Jedi Training Academy Questions


Earning My Ears
May 3, 2011
This is our first ever trip to Disney. DS8 and DD5 love Star Wars and would like to do the academy. I know we need to be there before the park opens to get on the list. We will be going next week and will be in the parks on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.

I have been researching it but I still have a few questions that are unanswered.

1. Do they do the academy every day or only certain days?

2. Does it cost anything for the academy?

3. What time do you need to get there for the rope drop? I believe the park opens at 9 but I am not sure if that is rope drop time or not and I don't know how far before rope drop we should get there.

4. Where do we go? I have no clue where to go in these parks. I am not sure what day we will be hitting DHS yet (I was planning everything out then my FIL said he wants us to not plan anything and just go with the flow -- not how I usually do things, but I am adjusting.). I assume the weekdays would be the better days to go to it so I think we will aim for those days rather than Saturday. Once we get through the gates what is the best route to get to the academy -- like is there a better route due to crowds or anything I should know?

Thanks in advance.
When is your trip. The "how early do I need to get there" answer will depend upon the time of year. End of May and part of June are "Star Wars Weekends" so you will need to be there EXTRA early if you want to go then.

It is free.

You must have the child with you when you go sign up. You will be given a time to come back for the show. If you come back late, you won't be able to have your child in the show because there are only so many slots.

I believe it is held daily.

I don't know more details than that. Sorry.
Look at a map of Disney's Hollywood Studio. Find the Star Tours ride. This is the area you will want to go to when you enter the park. It will be to the left - everyone else will be going to the right to Toy Story Mania.
You will go past the giant dinosaur snack shack, past Indian Jones show.
The park does have direction signs - or ask a cast member to direct you.
Thank you very much for the information. We are at Disney now. We hit MK today and will be heading to DHS Wed. morning. The parks seem to not be very busy right now so I think this will work in our favor.

I think I am going to take the two kids and sign them up right after rope drop in the morning and send someone else to FP Toy Story for us while we are getting signed up for JTA.

My trip has been so much more enjoyable with all the wonderful info I have found on here. Thanks so much. :) :worship::worship::worship:


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