keeping cats out?


Earning My Ears
Jun 4, 2001
I would like to know a way to keep cats out of my vegetable garden. (actually only one neighbors cat!) I am about to start planting vegetables and I am looking for a non-chemical way to keep him away!

I have had some luck keeping them out of my flower beds by spraying the area with a homemade combination of water, tabasco, and cayenne or chili powder. Unfortunately they just find a new area.
I've heard if you put chicken wire down and then put garden soil a couple inches thick down on top of it thatwill keep them out because they don't like getting their claws caught on the wire, but the plants can grow throught the wire. I haven't been desperate enough to try that yet though.
We have cats - they don't do outside.

Many people believe that cats must roam. It's actually not true - and very bad for the songbird population.

Our neighbors' cats don't last long...coyotes and raccoons take care of that...unfortunately for the cat. Otherwise - we keep the hose ready with a high power nosle or use a bucket when we catch them hanging out in the vegie garden or under the bird feeders.

You can also try the cayene pepper sprinkle method - but you have to reapply often. If cayene isn't hot enough - go to the Thai section of your grocery store and ask for the hottest dry pepper they have. When you garden - you will need to wear gloves also and do not touch your eyes!

But try talking to the neighbor first.



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