Jury Duty - anyone NOT able to get out of it?

The ONLY benefit to being a type 1 diabetic... no jury duty. Ever. Would rather be healthy and serve though fwiw ;)
I was told I won't be able to get out of it my next time. I was called MULTIPLE times while I was away at college and couldn't afford to drive back or miss class to go, so I called to reschedule. Last time I did they thought I was just making up the same excuse to not have to go again and told me it was becoming ridiculous :rolleyes2
All interesting responses but unless they come from somebody in the same jurisdiction as the OP they really don't help. Its entirely up to the court people there.
Last time I was at jury duty there were people making appeals to the judge/court right then (perhaps they hadn't heard back from written response?). She would ask them if they were willing to defer jury duty and return on a later date (which of course anyone asked agreed). So even if you have to show up, I'd bring all my evidence of non-refundables mentioned by previous posters and be ready to ask the judge that day (as a last resort).
If you get picked for a jury, they ask you "Does anyone have an issue with a X Day/Y week Trial"?
I had a weekend get away planned and said that in 4 weeks (or something) I would need to leave early on Friday before Columbus Day and Need off Columbus Day. The Judge said "no problem"....in deed that happened (even though we were in deliberations).
Somebody else had a cruise around that time...they were made a alternate juror during deliberations and then were excused to go on their cruise while we deliberated as there was still another alternate available.

My advice is if that date works for you in general, show up for jury duty....If you have to (call the night before), and If you get picked for a trial, and if that is a long trial, then you still will be okay.


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