January 2016 pre trip and trip reports.

omgomgomg! I get to post in this thread!

We're leaving in a week. We're renting an RV from Meacham. The sheer amount of stuff we're going to have to bring through the airport is amazing me. We have a 4 year old and 1 year old and we're renting a minivan, so we have 2 car seats, a stroller, and luggage. Thankfully since we're renting the van we get to downsize by one bag (we usually have a bag of just nonperishable food)

I'd love to hear any tips from folks who've done this before. As my siggy says, we've stayed at the fort twice before, but those were both in cabins. Also your favorite quick and easy dinners.

I'm at work now but looking forward to checking out everyone's posts when I'm not busy!
We were looping feeding the squirrels peanuts from a ziploc bag. We decided to go over to the Poly. We parked at the marina. When we came back a squirrel had pulled the bag from the glove box onto the seat. He ate half the bag and left the shells all over the seat. I bet people got quite a kick out of that and maybe some good pics.
Same happened to us at our campsite, they almost finished the bag and they chewed a hole in our propane hose. I posted pics in our Dec trip report.
Also your favorite quick and easy dinners.
We bought quick and pre-made sides and grilled a meat. Bagged salad and dressing, potato salad, beans macaroni salad, cole slaw. There is a Wal-Mart and a Publix not too far. Also the Premium Outlets on Vineland had a Disney Character Outlet store, great deals!
We bought quick and pre-made sides and grilled a meat. Bagged salad and dressing, potato salad, beans macaroni salad, cole slaw. There is a Wal-Mart and a Publix not too far. Also the Premium Outlets on Vineland had a Disney Character Outlet store, great deals!

I'll have to check that out! We'll probably stop at Super Walmart or Target since I'll be buying stuff like diapers too.
Jenthern, you certainly CAN post in this January thread.

Sort of like 2goofycampers, I like to grill a bunch of meat but on that first night and save it to heat up for quick meals the other nights. I'll cook any mix of hot dogs (all beef), burgers, chicken breasts, and steaks. We eat the steaks that first night and bag the rest in ziplocks for the fridge to heat up in the microwave as needed.

Also so you know, Trails End carryout sells their side items off the buffet and these go well with the grilled meats. Note the chicken breasts had already been cooked and were cooling off and I had just put the steaks on in the second picture. I cook the thickest meats first when the charcoal is the hottest (chicken here) then cook thinner as it burns out (steaks, burgers, dogs last).

I had a hankering for some hot greasy French fries (in the white bags) with my steak so we got those from TE takeout also along with their cornbread.

Here is the corn bread (in the black box) and 3 containers of mac-and-cheese all hot and ready to go with our chicken breasts when we ate those.

Here was the bill for the cornbread (3 orders) and fries (2 bags) all large sizes. Not too bad IMO. I jotted down the prices of a small side and small cornbread items as well.

So this was easy for us beside sandwiches/chips/fruit for lunch.

Bama Ed

PS - we also have recipe threads here on the Camping Board if you use the "Search Forum" link at the top of the page.
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I'll have to check that out! We'll probably stop at Super Walmart or Target since I'll be buying stuff like diapers too.

The last time we where there, we stopped at Walmart about 10 pm and it was packed. Only 2 registers open. We started to do all of our grocery shopping at the Publix in Windermere, about 12 miles away.
It is time for the recap. Since we spent Friday at Epcot we decided to go to Disney Springs on Saturday. We knew we had to tear down camp as much as possible on Saturday as rain was expected on Saturday night. We hit Jock Lindsey's hangar bar. Had some drinks and snacks. I forgot I also went for a run that morning. My body was craving it. We then shopped around Disney Springs. My birthday was Sunday but since we were traveling, Saturday was the celebration, but I did not buy anything. The afternoon was spent getting ready to leave. We decided we like cooking at the rig on the last night, this way we can cook and breakdown at the same time.

Finally the last night walk. It is funny I heard so many kids say "look at that doggie" oh is she a rock star.


Boy did storms roll in on Sunday morning. We seem to have a leaky slide in the back so we pulled it in on Saturday night and boy was that a good decision. The rain was horrible. No damage but it was so loud we did not sleep much, which is not good for the night before the drive home. We even worried about Melissa and family in their tents. Hope everything was ok. We were lucky that the rain had stopped when we woke so we could finish breaking down.

The new problem on Sunday was the wind. It was gusting 35 mph. We got started a tad late it was 11 am and we had to make a few more stops because of being tired from the wind. We knew we did not have to be anywhere Monday so we took it slow. Made it home in 8.5 hours and one piece. Of course even though it is Atlanta it is COLD. Yeti did well with the crate open and less twigs in his tail. He still needs a spa appointment.


Mallory was sleeping at that time. SHe was awake most of the trip.


Today we put it back in storage. First we have to winterize. THen plan for a trip to the shop for the leaking slide. We are also hoping to do an upgrade before our next trip which is getting new shades for the windows, including putting a power shade on the front window to get rid of the privacy curtain. Next trip planned is in April when we go back to Disney for the Dark Side Half Marathon, then maybe another trip around Memorial Day.
Hello all!

Sorry, I'm so late in my posting. Tent life, plus small kids, plus Disney takes a lot out of you and I just couldn't find the time to post. I was either running wild with the kids in the parks, lying in bed at night thinking about posting but realizing that I was too tired to even pick up my phone to read the updates, or relaxing pool side.

Kris - thank you so much for those tickets!!! We did make the drive down on Friday and had a great time. It sure was nice being able to compare brands :) Did you visit the $194,000 5th wheel??? Lord, that was sweet!!!

We came back Friday night (MLK weekend) to 40 - 60 plus some group campers. They had taken up all 7 sites across the road (still in 1500 loop) renting 2 Disney tents per site plus most had a third or fourth tent by late that evening. Right next to our site (same side of road) was their gathering/kitchen tent. They brought in a flipping UHAUL for their kitchen area alone. We arrived back to our site shortly after 7 and by 7:15, I had lost it!!! Kids were running in and out of or site, teens were dribbling basketballs (no court here folks), footballs flying in the air, kids screaming, adults drinking and karaokeing, OMG! Hubby went over to ask them to keep it down a bit but he just did that to humor me. They responded back to him in Spanish with laughter. That fuled him and off to the front desk he went! I don't give a crap when quiet hours start (which is what they reminded me of when I called) there is this thing called "common courtesy" and should fall on all hours of the day and night! So two phone calls and two visits to the front desk all within 2 hours, finally got Disney to deal with it. Like typical Disney fashion, they don't want to upset anyone, even those being out of control. So Disney moved US to a sweet little hotel on property for the remaining of their stay (they were there through MLK weekend). We missed the storms and checked back into our site that following Monday to an empty, quiet loop!!! We didn't have to pack or move our tents. I slept like a baby through the storms on a plush Beauty Rest and sent hubby back to check on the tents after the storms. Everything was ok with the tents and site and the party was going strong at 9am...glad I missed it!!! Thank you for your concerns about us.

We are currently North bound (Georgia) and ready to get back home. Our trip was cut short in both our arrival and departure, all for a good reason that will be included in my report when we get back home.
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Melissa, I am sorry that disruption in the loop affected your vacation.

However, I have seen that before where groups (who can reserve the Creekside Meadow group campsite) fill that up and then it overflows. I've seen 20 sites in loop 2000 given over to Cub Scouts and their families and Girl Scouts and families (on the same nights). And on the same night there were a few groups flowing into 1500 with their "family-names-on-each-site" and the sign-in table. That's one reason why I've abandoned the Tent loops/sites even though they're the cheapest unless I am there in a slow time arriving mid-week.

I look forward to hearing about your trip and if your two youngest still felt like 1500 was their "home" in Florida (or however you described it on the prior trip - it was very sweet how they invited other kids to come over to their "house").

We just made FP+ reservations for our March trip tonight. Won't be long before somebody kicks off the "March 2016 Pretrip/Trip Report" Thread. Then it will be my turn in the barrel.

Bama Ed
Thanks Ed!

You can't go on vacation and not have a hick-up somewhere in there, right? Disney took care of us and resolved the problem right away! I don't feel that Disney should allow groups like that to camp in the 1500 loop. I know "their" definition of group camping is 100 plus but feel when you get three or more sites with multiple families, then they should be moved to the group area. 1500 is small and peaceful (most of the time) and when they allow that, they allow that to affect every other camper on that loop. I don't think that is right. But, like I said, they handled it and made us comfortable again. While there was a temporary moment of a very unhappy camper family, it was very short lived. Our hotel stay couldn't have come at a better time. I think I'm even more greatful after hearing Kris's comment on the noise level of the storm alone.

Kids had the time of their lives (again). Yes, it was their home and made many new friends and also had friends from Canada that were their at same time last year. Grace and this girl had written letters back and forth so they were oh so happy to play together again.

All in all, this trip had only a couple small hick-ups. In all honesty, we had the very best service and delt with the very best of Cast Members and had the most pixie dust sparked on our family, than any prior trip.
Thanks Ed!

You can't go on vacation and not have a hick-up somewhere in there, right? Disney took care of us and resolved the problem right away! I don't feel that Disney should allow groups like that to camp in the 1500 loop. I know "their" definition of group camping is 100 plus but feel when you get three or more sites with multiple families, then they should be moved to the group area. 1500 is small and peaceful (most of the time) and when they allow that, they allow that to affect every other camper on that loop. I don't think that is right. But, like I said, they handled it and made us comfortable again. While there was a temporary moment of a very unhappy camper family, it was very short lived. Our hotel stay couldn't have come at a better time. I think I'm even more greatful after hearing Kris's comment on the noise level of the storm alone.

Kids had the time of their lives (again). Yes, it was their home and made many new friends and also had friends from Canada that were their at same time last year. Grace and this girl had written letters back and forth so they were oh so happy to play together again.

All in all, this trip had only a couple small hick-ups. In all honesty, we had the very best service and delt with the very best of Cast Members and had the most pixie dust sparked on our family, than any prior trip.

Melissa, These large groups occur elsewhere also. I work for a park and see this all to often from all ethnic origins. The get in a large group and the mob mentality takes over and all common courtesy goes out the window. Glad Disney made right by you and the family. Sorry to hear you had to cut short, safe travels and can't wait until you get a chance to write up the TR for us all to enjoy.
Melissa, sorry about the bad experience with the neighbors, but glad you didn't let it ruin your trip like some people do. Sounds like you timed the hotel stay just right though.
We had a large group do this to us in loop 1000 they were across the canal in 2000. Music blaring and loud talking all night long. Luckily we we in a TT and the A/C was blasting. I think some locals are really giving the weekends an un-Disney/family vibe.
Yeah, that's the only thing about camping at Disney and other nice places is that locals can sometimes take our once every few years vacation and ruin the experience.

Unlike here in Mississippi at the campgrounds when your neighbors are too loud you just blast the shotgun off in the air, usually once will do. There is a brief silence then you'll hear one person over on the offending site say "sorry bout that!", maybe even offer you a beer, and all is usually well. :flower1:
Yeah, that's the only thing about camping at Disney and other nice places is that locals can sometimes take our once every few years vacation and ruin the experience.

Unlike here in Mississippi at the campgrounds when your neighbors are too loud you just blast the shotgun off in the air, usually once will do. There is a brief silence then you'll hear one person over on the offending site say "sorry bout that!", maybe even offer you a beer, and all is usually well. :flower1:

Hey, I'm a local.....don't lump me into the "bad" group, lol.

Hope your trip back home was good and you're enjoying the snow. We made a little trip up your way and came home with a new 5er. Pics in the Truck thread.

Sorry the 1500 loop was a little rowdy, but spending a few nights in a hotel during the storms sounds like a blessing instead of a punushment.

Holy smokes! I gotta have one of these!
You don't already have one. I thought that was your sign.

...then you'll hear one person over on the offending site say "sorry bout that!", maybe even offer you a beer
That's sort of what I do, except without the shotgun. I'll wander over with a couple of beers and introduce myself and ask what the party is about. Then I sit down with them and start to chat. If I get some funny or nasty comments, I just remind them that everyone can hear them and they are spilling into everyone's site, so obviously everyone was invited. And where's the beer?
I've hung out for several hours before. There are always 1 or 2 that are social and befriend you. Or at least not look at you like they are plotting your demise. I'll then work into the conversation about not annoying anyone else. Not me of course, but someone else. They usually get the message. If not, I get a lot of free beer.
I actually just did this in September in Galena, IL. Came back from dinner and 3 cars were parked in my spot. Couldn't get to the camper and almost couldn't drive down the road. It worked... Up until I asked the one guy where he got all his teeth... :D



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