January 2019 -Everyone needs deadlines! Diet & Fitness monthly W.I.S.H chat

I have to say it was very tempting to sleep in this morning and not get up for my workout. While I gave into temptation for an extra 10 minutes, I am up and did at least a partial workout. Not as much as I should have, but I feel like I didn't completely throw in the towel for today!

We had a bit of a rough night and we were up for a few hours last night so I am groggy and was still sound asleep when I got dragged out of bed to go for 9:45am aquafit. UGH. NO afternoon/night classes (my preference) so I am up not-so-bright and early to get my workout in. Yaawwwnnn...
Yesterday was a fascinating day: I won't go in to the details here, but it was a day of deep thought about a myriad of important social issues. It started in the morning with the first book-group gathering, during which we had an excellent conversation, and ended with reading thru 500+ posts on Instagram that were in response to a blog entry that someone I follow had posted, and oddly enough picked up on the same themes we had touched on in the morning.

I also had a lengthy conversation with the new doctor I am interested in working with and have the first series of appointments set up with her. I think it's going to be a good partnership.

I have no food prepping-skills, so don't have anything to offer here but I do know how important and useful it is.

The weekend is going to be centered around cleaning house and getting ready to be gone next week. I am going to try and see Mary Poppins this weekend, but other than that it'll be chores, chores and more chores.

Hope everyone has a happy and healthful weekend.
Now that I am retired, meal prepping is a little easier because I have the time to plan and cook. But I always try to have several kinds of green vegetables and lean proteins in my fridge. I like to get a couple meals out of our dinners, so some of my favorites are turkey breasts, pork tenderloins and flat iron steaks. Making a big pot of chili with ground turkey tomorrow-it has three kinds of beans and lots of chopped green, red and orange peppers and onions. A one and half cup serving has about the same calories as a frozen diet dinner and is so much better! Putting a lean ham in the crockpot Sunday when the family comes over to watch football-and later in the week I will make split pea soup with the bone-another low point, low fat dinner and lunch for several days.

Happy weekend everyone! We’re supposed to get a little snow-so I better get out for a walk today!
11 days into my new lifestyle, I had to cheat a little tonight (see dessert lol). But, I was still able to stay under my 1500 calorie goal and I haven't done my workout today. I was super busy at work and my legs are killing me so I may have to skip a night. Anyway, I wanted to share what a 1500 calorie day looks like. I am actually at 1499 calories but who's counting?

Breakfast = 1 bottle of Slimfast advanced. 180
Lunch = 1 bottle of Slimfast advanced. 180
Dinner = 2 Sliced Chicken breast sandwiches = 2 buns 360. 12 slices of chicken 120. 2 tablespoons of Dukes Mayo 200. 57 kettle cooked plain chips 420.
Dessert = 10 Reeses Pieces 39.
That's a total of 1499 calories.

I have never been a big breakfast eater and when we are busy at my store, lunch rarely happens. I know I need something in me so I drink the shakes. I do switch it up. Sometimes Slimfast, sometimes Atkins shakes. The Slimfast have appetite control so it makes it a little easier. Anyway, just wanted to share at how much food one can actually eat and still keep the calorie intake low. Right now I am stuffed! Dinner was huge!
I feel like I should post something about today. I have to admit I didn’t really look at everyone else’s posts since my last. I promise I will tomorrow. Hope everyones doing well :)

I lost a bunch of weight and now I’m at a plateau. I’ve been here for a few weeks. I’m not sure what I need to do to get past it. Part of me wants to let my body take its time and settle here for a while if it needs to. Part of me wants to step it up and barrel through this roadblock. I’m not sure which is the best way to go. I do know that I’m older and going through a lot of stress,so I’m tempted to go with the gentler course. The other part of me gets on the scale every morning and feels like it’s important that I “do this” before I get too old. *sigh* I guess in the mean time I’ll get some rest. Lol.

Had scrambled eggs and sausage at breakfast. A good salad for lunch. A fun night but chicken broccoli and a few mashed potatoes for dinner. A nice half hour walk after lunch at work. Goodnight everyone.
I was able to control mine (and headaches in general) by not having anything that has aspartame in it. This was a trigger for me. Also, the one I can't control is hormones.

I knew you got migraines as well :-) and would relate. I checked the soft drink I tend to drink the most and it does not have aspartame - but I have been really good for almost a week now with really limiting my soft drink and trying to make better food choices. I am going to go back to the doctors next week to follow up on a referral to a neurologist. This stuff really plays with my mind and pushes my anxiety buttons as a solo mum, I live in constant fear of anything happening to me way before it should - and these feel a little too stroke like - my last one the GP even said there was a possibility of it being a TIA - that time was the worst one I think - just after my vision cleared I tried to read something on my phone and the words made no sense to me at all - I knew they were letters and words but I could get no meaning from them. About 10 minutes later I could read with meaning again fine. By the time I drove myself to the doctor - my blood pressure was way high - but that was probably more to do with anxiety.

What is one thing you are doing great so far this month? Diet, fitness or anything else
What is one thing you can do better next 10 days?

I am doing great with water intake and decreasing soft drink intake - I am actually surprised considering I am still on holidays and I usually do really bad with water consumption at home.

Need to do better on - meal planning.

It has been very challenging start of the year, full time job, home renovation to put on sale, trying to figure out finances to move - and local housing is in big crises and very upsetting situation in work that I don't know how to deal with right now. I can't sleep as I have been worried and there was another disappointment by finding out I someone is being very dishonest with me. I am so upset and hurt and trying to deal with all that is bit hellish and I am overwhelmed by it.


My mother and I purchased a membership yesterday to our city pools and have gone to aquafit classes a couple of times this week. Plan to get into a routine of 3 times a week. Helps that aquafit is fun

I did this exercise last summer and loved it - I was going to do again this break but I have not feel really well for most of it - very frustrating - and am only just now starting to feel back to normal most days.

it's also very emotional to declutter isn't it?

YES!!! I declutter story a little bit different - I went onto the parent portal for my kids school yesterday to check the stationary list for back to school (in Australia start of the school year is end of January after our summer break) .... Oldest child graduated high school last year and the school has 'decluttered' there system and removed all the seniors. So when I logged in instead of seeing 3 beautiful school pics looking at me ... there was only the twins! Now don't ask me why but I was devastated and promptly burst into tears! It was a little random - twins laughed at me - I am so happy he is onto the next phase and is accepted to University studying his degree of choice - adjustment is still happening for me though I guess.

I lost a bunch of weight and now I’m at a plateau. I’ve been here for a few weeks. I’m not sure what I need to do to get past it. Part of me wants to let my body take its time and settle here for a while if it needs to.

I have read that sometimes you should maintain a little bit with a plateau and then recommence losing. I will see if I can find where I saw it for you.
I knew you got migraines as well :-) and would relate. I checked the soft drink I tend to drink the most and it does not have aspartame - but I have been really good for almost a week now with really limiting my soft drink and trying to make better food choices. I am going to go back to the doctors next week to follow up on a referral to a neurologist. This stuff really plays with my mind and pushes my anxiety buttons as a solo mum, I live in constant fear of anything happening to me way before it should - and these feel a little too stroke like - my last one the GP even said there was a possibility of it being a TIA - that time was the worst one I think - just after my vision cleared I tried to read something on my phone and the words made no sense to me at all - I knew they were letters and words but I could get no meaning from them. About 10 minutes later I could read with meaning again fine. By the time I drove myself to the doctor - my blood pressure was way high - but that was probably more to do with anxiety.

I am doing great with water intake and decreasing soft drink intake - I am actually surprised considering I am still on holidays and I usually do really bad with water consumption at home.

Need to do better on - meal planning.


I did this exercise last summer and loved it - I was going to do again this break but I have not feel really well for most of it - very frustrating - and am only just now starting to feel back to normal most days.

YES!!! I declutter story a little bit different - I went onto the parent portal for my kids school yesterday to check the stationary list for back to school (in Australia start of the school year is end of January after our summer break) .... Oldest child graduated high school last year and the school has 'decluttered' there system and removed all the seniors. So when I logged in instead of seeing 3 beautiful school pics looking at me ... there was only the twins! Now don't ask me why but I was devastated and promptly burst into tears! It was a little random - twins laughed at me - I am so happy he is onto the next phase and is accepted to University studying his degree of choice - adjustment is still happening for me though I guess.

I have read that sometimes you should maintain a little bit with a plateau and then recommence losing. I will see if I can find where I saw it for you.

Oh my goodness. You have so much going on here. Of course your blood pressure is high! I hope you have a good meeting with your neurologist and get some answers. ((Hugs))
I am sorry to hear about your anxiety @4Mickeys. I can relate to this. Some of it is normal, I don't know where the line is. I find after stress period it lingers even when things calm down.

I am silly excited today! I have... TIME!!! I have time to read coffee and cooking magazines. I have time to go to the local store and shop, to clean and organise and to go for a walk, swim or yoga. I have time to cook. It's amazing, I love time - lol


Happy Sunday All!
I knew you got migraines as well :-) and would relate. I checked the soft drink I tend to drink the most and it does not have aspartame - but I have been really good for almost a week now with really limiting my soft drink and trying to make better food choices. I am going to go back to the doctors next week to follow up on a referral to a neurologist. This stuff really plays with my mind and pushes my anxiety buttons as a solo mum, I live in constant fear of anything happening to me way before it should - and these feel a little too stroke like - my last one the GP even said there was a possibility of it being a TIA - that time was the worst one I think - just after my vision cleared I tried to read something on my phone and the words made no sense to me at all - I knew they were letters and words but I could get no meaning from them. About 10 minutes later I could read with meaning again fine. By the time I drove myself to the doctor - my blood pressure was way high - but that was probably more to do with anxiety.

I can relate to your anxiety as well. My parents were divorced when I was very young (8 weeks old) and my dad is a pretty crappy dad. Growing up I always had anxiety that something would happen to my mom and I would have to live with my dad. Hang in there. My neurologist had me track my headaches and what I ate each day. This is what helped to put the connection together. Also, if your body is used to caffeine and you stop drinking it you can get headaches. This happened to me too. it was like I was addicted to it. I had to slowly top drinking it so I wouldn't get a headache. Now i am fine and mostly drink caffeine free pop.

My DD had a migraine last year that mimicked a stroke. it was scary. She was even dragging her leg. you are taking all the right steps. You will get to the bottom of it.
So I weighed myself for the first time in weeks/months and I am up to 153. I am only drinking pop on the weekend and only about 12 oz at that. I ate pretty good last week. I ate lots of grapes and salad. We did have McDonalds one night as we had no time to feed DS before his karate class because of having to drop my car off to get fixed. and Saturday we had pizza for dinner. I am giving myself the weekends to not eat as good but not go over board.

This week should be good as DS has to only eat plain brown rice and only drink black tea and water Wednesday until Saturday mid day. He is testing for his black belt on Saturday. I am not a fan of this "fasting" and have made it very well known to his instructor. He is only 12 and weighs maybe 70 pounds soaking wet. We have decided to not go totally with it. We are using Bone broth to cook it in because it has 10g of protein and using some olive oil to give him some fat too. DH also talked about putting some quinoa mixed in as long as DS doesn't know.
We spent the weekend at Camelback Lodge in the Poconos. I was able to take advantage of the fitness center (which I rarely do on vacations) so I maintained my workouts throughout he weekend. My eating was not quite on target, but still better than usual. I did treat myself to dessert each night. But overall I feel good about the weekend. My husband and son spent time skiing/snowboarding while my daughter and I spent our time in the water park and indoor activities including a ropes course. So much fun creating memories while being active :)

I admit that most of my motivation in January was the thought of putting on a bathing suit this weekend. But I feel like I’m in a good routine and hope to keep the movitation going to reach my goals by my July Disney trip!
This week should be good as DS has to only eat plain brown rice and only drink black tea and water Wednesday until Saturday mid day. He is testing for his black belt on Saturday. I am not a fan of this "fasting" and have made it very well known to his instructor.

My DS took karate for a while, and I don't remember anything like that before tests! (He didn't go all the way to black, but I never heard any of the other parents talking about it either.) What on Earth does the instructor say is the point?

(Even Lenten fasts for religious reasons don't really apply to 12-year-olds.)
DH and I made an impromptu trip to the coast this weekend (an hour away). It was so much fun. We went mostly to hike but when we got to the trailhead there wasn't any parking and everyone we saw coming off the trail was very muddy. Everyone was changing their shoes. We decided to skip that particular hike. Instead we went to a nearby state park and hiked their trails. No need to change shoes and our pants remained mud free. Then we treated ourselves to an ice cream cone and drove home. An excellent day!

I don't really food prep. Breakfast is always the same weekdays and lunch is always just leftover dinner. I must say that this week I have not figured out what we are eating! Could be a problem tomorrow.
Topic Tuesday
What ways do you measure your progress? When the scale does not reflect the effort - what are the other indicators for you that things are going in the right direction?

@digiMom - I couldn't find where I read about sitting on a plateau originally but here is a link to the Mayo Clinic where they explain why they happen and what to do about it https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/weight-loss-plateau/art-20044615

If anyone is interested I recently came across this article about a 2 weeks on 2 weeks off approach to eating - consider that at this stage they say it needs further research to determine continued success or with different populations - but it seemed to attempt to address some of the metabolic changes that can cause plateaus and regaining weight. In the off week it is not eat all and everything you can it is to eat at maintenance level calories. https://bottomlineinc.com/health/losing-weight/two-weeks-on-two-weeks-off-diet

I can relate to your anxiety as well. My parents were divorced when I was very young (8 weeks old) and my dad is a pretty crappy dad. Growing up I always had anxiety that something would happen to my mom and I would have to live with my dad. Hang in there. My neurologist had me track my headaches and what I ate each day. This is what helped to put the connection together. Also, if your body is used to caffeine and you stop drinking it you can get headaches. This happened to me too. it was like I was addicted to it. I had to slowly top drinking it so I wouldn't get a headache. Now i am fine and mostly drink caffeine free pop.

My DD had a migraine last year that mimicked a stroke. it was scary. She was even dragging her leg. you are taking all the right steps. You will get to the bottom of it.

:hug: Thank you

So I weighed myself for the first time in weeks/months and I am up to 153. I am only drinking pop on the weekend and only about 12 oz at that. I ate pretty good last week. I ate lots of grapes and salad. We did have McDonalds one night as we had no time to feed DS before his karate class because of having to drop my car off to get fixed. and Saturday we had pizza for dinner. I am giving myself the weekends to not eat as good but not go over board.

Be kind to yourself - remember our choices have to be sustainable and doable to fit with the demands of what are very busy lives these days!

This week should be good as DS has to only eat plain brown rice and only drink black tea and water Wednesday until Saturday mid day. He is testing for his black belt on Saturday. I am not a fan of this "fasting" and have made it very well known to his instructor. He is only 12 and weighs maybe 70 pounds soaking wet. We have decided to not go totally with it. We are using Bone broth to cook it in because it has 10g of protein and using some olive oil to give him some fat too. DH also talked about putting some quinoa mixed in as long as DS doesn't know.

OMG - you would think that would decrease their energy leading into the physical demands of the grading sparing and formations. I don't blame you for being cautious - seems kind of opposite to the prep a lot of athletes would do in the lead up to a game or similar.

We spent the weekend at Camelback Lodge in the Poconos. I was able to take advantage of the fitness center (which I rarely do on vacations) so I maintained my workouts throughout he weekend. My eating was not quite on target, but still better than usual. I did treat myself to dessert each night. But overall I feel good about the weekend. My husband and son spent time skiing/snowboarding while my daughter and I spent our time in the water park and indoor activities including a ropes course. So much fun creating memories while being active :)

Sounds like a wonderful weekend - good on you for maintaining your exercise - a bathing suit is always a good motivator :rotfl:

What ways do you measure your progress? When the scale does not reflect the effort - what are the other indicators for you that things are going in the right direction?

Probably mostly I use the scale. But I will also look at what I am doing eg have I had a good run of home made meals etc.
Topic Tuesday
What ways do you measure your progress? When the scale does not reflect the effort - what are the other indicators for you that things are going in the right direction?

I tend to use the scale most often. Like @PollyannaMom, I also go by how I feel and how my clothes fit. I've also taken measurements before, but that's not nearly as often as stepping on a scale. Usually at the beginning of starting a new workout/diet and then maybe a month or so later to see the progress. But sometimes if the scale isn't showing any loss, I'll check measurements to see if there is any change. That can help to keep me going.
My DS took karate for a while, and I don't remember anything like that before tests! (He didn't go all the way to black, but I never heard any of the other parents talking about it either.) What on Earth does the instructor say is the point?

(Even Lenten fasts for religious reasons don't really apply to 12-year-olds.)

He takes Hapkido. it is the Korean form. So it maybe a little different. I think it is to show discipline but I really don't know. he keeps telling me it is good for everyone to fast. Him and his wife do it. It maybe fine for an adult but it is not for a child. It is also different for someone who is over weight then someone who is underweight.

What ways do you measure your progress? When the scale does not reflect the effort - what are the other indicators for you that things are going in the right direction?

I usually go by the scale but I know I am doing something right when I feel good and I am comfortable. Also when clothes start to fit better.

OMG - you would think that would decrease their energy leading into the physical demands of the grading sparing and formations. I don't blame you for being cautious - seems kind of opposite to the prep a lot of athletes would do in the lead up to a game or similar.

It will. They don't do any sparing or fighting. It is more self-defense but the test is a grueling 2 hours with lots of sit ups, push ups and 6 inches (holding your feet off the floor at about 6 inches while laying down.). He told the kids if they get dizzy or lightheaded to tell him and they can have a break. DS wants to do it so we have to be cautious on how we add things. We need to make it unnoticeable because he won't lie to his instructor about it. We just need to get though the next few days.


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