Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes

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For those of you looking, K Mart also carries the princess pillowcases. For various reasons, I prefer not to shop at Wally World so I was thrilled to see the pillowcases at K Mart as well.

DD has been showing a preference for Tinkerbell lately, she has the princess dress-up trunk and she likes to wear the Tink skirt and wings all the time. Here is what I made with the Tink Pillowcase.



I can't tell you how much the appliqué presser foot helped with the letters and Tink's face. I did not outline her eyes but I did do her nose, lips and hair. I am proud of how well it came out. I love the bright colors in it. I forgot to take a picture but I added an iron-on sequin star to the back of the bodice.


I LOVE it!!! I also love the fancy top-stitch you used! What a great idea. It's a completely cute outfit. Great job!

I bought the Ariel pillowcase yesterday at WalMart. But, I'm dissapointed by the incredibly poor quality of the fabric. I think it'll look okay if I attach it to another fabric, though.
I have been absent on the thread lately, so today I decided to read back some and I saw this:


WHOAH!! How weird is that?!
Can I just say, you two are dorks! And you cracky me up! :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl:

Does it have Aurora on it? I can't tell. It's GORGEOUS!
I love all the fabric hunts for Giselle's dress & can't wait to see all the creations! When I saw it in the movie, I thought that'd be a pretty nightgown (Yep, like if I was a size 2, not a 10!!! That actress is so beautifully thin!)
She may be thin, but she has WRINKLES! I couldn't believe they showed her wrinkles in the movie.
Susan, I'm so sorry about what you're going through. Your family will be in my thoughts. :hug:

Heather/Teresa (I forget who first posted it, and my computer ate my multi-quote): she said she STUDIED design....not that they let her out with a degree. :lmao: Obviously, she had no taste. Lydia looks lovely.

Steph - I love the dress. Megan looks so cute.

Snubie - great Tink dress! Again, must keep DD away from the computer!

Dh accidentally took the camera batteries to work. I will post pics of the tink fabric when he gets home.

I had something to ask, and I forgot. I'll robably remember while waiting for the kids' bus. Oh well. :confused3
I LOVE it!!! I also love the fancy top-stitch you used! What a great idea. It's a completely cute outfit. Great job!

I bought the Ariel pillowcase yesterday at WalMart. But, I'm dissapointed by the incredibly poor quality of the fabric. I think it'll look okay if I attach it to another fabric, though.

I agree the fabric quality is not great. I fused the pillowcase to a piece of white fabric then fused that to the purple. I was worried the purple would show through and Tink would look diseased.
DH and I decided to go out to lunch today.

On the way there a tractor Trailer decided to pull out in front of me. He told the police officer he didn't see me. The officer gave him a ticket. I wasn't going very fast but.. .

Now my van is a mess. . .


Thankfully we are all okay.

Drive carefully girls there are some crazy people out there.

I am so glad everybody was alright. Car accidents are such a fear of mine.

I included this shot so u can see the amazing back that Princessswsf Amy made, her work is gorgeous! I was so happy with my customs!
(and thanks for all the nice comments about our daughter) xoxoxo Happy 2008 all !!
Karen, aka Mousekamaddi
I love this pic.
For those of you looking, K Mart also carries the princess pillowcases. For various reasons, I prefer not to shop at Wally World so I was thrilled to see the pillowcases at K Mart as well.

DD has been showing a preference for Tinkerbell lately, she has the princess dress-up trunk and she likes to wear the Tink skirt and wings all the time. Here is what I made with the Tink Pillowcase.

You beat me to the punch!! I am finishing an outfit using this same pillowcase!! Definately line the pillowcase before you applique it. The polka dots show through on my Cinderella set. I'll post the Tink set on Thursday night.
For those of you looking, K Mart also carries the princess pillowcases. For various reasons, I prefer not to shop at Wally World so I was thrilled to see the pillowcases at K Mart as well.

DD has been showing a preference for Tinkerbell lately, she has the princess dress-up trunk and she likes to wear the Tink skirt and wings all the time. Here is what I made with the Tink Pillowcase.



I can't tell you how much the appliqué presser foot helped with the letters and Tink's face. I did not outline her eyes but I did do her nose, lips and hair. I am proud of how well it came out. I love the bright colors in it. I forgot to take a picture but I added an iron-on sequin star to the back of the bodice.


This is super cute!!! I love all the bright colors!!! Great job!
For those of you looking, K Mart also carries the princess pillowcases. For various reasons, I prefer not to shop at Wally World so I was thrilled to see the pillowcases at K Mart as well.

DD has been showing a preference for Tinkerbell lately, she has the princess dress-up trunk and she likes to wear the Tink skirt and wings all the time. Here is what I made with the Tink Pillowcase.



I can't tell you how much the appliqué presser foot helped with the letters and Tink's face. I did not outline her eyes but I did do her nose, lips and hair. I am proud of how well it came out. I love the bright colors in it. I forgot to take a picture but I added an iron-on sequin star to the back of the bodice.

This looks GREAT!

I'll just add it to the inspiration file that I have going!

Another pillow CASE to add the pile! :laughing:
We took a little trip to Mishawaka yesterday, and went to the Disney Store :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: They were having 40% off their clearance prices, so I picked up a few things.

Waaaaaaaaaay too many pictures coming your way......

I fell in love with this Aurora dress when I saw it a few months ago. At that time, the saleslady (or do they still call them CMs?) told me she thought it was ugly! Funny, I didn't see her there yesterday! I loved it, and was very excited to see it on clearance! I also picked up the tights, and the crown and wand. I origianlly wanted that crown for myself, because Heather is getting one, I thought it would be cute if we both had crowns at Disney World! Lydia said I could borrow it though. ;)

She was about to do a curtsie and she wanted everyone to see that "There's a PETTISKIRT underneath!!!!" (She was very excited about that!)



And, just because I think she is so cute!

Lydia looks so cute! Love the dress, what was that CM talking about? Obvious why she DIDN'T graduate!

Pretty dreadful....this is way off 9 month old grandson is having what appears to be petit mal seizures (my oldest daughter used to have hundreds a day and eventually she outgrew them...or whatever), the right side of his mouth pulls and twitches and so does his chin. My daughter and son in law are finally out of the ghetto of North Phila and temporarily staying in my is trying to get a job, goes to unemployment office daily, 6 hours a day, applying for jobs, and they have an application for housing assistance...anyhow, they are receiving cash assistance (welfare) and medical assistance (medicaid) for now...No doctor, no pediatrician, no family doctor anywhere near us or far from us will give us an appointment because the child is on MA...."we take it, but we have our quota" "we aren't taking any new patients" "only if the child was born here" "only if the parents are patients here" and on and on....the only suggestion anyone can make is to take him to the an RN, I always wondered why poor people used the ER as their family I know why...we give billions of dollars away, yet we can't serve our poor, and those who are trying to get out of the ghettos....what is wrong with our country? We spend billions to put a space launch up and then scrap it...oh, well, see where I am going?
Just pray for us...

How frustrating for your family Susan. I agree with others, take him to the ER and see what they can do. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Good luck with the medical system, it is a monster to navigate but most doctors would love to do more to help but their hands are tied too. Thank God we live here though, I remember babysitting for a husband and wife who were both doctors from Canada and how frustrated they were while living there due to the restrictions that their medical system put on them. The government limited the amount of surgeries each month, the age of people getting the surgeries (if you were too old, too bad!), the patients that could be seen, drug prescriptions given, etc. They both felt that even though our medical system has many major flaws, it was the best system in the world. Hopefully that cute little boy will be all right and find good healthcare.

For those of you looking, K Mart also carries the princess pillowcases. For various reasons, I prefer not to shop at Wally World so I was thrilled to see the pillowcases at K Mart as well.

DD has been showing a preference for Tinkerbell lately, she has the princess dress-up trunk and she likes to wear the Tink skirt and wings all the time. Here is what I made with the Tink Pillowcase.



I can't tell you how much the appliqué presser foot helped with the letters and Tink's face. I did not outline her eyes but I did do her nose, lips and hair. I am proud of how well it came out. I love the bright colors in it. I forgot to take a picture but I added an iron-on sequin star to the back of the bodice.


The dress is beautiful! Love it! I have got to get to Wal-Mart to get some of those pillowcases!

The applique presser foot is so much easier isn't it! For only $10 it is worth 10 times that if you are going to do any appliqueing. Now if I could just work on my skills!:laughing:
We took a little trip to Mishawaka yesterday, and went to the Disney Store :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: They were having 40% off their clearance prices, so I picked up a few things.

Waaaaaaaaaay too many pictures coming your way......

I fell in love with this Aurora dress when I saw it a few months ago. At that time, the saleslady (or do they still call them CMs?) told me she thought it was ugly! Funny, I didn't see her there yesterday! I loved it, and was very excited to see it on clearance! I also picked up the tights, and the crown and wand. I origianlly wanted that crown for myself, because Heather is getting one, I thought it would be cute if we both had crowns at Disney World! Lydia said I could borrow it though. ;)

She was about to do a curtsie and she wanted everyone to see that "There's a PETTISKIRT underneath!!!!" (She was very excited about that!)



And, just because I think she is so cute!

Lydia looks so cute! Love the dress, what was that CM talking about? Obvious why she DIDN'T graduate!

Pretty dreadful....this is way off 9 month old grandson is having what appears to be petit mal seizures (my oldest daughter used to have hundreds a day and eventually she outgrew them...or whatever), the right side of his mouth pulls and twitches and so does his chin. My daughter and son in law are finally out of the ghetto of North Phila and temporarily staying in my is trying to get a job, goes to unemployment office daily, 6 hours a day, applying for jobs, and they have an application for housing assistance...anyhow, they are receiving cash assistance (welfare) and medical assistance (medicaid) for now...No doctor, no pediatrician, no family doctor anywhere near us or far from us will give us an appointment because the child is on MA...."we take it, but we have our quota" "we aren't taking any new patients" "only if the child was born here" "only if the parents are patients here" and on and on....the only suggestion anyone can make is to take him to the an RN, I always wondered why poor people used the ER as their family I know why...we give billions of dollars away, yet we can't serve our poor, and those who are trying to get out of the ghettos....what is wrong with our country? We spend billions to put a space launch up and then scrap it...oh, well, see where I am going?
Just pray for us...

How frustrating for your family Susan. I agree with others, take him to the ER and see what they can do. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Good luck with the medical system, it is a monster to navigate but most doctors would love to do more to help but their hands are tied too. Thank God we live here though, I remember babysitting for a husband and wife who were both doctors from Canada and how frustrated they were while living there due to the restrictions that their medical system put on them. The government limited the amount of surgeries each month, the age of people getting the surgeries (if you were too old, too bad!), the patients that could be seen, drug prescriptions given, etc. They both felt that even though our medical system has many major flaws, it was the best system in the world. Hopefully that cute little boy will be all right and find good healthcare.

For those of you looking, K Mart also carries the princess pillowcases. For various reasons, I prefer not to shop at Wally World so I was thrilled to see the pillowcases at K Mart as well.

DD has been showing a preference for Tinkerbell lately, she has the princess dress-up trunk and she likes to wear the Tink skirt and wings all the time. Here is what I made with the Tink Pillowcase.



I can't tell you how much the appliqué presser foot helped with the letters and Tink's face. I did not outline her eyes but I did do her nose, lips and hair. I am proud of how well it came out. I love the bright colors in it. I forgot to take a picture but I added an iron-on sequin star to the back of the bodice.


The dress is beautiful! Love it! I have got to get to Wal-Mart to get some of those pillowcases!

The applique presser foot is so much easier isn't it! For only $10 it is worth 10 times that if you are going to do any appliqueing. Now if I could just work on my skills!:laughing:
We took a little trip to Mishawaka yesterday, and went to the Disney Store :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: They were having 40% off their clearance prices, so I picked up a few things.

Waaaaaaaaaay too many pictures coming your way......

I fell in love with this Aurora dress when I saw it a few months ago. At that time, the saleslady (or do they still call them CMs?) told me she thought it was ugly! Funny, I didn't see her there yesterday! I loved it, and was very excited to see it on clearance! I also picked up the tights, and the crown and wand. I origianlly wanted that crown for myself, because Heather is getting one, I thought it would be cute if we both had crowns at Disney World! Lydia said I could borrow it though. ;)

And, just because I think she is so cute!

I don't know what was wrong with this cast member, I think the dress is very pretty!! I stopped shopping at the Disney Store after I had problems with them at Halloween. I understand the need in the no return policy prior to Halloween, but I made a purchase after they did the markdowns and just wanted to exchange for another size, on the same day and they refused. So I won't go back there unless I am desperate for something.
I am pleased to report that my baby is feeling better!:banana: :banana: :banana: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes! I'm so happy to see her up and playing and almost back to her normal self! Hopefully we will get back to some normalcy, well as much normalcy as can be had around here!:laughing: Thanks again for all of your support! You guys are the BEST!!!!:grouphug:
Pretty dreadful....this is way off 9 month old grandson is having what appears to be petit mal seizures (my oldest daughter used to have hundreds a day and eventually she outgrew them...or whatever), the right side of his mouth pulls and twitches and so does his chin. My daughter and son in law are finally out of the ghetto of North Phila and temporarily staying in my is trying to get a job, goes to unemployment office daily, 6 hours a day, applying for jobs, and they have an application for housing assistance...anyhow, they are receiving cash assistance (welfare) and medical assistance (medicaid) for now...No doctor, no pediatrician, no family doctor anywhere near us or far from us will give us an appointment because the child is on MA...."we take it, but we have our quota" "we aren't taking any new patients" "only if the child was born here" "only if the parents are patients here" and on and on....the only suggestion anyone can make is to take him to the an RN, I always wondered why poor people used the ER as their family I know why...we give billions of dollars away, yet we can't serve our poor, and those who are trying to get out of the ghettos....what is wrong with our country? We spend billions to put a space launch up and then scrap it...oh, well, see where I am going?
Just pray for us...
We will pray for you. I agree with those who said to take him to the ER. Hopefully someone will help him there.

For those of you looking, K Mart also carries the princess pillowcases. For various reasons, I prefer not to shop at Wally World so I was thrilled to see the pillowcases at K Mart as well.

DD has been showing a preference for Tinkerbell lately, she has the princess dress-up trunk and she likes to wear the Tink skirt and wings all the time. Here is what I made with the Tink Pillowcase.



I can't tell you how much the appliqué presser foot helped with the letters and Tink's face. I did not outline her eyes but I did do her nose, lips and hair. I am proud of how well it came out. I love the bright colors in it. I forgot to take a picture but I added an iron-on sequin star to the back of the bodice.

This is so colorful! Great job on the applique.
I am so glad everybody was alright. Car accidents are such a fear of mine.
We are all right. But, on Sunday I started having back pain. On Monday the pain was unbearable so I went in to the Doctor. The accident strained the muscles in my back. Hopefully it will be better in 7 to 14 Days. Folding Laundry is almost unbearably painful and I am not supposed to lift anything heavy. My SIL had us over for DInner last night, so I got to take it easy. She is so sweet.

Stephres, What is the name of the Hannah Montana Font?
I am pleased to report that my baby is feeling better!:banana: :banana: :banana: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes! I'm so happy to see her up and playing and almost back to her normal self! Hopefully we will get back to some normalcy, well as much normalcy as can be had around here!:laughing: Thanks again for all of your support! You guys are the BEST!!!!:grouphug:

I'm so glad she is feeling better! :lovestruc princess: :cheer2:
Okay, here is my Cinderella zuma outfit I sorta CASEd from ebay (I actually like mine better, that's rare! :rotfl: )

The top is from my fav YCMT portrait peasant dress pattern.



Side view of the leg:


A closeup of the applique. I was a little disappointed that you could see the outline of the "pillow" through the back of the shoe, then I realized, "glass slipper! duh!":lmao: I also was too lazy to hand-stitch the silver trim on the pillow so it didn't line up exactly like I wanted it to. And it was my first applique with my new machine, so not the best.

For those of you looking, K Mart also carries the princess pillowcases. For various reasons, I prefer not to shop at Wally World so I was thrilled to see the pillowcases at K Mart as well.

DD has been showing a preference for Tinkerbell lately, she has the princess dress-up trunk and she likes to wear the Tink skirt and wings all the time. Here is what I made with the Tink Pillowcase.



I can't tell you how much the appliqué presser foot helped with the letters and Tink's face. I did not outline her eyes but I did do her nose, lips and hair. I am proud of how well it came out. I love the bright colors in it. I forgot to take a picture but I added an iron-on sequin star to the back of the bodice.


I love it! I was considering getting Tinkerbell too & now I have to. DD would love this!

I am pleased to report that my baby is feeling better!:banana: :banana: :banana: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes! I'm so happy to see her up and playing and almost back to her normal self! Hopefully we will get back to some normalcy, well as much normalcy as can be had around here!:laughing: Thanks again for all of your support! You guys are the BEST!!!!:grouphug:

I'm so glad she's feeling better.

Susan, I hate that you've been having so many family members with health problems lately. I hope everyone gets better soon. :hug:
Okay, here is my Cinderella zuma outfit I sorta CASEd from ebay (I actually like mine better, that's rare! :rotfl: )

The top is from my fav YCMT portrait peasant dress pattern.



Side view of the leg:


A closeup of the applique. I was a little disappointed that you could see the outline of the "pillow" through the back of the shoe, then I realized, "glass slipper! duh!":lmao: I also was too lazy to hand-stitch the silver trim on the pillow so it didn't line up exactly like I wanted it to. And it was my first applique with my new machine, so not the best.


This is sooo cute and different! Love the glass slipper applique!
Okay, here is my Cinderella zuma outfit I sorta CASEd from ebay (I actually like mine better, that's rare! :rotfl: )

The top is from my fav YCMT portrait peasant dress pattern.



Side view of the leg:


A closeup of the applique. I was a little disappointed that you could see the outline of the "pillow" through the back of the shoe, then I realized, "glass slipper! duh!":lmao: I also was too lazy to hand-stitch the silver trim on the pillow so it didn't line up exactly like I wanted it to. And it was my first applique with my new machine, so not the best.


WOW!!!! This is awesome! You did a FANTASTIC job! LOVE this!:love: Where did you find the pants pattern? I looked everywhere for this pattern and had to finally just do wide leg pants! I really want to make a pair of these!
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