Kids gift baskets from Shirley


DIS Veteran
Jan 19, 2002
What did you have put in the gift baskets for your kids? My thoughts-

1 time use camera
beach towels
Sand toys
Autograph Books

What else?
coloring books
snacks (came in handy)
juice boxes (came in very handy)
sparkling cider

Just a few that worked for us!
Mickey/Minnie beanies or plush toys
Diet Coke (this is dad being sneaky, you can never have too much and we all share it!)
Autograph book is a great idea if you intend to chase 'em.
Hi Samsma. Shirley could change the disposable camera for an UNDERWATER disposable camera. It allows the kids to get quite creative with their photography!

Other options would be a map of the cruising area (always a good idea to promote the educational aspects of their vacation), goggles for the pools and Castaway Cay, a set of children's boinoculars, a Disney storybook, sunglasses and sun block. On the very top of the basket, a lot of chocolate (followed by real) kisses from Mom and Dad...
More, More, More!!! Does Shirley have easy access to DCL merchandise? I don't want to ask for too much.
Bumping - just ordered from Shirley, but want to add a few more things - keep the ideas coming!
Inflatable beach ball, sand toys and pail/shovel, "Nerf" style balls or paddle ball.

My DS was 16 when we cruised, and I had her include that stuff in the basket--HUGE HIT on the teen beach :)

There's pics of the basket and the sand toys on my web site--link below.

i ordered one this past January for my son, and when i talked to Joanne, Shirley's helper, i told her what to put in it, and when we got it, i actually thought there was more than what i thought there would be. I had things like sunscreen and sunglasses, and snacks and things like that. Then of course, Shirley put in a bunch of info on Key West, because she knew that was one of the stops that we were making on our cruise.

Very pleased and a good value for the money!
That's okay BD. Nobody is asking you to understand female logic. You can only expect so much from a man. Just never make the mistake of thinking no means yes. That's the one that can get you in some deep ****!
just wanted to add how great the baskets turn out! :Pinkbounc

We had one made for DS in April. Joanne was more than helpful. She asked what his interests were and came up some surprises. She threw in some small Lego sets, they were great during the "down" times of the day(bedtime, while getting ready for dinner). Of course, we made sure to send ourselves one too! :p
Again, they were worth every penny!
We've ordered gift baskets from Shirley and want to say that the Carnations were exceptional and stayed Fresh even after our trip, the child's basket was filled with goodies and toys and Mom's Key Lime Basket was absolutely huge and just wonderful!

Shirley does a great job and we definitely appreciate her efforts to make our cruise special!



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