Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 3

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Ok---I am just back from the beach 2 days and have been trying to catch up but I totally need the support of my "friends" now. I know this is OT but you ladies are so great I needed to share my sad news with everyone. Last night DH found out he is being shipped overseas for a year. He starts training the day we get home from WDW and leaves for advanced training in Texas at the end of October before going over some time at the end of the year. We are struggleing on how to tell DD that her daddy is going for so long. And I am so worried about this trip now because on one side we will have great family time at one of the best places ever but then again it is knowing that when we come home, he leaves. Sorry to rant but I feel lost and he is training now and won't be home until Friday and I just needed to vent I guess. I don't even feel like sewing!

Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers :grouphug:
I am keeping my eyes propped open with toothpicks so I can catch up on the pages posted today. Its day two of school and I am exhausted! Hey Aimee can you pass me some of your Coke Zero??? :drinking1

I did manage to finish one more sewing project, this time for DD3. I am making a coordinating outfit for DD2 over the next few days. Here she is trying it on a few minutes ago. My favorite part is the half eaten candy necklace on her neck. The funny part was she automatically turned around to model the back :rotfl2: Does this strike any of you as funny??



I also posted these before but here we all are on the first day of school all ready to go!


Twirling in anticipation of their first day of pre-school!!!

Finally, DD9 helped to sew the ruffle for the bottom of her t-shirt to go with her patch capris. She also "Be-Dazzled" the top and the pockets of the jeans! Yeahhhh for DD!!! I am really getting her hooked on sewing!:bride:

Ok---I am just back from the beach 2 days and have been trying to catch up but I totally need the support of my "friends" now. I know this is OT but you ladies are so great I needed to share my sad news with everyone. Last night DH found out he is being shipped overseas for a year. He starts training the day we get home from WDW and leaves for advanced training in Texas at the end of October before going over some time at the end of the year. We are struggleing on how to tell DD that her daddy is going for so long. And I am so worried about this trip now because on one side we will have great family time at one of the best places ever but then again it is knowing that when we come home, he leaves. Sorry to rant but I feel lost and he is training now and won't be home until Friday and I just needed to vent I guess. I don't even feel like sewing!

I am very sorry your husband will be leaving! At least you will get a wonderful vacation with great memories before he goes! Be sure you take lots of pictures of just your daughter and her daddy, make her a special book that she can look at everyday! My prayers will be with you!:hug:

Since we were on the topic of autograph books I need some advice on the ones that I am doing.

Stepmom3 or any other scrapbookers: I have made the covers on some type of heavy, chipboard type material. My question is what do I use to 'cover' the paper so it all stays nice, Mogpodge, laminate it? What do you all usually do? Here are the covers:

I personally never put anything over the top of my books. I know a lot of people use mod podge. I carry our book in a ziploc bag and place it there after every character autograph. Also my daughter is very careful with her things and to date, we have never had a problem with anything coming off or tearing. But even if you do cover the front, a ziploc bad that actually zips is a must have, because even though Disney is the most magical place on earth, they can't stop the rain!
Since we were on the topic of autograph books I need some advice on the ones that I am doing.

Stepmom3 or any other scrapbookers: I have made the covers on some type of heavy, chipboard type material. My question is what do I use to 'cover' the paper so it all stays nice, Mogpodge, laminate it? What do you all usually do?

My wife has hers laminated. Let me rephrase that. My wife sent me to the Officemax to laminate them.
Ok---I am just back from the beach 2 days and have been trying to catch up but I totally need the support of my "friends" now. I know this is OT but you ladies are so great I needed to share my sad news with everyone. Last night DH found out he is being shipped overseas for a year. He starts training the day we get home from WDW and leaves for advanced training in Texas at the end of October before going over some time at the end of the year. We are struggleing on how to tell DD that her daddy is going for so long. And I am so worried about this trip now because on one side we will have great family time at one of the best places ever but then again it is knowing that when we come home, he leaves. Sorry to rant but I feel lost and he is training now and won't be home until Friday and I just needed to vent I guess. I don't even feel like sewing!
:grouphug: I can only imagine how hard that is going to be for your family. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Since we were on the topic of autograph books I need some advice on the ones that I am doing.

Stepmom3 or any other scrapbookers: I have made the covers on some type of heavy, chipboard type material. My question is what do I use to 'cover' the paper so it all stays nice, Mogpodge, laminate it? What do you all usually do? Here are the covers:


Also for those not wanting to do all the characters I downloaded clipart and then just made a sheet of all the characters I knew we would be seeing and cut those out and pasted them on the sheets that I made. It takes patience but I just do it will watching (listening) to the TV.


Here is my daughter's halloween costume and my first adventure with satin. It wasn't too bad except the sleeves b/c the pins kept sliding out.

Very cute ideas there! So many ideas, so little time until we leave! We bought the autograph books there last year, and I was sort of dissapointed. I had sharpies along for them to use (because I also had them sign a t-shirrt when we could) and the pages in those books are super thin. I think I may have to cradft something this time......

I did manage to finish one more sewing project, this time for DD3. I am making a coordinating outfit for DD2 over the next few days. Here she is trying it on a few minutes ago. My favorite part is the half eaten candy necklace on her neck. The funny part was she automatically turned around to model the back :rotfl2: Does this strike any of you as funny??

:rotfl: :lmao: My DD did the same thing with the last a picture of the back too?" She has also asked me for her own sewing machine now too. She would probably do a better job than me I bet ya!
Ok---I am just back from the beach 2 days and have been trying to catch up but I totally need the support of my "friends" now. I know this is OT but you ladies are so great I needed to share my sad news with everyone. Last night DH found out he is being shipped overseas for a year. He starts training the day we get home from WDW and leaves for advanced training in Texas at the end of October before going over some time at the end of the year. We are struggleing on how to tell DD that her daddy is going for so long. And I am so worried about this trip now because on one side we will have great family time at one of the best places ever but then again it is knowing that when we come home, he leaves. Sorry to rant but I feel lost and he is training now and won't be home until Friday and I just needed to vent I guess. I don't even feel like sewing!

:grouphug: I can understand how your trip will be bittersweet that is for sure. It is so hard because to the little ones a year is so much longer. I think making a book of your trip is a great idea for your daughter.
Ok---I am just back from the beach 2 days and have been trying to catch up but I totally need the support of my "friends" now. I know this is OT but you ladies are so great I needed to share my sad news with everyone. Last night DH found out he is being shipped overseas for a year. He starts training the day we get home from WDW and leaves for advanced training in Texas at the end of October before going over some time at the end of the year. We are struggleing on how to tell DD that her daddy is going for so long. And I am so worried about this trip now because on one side we will have great family time at one of the best places ever but then again it is knowing that when we come home, he leaves. Sorry to rant but I feel lost and he is training now and won't be home until Friday and I just needed to vent I guess. I don't even feel like sewing!

I'm sorry. Please try to enjoy the precious time you have together. I'll be thinking of your family. :grouphug:

I am keeping my eyes propped open with toothpicks so I can catch up on the pages posted today. Its day two of school and I am exhausted! Hey Aimee can you pass me some of your Coke Zero??? :drinking1

I did manage to finish one more sewing project, this time for DD3. I am making a coordinating outfit for DD2 over the next few days. Here she is trying it on a few minutes ago. My favorite part is the half eaten candy necklace on her neck. The funny part was she automatically turned around to model the back :rotfl2: Does this strike any of you as funny??



Hee, Megan does that too. I guess we have them trained! Your DD9's work looks great! I bet she is so proud!

I personally never put anything over the top of my books. I know a lot of people use mod podge. I carry our book in a ziploc bag and place it there after every character autograph. Also my daughter is very careful with her things and to date, we have never had a problem with anything coming off or tearing. But even if you do cover the front, a ziploc bad that actually zips is a must have, because even though Disney is the most magical place on earth, they can't stop the rain!

When I was at the concierge this weekend at the Beach Club, a lady walked up and asked, when is going to stop raining. The CM laughed but the lady insisted she was serious. "You know everything else, don't you know when it will stop raining?" she demanded. The CM stopped laughing and said, "In the summer it can rain every day between 4pm and 7pm." The lady said, "Ok, 7pm then. Thank you" and walked away. I was laughing at her all the way to my room.
When I was at the concierge this weekend at the Beach Club, a lady walked up and asked, when is going to stop raining. The CM laughed but the lady insisted she was serious. "You know everything else, don't you know when it will stop raining?" she demanded. The CM stopped laughing and said, "In the summer it can rain every day between 4pm and 7pm." The lady said, "Ok, 7pm then. Thank you" and walked away. I was laughing at her all the way to my room.

:lmao: :rotfl:
When I was at the concierge this weekend at the Beach Club, a lady walked up and asked, when is going to stop raining. The CM laughed but the lady insisted she was serious. "You know everything else, don't you know when it will stop raining?" she demanded. The CM stopped laughing and said, "In the summer it can rain every day between 4pm and 7pm." The lady said, "Ok, 7pm then. Thank you" and walked away. I was laughing at her all the way to my room.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: Did is stop raining at 7pm? If not, I wonder if she went back down to complain?
My heart goes out to you. My DH retired from the Air Force after 20 plus years....I never got used to his mattter how long or how short, how near, how far....I felt this loss, and I cried and cried. I will pray for you and your family.

Ok---I am just back from the beach 2 days and have been trying to catch up but I totally need the support of my "friends" now. I know this is OT but you ladies are so great I needed to share my sad news with everyone. Last night DH found out he is being shipped overseas for a year. He starts training the day we get home from WDW and leaves for advanced training in Texas at the end of October before going over some time at the end of the year. We are struggleing on how to tell DD that her daddy is going for so long. And I am so worried about this trip now because on one side we will have great family time at one of the best places ever but then again it is knowing that when we come home, he leaves. Sorry to rant but I feel lost and he is training now and won't be home until Friday and I just needed to vent I guess. I don't even feel like sewing!

Oh, that is so sad for you and your little ones. We're all thinking of you. :grouphug:
I know we've talked about this before, but does anyone know where they sell the mouse ear clippies? I know there are some on eBay, but someone mentioned a store where you can buy them, but I can't remember where it was. We fly to Orlando on Saturday, and I wanted to get some before we go on the cruise.

Ok, uber geek help here. My wife prints EVERYTHING out in color. We go through ink likes there's no tomorrow. I used to refill catridges because of this, but I found a great place to get replacement ink. It is one of those things that seem 'too good to be true' but actually is on the level. The site is

The ink I buy costs 13-14 dollars in the store, and about 1.43 here on this site. I buy sets of 4 or more at a time to save on ink. I've referred many people to this site and everyone has been happy with their new ink.


Of course, my printer isn't listed. It's a Ciruit City excluse & only Circuit City has the ink & I usually have to order it online because the stores don't keep it in stock.

Oh, and it runs out of ink pretty fast too.
Ok---I am just back from the beach 2 days and have been trying to catch up but I totally need the support of my "friends" now. I know this is OT but you ladies are so great I needed to share my sad news with everyone. Last night DH found out he is being shipped overseas for a year. He starts training the day we get home from WDW and leaves for advanced training in Texas at the end of October before going over some time at the end of the year. We are struggleing on how to tell DD that her daddy is going for so long. And I am so worried about this trip now because on one side we will have great family time at one of the best places ever but then again it is knowing that when we come home, he leaves. Sorry to rant but I feel lost and he is training now and won't be home until Friday and I just needed to vent I guess. I don't even feel like sewing!

I'm so sorry for your family. I guess the positive is that he'll still be able to go on the vacation as planned and you know in advance so you can make sure DD has lots of photos of her and daddy to look at in his absence.

Finally, DD9 helped to sew the ruffle for the bottom of her t-shirt to go with her patch capris. She also "Be-Dazzled" the top and the pockets of the jeans! Yeahhhh for DD!!! I am really getting her hooked on sewing!:bride:


Good job for your DD! I think it's great that she wants to get involved. I bet she'll be more interested in wearing "home made" clothes as she gets older if she helps or even makes them herself.

When I was at the concierge this weekend at the Beach Club, a lady walked up and asked, when is going to stop raining. The CM laughed but the lady insisted she was serious. "You know everything else, don't you know when it will stop raining?" she demanded. The CM stopped laughing and said, "In the summer it can rain every day between 4pm and 7pm." The lady said, "Ok, 7pm then. Thank you" and walked away. I was laughing at her all the way to my room.

Well, did it stop on schedule? ;)
I didn't want to be the one to mention it. What kind of friend am I??

Speaking of nephews and names... I forgot to mention that my long awaited Nephew made an appearance on the 28th! His name is Xadrian. sounds like adrian w/ a Z in front.
Xadrian Levi ( I think Levi is his Dada middle name.)


Were you the one working on a blanket or quilt for him? How's that coming?;)

Ok---I am just back from the beach 2 days and have been trying to catch up but I totally need the support of my "friends" now. I know this is OT but you ladies are so great I needed to share my sad news with everyone. Last night DH found out he is being shipped overseas for a year. He starts training the day we get home from WDW and leaves for advanced training in Texas at the end of October before going over some time at the end of the year. We are struggleing on how to tell DD that her daddy is going for so long. And I am so worried about this trip now because on one side we will have great family time at one of the best places ever but then again it is knowing that when we come home, he leaves. Sorry to rant but I feel lost and he is training now and won't be home until Friday and I just needed to vent I guess. I don't even feel like sewing!

Overseas where? I can't imagine telling my kiddos. I'm sure it will not be an easy conversation. I grew up Air Force and my dad was always gone. Nowdays I never remember him not being there although mom tells me he was gone alot...The only time I clearly remember him being gone was when he spent a year in Korea. I was 15 at the time and let's just say I wasn't all that sad to see him go:rotfl2: Those teenage years were a little rough. I love my Dad though and looking back I can't believe how awful I was.

I'll keep your family in my prayers....This is why I don't watch the news I always think about the families at home and it breaks my heart. I hope the time passes quickly for you guys. A long time family friend, her husband just left last month for 15months they have a little girl too.

I know we've talked about this before, but does anyone know where they sell the mouse ear clippies? I know there are some on eBay, but someone mentioned a store where you can buy them, but I can't remember where it was. We fly to Orlando on Saturday, and I wanted to get some before we go on the cruise.


Just curious, Did you get that outfit??
Here is my daughter's halloween costume and my first adventure with satin. It wasn't too bad except the sleeves b/c the pins kept sliding out.


Great job! It looks wonderful!

I did manage to finish one more sewing project, this time for DD3. I am making a coordinating outfit for DD2 over the next few days. Here she is trying it on a few minutes ago. My favorite part is the half eaten candy necklace on her neck. The funny part was she automatically turned around to model the back :rotfl2: Does this strike any of you as funny??



I also posted these before but here we all are on the first day of school all ready to go!


Twirling in anticipation of their first day of pre-school!!!

Finally, DD9 helped to sew the ruffle for the bottom of her t-shirt to go with her patch capris. She also "Be-Dazzled" the top and the pockets of the jeans! Yeahhhh for DD!!! I am really getting her hooked on sewing!:bride:


Your dds dress is adorable! I love the fabrics you used! All your children are so cute!!!
When I was at the concierge this weekend at the Beach Club, a lady walked up and asked, when is going to stop raining. The CM laughed but the lady insisted she was serious. "You know everything else, don't you know when it will stop raining?" she demanded. The CM stopped laughing and said, "In the summer it can rain every day between 4pm and 7pm." The lady said, "Ok, 7pm then. Thank you" and walked away. I was laughing at her all the way to my room.

That is so funny! People are really weird, aren't they??

I know we've talked about this before, but does anyone know where they sell the mouse ear clippies? I know there are some on eBay, but someone mentioned a store where you can buy them, but I can't remember where it was. We fly to Orlando on Saturday, and I wanted to get some before we go on the cruise.

Thanks! They are under the vacation wear section for $14.99.
UM- Hannah was 40 inches at three also. She wears a 5-6. Now she is 3 1/2 and 42 inches. Since labor day last year she has grown 8 inches!!!

My oh my.... my dd will be four in mid-Oct. She is just now 37" and weighs abt. 28lbs.... :cutie:

Sorry you did not like it.

I tried to make in generic so anyone could use it. At the end of the day at the park we took out any autographs we got. It made the book smaller each day. Also, we put the book back together I had enough room to add photos.

A really great place to buy ink is at Costcos or Sams. You can save a lot that way.

Didn't see yours, but I made one, too..... I added several characters you might/might not see on one page... some of the villains and such..... I am sure yours was lovely.......

My wife has hers laminated. Let me rephrase that. My wife sent me to the Officemax to laminate them.

Ok, you sound like a lot of fun... :lmao: my dh talks like that.... laminating is a GREAT idea!

I know we've talked about this before, but does anyone know where they sell the mouse ear clippies? I know there are some on eBay, but someone mentioned a store where you can buy them, but I can't remember where it was. We fly to Orlando on Saturday, and I wanted to get some before we go on the cruise.


What is a clippie?:confused:

disneylovinfamily - My heart and prayers go out to your family..... :hug:
I finally got it finished! It is 4 x 6. I made it for uor upcoming cruise, so I know pretty much what characters we will see. Thankfully it is a lot less than Disney! Those books can get pretty big! The last picture is a metal lunchbox I plan on carrying it in. Since we will be on the ship, I don't have to worry about rain!
I covered 4 x 6 chipboard and punched 2 holes in every piece. The book rings are 2 1/2 inches, they are hard to see because I covered them with ribbons.


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