It’s Disney, Four Hours of Sleep is Normal! Mother Daughter 2018 F&W TR! (Updated 9/22!)

Welcome back! I know that feeling all too well of being back haha at least you have Disney to look forward to!
Welcome back! I know that feeling all too well of being back haha at least you have Disney to look forward to!

Thanks! Haha, yeah, it's rough coming back to the real world but I do love that in just over 2 months I get to be on vacation mode again! I think next year I need to plan a vacation for that stretch between Christmas and Memorial day, it's such a long time without a break!
Since there is quite a bit of time still before our next F&W trip, and frankly planning has slowed to a boring pace until we do FP+ this weekend, I’m going to put together a mini-interim TR from our trip to the Azores. Feel free to ignore these posts, totally understand, this is a Disney forum after all, but if you’re interested in hearing a bit more about that magical place (different kind of magic), please keep reading!
Up first, Day -1: Saturday June 22nd! (also known as the best day of the year)

We were up bright and early for our first travel day of the trip! Well, I guess second travel day for my mom, she came down to DC the day prior.

And on that note, a slight aside….

There are very few direct flights from the US to the Azores, and locally (well, east coast-ally) the options are to fly out of Boston or JFK. So I’m sure you’re wondering why my mom, who lives in Boston, came all the way down to DC, where there isn’t even a flight available, to start the trip to the Azores. Well, mostly we’re weird. But we did have our reasons!

First, we didn’t want to fly Azores airlines, we had read some not great reviews of them and our friends who flew them, while didn’t have a horrible experience, did note that the plane was ancient, like it still had ashtrays in the armrests kind of ancient. So that took Boston off the table (sorry mom). Although to be fair, I’ve read now that they’ve updated their planes, so may need to try them out next time around.

Now that we were stuck flying out of JFK, our original plan was to just meet there, but then my mom got really worried that her suitcase would get lost on the flight from Boston to NY, and she didn’t want to start the trip on a bad note, so she decided she wanted to take the train down to NYC. Yes, this seems like a waste of time, but you’ll see on the way back this was actually one of her better ideas.

So we agreed we would both take the train and meet at Penn Station. Well, my mom being mom, got concerned she would get super lost and wouldn’t be able to find me since she is very directionally challenged. I suggested why not come down to DC and start the trip down here with me so then we could navigate NYC together, and that’s what we ended up doing!

As our plans evolved, we decided also to head up to NYC on Saturday morning and not fly out until Sunday since it was my birthday on Saturday and I was already annoyed that the previous year I was stuck traveling for 9 hours on it, I did not want to be stuck traveling for the full day on it for two years in a row!

So yeah, that’s how my mom ended up in DC before the trip!

Back to the trip….

Our train was scheduled for 7 something that morning, so I called for an uber a little after 6 to take us to Union station. It was a quick drive over, only about 12 minutes, (thank you Saturday morning traffic!), and soon we were dragging out luggage through the station on our way to the first class lounge. We were taking the Acela first class, which I love, the food and drinks service are great and totally make the cost worth it!

Before long we were boarding the train. They do assigned seats now in the first class car, so we found our seats and settled in for the trip. It’s a pretty quick trip up there, by train standards at least, only about 3 hours. Just enough time to have our breakfast (omelets) and a few mimosas because, hey it’s vacation!

Upon arriving we dragged our stuff up to the taxi stand and piled into the next cab and were off to our first hotel of the trip, the Marriott Essex House! When we arrived our room wasn’t ready, but the woman at the concierge desk (where we ended up checking in since there was line at the normal check-in so she called us over to check in with her) gave us some bottles of water, and a key to get into the gym/locker rooms so we could change and freshen up. We did just that, then dropped our stuff off at bell services before making our way out to explore.

Being my birthday, I had a few places in mind I wanted to explore: Gucci and Tiffany’s. My mom was not very thrilled with this idea since she hates to spend money, but they were RIGHT there by the hotel, so she finally agreed. First stop was Gucci, which I have to say, is the saddest Gucci store I’ve ever been in. It was actually kind of disappointing. Even the one in our local mall is nicer. Oh well, we all can’t be winners!

Anyways, there was nothing there that I really wanted (or could afford) so we headed out and stopped at Tiffany’s. Now this place was amazing. The first floor was a little too crowded, but once we made our way upstairs it was stunning. My mom ended up getting me these beautiful pearl earrings in this really cool setting that looked like a leaf for my birthday. Thanks mom!

Here's a pic of them I stole from the website, so pretty!

After we were done at Tiffany’s, my mom put her foot down and said no more shopping. Ok fine. We decided to go stroll through Central Park for a bit while waiting for the call that our room was ready.

We made our way over to Central park and it was a madhouse. It literally looked like main street after the fireworks on the main path that we took. The masses of people plus the super hot temperatures were doing a number on us, so after about 30 minutes of strolling we decided it was time to head back to the hotel and rest in the AC for a while. We did get some touristy shots though of Central Park!



You can see our hotel in this picture! Can’t see it? Look at that medium height building in the centerish…now look down. That little Essex House sign behind the trees is our hotel. It looks miniature…and it’s 40ish stories tall! Ugh, DC is so short. I officially have short person building syndrome.

Anyways, Day -1, part 2 coming up soon!


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Day -1, Part 2: June 22nd - We'll be in the Azores...soon!

When we got back to the hotel, I went to ask the awesome woman at the concierge desk if there were any updates on our room, and thankfully she said one just came available! Yay! We made our way up to our room, and were surprised how nice and large it was!


We even had a view of Central Park! (ok, I admit, this is REALLY zoomed in!)


While checking out the room, a doorbell rang, which confused us for a moment, but I went to check the door and it was just bell services with our luggage. Nice!

Once we got our stuff and settled in a bit, I decided I needed to take a nice relaxing shower before our big dinner that night. Well, I was about to head into the shower when the doorbell rang again, so I went to go see what it was this time, and there was an employee with a cart with a bottle of champagne in ice on it! I told him he had the wrong room, we didn’t order champagne. But he insisted it was in fact for us, it was from the hotel as a gift. Um, sure, I’ll take some free champagne!

After he left, my mom realized what probably happened. When we were checking in with the concierge, she asked us what our plans were for the day, so my mom told her that we were going to a really special dinner that night to celebrate my birthday. So we think the concierge sent us the champagne for my birthday! Such a nice surprise! And wow, she was a great listener!

Of course I had to have a glass of the champagne before my shower, and of course I had to try to get some artsy photo’s with it!


We ended up resting for the remainder of the afternoon before heading out to our special dinner at Per Se! It was an early dinner, they only have a few seating times, and the late one was too late for us, so we headed over to the restaurant around 5:00. We got there a few minutes before our seating time, and were soon led in to our table. The interior is ok, not my favorite, but we weren’t there for the interior design, we were there for the food and that was amazing. Each dish was delicious, it was a perfect birthday dinner!





I swear they use the exact same plates as we had at the chefs table at Victoria and Alberts!

Dinner took quite a while with all the courses, so afterwards we just waddled back to the hotel and ended up crashing for the night.

Up next: Day 0 - Finally going to the Azores...after another day in the city.
Day 0: Sunday June 23rd - We're going to the Azores today....after a day in the city!

We ended up sleeping in a bit this day, which in retrospect was good since we didn’t get to do that at all once we got to the Azores! Our first stop of the day was the hotel restaurant to grab breakfast. We each opted for something light, I think I got a fruit bowl and some yogurt and my mom got just some fruit.

After breakfast we went to call for an uber to take us to our destination for the day, the Bronx Zoo! Funny enough, both my mom and I had started watching the tv show the Zoo in the past year, so when we realized we’d be in NYC, we figured we should go check the place out in real life!

The zoo is really nice, and much larger than I expected! We ended up spending about 3 hours there checking everything out, and of course riding a camel.


We of course also checked out all the animals.

Oh hi there.




This is a random grouping of animals...monkeys and antelopes?

Also, it is SO much easier to get good shots of the animals when you're not in a moving vehicle traveling over a bumping terrain. Looking at you Animal Kingdom...

By early afternoon it was getting uncomfortably hot again, so we decided to head back to the hotel to rest and pack again.

Our flight that evening wasn’t until around 9:45, but we wanted to get to the airport early enough to have a sit-down dinner beforehand, so decided to leave the hotel a little after 5. We were glad we did, oof, the traffic was a nightmare! It took about 1.5 hours to get from the hotel to JFK, and then we sat on the ramp leading up to the international terminal for another 35 minutes because it was such a cluster of cars dropping people off. I used to think LGA was my least favorite airport, but JFK moved to the top of the list after this trip!

Once we were finally out of the car, we tried curbside check-in, but my mom’s passport wouldn’t scan so we were sent inside.

We thought the cluster of cars outside was bad, we were not prepared for what we saw when we entered the terminal. It was wall-to-wall people. You couldn’t even see the signs directing people where to go. It was pure chaos. Since my mom’s passport wouldn’t scan, the guy at the curbside check-in told us we had to go speak to an agent, and the lines to get to an agent were horrifying. I swear they had to be longer than the lines for FoP on opening week.

Upon entering this chaos my mom and I just stood there for a solid minute in shock, trying to take it all in and trying to figure out where to go. Eventually I saw what I thought could be the end of the line to check-in so I started heading that way, but as we were walking over a beautiful red sign caught my eye. It looked familiar….I swear I saw something similar on our tickets on the app. So I pull out my phone and check out tickets, and sure enough, we were sky priority!!!! Happy dance time!

Seriously, there was NO ONE in line for sky priority. I showed the woman guarding that line my phone with the tickets up, and she ushered us through. We made our way out of the main hall and into a nice little back area where there were only a handful of passengers waiting to check in. It was glorious. So much calmer and so much faster than the main hall!

Check in was amazing fast, and soon we were on our way to….another line. Since we have precheck, we assumed we wouldn’t have to wait in a ridiculous security line. We were wrong. The line for precheck was just as long as the line for non-precheck people. It ended up taking us about 20 minutes to make it through. Which, isn’t horrible for airport security in general, just I’ve never experienced a wait more than 2 minutes with precheck before so it was a shock!

So all in all, about 3.5 hours to get from the hotel to getting through security. Boy were we glad we left so early!

Since we still had about 1.5 hours at that point until our flight, we found a restaurant and grabbed a decent dinner, both of us ended up with salads.

While eating I kept checking the status of our plane, and sadly it was suddenly delayed. Ugh. My flights never take off on time. Not a huge deal, it was only delayed a bit. Well, the delay kept growing and growing. And by the time we finished eating it was delayed over 2 hours. Now, for a flight that’s supposed to take off at 9:45ish, being delayed more than 2 hours really sucks. I need my sleep!

After we finished up eating, we decided to just go head to our gate and wait it out. On the way I stopped at one of the screens showing the gate numbers, and was surprised to see our gate had changed….and was no longer in the terminal we were in!

HAAAAAAAA. I almost cried. I thought for a moment this would be like LGA where you have to go back through security when you switch terminals, seriously, my experiences at LGA have damaged me. I was not ok with this. But then we quickly found that there was a shuttle between terminals and we didn't have to go through security again, so it wasn’t an issue. Phew!

The terminal we ended up at was a sad excuse for an airport terminal. I believe it was terminal 2. There wasn’t nearly enough seating in there for all the people, and it was just really small. Not a fun place to be stuck for 3 hours waiting for a delayed plane.

Time passed slowly, but eventually it was time to board. Since we were flying the fake first class (there was no real first class on this flight) we got to board first. We got our welcome mimosas and settled in. Fortunately people on that flight seemed antsy to get going, so boarding was really fast, and soon we were off!

Somewhere between day 0 and day 1 we had dinner service, so I’m going to put that in day 1 since day 0 is getting too long!

Next up - We're finally in the Azores!
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Day 1: June 24th – We’re finally in the Azores!

The flight to the Azores from the east coast is super short, only about 4 hours, so having it as a red-eye flight kind of sucks, especially when dinner is included in your fare. I mean, I love the dinner, but I do not love only 2 hours of sleep. I’m surprised with how short this trip is they don’t have any morning flights out of the US over there. Anyways, I digress.

A bit after takeoff the flight attendants came around to distribute menus for dinner. The menus noted that for international flights there would be multiple courses served throughout the trip, a first course of nuts and small snacks, a cheese course later, then a full dinner. My mom and I joked that if we were getting all the courses we weren’t going to sleep at all! Well, spoiler, we did get all the courses….just not at different times! HA! They served them all at once!


All the food hardly fit on the tray table!

After dinner we tried our best to fall asleep. I suck at sleeping on planes, however I never tried sleeping in “first class”. I hate to admit it, but it makes a difference. I for once actually slept, granted only for about an hour! Baby steps….

Once I woke up and realized I wasn’t going to fall back asleep, I entertained myself watching the map of our trip. It wasn’t long before I saw the first island of the Azores on the map!


I also got a shot of the beautiful sunrise


Before we knew it, we saw land!!!


It’s sooooo sunny for 3am!!!! (time travel is hard)

A few minutes later we were there!!! Once we arrived it took a while for them to find someone to guide us from the plane, it’s a very small airport.

Eventually they found someone so we deplaned, and made our way across the tarmac to the terminal. Going through customs took all of 1 minute. Seriously, the guy glanced at my passport, asked how I was doing, then wished me a great trip and I was through! On the way out my mom did want to go declare the granola bars she brought, so we stopped by the room to do that, but the guy in there pretty much said “I don’t care” so we were out! From the time we got off the plane to the time we were getting in a taxi was only about 5 minutes! HA!

The taxi to the hotel was quick, only about 10 minutes, and soon we were at our home for the week!

We stayed at the Azor hotel and we loved it. It is right in downtown Ponta Delgada, although a bit of a walk from the main area, maybe 10 minutes. We booked a suite for our stay since the rest of the rooms were small and the suite was hardly more expensive than the other rooms. Based on reviews, we expected when we got there our room wouldn’t be ready, so were surprised when it was! Apparently since there are only 5 suites in the building, they tend to be ready earlier than other rooms. That logic seems off to me, but we were happy!

One of the guys at the front desk brought us up to our room to show us around. It was a nice touch! And our room….wow, just wow. Here are some pictures:

This is the view from the bed. Amazing!!!

Our side balcony.

View from the front balcony

The living room

The bedroom - pardon the mess!

We were lucky enough to get the top floor, so we got the wraparound balcony which the other suites do not have. It was amazing. Those lounge chairs were fantastic! Plus the views!!! Ugh, just writing this makes me want to go back. I’m actually planning a short trip this spring I loved it so much!

Oh, here’s a video tour of the room. Amazing:

Next up: First day exploring the island
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What a fun way to celebrate your birthday in New York! Those earrings are beautiful and that was so sweet of your mom. By the way, you share a birthday with my sister.

Crowds stress me out. I'm glad you were able to bypass some of that chaos at JFK.

Your room is gorgeous! So spacious

Looking forward to reading more!
Interrupting this interim TR with an update to the Pre-TR! (Lot's going down here today!)

So this morning was FP+ day. It went ok-ish. Haha!

Besides the snafu, which I'll get into in a moment, basically up to day 60+4 FP+ were hard to come by. I've never had this many issues beyond day 60+2, so now I'm starting to worry that the end of September really will be packed. The good news is, 60+5 and beyond were super easy to get all the FP+ we wanted!

Now about that snafu! So we're doing a split stay this year, and as expected our FP+ window opened up based on the start of our first hotel for the entire trip. The odd thing though, is while the window opened up based on the first hotel, we can't book any FP+ during our stay there, only during our stay at the second hotel!

I still need to call Disney to find out what's going on. I do wonder if it has something to do with the new ticket structure. We booked this trip before the new tickets came out, so not sure if that would actually impact us, but who knows. May also just be Disney IT doing their thing!

Anyways, that's the update for now. Hopefully I can get the first part of our stay worked out!
Ugh on the fastpass snafu. Hopefully that gets worked out quickly. Thanks so much for sharing your Azores trip. I'm honestly not sure I've even heard of these islands but it looks beautiful. I know what you mean about the pre-tourist state. I used to go to the Turks & Caicos 10-15 years ago when there were still many dirt roads and, while it's still one of my favorite destinations, those early days were glorious. Happy (belated) Birthday! Tiffany's, champagne and Thomas Keller seem like a pretty solid way to celebrate!!! :cake::bday:
What a fun way to celebrate your birthday in New York! Those earrings are beautiful and that was so sweet of your mom. By the way, you share a birthday with my sister.

Yeah, it turned into a really fun weekend! Glad we decided to do it! Happy belated birthday to your sister!

Crowds stress me out. I'm glad you were able to bypass some of that chaos at JFK.

Oh my gosh, me too. I have never seen an airport that busy before. It was an absolute madhouse! So glad we had sky priority!

Your room is gorgeous! So spacious

Looking forward to reading more!

The room was massive, I couldn't believe it! I felt like we won the lottery when we first went in!
Ugh on the fastpass snafu. Hopefully that gets worked out quickly. Thanks so much for sharing your Azores trip. I'm honestly not sure I've even heard of these islands but it looks beautiful. I know what you mean about the pre-tourist state. I used to go to the Turks & Caicos 10-15 years ago when there were still many dirt roads and, while it's still one of my favorite destinations, those early days were glorious. Happy (belated) Birthday! Tiffany's, champagne and Thomas Keller seem like a pretty solid way to celebrate!!! :cake::bday:

Yeah, I still need to call them about the FP+. At least it's only the first two days, so not the end of the world, and we go every year so it's not like a once in a lifetime trip, so if we don't get them we'll be fine, we've done all the rides before!

The Azores are amazing, I definitely recommend visiting! It's amazing how these places change as more and more people discover them. I kind of wish no one else would discover the Azores!

Thanks for the birthday wishes! It was such a great way to celebrate, much better than a 9 hour car ride the year before! :rotfl2:
I'm sorry you're having fastpass issues. That makes no sense why you can't book during your first hotel stay. Why can't things just go smoothly?

I wonder if it will be really crowded during your trip with GE opening the end of August. Last week I played around with availability during the opening days of GE and was surprised at how many resorts had still had rooms to book. Of course, I can't go anyway as I'm a teacher and have students back on the 12th of August. But, one can dream...
I'm sorry you're having fastpass issues. That makes no sense why you can't book during your first hotel stay. Why can't things just go smoothly?

Thanks, yeah I don't know what was going on. Funny enough, when I looked this morning I suddenly was able to make them for those first days! :confused3

I wonder if it will be really crowded during your trip with GE opening the end of August. Last week I played around with availability during the opening days of GE and was surprised at how many resorts had still had rooms to book. Of course, I can't go anyway as I'm a teacher and have students back on the 12th of August. But, one can dream...

I'm guessing it will be pretty busy, especially since we'll be there for the final Illuminations. I actually think that the final Illuminations will draw a bigger crowd that week than SW:GE. Hopefully I'm wrong, but we're going in expecting huge crowds!

Aw, my mom is a teacher too, but she is semi-retired so only teaches one class, so she doesn't teach every day of the week which makes these late September trips possible. That plus the school systems up there get off Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, so we plan the trip around one of them.
Day 1, part 2: June 23rd – First day Exploring the Island!

After taking some time to explore the room and unpack our stuff, we headed down to the lobby for our chore for the day – getting our rental car. We went with a company that would pick us up at the hotel and drive us to their location to get the car. Easy enough. Our driver arrived a few minutes late, but as we would soon discover, nothing is really on time on this island!

The guy that picked us up was great and fun to chat with, he gave us some great tips on things to see while there. He also was the one who got us set up with the car, which worked out well. One thing we were a bit worried about before going was all the scams that we had read about car rental companies over there. The main one being refusing to return the security deposit because of a “new scratch” that had been there before. Seriously, the number of reviews noting this was concerning! Anyways, our guy was very thorough with the check of the car, and invited me to take pictures of everything. He was pointing out and noting scratches I couldn’t even see!

Once we were done with the car check it wasn’t long before we were off on our own to head back to the hotel! It’s super easy driving over there, the roads are really well maintained, and the signs are easy to follow (we still used GPS though).

We valeted our car when we got back, which was included in the cost of our room, although now costs I think 10 euros a day.

Since we were both seriously sleep deprived after our red-eye, we had decided for this first afternoon to hire a private guide to take us to some of the most touristy places so we wouldn’t have to worry about having to be alert or awake to drive. Plus one of the stops was a liquor factory and we both wanted to do samples, so driving ourselves didn’t seem like a great idea!

Our guide picked us up right around 1:00, also a bit late, but hey, we’re on island time! He was super nice and by the end of the tour we felt like we had known him for years! Our first stop that day was the pineapple factory. This was ok, frankly a bit boring, but we got to try some fresh pineapple so that was good!


Our next stop was the ceramics factory. This place is really cool, it’s been around for ages, and they still make all the ceramics by hand. We got to watch them making some of the pottery, and I ended up buying a mug and a small dish.


The next stop was by far our favorite, Lagoa do Fogo!




We spent a lot of time here, we ended up stopping at 3 different viewpoints over the lake, each was just stunning. One thing we loved about our guide is he didn’t rush us at all, we had plenty of time to walk around taking tons of pictures. He also offered to get some pictures of us, and they ended up being some of our favorite pictures from the trip!

On the way to our next stop we quickly stopped at another miradouro, bela vista! Very aptly named!


Our next stop was the liquor factory. This ended up just being ok. We got there right after a huge bus load of German tourists, so the place was packed. If we had gotten there earlier or later we would probably have enjoyed it more, but the place is small, and having to wait in a line of 50 people just to try a small sample of a drink, and then get back in line if you want to try another one, was not ideal. Side note, this island seems to be extremely popular amongst large German tour groups. Throughout the week we ran into bus load after bus load of them!

We ended up staying at the liquor factory a while since we wanted to try all the offerings before we picked up a bottle, so we spent a lot of time waiting in line. Eventually we picked what we wanted. I got a passionfruit liquor for us to drink in the room, and a bottle of the rice pudding liquor to take home.

Yes, rice pudding. I know it sounds weird, but it is amazing! I tried to find it here to get another bottle, but apparently the closest they sell it to here is in Canada. So hey, if anyone in Canada is reading this and wants to bring me a bottle of the stuff I wouldn’t complain! :rolleyes1

After the liquor factory we were really starting to feel the lack of sleep, especially my mom. We were in the city of Ribeira Grande, and our guide asked us if we wanted to go explore it a bit. My mom wasn’t really in the mood so said something about how she didn’t really feel like seeing a city (I use this term loosely, city being more of a small quaint town), but she wasn’t really clear with her response, so our guide asks if he should go to park. My mom though he meant he was taking us to a park so got really excited and exclaimed “yes, I love parks!” To which our guide looked a bit confused and asked again if he should go to park, and my mom very enthusiastically exclaimed YES! The entire time this was going on I’m sitting in the middle of them laughing because I understood what was going on, but neither of them did. It was hilarious, but maybe you had to be there!

We did end up parking and going to explore town a bit. It was really pretty there, I’m glad we stopped!



After exploring a bit, we headed over to our next stop, one of the beaches on the north side of the island! It was really pretty, and I’m sure if we weren’t so tired we would have explored a bit more, but we were fading fast! So we didn’t stay very long.

Our next stop was supposed to be some hot springs, but when we arrived the crowds were ridiculous, there were cars parked along the road a mile on either side of the site, even our guide was shocked at how busy it was! Since we were so tired we told him it was fine to skip, we had a full week there so we could do them later. He felt really bad, but finally agreed it wouldn’t be fun with that many people, so we headed back to the hotel.

Overall it was a good tour, and we knocked out a lot of the super touristy stuff on the first day which was nice. There were huge crowds though, which the island really is not set up for, so that made it a bit difficult in some places, but we were still happy we got to see those places!

For dinner that evening we opted to just eat at the hotel since we were exhausted and didn't feel like trying to find a place in town. This unfortunately turned out to be not the best idea. They didn’t open until 7:30, and the service was slooooooow. We got there right at opening and didn’t leave until 10:30! By that point we were zombies and couldn’t wait to get to bed!

Next up: Day 2 - That time we hiked up 251 stories
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The scenery is just stunning! It sounds like you had a really good tour guide too.

I'm not much of a drinker, but I love a good rice pudding! Too bad you can't get it in the US.
That stinks that your airport experience was so hectic and that your flight was delayed!

Your room is gorgeous! Sounds like a nice tour to start the trip!
The scenery is just stunning! It sounds like you had a really good tour guide too.

I'm not much of a drinker, but I love a good rice pudding! Too bad you can't get it in the US.

The scenery there is amazing, everywhere we went we were blown away! I can't wait to go back and explore more.

I've actually never had rice pudding before! No idea if the liquor actually tastes like it or not, all I know is it's really good! :drinking1
That stinks that your airport experience was so hectic and that your flight was delayed!

Your room is gorgeous! Sounds like a nice tour to start the trip!

Yeah, I can't believe how packed the airport was! I've been to many airports over the years and have never seen any that come remotely close to being as crazy as this!

The room was amazing, just amazing. I want to move in there! Having the addition of the side balcony was so perfect, it was super private over there and a great place to rest during some downtime. I really cannot wait to go back!


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