Just back with mom who is blind


Earning My Ears
May 10, 2005
I just wanted to let everyone know about our wonderful trip a few weeks ago. My mom has Stargardt's disease, and has had it since she was 9. We have been to WDW with her before and never had a problem with going into the rides. Most of the times we entered in threw the exit. But this trip was different. First let me start by saying that the second day of our trip, while watching Illuminations she lost her cane. It was never returned. We spent a day calling all places to find another one. It was Friday and The lighthouse was not opened till Monday. So on Sunday we went to MK and they gave her a free wheelchair to use for the day, which was very nice. They also gave her a card that had a stamp on it that said she should go in the standard wheelchair enterance. But it was very hard for her to move in and out of the rides without her cain. We than had to spend Monday driving in to Orlando to get her another cane. For the next few days we still used that card that she was given stating she should use the wheelchair enterance. We explained to several castmembers that it's very difficult for her in the lines. She kept hitting children in front of her and if it were a dark ride that made it very hard. They said go into the regular line. We than went to Universal Studios they also gave us a card but this gave us access to their "fastpast" line each time. We thought disney must do something else for those with sight impairments. Then we found out that they had 4 stamps to choose from when you go to guest services and they decide what will work for you. So we went to guest services outside Epcot we explained our problem to the castmember at the counter and she looks at us and "judges" my mothers handicap and says "That is the right stamp for you I won't change it." So we go inside Epcot and ask for a new card and tell our story there too. This time they give us a new card and a new stamp the gives us access to the fastpass line. Who should come and stand right next to me at the counter, but the castmember who wouldn't help us outside. She looks at me and says" So you didn't believe me you had to come and ask agian?" I was so shocked I just looked at her and said "Excuse me?" she repeated herself and I just turned my head away. The castmembers were shocked that she didn't us the other stamp. We had a wonderful no matter what but I wanted everyone to know that there are more than one stamp. If it's not working for you explain your situation to a castmember and they might help. If not try try again. I have to tell you I'm surprised that they let the castmember judge your handicap. One size doesn't fit all. If your hard of hearing you don't deal with the world the same as someone with blindness or in a wheelchair. My mother is going to send a letter with some suggestions to disney. They are very good at helping people with disablities but somethings need to be added. I just needed to vent and I hope this helps someone else.
OK, I"m so sorry this happened, please write to guest services, this just highlights MY position that for some reason some CM's just dont get it - they had no right to judge you! and that's what happens. Please state that you want no compensation, but just a re evaluation of a system for the disabilities

I am so disappointed to read this... thank you for sharing your experience! I cant believe there isnt a Special Need Department that couldnt help you locate a new cane!! That's just unbelievably sad!
We couldn't believe no one returned her cane, but than we thought that maybe they thought it was broke because it folded up. They gave us some phone numbers of places but they were for wheelchairs. They even told us to call Walgreens. I found the phone number in the phone book for the lighthouse for the blind in Fl. Thank you for taking the time to read our story. And you right, we just want them to reevaluate the way they decide your disabilities.
I think Safetymom may have a different number, again, just be polite, and state what you want,(not a free vacation for your experience!) better training of CM's to disabilities may seem broad, and maybe its because I'm a teacher that's taken extra classes in special needs, but I cant imagine why so many threads have stated that the person with the disabilitiy comes away feeling inadequate, again, I have to believe there is a segment of our population that tries to take advantage of Disney, there was a thread where a mom was able to get a GAC for her child in a stroller, (no disability, mom just didnt want to park stroller - and that is a very watered down version of a very emotional thread!) we can guess that some moms are so passionate with their love of their child that they get things, or lesson the experience for those with true needs... :confused3

But when these things happen, if we dont put our concerns in writing, how will Disney know?

E-Mail complaints to: GuestCommunications@disneyworld.com

Write letters to:

WDW Guest Communications
PO Box 10040
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-0400

Be sure to provide contact info so they can get back to you!

Thank you for sharing your experience!
Thanks for the address. We're not looking for anything free, but it's so degrading for you to stand and have a castmember "judge" what they feel You can or cannot do. Or how You can or cannot move around the park or in lines. I just want the castmembers to be more understanding. I can't even tell you how rude the first castmember in Epcot was, and then to come and tell me I didn't believe her. Like her word is the end all. It's a good thing we went to the other guest services because they did help us. They even said "Why would they give your mother the stamp for wheelchair. She can't see, but she can walk. That one does her no good." Than they gave her a stamp so she could sit in the front of the shows. Jennifer and Jason were the 2 castmembers that helped us and I plan to commend them in the letter. Thanks again.
WonderBelle said:
Jennifer and Jason were the 2 castmembers that helped us and I plan to commend them in the letter. Thanks again.

I am sorry you had such difficulties with the CM & with finding a replacement cane.

When you write to WDW, be sure to include as much factual info as possible - names, dates, times of day, location, etc.

As a side note, I found Universal Hollywood much more user friendly last summer than some of the WDW CMs, & I didn't even have an ECV out there. I have always had good experiences at Sea World Orlando, too.
Sorry to hear about your bad experience.
One of the good things that happen with internet boards like this is that people hear about things that might help them. But one of the bad things is that a few people without disabilities figure out ways to abuse the help that is offered (and I know that because people have emailed me and said they had co-workers, friends or relative who said they had done it).
That's one of the reasons some CMs get into "judging" -it's not right for them to do it, but I can see why some CMs might get very to view everyone in a suspicious frame of mind.
So, one of the things I have asked people to do is not to post in great detail about the GAC process and exactly what stamps are available.
It is sad how people will take advantage of things desigined for those who need them. But if it weren't for a castmember telling us about the stamps and the GAC we wouldn't have had any idea that there were any options for my mom. I don't want to give anyone who doesn't need a GAC help, I was only trying to inform others of the different options. But, unfortunately I understand why you don't want people to discuss it to much.
WonderBelle said:
It is sad how people will take advantage of things desigined for those who need them. But if it weren't for a castmember telling us about the stamps and the GAC we wouldn't have had any idea that there were any options for my mom. I don't want to give anyone who doesn't need a GAC help, I was only trying to inform others of the different options. But, unfortunately I understand why you don't want people to discuss it to much.
We have to tred kind of a fine line. It's important to notify people, but I guess, not notify them of too much. LOL
I found out about GACs on the internet and I know for some people getting a GAC is the difference between getting to do anything and just walking around the parks without doing anything. Even when we don't use DD's GAC, just knowing we have it and could use it if needed makes for a much more relaxing trip.
Hi, I have an eight year old daughter that is losing her sight due to RP. On her first trip using her can we had a VERY bad experience trying to get a GAC in MGM. This was our first time ever even asking about a GAC. We won't even try and get one again. It is still VERY painful for my husband and myself to have our daughter losing her sight and becoming visually impaired and to have to be "judged" as you say (is how it felt to us, too) felt awful. We had a very rude & unkind CM to deal with that was NO help at all. I felt humiliated and like an idiot and my daughter felt embarrassed. I am very sorry it happened to you like this also. I CANNOT believe the cane wasn't returned. What a shame. :guilty:

I have found that having the white cane has been helpful when we get into the line, the CMs working the rides usually are very kind and helpful when they see it. Don't get why those working in Guest Services are so difficult. They should be taught -"There but for the grace of God go I"....I don't know that I quoted it correctly, but that is how I try and live and look at things. That would help them learn an extra bit of kindness and empathy :flower: Maybe.

Thanks for posting your experience. You're not alone!!

Lives4Disney :earsgirl:


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