"It's the economy, stupid"

Yes it can be difficult, but planning and saving can save a lot of headaches.
I do security, so I am not bredaking the bank, but I will save as much as possiple to give my self and my DS the best disney experice posspile.I would rather tigthen my belt here and there and then go all out for our trip Its our reward. Just do what you can, but make it as speacil as posspile.:)
I am considering cancelling. I have the money, but you just never know............

I am not scared. I am very blessed and always provided for, but there are so many jobs being sent to other countries that I just want to be prepared in the event I have to start a new career and it takes a while.
Hi, I'm th OP and I thought I would chime in again. First of all, I am well aware of how lucky I am t be able to spend money on a deluxe resort. I figure "in for a penny, in for a poun."second of all, I'm confused when I see some of the cost estimates some people throw out there. One poster (if I understood correctly) said saving $480 was half of a vacation at a value resort. Airfare for four from New York is at least $900. 5 nights at an all star in May is 700 at aminimum. A 4 day ticket W/o hopper or waterpark is another 900+. Meals for 5 days is another grand. Throw in Snacks, souvenirs, misc tips, rides to the airport in NY and $4000 is about as good as it gets. I spend more on things like the resort, park hopper + tix and $5000 is where i'm at. As for the direction of the thread, I have to claim that it sort of did go where I thought it might. The name that I chose for the thread is a reference to the Clinton campaign of 1992. I was wondering if financial issues are as raw a nerve in 2008 as they were then. Judging from the responses and number of views for this thread I would have to say that the economy is an almost everyone's mind. I'm not canceling my trip in May. I'm lucky enough to have a steady job and only a little anxiety about things like my 401k. I'll be listening to the candidates over the next 6 weeks to see if either of them understand the thoughts and concerns that have come up here over the past week.
Disney, of course, is always the last to feel it, but other hotels have reported that their bookings are down and continue to drop. Disney has reduced the number of folks they are hiring.
If extending Free Dining into December PLUS adding a room discount on top of free food isn't a sign that Disney is feeling it, I don't know what is.
If extending Free Dining into December PLUS adding a room discount on top of free food isn't a sign that Disney is feeling it, I don't know what is.

They seriously extended the DDP until December?!?!?:confused3 :scared1: That's a good/bad sign!! Good for us because we get the discounts and deals, but bad for disney because thet're losing guests. Hmmm...maybe me and my newly hubby will able to get away for a weekend, if that's true!! That would be awesome!!!!:yay: :yay: :woohoo:
The economy is affecting us big time, but we are 99% sure we will go to WDW next year.

In order to do that, we have had to make some major adjustments.

We usually travel every 12-18 months. We have gone nowhere this year.

My parents, who are retired, usually travel every 6 months or more often. They have taken one trip this year.

No dining out, landline, movies, buying new clothes or toys, using the car for unnecessary trips. I cancelled digital cable and Netflix. The daily newspaper is going next. I hang the laundry instead of using the dryer. We only use the A.C. when it's sweltering. 5 minute showers. I catch the bus to work 3-4 times per week. Make multiple stops to run my errands on the weekends.
Learning how to cook from scratch. You get the idea. ;)

Our trip will be "funded" by frequent flier miles, Ebay, rebates and refunds, surveys, the change jar, and gifts of Disney Dollars.

We will rent a vacation home and eat breakfast and most dinners there.

I'm stressed about the economy, for sure. My DH is self-employed and when his clients' businesses suffer, so does he because they can't pay him. I have a government job but they are announcing huge budget cuts, so I can kiss my puny raise goodbye this year. We are all thankful to still have jobs.

Although I am extremely grateful for what we have, this trip is one of the FEW things I'm LOOKING FORWARD to. It will probably be the only 3 generation trip we will take to WDW ever, so we've all decided that we are going before we regret waiting another year.

Good luck to everyone.

I wonder why the Disney Cruise line hasn't dropped their prices. I would think with this economy, cruising would be effected. I just checked the price of our cruise in March and it is higher than what I booked it for last year.

Maybe they get hit later than WDW.

I am also worried about the economy, although I think my DH's job is safe right now. I have teenagers and I worry about what the world will be like for them when they start to look for jobs.
We are feeling the pinch, like many other families. We are leaving in 4 days and are super excited, but like many other posters, we're also stressed out about finances right now. Our answer was to reduce our spending money for the week by 1/2. We're only eating one meal out per day (because we're staying at a timeshare with a kitchen) and we're taking snacks into the parks instead of purchasing our usual 2 + snacks. Additionally, we just won't be buying as much "stuff" while we're down there. Last fall, we purchased the entire Disney Mr. Potato Head collection that was available. We scoured the parks for every little piece we could find. Our son loves it, and it's a great activity for birthday parties or when children come over, but we spent over $200 on Mr. Potato Head parts! :scared1: Looking back, this was a bit overboard....we just got sucked in to the whole Mr. Potato Head thing (I have no idea why, and I'm kind of embarrassed to even mention it here, but it's an example of how we've gone overboard in the past with our spending at Disney.) Not this year. Our plan is one nice souvi for our son's first trip (something he can keep forever-like a stuffed Mickey or something along those lines - $60 limit) And, I'll do a scrapbook when we get home. Those will be our souvis. So, when it comes down to it, I know the memories will still be great, and that is what will really matter most of all!! :)
(I have no idea why, and I'm kind of embarrassed to even mention it here, but it's an example of how we've gone overboard in the past with our spending at Disney.)

I think most of us have done things like this. I remember buying all these stupid pins for my DDs thinking they would enjoy trading them, and I even got them these cool Disney cases to keep them in ($50 per case!). Now they never look at their pins, don't bother trading them, they are just there taking up space. They did enjoy trading pins with CMs for a few years, but still we bought way too many pins!

NOW (my kids are in their teens), they don't really buy anything when we go on the trips. They would rather save the money to go shopping at the mall.

But I know exactly what you are saying. I can confess we even have an original Pal Mickey. Yes, we got sucked into buying a lot of stuff at Disney. It is easier when the kids are older, and they don't "HAVE" to have all those things.

We too have done the "Disney Junkie - Let's Buy Everything In Sight" route. This year, we bought almost exclusively pins. A few piddly other little things, but mainly pins. That's what we like to collect. I also bought a small photo album and a couple of Christmas ornaments. That's pretty much it. The economy is affecting many people in many ways. For example, my daughter is a competitive equestrian but showing now costs $500 per show. How many of these has she done? ZERO!!!!! That's frickin' nuts if you ask me, but she does go fox hunting at $25.00 a hunt (no, they do NOT kill the fox, otherwise she wouldn't be going). She can also compete in her Irish dance competitions at $25.00 a shot. I can afford that. We're pretty much done with frivolous spending, nowadays we really bargain hunt. Fortunately, we can do Disney fairly cheap. Thank God for the values and we'll be checking airline fares starting in January. If I have to drive to Philly to get a cheap Southwest fare so be it.
I don't think the answer to the economy problems is to sit home, hording all money and worrying. Not much point in that. But doing the same things we have always done just maybe in a cheaper way; seems to be a better way to me.

I agree.

Those who are hoarding their money now are hurting the economy. If we don't spend, the economy takes a downturn. I heard so many people say they were using their stimulus checks to pay off debt or to sock away in their savings account - what good does that do to help stimulate the economy?

I'm not saying that if your food or shelter is at stake and you've lost your job that you should just keep on spending the same amount as you were, but I'm seeing a lot of posts here that are alarming...when they shouldn't be.

Just keep on keeping on. We won't get out of this situation until everyone is over their fear and panic!
I agree.

Those who are hoarding their money now are hurting the economy. If we don't spend, the economy takes a downturn. I heard so many people say they were using their stimulus checks to pay off debt or to sock away in their savings account - what good does that do to help stimulate the economy?

I'm not saying that if your food or shelter is at stake and you've lost your job that you should just keep on spending the same amount as you were, but I'm seeing a lot of posts here that are alarming...when they shouldn't be.

Just keep on keeping on. We won't get out of this situation until everyone is over their fear and panic!

I did my part!! My whole stimulus check went to Disney! :cool1:

I have cut back on things--what I spend at the grocery store and on clothes and even almost cut out some things--eating out.
The problem is when we start cutting out all spending, we cause more layoffs and more unemployment--that cannot possibly help our economy. Of course, I can't spend until I go bankrupt to help save someone else's job either. So, like I said we just have to find that happy medium.
I agree.

Those who are hoarding their money now are hurting the economy. If we don't spend, the economy takes a downturn. I heard so many people say they were using their stimulus checks to pay off debt or to sock away in their savings account - what good does that do to help stimulate the economy?

I'm not saying that if your food or shelter is at stake and you've lost your job that you should just keep on spending the same amount as you were, but I'm seeing a lot of posts here that are alarming...when they shouldn't be.

Just keep on keeping on. We won't get out of this situation until everyone is over their fear and panic!

While I agree that hording money will only make the situation worse, I do understand the need to cut back. Everything in the Orlando area has gone up in price. It is much harder for me to make through a month on the same money I lived on very well a couple of years ago. If things continue to go up, I will have a problem. I live on a fairly fixed income. I have money invested in the market and I've taken a large negative hit there. So, I am trying to be conservative. I'm not hording. I'm just trying to make what I have stretch further. I can see how many others feel the need to do so also. I agree that pumping money into the economy will help in the long haul, but many have to worry about their families in the here and now.

The thing I was always guilty of and see so many others do is spend a fortune at Disney on things to take home to others. Why? Is it really necessary? I agree that it is nice, but I'm not sure the people I bought for were thrilled enough by their gifts to justify what I spent. My advice...skip the souvenirs for others and concentrate on having fun on your WDW trip.
This type of thread is a better fit on the theme parks community board so I'm going to move this over there now.
It depends on what one does for a living. The medical field won't see much of a downturn. I doubt education-related employment will either. I would think most of the damage will be where most of the bubble occurred: real estate and financial markets. With other industries being affected around the edges.


Even the medical field is seeing a slowdown. The cost of providing healthcare is going up just as much as any other field. I work in the pediatric hospital of one of our cities major hospitals and we definately are feeling the crunch. We are making do with increased patient loads every day from a decrease in staffing. And 2 of the 3 hospitals are in a hiring freeze.
If anyone is planning on driving down here, just a warning. As of right now there is pretty much no gas down here in the South East. We sometimes wait for an hour to two hours for gas. Some gas stations have a limit on how much gas you can get and every single gas station has people packed no matter what time it is. Again just a warning.
We're driving the first week of November to Disney. I really hope it won't be too much of a problem.
We were talking about this exact topic the other night. We aren't hoarding but we are conserving by not eating out as much etc. yet we are buying furniture at some great sales recently knowing that when we are both retired we won't have the same money available.

On the other hand as the original part of this thread, I am sure DH would not have approved our going to WDW as we did last December. It was a "splurge" trip made possible by a contract I picked up which allowed us to do Club Level at the Contemporary. Yes, we did use an AP discount and we did use the Dining Experience for meal discounts but it was our most expensive trip ever. We will never spend that much again.

But it was a great trip and I'm glad it was last year and that we're not worrying about taking it THIS YEAR!!! We would never go this year given that we had to replace our water conditioning system and my truck tires etc.

I think it's a tough time to balance vacation decisions with saving for the indefinite future.


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