Laura and Adam's PJ:May 16th, 2009 UPDATE 3/23

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Baby, if only you were the understudy for Troy...
Aug 1, 2003
My fiancé and I have been engaged for about two and a half weeks. We have known each other since middle school (we started dating in 8th grade), but due to an unfortunate circumstance, we were separated midway through our junior year of High School. We are both Figure Skaters, and that is how we met when we were in 6th grade. Figure Skating has brought us together once again. We recently reconnected with each other on the day of lead role auditions for High School Musical: The Ice Tour after we were both offered a contract to join the cast. During the rehearsal process we started realizing that the love that we had for each other was still there, and we started dating again. We also requested to be on the same tour and, with our luck, we were allowed to do so.

ENGAGEMENT: We were just finishing up a show in Cleveland, OH. We had just finished up the last number of the show, “All For One”, and we were doing our bows. I skated backstage, and I had just put my skate guards on. One of the other skaters told me that Adam (my now fiancé) wanted to see me on the ice, and I thought “Ok. This is weird.” I took my guards off and skated back onto the ice and, to my surprise, he was out there with a red rose, and he handed it to me. While I was looking at the rose, without me realizing it, he pulled a ring box out of his pocket and got down on one knee and proposed to me in front of the entire audience that was still in the arena. It was the biggest shock of my life, and I could not be happier. After he proposed to me and after we were back at the hotel, I had to call everyone in my family and tell them the good news. I must have spent hours on my cell phone calling everyone.

Because we are both on tour, it is kind of difficult to plan the wedding. I am trying to get it done little by little as we are having down time or travel time from city to city. My mother is helping me, of course. I did buy this notebook to jot down all of what I am thinking that I want, and so far, it seems to be working pretty well for Adam and I.

The only thing we have decided on so far is our wedding date, and that will be on May 16th, 2009.

I’ll be sure to keep posting details or ideas for our wedding as they are being decided upon. We hope you enjoy reading about them, and I always welcome feedback!
Congrats! I hope you got a standing ovation for that perfomance! :)
Yes. After he proposed, we did indeed get a standing ovation. Not to mention a few camera flashes going off from all around the audience for some reason.
Bride: Laura. 21 year old Figure Skater from Denver, but I was raised in Knoxville .

Groom: Adam. 21 year old Figure Skater from Knoxville.

Wedding Date: May 16th, 2009

Theme: High School Musical 1& 2 (and you might say High School Musical: The Ice Tour)

Wedding Colors: Red, White, and Gold (Wildcat colors)

I haven’t decided on a gown yet, but I have definitely been looking at them online whenever I can. I’m starting to get an idea of what style of dress I might like, and I think that this is a great place to start.
Sometimes I kind of get the feeling from other people that we’re too young to get married, but when you know that you’ve found that special person that you want to spend the rest of your life with, you just know and don’t really feel like waiting because you’re just too excited. By the time our wedding date rolls around. We will both be 23 years old.

I know my wedding thoughts are kind of random, but I just thought of an idea that seems pretty cool to me. I think that, in addition to the guestbook, that maybe it would be a cool idea to have a thick poster board with a picture of Adam and I in one of our costumes from High School Musical: The Ice Tour matted to it and have our guests sign it. I think that’d just be another fun way to tie in the theme.

As far as the show goes… I’m glad we’re not doing a show tonight. We just arrived in Chicago this morning after leaving Rockford, and the whole cast has just spent the whole day relaxing and doing basically nothing after we got off the bus. Adam and I talked a lot today about what we liked and didn’t like and just threw some ideas around. Some of them were good, and some of them were just downright awful (although I think he suggested those as a joke). You’ve got to love a guy who has a great sense of humor, right?
Congratulations! I can't wait to hear more about your unique theme!

I'm 21 too and I constantly get the "you're too young" stuff. I always say if I'm old enough to make my own decisions regarding everything else in my life that I can make the decision to marry the love of my life. They usually shut up then... :rotfl:
Yay!! Another PJ to get hooked on!

Your story (sans figure skating) is kinda similar to ours! We were high school sweethearts who reconnected after a long hiatus. Silly teenagers make silly mistakes sometimes! ;) But we finally got it right after 10 years...:)

Can't wait to read the details on coordinating your very creative theme! :)
Well, last night was the night that the cast threw us an engagement party. I guess that they wanted to wait until at least one of our parents could come because it is such a special time for us. Everyone did go out to dinner the night we got engaged after the show, but last night, Adam’s parents flew into Chicago from TN, so that’s when they had it. The party was at a really nice restaurant. It was a surprise engagement party for the both of us. Neither Adam or I knew that this party was for us. We didn’t even know that his parents were going to be there either.

We showed up to the place and walked into the room, and Adam’s parents were there. We were both surprised, but really happy that his mother and father had come. It was a really nice dinner, and they also had a karaoke machine, but there was one catch about the karaoke. The only songs that the machine had were High School Musical related songs (songs from the movies, and songs sung by the High School Musical stars). I think everyone was having fun with it. There was probably about 60 people at the party (cast, crew, and Adam’s parents).

Adam and I sang “Everyday” from High School Musical 2 because we thought it’d be appropriate. And plus, one of my guilty pleasures is singing (even if I’m not that good at it). I actually don’t think that we were really that bad. But then again, everyone always tends to think they’re good (on occasion) when they’re really not. Take William Hung for example… Oh my gosh. I hope I wasn’t bad. Adam’s actually kind of a good singer. Anyway. We had to convince them to do a song, but Adam’s parents actually got up there to sing. I told Adam that I thought it’d be funny if we picked a song for them and then they had to sing it. He thought that’d be hilarious, and everyone else seemed to think so too, so we ended up picking out “Bop to the Top” for them to sing. I didn’t want to be disrespectful to my future in-laws, but I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. Is that wrong? Anyway.

When it was time for desert, they brought out a cake, which they wanted Adam and I to cut. When we got up there, Adam whispered to me “Laura, baby, let’s do it like we’ll do it at the wedding. You know, give them a show.” It took me a second to realize what he meant by this, but when I did, I smiled. So Adam, being the gentleman that he is, gently put the cake in my mouth. Now me, sometimes I can be a bit more daring and funny, so I smashed the cake in his face. I think he ate some of it. All in all, I think that the party was pretty fun. I enjoyed it a lot.

Adam’s parents are going to be here with us until Saturday afternoon. Their flight is late Saturday night. That’s good for his father because he’ll get to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday night, which I know he loves. I’m glad that they’re staying here and coming to see the show a couple of times because they’ll get to see their son skate as Ryan. The last time they saw the show (when we were in Knoxville), he wasn’t an understudy for Ryan. There are actually several families visiting the show. We open in Chicago tonight, and our Taylor and one of our ensemble skaters are both from Chicago, so their families and friends are coming.

I can only hope that our wedding and reception will be as fun planning as the party last night for us was. It probably won’t be though, and I know I’ve got a long (but hopefully exciting) road ahead of me.

I'm already enjoying journaling about my wedding and our wedding activities. Hope you enjoy reading about them.
I saw your inquiry on the invitations thread... here's a site where you can sorta design your invite online:

I did mine there and then I ended up making them myself because I need to save money for my open bar. :rotfl:
I was reading your other thread and have switched over to your PJ...loving all the planning ideas. You two look so cute together!

what a great story...its SO neat you two perform for DOI & do HSM(a love story)its perfect!!!!
& your engagement story is SO cool!!!! how neat is that to have a HUGE audience,,,,imagine all those little girls seeing that!!!!!!awe!!!!!

I live in chicago....glad you had a memorable engagement party here!!!lol...when your in town again..let me know!!!:goodvibes

cant wait to hear more:goodvibes

I live in chicago....glad you had a memorable engagement party here!!!lol...when your in town again..let me know!!!:goodvibes

cant wait to hear more:goodvibes

Our last show in Chicago is on the 10th, so there is still time to see it if you want to.
Darn, now I am wishing I would've seen HSM: The Ice Tour when you guys were here!! My DBF's mom was going to take me but other events got in the way. I might've seen your engagement! Congrats anyway!

You could always incorporate the whole Lava Springs idea into your reception. I know there are HSM fans on the internet who have replicated the Lava Springs logo if you wanted to take that route. And then randomly in the middle of dinner you need to grab your DH's tie and say "This shirt just screams for a windsor knot". :rotfl:

If you manage to incorporate the Humahuma dance routine into your wedding you will be my personal hero. :rotfl: :rotfl:
Darn, now I am wishing I would've seen HSM: The Ice Tour when you guys were here!! My DBF's mom was going to take me but other events got in the way. I might've seen your engagement! Congrats anyway!

You could always incorporate the whole Lava Springs idea into your reception. I know there are HSM fans on the internet who have replicated the Lava Springs logo if you wanted to take that route. And then randomly in the middle of dinner you need to grab your DH's tie and say "This shirt just screams for a windsor knot". :rotfl:

If you manage to incorporate the Humahuma dance routine into your wedding you will be my personal hero. :rotfl: :rotfl:

Then darn! You should have.

Hmmm... Humuhumu might be a tough one. :rotfl2: Speaking of Humuhumu, sometimes I wish that there was a Humuhumu number in the show. That'd be so fun to do.

Thanks for the ideas. I always welcome more.
OK you two are officially the coolest and most fun couple I know of so far. I love that you are both figure skaters, we currently have Jane Torville and Christopher Dean's show Dancing on Ice here with lots of celebrities (I use that term loosely) taking to the ice so I'm quite in awe of anyone that can do what they do on the ice!!

LOVE your theme - very fun!

Your proposal story is so very romantic and OMG you can sing to - OK just put me on the list of the very "wowed" of your life right now, as I sit typing from behind my desk!
I don’t really have anything to update you guys on the wedding about, but I thought it would be a good idea to post some pictures from the tour so far so that everyone could kind of get an idea of the fun/cool feel that I kind of want for my wedding/reception. I also thought you might like to see what we’re up to. Enjoy!

A prom pic of Adam and I from 10th grade(the year I had to move)

Me and Nina. She's one of the other Gabriella understudies

Fooling Around Backstage. Adam took this picture.

We're All In This Together.The end of the first act. Adam is in the middle, and that's me on the right.

Some of the cast members on a High School Musical: The Ice Tour trip to Disney World during rehearsals.

Adam mid-flip

Another pic of Adam mid-backflip

Me and a couple of the other Cheerleaders

Having some fun with Ms. Darbus

Me, Adam (after he got a haircut), and another skater hanging out during a day off. Why does Adam always have that camera in his hand?

Why is she in MY COSTUME?

Some of the cast after a show

Me and one of the newest cast members

Adam and I during What Time Is It?

The Sharpettes. I'm in the Blue

Gabriella, Chad, and Martha

Gabriella and Martha messing with Sharpay's Golf Cart backstage

Having some more fun backstage. You can hardly notice him, but Adam is in the back sticking his hands out.

More cast members backstage during the show

FabulousAdam is in as Ryan for this show (see him with the golf cart?), and I'm being pulled on a pool float

If you want me to post more pics from the tour, I could definitely do that in future posts. Just let me know.
Here are some more pictures from some of the shows. Most of these are of Adam because I didn't put many pics of him in the show in the previous post.

All For One

Adam in I Don't Dance as part of Chad's Baseball team

Some of the cast in Stick to the Status Quo

Us at the very beginning of the show

Another Stick to the Staus Quo picture
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