It's a Jolly Holiday with LL. *FINISHED* Final Update on pg. 58.

Here is a close up of the Poppins shirt, I found this on the DISigns board.
I :lovestruc it!! So awesome. If you still have it, would you be able to PM me?

I love that you got to meet her on your last day. That is so great. :goodvibes

As for the mullet, that's a woman?!! :eek: :duck:
I love your shirt! How perfectly perfect that you got to see Mary Poppins again! What a great way to end your trip!:goodvibes
Awww, LL how supercala... ok I'm not spelling it... how awesomely wonderful for you!

Of course it is the same one! There is only one! :rotfl:
Do you know how many times I have looked up how to spell supercall....? Hehehe.

Oh that is some great pixie dust!!!

(I still say that you do 1900 PF on your next trip though!)
It was wonderful! You will just have to wait and see!

I got goosebumps!!!! What a wonderful, magical moment:hug:
It really was. It was unreal.

I love it that Mary Poppins was practically perfect in real (kinda) life!

Um, can we see the mullet pic?
She really was. I hope to see that same Mary in May.
It's been posted!

LL I love the shirt BTW!! I forgot to mention it:goodvibes

You said they did the DISign over on the DISign boards??? I'd love a copy of it if you still have it.

I am going to find the link for it and post it.

Awwww.... your last day!

Yay for Mary! Yay for LL!

Yay for the Best Mullet Ever!

I must see it.
You guys are too funny with wanting to see the mullet.

Could just blur out her face to protect her identity? 'Cause I'm really curious, too! :rotfl2:
I still feel bad about posting it.

Cmon, Ll! You Know You Want To!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just zoom in on the mullet, k?
Hehehe. Talk about peer pressure.

Mullet Hall of Fame!!! :lmao:

What a wonderfully magical moment -- I was sure that you were going to wake up and decide to do 1900 after all, because I remember that picture in your signature! This was far better and more special though! Truly spectacular!
Marc was like a giddy kid when we saw the mullet. He kept saying, "take the picture. do it. do it." The whole train ride.

That was wonderful! I loved your magic moment! It was specially crafted just for you!!
It really was.

As a professional Mullet Hunter I need you to post that picture. You can swirl up the face but we need to see all that is "business in the in the back"!
Mullet Hunter!

Oh my!!! That is one kickin' party happening back there! :eek: :scared1:
Hehehe. Scary, huh?


That is fabulous! My mom said the same thing to me when she saw my "really bad Disney attire" pic in my TR. She was afraid the person would read my TR, see it, cry. ;)
That's what I am thinking. Notice I even blurred out what her tshirt said.

Oh LL... I got all teary knowing how much that meeting with Mary means to you! And what are the odds of it being the SAME ONE?
I know! I get teary just thinking about it.
Hey... That's my mom!!!

Just kidding... :rotfl2: :lmao:
So not funny. I nearly had a heart attack.

Ahhhh.... nothing like a pic of a glorious mullet to start the day!

Thanks for posting that LL.

Marc was right...that is an awesome mullet!
He's quite proud of himself for spotting it. He's thrilled that you all wanted to see it.

AWESOME MULLET!!!! That has MADE my day AND your TR!!!!! That was something!!!

Okay---the moment with Mary was surely out of this world FANTASTIC!!!! I got a tear in the corner of my eye as I read your account of it!!! SO SWEET!!!! LOVED IT!!!!

BUT, now you have me literally sitting on the edge of my seat until you post about your lunch at Tony's--so want to know what that was like, AND I MUST KNOW WHO THE VIP WILDERNESS LODGERS ARE!!!!!!!!!! MUST NOT LEAVE ME HANGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It will be coming up soon enough!

That is so wonderful! So perfect. And the mullet - way too funny.
I wish I could have sat and had tea with her.

Your TR is ending :(

I loved the Mary Poppins pics and the story made me smile!!!
I know I am so sad that it is almost over.

Just love your MP t-shirt.:lovestruc

How wonderful that you saw Mary Poppins again and on your last trip into the park.
It was perfect. A custom made moment for LL.

In your defense LL... you were just taking a picture of those pretty lights on the ceiling of the train... Mullet Hall of Famer just happened to be sitting in front of you, right?? ::yes::

I know i don't post very often but I must tell you how much i am enjoying your report... and you have definitely turned me on to the whole light obsession thing!!!(no pun intended :lmao:) I have a couple pics from my trip in September... and I even have one from a McDonalds on Broad Street in Philadelphia from when we went to the Phillies World Series Parade!! If I knew how to post pictures I would share it... you would like it!!
You must learn how to post pics so that I can see them! I am so glad that I am not the only one looking at real life lights!

I :lovestruc it!! So awesome. If you still have it, would you be able to PM me?

I love that you got to meet her on your last day. That is so great. :goodvibes

As for the mullet, that's a woman?!! :eek: :duck:
Scary, isn't it? I am going to post the link for the Mary Poppins design.

I love your shirt! How perfectly perfect that you got to see Mary Poppins again! What a great way to end your trip!:goodvibes
It was the best way to end it.

I just found your TR today and read the whole thing!:faint: I love your writing style. So sad it's coming to an end.:sad1:
Wow! Good for you! Thanks for the writing compliment, that means a lot! I see you already found my PTR so there will plenty more fun to come!
:rotfl: Niiiice mullet pic!
I'm reminded of the song my friend Jimmy LOVED in college and made me listen to all the time - "Phantom Mullet" by Five Iron Frenzy. Cutting it short on top, I want that for me. Growing it long in the back, so savage and so free. Heheheh....mullets.

Oh my gosh your meeting with Mary Poppins was indeed perfect! How great that you were wearing that shirt too.
I got this image on the DISigns Board and I believe it was RumblyTumbly's image. :goodvibes I think you can save it from here but let me know if you want an email.

I am so glad that I am not the only one looking at real life lights!

Ummm...I took a picture of a light for you this past weekend. :ssst: In my real life.

Do you have any idea how much influence you have with this whole light fixture business? People all over the country are taking photos of things that were previously unnoticed by most. Yay for LL! :cheer2:
LL what a perfectly delightful tr. I loved it. What a nice way to spend a Friday when I should be working.:rotfl2:
Is this TR really coming to an end??? I have really enjoyed your pictures! You guys need to get back down there so you can take some more! :rotfl:

I have one little SAT type analogy for you about that last chapter.

TK is to Jack Sparrow as
LL is to Mary Poppins.

So glad you got to meet her, and have that special moment! That's what Disney is, my friends. Those wonderful moments. :goodvibes
And I thought you would all think I was a bad person about the Mullet Hall of Fame!! :lmao:

The picture has been distorted. If I am harmed or killed by a mad Mullet person you better all come to my funeral! ;)


Holy... what the... oh my... Wow.

I can't believe I missed this yesterday.

Thanks, LL :worship:
:rotfl: Niiiice mullet pic!
I'm reminded of the song my friend Jimmy LOVED in college and made me listen to all the time - "Phantom Mullet" by Five Iron Frenzy. Cutting it short on top, I want that for me. Growing it long in the back, so savage and so free. Heheheh....mullets.

Oh my gosh your meeting with Mary Poppins was indeed perfect! How great that you were wearing that shirt too.
Mullets are just funny. Last year at Christmas my mom got my brother as a joke gift a mullet car air freshener for his car. It was really funny.

Ummm...I took a picture of a light for you this past weekend. :ssst: In my real life.

Do you have any idea how much influence you have with this whole light fixture business? People all over the country are taking photos of things that were previously unnoticed by most. Yay for LL! :cheer2:
I adore that you took a light picture for me in real life. The whole light obsession thing is really starting to consume a big part of my life. :lmao:

LL what a perfectly delightful tr. I loved it. What a nice way to spend a Friday when I should be working.:rotfl2:
Hehehe, glad I could make your Friday at work delightful!

Is this TR really coming to an end??? I have really enjoyed your pictures! You guys need to get back down there so you can take some more! :rotfl:
May! In a little over 6 months we will be back. I really can't wait!


I have one little SAT type analogy for you about that last chapter.

TK is to Jack Sparrow as
LL is to Mary Poppins.

So glad you got to meet her, and have that special moment! That's what Disney is, my friends. Those wonderful moments. :goodvibes
That is seriously the perfect analogy!

Holy... what the... oh my... Wow.

I can't believe I missed this yesterday.

Thanks, LL :worship:
You are welcome!
Day 8. Part 2.

When I last left you I had just met Mary Poppins. :lovestruc Marc had already checked us into Tony's so we went to sit down in their waiting area.

I was literally on cloud nine and I kept grinning at Marc. It was the best thing that could have happened to us. Marc kept saying, "That just made your trip, didn't it?" Pretty darn close.

I took some pictures while we were waiting.



We waited maybe 10 minutes if that. It wasn't very crowded in the restaurant or in the waiting area. I loved the way they theme Tony's, so cute. I loved looking at all of The Lady & The Tramp pictures.







I was surprised at how many choices there were on the menu. Marc was in heaven being the Italian boy that he is and I was able to find something that I liked too. I am not as into Italian food as he is.

For his appetizer Marc got the antipasto platter. I think that's what it was called. It's meant for two but I was getting the calamari so we picked off each other's.


We are pretty sure that Marc got the Chicken Parm and I know that I got the Chicken Panini, both were excellent. The chips that came with mine were awesome, they were still warm and so fresh. Yum!



For dessert I got the Lemon Walnut Layer Cake and Marc got the Pistachio Creme Brulee. We were both stuffed so we picked at our desserts. They were nothing special. I had never had Creme Brulee so I tried it and I wasn't too keen on it but I don't think there was anything bad about it.




Overall we really enjoyed Tony's. Marc loved it and wants to go back next trip, I am not sure. I feel like there are other places I would like to go first before I go back there.

After our lunch we headed back out towards Main Street. I was hoping to get another glimpse of Mary Poppins. A girl can dream....:rolleyes1

We immediately met up with this guy heading back inside.

Day 8. Part 2. Continued.

It was just a beautiful sunny day outside. Truly. I was in Main Street heaven.

For some reason I just adore this picture of the castle. The beautiful sky, the castle, the bustling crowds, the wonderfulness of the Magic Kingdom. :cloud9:

Our last photopass photos. *sniff sniff*






We contemplated trying to hit up one last ride but I am the type of person to not want to be late so we headed back to enjoy our last few moments at Wilderness Lodge.

Goodbye Magic Kingdom....














My last official Light Porn picture of our 2008 Trip.



Our last official Trip picture of 2008.

While we waited for our Magical Express bus to arrive, I went over to the photopass kiosk in the WL lobby and asked to look at our pictures. They came out well. Marc made fun of me for not being able to wait a few hours until we got home but I just wanted to see them real quick. Hehehe.

Our ME trip to the airport was uneventful. When we checked in for our flight, we decided to upgrade to business class for $60 each. Truth be told, we were tired and just wanted to get home in the most comfortable way possible. I had bought a second book while down in Disney so I wanted to read my book and relax. It was $120 well spent. We got through security fine and Marc went to get us a snack while we waited to board the plane. It didn't seem like we waited very long before we were boarding the plane, first might I add, thank you business class. The seats were so freaking comfy, it was ridiculous how uncomfortable we had been on the way down. I think we will try to scrounge the money to upgrade again. I was offered to do it when I checked in online so I think I will hope that it will be available again.

The same annoying lady that stalked me from our gate to ME on our arrival day was back on our plane. BOO HISS SNARL. She sat right near us too. She made me so angry too. She sat on one side of the aisle with her husband and then she put her two younger kids on the other side of the aisle. That's fine. The kids were young-ish. Probably between the ages of 6 - 9. Well the kids started to fight about the window seat so the whole time people were boarding I had to listen to this lady YELL at her children to stop fighting. If that had been me, I would have separated the kids and and the adults would have been with one kid each. Makes sense right? Well she finally gets them to calm down. And this gentleman comes to sit next to the children because it's a row of three seats. Well the kids start talking to him and it appears that he speaks spanish, well......this prompts the mother to tell her kids to not talk to him because he speaks "ES-PAN-Y-OLIA". I was rolling my eyes the entire time. Geez Louise. Thank goodness that once the plane takes off you can't hear anyone.

It was rainy and windy in Boston so there was some turbulence on the way down. Scary stuff right there but nothing major. We landed, got our luggage and just as we got outside our Park, Shuttle & Fly was there waiting for us! WOO HOO!

It was gross outside, the rain was so heavy that it made for a somewhat scary drive home in the dark but we made it home and began plotting the next Disney trip....

Coming Up....
Our favorites & Souvie Pics!
What a great last day. I've got our summer schedule trying to see where I can fit in Tony's now. We've never tried it! Looking forward to the souvie pics!!
It does make me sad to read about your last day.

I'm glad you enjoyed Tony's! I haven't been there in years. Although I am still forgiving you about not being as into Italian food. ;) Honestly, I've heard mixed reviews on that place and I have to say, I fond some of your pictures look really appetizing! Maybe I'll have to give it a shot again. :goodvibes

I love that in the picture of you at Tony's, you really do have rosy cheeks. Must be the blush from having met Ms. Poppins herself. :goodvibes

I can't believe the same woman was on your flight. Talk about coincidence! :lmao:
Love the last pics of MK, looks like a gorgeous day outside. It looks like even Marc was getting in the Tink spirit! :goodvibes
Loved reading your TR and sorry it had to come to an end but I have this feeling I will be reading many more WDW TR from you in the near future.:cool1:

It is always so nice to see WDW through others eyes and you truly made this a wonderful visual trip for me now I have some new things I want to try thanks.
I didn't want you to go home! :rotfl2:

The buffalo/bison/whatever they are pictures were my favorite. I hadn't seen them before.

Tony's looks very pretty inside. Did it feel prettier than other places? I think DDs would like it.

Can't wait for the souvie pics! :thumbsup2
What a great last day. I've got our summer schedule trying to see where I can fit in Tony's now. We've never tried it! Looking forward to the souvie pics!!
I think Tony's is worth a try. I was pleasantly surprised by it since it doesn't always get the greatest reviews.

It does make me sad to read about your last day.

I'm glad you enjoyed Tony's! I haven't been there in years. Although I am still forgiving you about not being as into Italian food. ;) Honestly, I've heard mixed reviews on that place and I have to say, I fond some of your pictures look really appetizing! Maybe I'll have to give it a shot again. :goodvibes

I love that in the picture of you at Tony's, you really do have rosy cheeks. Must be the blush from having met Ms. Poppins herself. :goodvibes

I can't believe the same woman was on your flight. Talk about coincidence! :lmao:
I think you should give it another shot. It's good.
I couldn't believe it either and she wasn't the only one, there were at least 5 or 6 groups of us from the flight down the following Saturday.

Love the last pics of MK, looks like a gorgeous day outside. It looks like even Marc was getting in the Tink spirit! :goodvibes
He really did get in the spirit for that picture. It was probably me making fun of him and not knowing what was going on in our first photopass pic like that. :lmao:

Loved reading your TR and sorry it had to come to an end but I have this feeling I will be reading many more WDW TR from you in the near future.:cool1:

It is always so nice to see WDW through others eyes and you truly made this a wonderful visual trip for me now I have some new things I want to try thanks.
Oh yes! I plan to do many more TR's. It's fun! I love how I have spread the magic of our trip for a few extra months. Thanks for reading. :goodvibes

I didn't want you to go home! :rotfl2:

The buffalo/bison/whatever they are pictures were my favorite. I hadn't seen them before.

Tony's looks very pretty inside. Did it feel prettier than other places? I think DDs would like it.

Can't wait for the souvie pics! :thumbsup2
Trust me, I didn't want to go home either. I forgot to put in that we had been searching all over the WL for them and finally found them as we were waiting for our ME bus, they are right outside the entrance to WL. Durrrr.
Tony's was very pretty and it was the most themed restaurant to a Disney movie, does that make sense? The castle is the castle but when you ate at Tony's you knew it was based on Lady & The Tramp. If your DD's like Lady & The Tramp they will love it. :goodvibes


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