June or Easter


DIS Veteran
Sep 6, 2000
I need advice on the best time to go to WDW with my family---children ages 12, 8, 4. What is the least crowded time, second week of June or the week prior to Easter. We'll be traveling in 2005, obviously. Thanks!
We go every year in June either the 2nd or 3rd week and the crowds don't compare to Easter week! My wife is a school teacher so we really can't take off during the year but the one time we went at Easter I'd compare it to early to mid July 1+hour waits for most rides!:hyper:
We have visited the last two years during early June and have found the crowds to be very manageable. I have not been during Easter but from what I have read on the DIS I don't think I want to:scared1:
Well we just got back from our first easter trip and we have gone in june but only once like around fathers day time. I would definetely pick June over the easter crowds. Its still crowded enough in June. If you want to eat any place special make sure you make a ps. We had chef mickey dinner for fathers day and I couldnt believe people were actually trying to walk up. They said sorry, we have been sold out for 2 months. Boy was I loving that ps and the happy look on dh and the 3 ds faces. Lots of school in southwest states get out end of may so there will already be lots of kids and crowds in the world in june too. We noticed that by 11 one day in the mk it was wall to wall people in tomm. land.
Another vote here for June. We typically go late May or early June and love it. There are crowds but NOTHING like the zoo we just dealt with the week before Easter - yikes!!!!!! We went the week before Christmas and it was a walk in the park compared to the week before Easter - never again.

Have fun!
Wow--thanks for this info. I, too am a teacher--I usually go off-season (without pay, of course), but our school board put a stop to things like that so now I have to travel with the crowds. I'm surprised to hear that June is better. Glad I inquired!!

Thanks for your help!
And I must say that this year, the week started off pleasantly ... We arrived March 30th and the parks were manageable, the weather was beautiful. Although the weather forecast there stated it was a 'cold snap' (highs only in the low to mid 70s), we left behind 30's and rain in NYC! LOL However, we left on April 7th (the Wed before Easter Sunday) and the crowd was UNBEARABLE!!!!! The wait time was close to 2 hours for most rides (we just left) and even the CM's throughout the parks were shocked at how crowded it was! I heard someone say somewhere that they actually were turning folks away at the gate. *I* myself didnt witness this, but I did hear it from someone while there and then again from someone here at home that went during Easter week. If you can get there well before Easter (at least 10 days) then enjoy it, the weather is BEAUTIFUL! But, if not, go in June. We went a few years back for the 2nd week of June we checked out the Tuesday after Father's Day and the crowds were great. There was a nice amount of folks there, but nothing that made us cringe as that last night in April did for us this trip! LOL The weather was nice in June in too, only one day that got VERY HOT, otherwise, perfect weather in June too. Either way you will enjoy it, just try to break it up by doing things 'off hours', eat lunch later or earlier than most, do rides doing parades and such ... it was a life saver for us! Have Fun!!!
Yay! I love this thread!!! I have been so nervous about the 6th-12th of June '05...I'm feelin'pretty good right now!!! Thanks, guys! Any other thoughts?
I'm a teacher and we went for Easter! It was WONDERFUL! We got up in the mornings stayed at the parks until 11:30 or noon.. Went back to our hotel swam, had lunch, rested, and then went back out.. usually to EPCOT! We used fast pass and the single lines as we had to do the baby swap... It really was managable and fun! It seemed like the big corwds were realling piling in at around 11:30 after we had been at the parks for 3 1/2 - 4 hours! WE even did every ride in Fantasyland as a walk on by arriving early!!! Some we rode twice!

The weather was also really nice... We had 1 morning or rain and then it cleared right up. That morning we ate a big breakfast, dd took a nap and we headed to the MK at 11..... It was still do able... Not too crowded because of the early morning rain! My vote is APRIL!


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