Kids Club, Autism


DVC Member VWL 2001
Dec 9, 2000
Hi there,

We are coming to WDW in Oct 05, The question I have, is a autistic child aged 13 allowed to use the kids club?

::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo ::MinnieMo
Hi! I would call the resort and ask.

I have suspected autism with my son, but no official diagnosis yet.

Good luck.
I'm curious to hear what others say, since my 6 yr old ds is autistic.
I also wanted to point you both to the DisAbility boards. If you haven't visited the board before, there are many Parents of autistic children that hang out there. We are a great source of support for each other on DisAbilities board! :flower: Come on over for Disney related or non-disney related questions! :wave:
I believe the kids club only go up to age 12..??

I have a DS10 who has apspergers and he has done great in the clubs - The Neverland Club at the Polynesian and Simba's Cubhouse (?) at The Animal Kingdom.

Every child's needs are different, however I do know the larger kids clubs are quite noisy and can be overstimulating even for some typical kids. I would suggest one of the smaller clubs (like the one at the GF) for anyone with special needs. CHildren must also be reliably potty trained.
I'd suggest you call and ask because of the age. If he was 12 or under, they would have to try to make some reasonable accomidation (that would not include providing an aide for him, but might include things like allowing you or someone else to be with him, requiring you to stay in the resort so with accessability by beeper or cell phone.) Also, if someone is not toilet trained because of a disability, they do need to make some reasonable accomidations for that too.
If they say they don't , ask to speak to a manager and mention the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).
He can't use the clubs due to his age, not disability. They are state licensed only age 4-12, and they won't make exceptions. Kids night Out provides in room child care, and that would be an option.

They will care for children with disabilities, with limits. I suspect that if your child would be OK in a group care situation, there's no reason they won't provide in room service.


For taking the time to reply. The boy is potty trained and a very socialable young man. As long as he as access to a tv,ps2 or gameboy he is fine and very friendly.

He does not require any added supervision.

::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo ::MinnieMo


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