Just Back -- Do NOT Forget the Bug Stuff!


<font color=navy>Donkey-Huggin' DVC Member<br><fon
May 1, 2000
Dh and are just back from 7 days at WDW. I just wanted to remind everyone how crucial it is to use some type of insect repellant. On our first night, I forgot ours in the room and we ended up out 'til almost midnight at MK. The next morning, I woke up with an itchy bite on my knee. Within 3 hours, it had literally taken over my entire knee cap, and approximately 11 others appeared all up and down my legs. Five of those got huge. In all our photos, I look like I have some sort of horrible disease! :D My kneecap was so badly infected (just because of the movement of the knee) that it was literally pulsating. My dh was keeping track of my pulse by watching the thing go from white to red and back again. :rolleyes:

We ended up at the Walgreen's pharmacy where the pharmacist confirmed my suspicion that they were fire ant bites (I got one in Dec. and it left a large scar on my foot). Over the next few days, I went through half a tube of cortisone cream and an entire bottle of Benadryl. I was just miserable. Even the cast members were feeling sorry for me! :D

Needless to say, I NEVER forgot the bug stuff again, and didn't end up with any more bites. I have really sensitive skin, and used Avon bug stuff with no problems.
Wow! I'm sorry to hear about this experience, but thanks for sharing to protect others!!

Do you think I'll need to take insect repellent if I'm visiting WDW in November?

Thanks, again!
I'd take it w/you. My first wicked ant bite came in December, so it would seem they're a year-round pest (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). I'm definitely taking it on every future trip. ;)
Thanks DizEeyore! For some reason, if there's a bug that can bite, it will find me. So, I'll be sure to take the Skin-So-Soft!!:)
Both my son and I are terribly allergic to the perfume in that stuff!

He gets an asthma attack and I get a swollen up throat,headache,nausea, for the rest of the day after smelling it..................are there any good bug repellents that are unscented?

I don't use bug repellent much at home so I'm not too well informed about products.


RuthAnne -

I am also sensitive to perfumes in things..... I have used Off Skintastic Unscented without any problems. I'd crack one open and give it a squirt and whiff to see what you think before getting any though.

You might also want to try some of the all natural bug repellents out there. I can't remember the name of the one I got - but I got it in the camping department of Walmart, and thought it was great.

ALSO - don't get one of those arm band repellant deals. My wrist swelled up and it made me wheeze terribly!!! Sheesh!

Good luck!
There are fire ants at WDW???? I lived there for three months in 96 and never heard of them!!! I just assumed that since I never saw any bugs there that they coated WDW in pesticide that it should never be a problem!!!

:eek: Fire Ants????

Oh yeah!!! FIREANTS and no-see-ums..... I think the places I encountered the most bites were the beaches at the Poly and standing by the water in Italy at World Showcase/Epcot to watch Illuminations.

I still have the marks on my legs - and they are almost a month old!!!! AND - I really tried hard not to scratch (although a little scratching is irresistible - in fact, I woke up one night scratching!).

I had so many bites, in combination with the heat and being on my feet, that my legs below the knee and feet swelled like balloons. It was pretty gross. I had to take benedryl for a couple days once I got home, and some salt soaks to get it to go away. I prefer to mostly blame the $@##*@** bugs. :D

Bug spray! Bug spray! Bug spray!!! I won't forget again!
Avon has a sunscreen now that also has a bug repellant. I used it in April and it worked great!:Pinkbounc
Imported Red Fire Ants are wicked and tenacious little creatures. They are easily aggravated and bite like fire, hence the name. My experience with them is that bug repellant may not keep them off of you. They typically live in mounds so watch out for ant mounds in grassy areas or small piles of dirt around sidewalk cracks. Garbage cans and near water are good places to also watch for them. Once you begin to notice them your bad encounters should be very few and far between.


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