Land Border Opening?

I wonder how they will deal with AZ, mixed AZ/mRNA, or mixed mRNA (Moderna, Pfizer) vaccines. Especially now that they plan on opening up International travel When they start requiring proof of vaccine. I’m kind of concerned having a mix of mRNA I won’t be considered fully vaccinated by their standards.
The article @pigletto posted says fully vaccinated but US idea of fully vaccinated differs from ours.

The CDC considers a mixed dose of two mRNA vaccines to be fully vaccinated. See :

QUOTE [ bold added ]

Using the above strategies, every effort should be made to determine which vaccine product was received as the first dose to ensure completion of the vaccine series with the same product. In exceptional situations in which the mRNA vaccine product given for the first dose cannot be determined or is no longer available, any available mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may be administered at a minimum interval of 28 days between doses to complete the mRNA COVID-19 vaccination series. In situations where the same mRNA vaccine product is temporarily unavailable, it is preferable to delay the second dose to receive the same product than to receive a mixed series using a different product. If two doses of different mRNA COVID-19 vaccine products are administered in these situations (or inadvertently), no additional doses of either product are recommended at this time. Such persons are considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19 ≥2 weeks after receipt of the second dose of an mRNA vaccine.


From one of the later footnotes, this how the CDC sees mixed mRNA doses administered in the US: "Although CDC provides considerations for a mixed series in exceptional circumstances, this is still considered an administration error that requires VAERS reporting as a mixed series is not authorized under the vaccine Emergency Use Authorizations".

Also, from further down on the page, in the section about people vaccinated outside the US, for those wondering about AZ-AZ [it is fine, since it is WHO-listed and AZ-AZ is the complete dual dose series]:

Only people who have received all recommended doses of an FDA-approved, FDA-authorized, or WHO-listed COVID-19 vaccine are considered fully vaccinated for the purpose of public health guidance.
I wonder if this will quietly slip by as a non issue. ie I had AZ and Pfizer mix in Ontario and know that on my 2nd vax certificate (Pfizer) it just lists 'Pfizer-Biontech mnRNA' and then below 'You Have Received Two Valid Doses'. No mention of the earlier AZ shot. The airline may not care or take the time to ask beyond the face of that vax certificate when clearing me for boarding. Perhaps certificates of UK and German citizens are similar and don't mention the name of the other shot. :confused3

Will the US really want to delve into each tourist's vax history when the issuing home country doesn't draw attention to it? I guess US immigration in Pearson would have to ask that very pointed question. With everything else going on, will they bother? Guess we'll find out how it unfolds.

In many travel-related circumstances where proof of vaccination is required, proof of both doses is needed because the proper time interval between doses is also important to be considered fully vaccinated. It is a combo of:

- proper vaccine
- proper time interval between doses [minimum amount of time, and for some cruises lines a maximum too]
- minimum amount of time since second dose

For entering Canada for example, you need to provide proof of both doses.

Sorry it’s late, and I’m on my iPad so having trouble embedding the link - but according to an article just posted minutes ago to the Buffalo News the land border will reopen to Canadians in early November. No testing required.

Just saw the same news on twitter!

@CityNews: #BREAKING The United States will reopen the land border to fully vaccinated Canadians next month, according to U.S. Congressman Brian Higgins

( Brian Higgins is the Congressman for the Buffalo Niagara area)
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Here is one of many articles regarding the land border opening next month but no date or if mixed vaccines will be acceptable (AZ/mRNA)
Yes it does.

It talks about how they are leaning towards considering it " fully vaccinated" as the WHO approved it for emergency use. Let's just hope that this positive trend continues and they will formally accept mixed vaccinations. I want to look at this through my rose colored glasses and see this as a positive step forward for those of us who have mixed doses, and are waiting holding out breath for them to make a formal statement.
"The sigh of relief coming from northern border communities following this announcement is so loud it can practically be heard on either end of the Peace Bridge," Higgins said in the statement, referring to the span that connects Buffalo, N.Y., to Fort Erie, Ont., and one of the busiest bridges between the two countries.

Looking forward to hearing the details . . . including whether or not a negative test will also be required.

The article states "If a traveller is fully vaccinated, there will be no requirement for them to show a negative COVID-19 test. "

Unless Canada changes the need for the PCR test to come back in, I don't think those border towns will see the amount of visitors they used to. We are 40 minutes away and would go often for day trips or overnight for shopping. We won't do that with an added cost of the PCR test for each of us each time.

Still this is exciting!
Hmmm I would be tempted to lose out on my west jet companion vouchers and just drive to the closest US city and fly to Florida from there so I don’t need the stress of testing on the way back.

But you will still need to test to come back into Canada, it is required. You won’t have to test going to the US.
That's good news!! I just wished they'd give a date!! My flights to Orlando are November 5th, so I need to decide if I keep the Air Canada (YYZ) or Delta (DTW) flights.
Woo hoo our Disney world Christmas trip may actually happen! Well we were thinking to go anyway but considered canceling as flying from Canada is expensive, add the testing etc. We just did it in August (to California) and it was totally worth it but was really hoping to drive in December. Great news!
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Waiting to see if kids can travel over without testing or at all as it says fully vaxxed .
This may have me flip travel plans back to flying out of Syracuse again ..
Official US DHS statement for lifting land border ban for Canadian non-essential travelers:

Secretary Mayorkas to Allow Fully Vaccinated Travelers from Canada and Mexico to Enter U.S. at Land Borders and Ferry Crossings


Release Date:
October 12, 2021

WASHINGTON – Today, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas announced that, following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other public health experts, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will amend Title 19 regulations to allow non-essential travelers who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and have appropriate documentation to enter the United States via land and ferry ports of entry (POEs) across the U.S. border.

“In alignment with the new international air travel system that will be implemented in November, we will begin allowing travelers from Mexico and Canada who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to enter the United States for non-essential purposes, including to visit friends and family or for tourism, via land and ferry border crossings,” said Secretary Mayorkas. “Cross-border travel creates significant economic activity in our border communities and benefits our broader economy. We are pleased to be taking steps to resume regular travel in a safe and sustainable manner.”

The modifications to the Title 19 regulations will occur in two phases over the next few months. First, in November, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will begin allowing fully vaccinated travelers from Mexico or Canada to enter the United States at land and ferry POEs for non-essential reasons. Travelers will be required to have appropriate paperwork that provides proof of vaccination. Individuals who have not been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 will not be allowed to travel for non-essential purposes from Canada and Mexico into the United States via land and ferry POEs.

Second, beginning in early January 2022, DHS will require that all inbound foreign national travelers crossing U.S. land or ferry POEs – whether for essential or non-essential reasons – be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and provide related proof of vaccination. This approach will provide ample time for essential travelers such as truckers, students, and healthcare workers to get vaccinated.

This new travel system will create consistent, stringent protocols for all foreign nationals traveling to the United States – whether by air, land, or ferry – and accounts for the wide availability of COVID-19 vaccinations.



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