for me 3 for Dave in a larger one for each of us. I also got some cheep knockoffs from Garden Ridge before I found the space bag brand.....let me just say they are CR*P! They don't even release the air right.....I hope I still have the receipts I might take them back!

Luckily Dave has been off so I have been able to send him on all my errands. He went to the petstore and made Amelia dogtags that say her name and both of our cell phone I just need to find a necklace or something to put them on. I was really proud of him.....he came back with the heart shaped ones with pink rinestones on them....they turned out pretty cute!
In only 12 short hours we will be on our way to the airport!!!!!!:cool1::cool1: We are packed for the most part....I still have some last minute items to add to my bags tomorrow morning.....they are all written down on a huge list so we don't forget anything!

I will probably do some updates from my phone while we are there.

Stay tuned for the TR!!!!:happytv:
We don't have a Deals around here :( I've heard they have really cool stuff-- I hope you guys have a safe and uneventful flight :) I'll look for you at Donald's safari breakfast--Wishing you lots and lots of pixie dust!
We just ate at wcc and are waiting for our room to be ready at wl. We were so glad to check out of all star movies this am. We are sitting In the lobby and Amelia is sleeping on my lap. Can't wait for the party tonight!
We just ate at wcc and are waiting for our room to be ready at wl. We were so glad to check out of all star movies this am. We are sitting In the lobby and Amelia is sleeping on my lap. Can't wait for the party tonight!

I know Wilderness Lodge is especially beautiful right now. I look forward to seeing lots of good pictures and hearing all about your trip!
We spent the day at AK today....had breakfast, rode on the first safari of the day, saw my favorite show, and found a new favorite, had a dismeet, and saw the dancing lights! Can't wait for tomorrow....lunch at le cellier.
I have finally had the chance to catch back up on trips. I hope you are having a wonderful time. I am looking forward to hearing how Amelia's first trip goes. Love the mini updates. :goodvibes
Epcot day today. Dave had the best meal ever at le cellier. Shopped WS. Found lots of stuff. Resting now before we go back out!


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