July’s Journeys - July 2022 W.I.S.H. Thread

My favorite affirmation is, “I’m allowed to be loud.” I’m very extroverted and loud. My laugh will cause others to laugh. There were times when I was quieted by someone, but I don’t let that happen anymore.
Today I did some household chores; paid bills; and soon I will be beginning to pack. I am taking the opportunity to work in my bedroom since I won’t have access until the workers are done with the bathroom…hopefully Thursday.

Here’s some photos I took of our July blooms this morning:

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This day is a continuation of the renovation work begun last week with tile beginning today.

I have my pre-vacation pedicure midday. I need to make lists for vacation so I don’t forget anything.

It’s going to be a stormy day, so even if the neanderthals weren’t coming today, I wouldn’t be going in the pool. Any downtime I have I will be laminating things for school.
Nothing specifically new this week. I have a call to discuss DS7 screening results tomorrow so that may result in a new education plan/approach we'll see. Trying to remain positive and not stress as it is what it is. He got brave and ventured off the steps in the pool yesterday and was splashing around the shallow end until he got to the slope for the deep end. He got scared but not enough to give up on the shallow end so that was positive.

Slowly getting things ready for vaca need to start breaking in my shoes. Got the DSs some new pjs and a work friend is making some t-shirts. DD got her second shot yesterday so we are all as vaccinated as possible so at least getting really sick is not a concern. Remember when we all just accepted that vaca=head cold? Like you pumped the emergen-c before traveling and called it a day? That was fun...

Did a quick thigh burn workout this morning (and it burned!) and hoping to squeeze in a quick walk before lunch today. The jiggle fight continues but I am shifting focus to not getting winded quickly. New fit bit came in and is very pretty so looking forward to putting it through its paces.
I'm really going to have to lean in to my affirmations this week, as it is looking to be another week full of meetings and needing to play two roles... and even after sleeping most of the weekend (thank you booster shot) I'm not starting out well rested and in a happy place.

And trying to start the week off on a more positive healthy foot I decided not to go to Starbucks, but now I am sorry and don't have enough time to get there and back. (insert sad face here).
Back from a wonderful cruise! The weather was soggy, but as my youngest told me, "You're from Oregon. I think you can handle the rain!" That cracked us up!! We always took the stairs so got tons of thigh work in. Mostly avoided desserts, but I think I ate more red meat last week than I had all year!

Walked with my group this morning. Nice to get that done first thing. Also did my yoga. Boy was I stiff!!! Have been to the grocery store and bought some fresh fruits and veggies. Since we're leaving for Florida on Friday, I'll have to eat it all. That's some good motivation!
I'm really going to have to lean in to my affirmations this week, as it is looking to be another week full of meetings and needing to play two roles... and even after sleeping most of the weekend (thank you booster shot) I'm not starting out well rested and in a happy place.

And trying to start the week off on a more positive healthy foot I decided not to go to Starbucks, but now I am sorry and don't have enough time to get there and back. (insert sad face here).
I can do without any/all commercialized messaging about health, diet, mental health, self-care.... and it all has been commercialized.

Yesterday turned out to be a good day, I didn't have to spend all day in meetings and was able to do some tangible work. My mood gradually lifted and at the end of the work day I was actually feeling happy for the first time in a long time, and I wasn't completely mentally drained for the first time in a long time. Hallelujah. What a relief.
I can do without any/all commercialized messaging about health, diet, mental health, self-care.... and it all has been commercialized.

Yesterday turned out to be a good day, I didn't have to spend all day in meetings and was able to do some tangible work. My mood gradually lifted and at the end of the work day I was actually feeling happy for the first time in a long time, and I wasn't completely mentally drained for the first time in a long time. Hallelujah. What a relief.
I agree 100%...especially when you don't know which methods are actually helpful and which ones aren't or could even be harmful.
I could do without all the "perfect" Instagram images. You know the ones that have a haze around them? Smiling kids with perfect parents? And don't get me start on decore images! Anyone whose house is white/cream/biege does not actually LIVE in their space....there is a reason I have a dark brown carpet in my living room and the furniture can be cleaned with a baby wipe.
And then you get the other side of that...the people who say don't compare yourself to my images these are filtered and posed...no kidding. Post something real! We have a picture of my 3 kids and niece....DD was an infant and she was slipping off DS9's lap while he held on for all he was worth. DS7 was screaming and my niece was mid eye roll. It's hysterical, it is up and my mother in law's wall. There is another picture of all my kids on the polar express in their Christmas PJs, each is looking in a direction other than at me and my camera....I used this as a Christmas card with the caption "look at mommy." I love that picture because it shows 3 kids so interested in what is happening around them they can't be bothered to pose. Those pictures are real life and I will take them and the memories associated with them any day over a perfectly posed snap.
I happened to hear phit-n-phat (only now I think it's called no bs women) live today. I came across it midway through, but she was saying how you are already a wonderful mom, wife, employee, fill in the blank. You're not wonderful because you lost weight. You were wonderful before, during, and after that.
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It's WooHoo Wednesday! What are you celebrating today?
WOO HOO!!! DD is officially off work until August 1st, so we can prepare for vacation. DH is working a half day tomorrow, and then he will be a free man as well. It’s a good thing that I washed and gathered all of my clothes for the trip over the weekend and packed them in ziploc bags (cheap version of packing cubes), because I can’t even get near my bedroom right now with construction going on.

WOO HOO! Vacation is just a couple days away!
Woohoo... I got 35 minutes of exercise in yesterday. In the evening I started to get hooked in to yet another multi-episode British true crime drama, so I pulled my under-the-desk-bike thing out and peddled while I watched.

Woohoo... we continue to have lovely summery weather and the 10-day forecast says it is going to continue for the next week+.
Woowhoo I did a vaca prep walk today...3/4 mile in feel like temps of 98! Today was DH's birthday and tomorrow is DS9's. Can't believe he will be 10!
Woowhoo taking DS7 and DD for haircuts on Friday, hoping she cooperates enough to get a couple inches off. If she was an adult her hair would be past her bra strap and she does not sit still to let me do anything to it.


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