January 2018 Weight Loss Challenge

Hey friends! If anyone still remembers me, I'm here to say hello! I was a very active participant in the weight loss challenges for nearly 10 years, until life got very busy last spring and I just totally fell away from participating here. But I have missed the friendship and support! I am back to just say hello and see how everyone is doing! I see some names I recognize and many that I do not.

Ironically enough, one reason that life got busy is because DD accepted a Professional Internship with Walt Disney World and I've spent a lot of time since June visiting her and working overtime to be ABLE to visit her! I'm up to 5 visits (and counting) since moving her there in June.....and she applied for and was accepted for a second PI position so she will be there until at least this coming June.

Anyhow, many friendships there were started here have continued on FB and Insta but that only reminds me that I haven't been HERE to say hello! So.... HELLOOO!!.................P
Hello there!
So I am working from home today because of the -20 temps we are having today. I hate working from home because by 10:30 today I was only sitting at about 700 steps. I am normally around 2,000-3,000 steps. DH and I did go to the rec fro lunch and I got 45 minutes on a treadmill. I might head back this afternoon to get some more time in. I still have not hit 10,000 steps.

@pjlla Good to see back. Sounds like your daughter is doing good.
@pjlla Hi there! Glad you popped on to say hello! You definitely weren't forgotten-- in fact, I am reminded often of a lot of the nuggets of wisdom you've shared on here that have definitely helped me this past year :) That's awesome about your daughter and your visits too!

Today small person and I went to Universal Studios. I am not going to renew that pass. Disney has me too spoiled. It just isn't same there.

I agree. DH and got I APs for US last year for the Harry Potter stuff. We went a few times but did not renew. It just wasn't the same. Now, I LOOOVE the HP stuff, but not enough to have APs.

The response key to the questionnaire is very interesting. Mine was internal. Right on the money. I know it's always been about me. Interested in doing better versus committing to doing better. It took the commitment and ownership of responsibility regarding exercise for me to actually see change. Now I am trying to do the same thing with my eating habits.

So far this week, I am on track. And the scale thinks so too as I am down about 2 lbs this week. I am really liking the new WW program so far. Example: I made a 0 point chili packed full of veggies and beans and chicken breast that is so filling and yummy! It REALLY doesn't feel like a diet in that I know I can eat that (sensibly obviously not the whole pot LOL) and feel satisfied. Plus with all the other 0 pt food, I am basically only having to hold myself accountable for the carbs, sweets, cheeses, and red meats. So I don't feel like I am restricting so such as monitoring.

Tomorrow will be a bit of a challenge. We have a retirement party to attend with pub food. I have my chili though, so I think I will have that before we go and stick to the veggie tray and shrimp while there. And thennnnnn that night after the concert we are going to, they want to go to Cheesecake Factory... well, I am going to have my chili before we go for dinner, but with my rollovers and weeklies, I can split a slice with DH. So there's that.

Unfortunately, the muscles in my leg and hip are acting up again. I jogged for 4 minutes last night because I was feeling good and wanted to push beyond the power walking I normally do, and that was all it took. :sad2: I was going to get another massage later this month for it, but now I am thinking I will have to bump it up. It's awful. Grrrrrr.... But I am still going to the gym tonight. I'm just going to take it easy but still get a bit of a workout in.

Have a lovely rest of your Friday, y'all!
As usual, I was running late for work today :rotfl: and didn't have time to pack a dinner for tonight. I also hadn't eaten anything today, so I knew I was in for a long night. Bless my DH who remembered that the hotel next door to ours has a bar/grill and gives us 50% off anything over there. Ended up with a Cobb salad, which had a decent amount of protein and was super good. Happy to remember that's over there in a pinch!
we are skipping universal next time! I seem to have about 10 minutes to read & comment in this forum - happy @sweetpeama is the host as I would have been very lousy one!

@Lady Marie take it easy with the injury. I did something funny to my left leg and I am freaking out I will ruin my good progress, so super careful about what I do and don't do in the gym to avoid making it worse (as I have done many times in the past)

Things are good, I am bit... not very happy I have to go in work today but what can you do! I love the no snacking after dinner, it's strange how thinking of it as only 2 hours, pushing my dinner little later made such big mental difference. Who knows, maybe this is it for me?

I have my workout gear on, in case I decide to get to the gym after work. I felt really happy & content with how I look. This made me think about the 4 weeks of women cycle - there is little video on youtube I think from glamour magazine, and how accurate it is. So am I stuck disliking myself for about 5- 10 days a month every single month?

Trying to weight myself daily for awhile but not sure if it's for me to be honest.

Track all my food on mfp and have at least 500 calories deficit? Yes
No snack after 7 pm? Yes,
What did I do great yesterday? I did ok yesterday.
What can I do better today? I did ok really, I end up little higher calories than the rest of the week but my step count was higher too.

Perhaps I missed a day of reporting, but on thursday I did something silly in the gym while doing lunges and I will pay more attention and do single leg exercises with body weight only for few workouts. This will be my one thing to do better. Also I am near the end of my phase one, and I have improved on my weights and what can I do so much, but I am really nervous going to phase 2 as there is a lot of moves I am not sure would suit me. I will have to start really easy and up weight slowly.

Have a super healthy and happy weekend all!
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So I am working from home today because of the -20 temps we are having today. I hate working from home because by 10:30 today I was only sitting at about 700 steps. I am normally around 2,000-3,000 steps. DH and I did go to the rec fro lunch and I got 45 minutes on a treadmill. I might head back this afternoon to get some more time in. I still have not hit 10,000 steps.

@pjlla Good to see back. Sounds like your daughter is doing good.

Weather on the east coast sound crazy right now. Try some indoor dance party perhaps if you feel up for it! I read someone recommending indoor mall walking - it will sure work in US, our malls are not as huge generally
Lady Marie your chili sounds so yummy. How can it be zero points. Maybe I should check out WW :) I am sorry your hip is acting up. Be careful with it.

HappyGrape I never thought of having a bad self image as part of a monthly cycle. That is interesting. You mentioned weighing daily, does that work for you? I am torn about that. Some say only weekly to see change, but daily shows you ups and downs immediately, but they could just be water related. Have I mentioned I like reading your posts :) I like success stories.

So I am at work right now and it is just after 2am. I have munchies so bad tonight. Not sure why. Part of me thinks it is due to cold and fatigue. Perhaps some hot tea is in order.

What is everybody's favorite guilt free snack?
It is cold here in Kissimmee, Florida. I know lots of areas where it is way colder, but for us Floridians we are not used to cold weather LOL it was raining and 40 degrees. Totally miserable. I couldn't even go to the parks :( Tomorrow sun supposed to be back :) I will be happy to see it again. Cold weather makes me not want to do anything active, I just want to snuggle up on couch. It is not helping fitness goals. I had big plans this week, but those put on hold until next week. Christmas decor even still up because I have no desire to go pack it away in the cold garage LOL
hope weather improves soon
No surprise, I scored highest with the internal questions, but I do seek and take advice and am learning not to dwell.

I realized I hadn't actually posted my goals for the month, so keeping with the Simplicity theme here they are:

1. Simplify my eating by planning at least one meal ahead and eating whole/unprocessed foods.
2. No Starbucks after the challenge starts on 1.11, because there's no way Starbucks can be considered a necessity.
3. Continue with daily practice of gratitude and choosing peace.
4. Take meditative walks at least three times a week.

Last night I tackled organizing my clothing, which included sorting thru all of the makeup I keep on top of the dresser. I have to say I really enjoyed going thru things and thinking about whether or not I would use them in the next 90 days, instead of just thinking 'keep' or 'goes to Goodwill'. This morning it was so nice to not have drawers full of stuff to rummage thru, as a matter of fact there is currently very little in the drawers at all and I was able to organize what is there by use - work, at home, exercise, sleep. I enjoyed sorting thru the make up on the dresser so much that I moved on to the bathroom and sorted thru the stuff there as well.

Of course all of this was creative avoidance of the big mess that is the craft room, which I actually made worst while rummaging thru to find a particular size of knitting needle. Tonight I will start skimming stuff off of the top to toss, and start sorting by use/craft.

Yesterday my IG feed was full of folks hunkering down for the storm aimed at the US east coast, and this morning its full of photos of sheep in the snow and shops that are closed for the day. Hopefully all will be safe and warm.

do you listen to the minimalists podcast? I have a feeling you will like ti. Love your goals and your aims to simplify this year, reading with interest
I'd love to join!! I'm a Mom and wife and almost an empty nester, just our youngest at home and I think he's planning to be out this year! I've spent a lot of years taking care of everyone else and not myself so this is the year I plan to take time for me and get serious about my health! I started Weight Watchers (online) on Monday and I'm feeling really good so far! We have a WDW trip in May and I can't wait to be back home! I know I won't be anywhere near a goal weight by then but I want to have a few pounds off and more energy! Looking forward to the journey and making better, healthier choices for myself!

Welcome knkmom. We are off to WDW end of June and it sure is motivation. The journey doesn't really have end point, so you can enjoy the build up to your trip while finding what healthy & happy lifestyle is for you. Wonderful to have something good to look forward to for motivation!
Welcome knkmom. We are off to WDW end of June and it sure is motivation. The journey doesn't really have end point, so you can enjoy the build up to your trip while finding what healthy & happy lifestyle is for you. Wonderful to have something good to look forward to for motivation!

I absolutely agree, it's a great motivation!
Weather on the east coast sound crazy right now. Try some indoor dance party perhaps if you feel up for it! I read someone recommending indoor mall walking - it will sure work in US, our malls are not as huge generally

I played Kinect Adventures (a bunch of games that you have to move for) on the Xbox with DD yesterday. We played for about 20 minutes. Most of it doing reflex ridge which we can play against each other. You are on a train track and you have to duck, jump, and lunge left and right. Sometimes you even have to go from a squat position to a jump. My legs are a little sore today. DH and I have told DD to remind us to play each day. She loves playing this "game" with us.
What is the first thing that you do when you arrive at your destination for a vacation. Is it different depending on how you get there or the time that you arrive. How do things towards your goals change when there is a change in your routine.
Glad to see so many people being healthy here! It was nice to hear from @pjilla, too!

Life got crazy but should settle down into the regular routine again. We had to get up in the middle of the night last night to take DS to the airport. He is safe and sound back at college, where the high today was 13. We were 50 and I put clothes on the line! :laundy:DH and I are tired and feel like we could go to bed now, but it's just too early! That clock is not moving at all! :confused3

One thing I noticed tracking calories is now that I am back at work I do so well! I think having that routine is so helpful, plus I'm not constantly walking by the chocolate.

Someone here was talking about weighing daily. I could never do that. It would drive me bonkers! DH does it and I don't see how. I weigh weekly and this week the scale did not change. Not that I was expecting a miracle, but a nudge would have been nice! I'm just plugging along, recording everything and making sure I get my steps in. DH and I walked today. It was nice. Then I made him do chores! Poor man.

@HappyGrape I liked your quote. I think you've quoted that before and I find it so very true. The longer I "think" about whether I'm going to eat something the more of it I eat! I've learned (from Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project) that I really am an abstainer. If I just don't have something I am perfectly content. If I have something I want more and am not content.

My favorite guilt free snack is grapes.

What we do when we arrive always depends on when we get there, but seems to usually involve looking for food! :rotfl: Changes in routines usually mess with my eating patterns, but since my goal is just tracking, that's not the end of the world. It is often ugly, though!
What is the first thing that you do when you arrive at your destination for a vacation. Is it different depending on how you get there or the time that you arrive. How do things towards your goals change when there is a change in your routine.

Depends. Long haul flight we arrive in Orlando and we are normally very tired and overstimulated in the same time so we try to go to sleep without much luck. This year we have 16 days and only 14 day ticket, first day - we will chill out and adjust!

When we go to beach vacation or city vacation in Europe we hit the beach or sightseeing straight away.

It's such big questions. I feel things change, and it's easy to think you have figured it out once and for all - but it's never the case. I need to keep monitoring, to learn to let go quicker and adjust. Yes something perhaps worked perfect 2 years ago, and that could be 100% true but if it doesn't work now it's silly to do it again and again and again.

For example the weather is miserable and my goal of average 15000 steps a day isn't really making me happy. I find myself having to focus on the basics - CI vs CO and let go of the part of the goal that doesn't suit me, yet my mind keeps going to it. It's all learning really, eating healthy is learning and when you learn, you have to be open to change. There is saying don't let learning lead to knowledge, let it lead to action.

Great question again.
going the wrong direction. Still too cold to go outside and walk... at least thats my excuse.
What is the first thing that you do when you arrive at your destination for a vacation. Is it different depending on how you get there or the time that you arrive.

We drop our things off at the room/hotel and go straight to whatever we have planned for that day. This doesn't change depending on when or how we arrive.

How do things towards your goals change when there is a change in your routine.

I guess it depends on the change in the routine? When DH and I both had day jobs (and just one job each) it was easier to stay on track because we had a set schedule and were both home in the evenings, so we could fit in an evening walk. Now that we're on fluctuating schedules, the walks have been cut out completely, and rather than eating at specific times, we just get what we can when we can. The lack of routine has really exacerbated our weight issues over the last couple of years, though it wasn't the only factor.

Someone here was talking about weighing daily. I could never do that. It would drive me bonkers! DH does it and I don't see how. I weigh weekly and this week the scale did not change. Not that I was expecting a miracle, but a nudge would have been nice!

That was me. I actually enjoy weighing daily. Most people don't recommend it, but I like to see how certain foods/behaviors affect my progress, rather than just checking once a week or once a month and not really be able to pinpoint what may have prevented me from losing when i thought i should have. Because I weigh daily, I've been able to determine that drinking plenty of water and getting a good night's sleep really aid my weight loss, because the mornings after not drinking enough water or only getting a few night's sleep don't see as much loss, if any. I actually forget to weigh before I left the house this morning for my morning shift, and it's stressing me out a little haha.


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