Just back from New Year's Cruise


The Happy Cruiser
May 10, 2001
Ok, just back (and I mean JUST back) from our cruise and I am beat! We had such a grrreaaat time. The ship was more than I could have ever dreamed. I will make a trip report, but one of my highlights, besides the awesome NYE parties, was getting to be an expert panelist on the Who Wants to Be a Mouseketeer show.

Will write more tomorrow!

Going to bed to have Disney Dreams.

Welcome Back..sounds like you had a fantastic time.

I know I speak for many when I say we are REALLY looking forward to your trip report!!

Can't Wait & thanks for taking the time to prepare one!

Welcome back, Annie, we can't wait to hear more! :)

And I was a panelist on my last cruise too, it IS fun, isn't it? :D
just posted my trip report. had to do it while it was still soooo vivid. there was so much to tell, i probably forgot a million things. but the jist is there.

have fun all you next cruisers, i know you will.
Hello Annie - I was going to call you today to see how things went but got back too late to go by the shop - hope the trip was great and you and yours had a wonderful time - Take care and when you get settled, give me a call at the shop - 800-950-4559

I will call...but just to let everyone know....you did awesome. MIL loved the basket and we toasted with the champagne at dinner one night. It was great.

Hey Annie
What I was curious about is if you told her that it was me that talked to her on the phone that one day she was taking care of the kids and also if you got to see any of the Carter family? Glad they enjoyed their basket - I enjoy doing them - anyhow stay warm and stay safe - chat with you soon.
Glad you enjoyed the cruise and sorry we didn't meet up. You were on the panel for Mouseketeer? My wife Debbie was the last contestant at the 8:30 show and won $80 onboard credit. The expert panel gave her the wrong answer to when the most Mickey Mouse cartoons were made. Were you on that expert panel or the early show?
Tony and Debbie
I am sooooo sorry we gave her the wrong answer!!!! A couple of us said the 30's but 4 of us said the 50's. We went to MGM before the cruise, and as I was about to go into the movie, my 3yo had to go to the bathroom, so I missed the movie. My dh told me if I had been at the movie, I would have known the answer to both questions we got wrong!!! She should have gone with another life line!!!

Oh well, at least she got $80! I got a great pin, but dh would have like the $80!!!! I was the anchor panelist who gave the answers on the mic.


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