It's a New Year for a New You Super Goofs team thread

Well, I manged to run 6 miles today. I'm going so much slower than I was before the half. I feel like a slug! :confused3

I also got over heated today and I even wore a running skirt. That is funny, just a couple days ago I was freezing to death and now I'm dying in the heat. Maybe it is really the running that is killing me? :lmao:
Hey Goofs! how's it going? I am on the road right now, using dh's laptop! Glad to see all of us back for this year! Welcome to all the new Goofs! This is a great crowd to hang with.

I have to say that I am doing pretty well with eating and working out. I hurt my back last week (who knows from what) so I have been using the cross trainer and the EFX machine at the gym instead of the TM since it's easier on my back. I logged in 75 mins, 7.5 miles yesterday! The EFX machine really is a workout......I was sweating buckets!

I will continue working out even on my weekend away!

Welcome Shan...I think I met you at the Half (were you there?) You've joined the best team, with the best captain ever....glad to have you!
Ordered pictures from the 1/2 today, now have to wait 7-10 days to get them. :(

Biked 30 mins/5.64 miles.

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Hey Goofs!! Hope everyone is doing well, I have been super busy since coming back from WDW, since my wedding is only 7 months away, I have to get back to planning and getting things done, since I did pretty much nothing wedding related while training for the Goofy. I don't want to be swamped in the summer so I am going to start getting things done now!

My training has been non-existant as well. I did sign up for a half marathon in May here in NJ, and I may do another one before that in either Feb. or March in NYC so at least I have some motivation to get back at the training. I will start up again tomorrow, as today I am heading out to a scrapbooking crop all day!! I was there last night and I started on my Goofy album, it was fun looking at all the pictures and reliving marathon weekend!

Shan-WELCOME to the team! Everyone here is great, and we are very happy to have you!

Lisa-Glad to hear that you are going to man the ship again! You did a great job last year and I know you will again. Hopefully the process will be a little easier this time, sounds like they are making a good plan.

Maura-Good Luck with your new training plan. Hope the ITB issues stay away, I suffered from those training for the full in 08, but this year I had no problems. I actually did a lot of strength training in the spring and summer last year to strengthen my legs, and that combined with lots of stretching seemed to keep the ITB issues away.

Beth-Hope your back is feeling better soon! Are you on the road for business or pleasure? Pleasure I hope!

Suzanne--What pictures did you end up ordering? Did you get the 3 print thing you were talking about? I didn't wan tto wait to get the CD like last year so I did the download way and had them instantly! I already started scrapbooking them last night!!!!

To anyone I missed, sorry, but I have to run!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Goofs!
Suzanne--What pictures did you end up ordering? Did you get the 3 print thing you were talking about? I didn't wan tto wait to get the CD like last year so I did the download way and had them instantly! I already started scrapbooking them last night!!!!

I did order the triple print...its 3 different pictures with my name and finish time on an 11X14 with the 1/2 logo. I couldn't get it to work on their website, everytime I added the next picture, my name and time would disappear so I had to call in the order. The lady was really quick about it so I have my fingers crossed that it is correct for the $50 I spent!!
Welcome Shan!
Great job on the 6 miles!

Friday I ran for 1.5 miles then worked with trainer for 1/2 hour. I do much better in the mornings. I don't have the same energy after working all day!

Saturday instead of spin and body flow I got my hair done instead. I did go to bodypump for 1 hour
Good Sunday morning everyone!! I hope this cold weekend is treating everyone nicely!!

I skied yesterday in the 11 degree windy weather. It was hard as everytime I would stop to catch my breath, I was COLD!! I only made it a little over 3 miles before my body had enough (actually my face) so I have 5ish to put in for today to get my weekend miles in. Not so bad considering the past few weekends!!

Mike, thanks for the spreadsheet. :goodvibes Does this mean I can count on you for help??

I think they have decided that we will post our totals for the month in the first post of the monthly threads and then Susie will keep track of them from there. I assume this is team totals not individual. Mike's spreadsheet will help us come to that number. The game is going to start again on February 1 so just keep going as normal for now and we will firm up how to track next week.

Cecilia, do you still want to be co-captain?? And thank you for the words on the CMM thread about waiting for me to finish my first full. :love: This will be Patrick's first full also and I should be just slightly in front of him (unless he starts walking FASTER and here is me rolling my eyes in disgust :crazy2: :sad2: ). We definitely need some sort of celebration afterward. I will have my kiddos with me too so it has to be kidlet friendly!!

Also, who on the Goofs is planning VA Beach? On the disneyrunning thread, we found a hotel cheaper on the beach. It is the Hampton Inn South at 1005 Atlantic Ave. Not open yet, still under construction but they are taking ressies for September. I think there is also a $10 off registration fee with the use of RESOLUTION in the coupon code area.

So today for me is field hockey, laundry and house clean up after a day of not being around yesterday. My 5 miles will probably be on the TM since it is currently -15 outside!! Have a great day Goofs!! :wave2:
good morning everyone!


Lisa: Glad to help anyway I can...maybe you can give me a tutorial on editing formulas in Googledocs, unless you have to put in all the formulas in Excel and upload the sheet or somehting.

I'll be relatively scarce this week, as I'm skiing in Utah...that has to count for some hours!

Hey, are any of you doing the Princess Half? If so, I'm curious where you are at for your LRs. I have a neighbor who asked me about the WDW Half the other day and she told me she was signed up for the Princess and was getting nervous. The longest she has ever run is four miles. I tried not to look surprised, but shouldn't she be much further up on her miles by now? I sent her an email the other night with some tips for the race. Anyway, I was a little worried for her! I told her I'd go out running with her, but something tells me she won't take me up on it.
Good Morning Super Goofs! Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend.

Suzanne--Hope you like the print when you get it. I would love to see a pic when you get it, I am curious as to what it will look like. Last year I got one of the frames with the medal in it, but I didn't this year because I didn't want to spend the money. But I want to get something for this year, and I was thinking the thing you got would be perfect. Let me know how you like it!

Lisa--You go girl! You wouldn't catch me outside in 11 degree windy conditions!! I am a wimp! I would love to do Virginia Beach, but I will be on my honeymoon in Jamaica this year, so it will have to wait!

Mike--Have a great time skiing in Utah! One of my favorite places to ski!

Shan-Not sure when the Princess race is, but I thought hte beginning of March, so I would think your buddy is a little behind schedule.

As for me: I plan on getting back into the groove today. I am going to head to the gym later on for a workout. Not sure yet exactly what I am going to do, I have to decide this morning. Yesterday, I started on my scrapbook from marathon weekend. It was so much fun working on my pages and reliving the weekend, I can't wait for 2010!!!
Hope everyone else is doing well!!
Happy Sunday Goofs! I am sad that I am on my way home.....we had a blast at Foxwoods! It was a very nice b-day celebration for dh!

I got a decent workout in yesterday. 6 miles on the precor EFX (with a TV!) and then did a strength workout to boot! I didn't get to workout today though, since we had to get on the road.

We will be home by six, so I will try to get on the TM at home.....:(

Beth- what the heck is a EFX?

Today I did an hour spin class and an hour of fitness yoga. The instructor messed up the class times a little bit and I got 15 minutes in the corpse pose. It was quite nice and relaxing especially when she went around and massaged everyone's forehead with lavender oil.
I'm doing the Princess half. I think the people who are doing the MfM are at 8 miles. I am only at 6 as of today, but I've been feeling good. Next week I'll do 8 and the week after I'll do 10, then I'll cut back to 6 or whatever the plan is.

Here's my number for today:

6.19 miles, 1:41.50

My time could be better, but I took a 1 mile walk on the indoor track in middle. That slowed be down a bit.

How does everyone keep track of their timing when they race. I was comforably doing walk 3/run 2 when I was on the treadmill, but I don't know if I could keep track of that when on a course.
Good morning Goofs!! I hope it is warm where you are. We are at a balmy -12 this morning, but that is warmer than yesterday so who can complain??? :confused3

I had a bad eating day yesterday. DH and DS7 took me to a breakfast buffet before DD14 field hockey game. I love breakfast and this was a great buffet with eggs with broccoli and peppers, kielbasa, raspberry coffee cake, yummy stuff. So I ate too much, felt bad, didn't exercise, felt worse and today after getting on the scale, I am really sad. Serves me right and yes, I know better. So today, I now have 8 miles in make up from yesterday and I have an eating plan in place today to get my calories back in check. Hopefully, I can maintain the 5 pounds lost for the week and I will call that a win and start again from there. Why do we derail ourselves???

So someone said CMM in 13 weeks....:scared1: :scared1: I was so NOT ready to hear that. My first full in just 13 short weeks....:faint: I really need to get on track now. Thank goodness for the kick in the pants once in awhile!

Shan, yes VA Beach is labor day weekend. I would love to see you there!! It is going to be lots and lots of fun. You all will forgive me for wearing orange though instead of green right???? Please.....:flower3: I like the way my orange shirt fits and the fact that you can see me from space.....::yes::

So I am on 8 miles today, do or die, girls to the gym, DS7 to swimming, pick up the house because the cleaning lady comes tomorrow (I know I am not the only one who does this!!) and hmm, sleep maybe. My kids have early release on Wednesday and we have a tentative snowmobile trip planned for that day but now it is supposed to snow...:crazy2: Why oh why on my day off...just lucky I guess.

Mike, your skiing does count....for fun....have some for me!!! :wave2:
Well, it looks like I'm out for both Marathon Weekend and TOT as of right now. :sad1: We are definitely taking the kids for NYE so it will be hard to get back a week later. As for TOT DH doesn't want to leave the kids at home again, but if we take them we'd have to pull them out of school AND take someone to watch them during the race. We're totally borrowed out on our DVC points so we'd have to pay for a room for them, not to mention the person we would probably normally take is now watching my nephew everyday... So it doesn't look good. :lmao: I'm not giving up hope completely, though. There is always a possible AP discount on a value or mod, right?!?

I might actually give VA Beach some thought...

Ran 3 yesterday, nothing on tap today except Mom Taxi Service this afternoon.

Have a good day everyone!
Groovygirls: The Precor EFX is similiar to the crosstrainer, but you can change up the elevation and tension. It does wonderful things for my glutes!

So, I did my workout after I got home last night. I really didn't want to, but I got on the TM for 4 miles and did a little workout I got from Shape magazine. I felt better afterwards!



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