Kids missing school for WDW trip...


Loving me some Disney World!!
Apr 29, 2002
Do you think it is bad for me to take my 5 and 7 year old out of school the second week of December for a trip to WDW? They will miss 5 days of school, but I was hoping to miss the crowds and go before Christmas break.
Absolutely not! Do it now while they are young. The older they get the more involved in school & extra curricular activities. We took my son out to go early Dec. one year too. Go...have a great time...enjoy the decorations & the "lack" of a crowd. And...above all else, don't let anyone talk you out of it ;)
I agree. Take them and don't worry a bit. If you'd feel better about it by making it a "learning" vacation,use a bit of time to plan some activities that will "teach" them something: geography (route from home to WDW and states you'll fly over or pass through perhaps) or some math ("that Mickey ice cream cost $2.50, can you show me how much money that is?") But most of all enjoy time with them without work, school, and other activities. You'll all have such fun! The parks will be decorated for the holiday, the crowds should be low and the weather will probably be great. Enjoy!
I don't think it is bad at all! The family time is worth it! And in my opinion, early Dec. is the very best time to visit the parks - low crowds, the decorations... WDW is even more magical at Christmastime!!! We went the first week of Dec. the last 2 years and took our 6 year old out of school for it. Haven't regretted it for even a second!!!
OUr children miss 2 weeks of school every school year. One is the second week in december for Disney and the other varies.
Many children have more sick days then our children miss, so I don't sweat it.

Do it nad have fun!
Do it, they are so young now and would have such a wonderful time at disney I wouldn't think twice about taking them out. Even now that my older kids are going to be seniors in sept. I wouldn't hesitate about taking them out of school for a vacation. I think if they keep up all year in school and are decent students, there's no problem. If they were sick for a week or so I would keep them home, so whats the diff. They'll make up the school work when they get back from vacation. Have a ton of fun.
Do it NOW....let the teacher know.....have them keep a scrapbook or a letter journal and talk to the teacher about having them share some cool things from their trip. As a previous teacher and a WDW freak..I encourage families to take trips. It teaches them more about being an accountable family member than I ever could!

Have Fun!
My kids will be out the two weeks before winter break (chirstmas vacation). I plan to try to get their work before we leave. If the teacher is cooperative in that then I will have my kids do what they "think" they would have done and make up what they missed. I also plan on them doing some "extra" special projects related to our trip. has some good ideas on that.
We took our son out of school when he was in Kindergarten. We discussed doing this again with his teachers. They advised against it unless it was only for a day or two. At our school they cover so much new material all the time that if a child misses a week at a time, they can miss out on a lot of learning. We spend a lot of time with our son each day doing homework and reviewing what he did each day and it has paid off for him.

Now we only go during school breaks and maybe a day or two before the break begins or ends. We go twice a year, so we don't need to do everything on each visit.

I'd say discuss it with your children's teachers to see what they recommend.
We took our son out in Jan. He missed a week of kindergarten. His teacher was thrilled that he was going on a family trip. (very nice lady). We practiced spelling words and reading every day for a few minutes (plane ride was a good time to do this, too).

The bad part--I'm a teacher and missed a week, too! I timed the visit so that we really only missed 3 school days (used the MLK holiday and a teacher in-service day).

Do I feel guilty-yes!!! Would I do it again-yes!!!
Because of DH's job, it is hard to get away in the summer.

I believe children will learn just as much traveling as they do in a class room for a week. If your child is an above average student and doesn't have any trouble keeping up, I say go for it!

My other rationalization this year--he had the chicken pox vaccination, so I knew he wasn't going to miss because of that. Actually, the trip was the only time he missed except for a day because of pink eye:rolleyes: yuck!
We do this too but so far it's been pre-school and Kindergarten. This year she'll be in 1st grade and our little one will be in pre-school. So far the teacher's been great about it. Who knows how 1st grade will be.

I feel a bit guilty but I just can't go during school breaks and in the summer. We couldn't handle the heat and the crowds.

I've been debating what to do as they get older. I even asked here once what's the next best time to go if you can't take your kids out of school and was think the end of August??

Anyway, I'm going to continue to do this until it's impossible because they're older and have lots of work and the teacher doesn't cooperate or something like that.
Family, Family, Family!
Life is too short, they are your
kids. YOU make the decisions for
My son will be going into 1st
grade next month. I will keep him
out of school when I see fit. These
are just my opinions! This subject
has always driven me nuts. I just
don't understand why anyone
would want to ask the school for
My son's kindergarten teacher
missed way more days than he
did last year. Do the teachers
ask us if it's o.k. for them to take
school days off for weddings,
honeymoons, vacations or whatever?
I will say though, that if he was
not doing well in school, I would
have to reconsider.
Go and have a great time!
Please note that I didn't mean
to sound so gruff!:(
Originally posted by PattyH804
Do the teachers
ask us if it's o.k. for them to take
school days off for weddings,
honeymoons, vacations or whatever?

Interesting!!!! I have never looked at this perspective.

My daughter's teacher missed a TON of days this year because her own daughter was continually sick. Not that illness is the same, but I was particularly close to this teacher and all the time came out of personal days and vacations days.

Of course, teachers have to get subs.... maybe we could send in student subs for our kids :smooth:

Seriously, I chime in on this subject on the "take your kids on vacation" side. Learning does not always have to happen in a 800 sqft room! I spent a lot of time in DD class room and I assure you, there is so much down time (changing classes, individuals needing attention, lunch, recess, collecting assignments...) that you would be able to impart more knowledge to your child (if you wanted) in a day at EPCOT than they would get in a few days at school.
If this helps, I'm taking my kids out of school in September, talk about a tough time for them with class work. They are going into 7th and 9th grade and they know the demand on them. We are going to get all that is required before hand from their teachers, hoping that some will "let them slide" a bit since it's the beginning of the year. But we're also prepared on them having to bring some books with them and take time out to do some of their homework. The good thing is I've cushioned a day into our trip when we get back, so they can get things done on that day too. Have a great time, don't think at a real young age the children will miss a great deal. Have a great time......

P.S. I've read pro's and con's in the unofficial book to WDW about taking kids out of school. It seems you have your die hards that say don't do it, but most seem to say go ahead.
Originally posted by jldriscoll

Of course, teachers have to get subs.... maybe we could send in student subs for our kids :smooth:

LOL!!! I'm sure my kids would LOVE the idea of being able to send a sub to school for them!

We too have taken our kids out of school, 3 years in a row now. We let the teachers know WAY in advance of our vacation so they can send whatever work they feel appropriate. I am fortunate that my children are good students (thus far anyway....;) ) The memories we've created will be with them much longer than any weeks worth of classroom work that they might miss!
Hey dis fans,
This is our first trip to DWD and you can bet we are taking our kids out of school. DD(9) is good in school. DS (12) on the other hand isn't. I have already talked to DD teacher because I also work at her school and she said there usually is no problem. Since we will be driving over a two day period down and back it will give them plenty of time to complete their school work. I am so excited about it and I can't wait to see their faces when we tell them on the second day of traveling where we are going.

Can't wait!
We have made arrangements for the 3-night cruise and then some nights at BWV in May and we are going to take dd out of 1st grade. We have done our best in planning. If the upcoming school year is similiar to this past yr, she will have off for Memorial Day (obviously) and then asension (sp?) Thursday will be the Thursday after Memorial Day and then this past yr she had off on the Friday too. We as parents decided not to wait for the new school yr calendar to come out and just booked it and are hoping for the best. I am a little afraid because there were some kids in her kindergarten class who went on vacation during the school yr and the teacher sent home about 45 worksheet pages for the kids to do. I thought that that was a little overkill. I am praying that she doesn't have to get that much, but we will just wait and see, either way she is still going.
We have always taken our kids (6th, 5th and K this year) out for a winter vacation. I made this conditional with my DH upon our move to Minnesota!!

I agree with the posters who have recommended telling (not asking) the teachers well in advance. I have never had anyone try to tell me I couldn't, and have found a wide variation in how teachers handle the makeup work. We are usually able to keep up with the work load by doing a little advance work the week before, and we try to maximize our time on the airplane so we don't worry about it while we're there.

The most we do in a hotel room is 15-20 minutes (usually a trip journal) first thing in the morning while they're alert and highly motivated to get it done. Only once did I think a teacher assigned an excessive amount of work and upon our return I (Politely) told her that some work seemed not as productive and so this is what we were and were not going to be able to complete. She was very accepting of my decision.
We too always take DS (10) out for vacations.We have never had a problem and this year all his teachers begged to go too. I would stress asking the teacher if she could get you the make up work a week or so ahead of your trip and do a few pages extra each night. We also try to be sure we are back at least one day before he goes back to school so he has an extra day to get the work done. This year(3rd grade) was the first time he had any amount of work at all and it was a reasonable amount.We find it very hard to do the work at WDW. Some ,however, we get done on the trip down and back. I also stress the point of telling not asking the teacher about the trip. Be polite and willing to work with her or him but remember that they are your kids.Have a blast!!

Jordan's mom


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