Laptop for third world???

Besides that statement was only made to the poster that scoffed at providing goats and ducks, world vision has many opportuities to look out for anyone, be it schools, or school supplies for children, bikes for the safety of teen-age girls, opportunities for families.

First, my comment was for the individual to decide for themselves which makes more sense to them not to deride World Vision. I'm very supportive of their variety of "gifts" you can give through World Vision. However, my open-mindedness toward other charities seems to be something that you lack. For you it seems it's World Vision or nothing.

Second, for those who feel that charity should begin at home, why not purchase the two computers and give the one you are to receive to a local charity? There are many people in the U.S. that prefer Linux to MAC or Windows and this would give them the option.
First, my comment was for the individual to decide for themselves which makes more sense to them not to deride World Vision. I'm very supportive of their variety of "gifts" you can give through World Vision. However, my open-mindedness toward other charities seems to be something that you lack. For you it seems it's World Vision or nothing.

Second, for those who feel that charity should begin at home, why not purchase the two computers and give the one you are to receive to a local charity? There are many people in the U.S. that prefer Linux to MAC or Windows and this would give them the option.

I'm not sure where you got the idea it was World Vision or nothing :confused3It was a quick example nothing more. My quick link was not meant to be an exhaustive list of the charities of which I approve of.

Your post deriding "a goat and five ducks" made me think you just assumed world vision did nothing but provide farm supplies, and also that the farm supplies could not be very valueable. Which is simply not the case.
This is just MHO, but I think OLPC is a good idea and one that should be viewed with an open mind and I think a lot of the post on this thread are very negative toward it.

There are many charities that provide excellent opportunities for the individual to give beneficially to those in need in a way that fits their belief system. OLPC is a new opportunity for those that feel that in many of these locations around the world the agrarian economies don't work and just perpetuate subsistence living and don't give these people the tools necessary to move into the technologies that "makes the world go round" these days. Let's face it, the world of today and tomorrow runs on computers and that isn't going to change. OLPC is an attempt to give these children access to technology that they would otherwise not have. I, and I'm sure no one else that is supportive of OLPC, would not suggest that everyone drop their support of the wonderful work that other charities like World Vision is doing in favor of OLPC. But, I think we shouldn't proclaim OLPC a non-valid idea and concept because there are hurdles to over come. Some of those hurdles are expected to be met by the governments of these countries and other sponsors before computers are distributed to an area.

My understanding is that these computers would be distributed to communities that have schools with electricity to plug the computers into during class time. The government or some other sponsor would have already installed the wi-fi system in the school and community before that community is selected to receive the computers. My understanding is that OLPC isn't going to take a bunch of computers to the deepest, darkest depths of the Amazon rain forest and give them to a bunch of indigenous people and say, "here, we brought you computers now have at it." As I understand it, the infrastructure, including training for the teachers in the schools, will be part of the distribution process for these computers. Apparently, Intel and Microsoft see this as a good enough concept that they are now introducing competing products for third world governments to purchase on behalf of the children of their countries.
Ok, I have first hand experience with the project so I'll chime in. The project is AMAZING. It is a Non-profit organization that is changing the world. Seriously.

The "problem": Third world countries can not provide the technology to today's children to keep them in the competitive job market. They CAN and ARE spending money to educate their children (There are several countries who have already signed on and ordered laptops as well as other countries that are creating their own version including China).

The individuals at MIT (where OLPC originated) realized that if they started from scratch, they could SELL these computers at cost to 3rd world countries. Their original goal was to stay under $100 a piece. Unfortunately, the US dollar tanked and the price of nickel apparently increased dramatically. So staying under that original cost was not possible.

Developers were forced to think out of the box. These computers have internet access but it is based on a system where one computer accesses another computer which is able to be linked to the internet. So kids who are sitting under a tree can "google" information or send email.

Additionally, a colleague is very interested in using these laptops to provide a means of access to communication for children with disabilities. There is great potential that a touch screen with new communication software can provide "a voice" for individuals around the world. Right now, a communication device (high-tech) costs approximately $7.000. (my field of specialty and why OLPC means a lot to me)

I'm sorry that this got long... I have much information on the project (PM me if you would like more/ask questions). It is providing an opportunity to children that will enable them to go to universities in their respective countries, make contacts around the world, and make the universe a little smaller. A laptop IS providing the education they deserve. You can't have a country of all uneducated people (or significantly disadvantaged compared to other countries)


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