Just how wild and crazy is the Hulk and Dueling Dragons??

Kitty 34

Hums in her sleep
Feb 16, 2000
I can handle Space Mt and RnR with NO problems but seeing pics of the Hulk and Dueling Dragons has me a bit skeptical. Are they smooth rides? I can't handle too much jerking around.

How long a ride are they, too?
If you can handle Space Mountain and RnR, you should be able to handle Hulk and DD. They are smooth coasters for the most part. However, their are some sharp, quick turns which can jerk you a bit. But don't worry, it's not that bad at all. The coasters are super cool! You'll love them both!
Can't wait to go on 5/6 - 5/9 at the HRH :)
I have to disagree with the previous post. Actually I guess it depends on your own body and how it handles things. I have ridden Space MT & RNR numerous times with no problems but Dueling Dragons just plain hurt my head and stomach. It's a G force thing - and too many loops too fast. I didn't even attempt Hulk after that. But DD was a smooth ride!

I think RnR coaster is over so fast that your body doesn't have time to feel bad maybe (?). I also have a thing with heights and Disney does a fabulous job or camoflauging a ride so to speak. Can you really tell the Space Mtn is that tall?

Like I said, you know your body better than I, but Dueling Dragons made me queasy. I didn't want to chance entirely ruining my day at the park by doing Hulk but my hubby rode it and said it was probably best that I didn't. But he liked it!
They are both very smooth rides. Hulk is a bit easier to handle than the dragons, but they are all FANTASTIC !!!
I agree Hulk is smoother than Dueling Dragons. I'd probably start with Hulk then ride Dueling Dragons later. The front seat of DD is REALLY the most exciting! DD is shorter than Hulk too.
Hulk is the smoothest but best coaster I've ever ridden. RnR and Space Mountain are good also but I, personally, LIKE seeing where I'm going! Don't care for those dark, inside coasters.

DD is more intense but hardly like an amusement park coaster, which jerks you around like a doll! The intensity is much greater in the front seat, and like with car sickness, just seeing where you're going makes the sickness factor less.
HULK and Dueling Dragons are a couple of the best Coasters in the Country but are far more intense than any of the Disney Coasters.
RnR is only comparable due to the launch, but after that, there is no comparison. Wait until you get there to see these monsters in person to judge for yourself.
While you wait at the Gates to IOA, you can hear HULK roaring just around the corner. Then as you summon the courage to challenge one of the Dueling Dragons, you'll have to pass through the Dragon's Dungeon Lair and discover the fate of many previous brave souls whom have dare challenge the path.
These are not kiddie rides by any means and although they are state of the art designed coasters making them the smoothest and most comfortable ride around, be cautious. All have multiple inversions and speeds and G-forces far in excess of those Disney Coasters.
You can't really judge these rides by our opinions. Go there, see them for yourself, RIDE them several times and then post to us what you think.
I saw them did not get on them but hubby really wants me to try them scared of hights. Did r&r coster love it and space mountain is o.k. too but I was to scared to ride hulk or duealing dragons but he said I will get on with him this time. he needs someone to ride with should I or let him call me a BIG CHICKEN LOL OR RIDE THEM.
GOOFY33 TRULY GOOFY:eek: :eek: :eek:
Thanks for the various reviews. I have a feeling I'm going to see them up front and go no way!!! Those rides sound more like Cedar Point rides (which I don't go on). That's why I like the WDW rides.....they're so "tame"!!!!:D :bounce:

I am excited about the Doom ride, though.....I'm hoping that's like TOT!!!:smooth:
I haven't done coasters in many years but we just got back last night and my teens literally dragged me on Hulk and Dueling Dragons. I had planned on keeping my eyes closed but didn't and they weren't all that bad. I was determined this trip to do RNR and Space Mountain and did those also. Hulk is probably the worst of all of these but it was very smooth and I would do all of them again.
The Hulk and Dueling Dragons look scary to me personally I would not ride it because I love water rides
Really depends on whatyou can handle. As for me, you couldn't keep me off 'em! Only one part on DD, Fire side, messed with me. It was like a half a loop/half a corkscrew into a tight turn, I think I blacked out for a second, very cool!:cool:
Hi: We are going to universal for the first time, I have son that on occassion gets heart arrythmia and has been to the emerg each time he gets it, and gone thru a cardiologist,, they said it was due to stress, plus his body growing at a rapid speed. I am thinking that he should not attempt the dueling dragons, because of the G-forces, it sounds like hulk might be okay.

Any comments, as I do not want to end up in the hospital on our holidays and in another country, as we are canadians, i can imagine all the paperwork etc. Thanks,

There is a disclaimer at the beginning of both these rides about people with heart conditions not riding. Perhaps you could check with your doctor before going.
You are kidding right???
You are worried about the "paperwork"!?!
You cannot be seriously considering risking your child's health/life just for the sake of a fun ride on a rollercoaster and only be worried about ruining your vacation with all of the "Paperwork" caused by an inconvenient visit to the emergency room cardiologist!?!. C'mon!
Maybe I really don't understand completely what a "Heart Arithmia" is, but theme parks are a wonderful place to HAVE FUN with your family, not a place to test their physical limits. Just read a line from this post
"Fire side, messed with me. It was like a half a loop/half a corkscrew into a tight turn, I think I blacked out for a second, very cool!"
See, what can happen to even "well" people?
And HULK coaster is MORE intense than either Dueling Dragon.
Your child has BEEN to the emergency room with a Heart Condition! Be very concerned that these rides WILL cause you to make another visit to the emergency room.
I'm Thinking that you SKIP all of the roller coasters and several other rides at Universal Studios' theme park, Islands of Adventure. You may even want to just visit the other theme park, Universal Studios, as there are more low impact rides/attractions that are just as exciting and less physically intense.
Hi Tony:

Thanks for being concerned, this arrythmia happens once every two years, but we generally go to the emergency, they give him a nitro pill, sometimes, check him out, but they say that he does not have a heart condition, and go home and rest.
So with them saying he does not have a heart condition, I thought it would be okay to go on the rollercoasters, not knowing the intensity of the rides, I do not go on wild rides myself out of fear.

But after reading in a book about IOA, these rides with G forces like a some sort of jet with G forces, I began to wonder. That is why I asked on this site.

Yes I never thought how bad his health could get from a g force, cause when he did get this condition, it would be brought on from stress of exams, or just laying a certain way, now I am rethinking my universal stay. Or just do the universal park.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I do not want anything to happen to my teen son. I know it must have been worded the wrong, when I asked the question.

I guess what I was thinking about the emergency, was if he did get sick and we are canadians, if they would even look at him, cause I am not sure how it works in another country. I don't know what I was thinking,

What it is, his heart starts going very fast and erratic, it actually scares him and tires him. As I said the cardiologist said it was from a growth spurt, and that he does not have a heart condition, but I think there is something behind these not too frequent episodes. So if it came on from stress, or laying the wrong way, I can get where your coming from witih a coaster and g force.

Thanks again, I am getting so wrapped in planning this trip, and not knowing how wild these rides are.

I am going to show these to my son and hubby, and I think we will do the universal park instead.

Thanks again,

I make a mistake on this site judging the anonymous characters who exist here about every two years or so and I feel that I may have done so in my last reply. Since done so in a Public Forum, I feel it necessary to respond in the same Public Forum instead of a Private E-Mail.

Please forgive my boarish attitude and my ignorance.

I remember how I felt when a cardiologist walked into our recovery room after my daughter was born and said, "this may not be a serious condition". And even though all she had was "common" Heart Murmur, all I could focus on was that I was be consulted by a Cardiologist on the the day of my Daughter's Birth about her potential Heart condition. Nothing else matters but the Health of your loved ones and especially your children, so when threat of that is approached it becomes a very personal subject for me.
My Daughter is healthy and her Heart Murmur is gone, Thank God. She grew out of it.
I am not a Cardiologist and do not know what a "Heart Arrithmia" is, nor do I know whether or not you can grow out of it. But I do know that I once was a teenage boy, still am according to some, and if my Mom told me not to ride something I would probably not understand why. I just would know that I really, really wanted to go on it regardless. As a parent, the tables have turned and I Love my mother even more as I begin to understand parenting. Something that as a teen I never could have understood.
I misinterpreted your request for information and hope that anything that I have said can be taken as constructive assistance.
Also, Not being Canadian, I do not completely understand the benefits of hassle-free HealthCare and accept the "paperwork" as part of our ridiculous system, but that's a political debate for another website.
I have now realized your intentions and genuine concerns. Please accept my apology for any misguided venom.
Hey Tony: Thanks for the apology, but you didn't offend me, instead you made a light go off in my head, and today I am calling my family doctor to ask about the g force rides. I don't even know if the doctor can realize what these intense rides are like, I know he has been to wdw, but people say wdw is tame compared to ioa.

This trip is a celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary, and I and hubby could never go on such a nice trip to wdw, akl, poly without our children as we don't travel very much, as who knows when any of us will ever be able to have a trip like this again.

I enjoy having my family with me, as probably you do too.

I am glad your dear daughter is okay, I can't imagine on such an emotional day as the birth of your child, that having a special little daughter, is enough for a person to take, the happiness, thoughts of future etc, then to have to be sent to a cardiologist for a heart murmur, wow, quite scary.

Our health system covers everyone yes, but you know a couple of years ago a young man 19 passed away from an asthma attack, as I think it was two hospitals in the toronto area turned this man away in the ambulance as there emergency rooms were full, and I read that high risk pregnancies are being sent to buffalo to have their babies, people from ontario are going to new york state to have MIR's when they have cancer cause our wait it too long.

Tony I need to know what rides have these g forces, it is just the coasters, what about spiderman, wdw aerosmith rollercoaster?

Have a nice day,




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