leaving for disney in 15 days and just found out that I am pregnant


<font color=green>Feels naked without a tag!
Mar 23, 2001
can you believe it!? - now what? Pregnant is a good thing, we are happy. but what about our trip? does this mean that I have to be on the sidelines? no test track, no splash, no space, no tot, no RnR?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

what am I going to do about morning sickness????

Have a great trip. I'm sure you'll have loads of fun no matter what you do.
I would personally watch the G forces this trip. But the walking will be great for you!
And remember to stay hydrated in the heat, drink drink drink.
Take single packs of saltines with you they are great for morning sickness.
Have a great trip! Looks like you have something to celebrate this trip!
DSN Disney... looks like you will be there when we are.. You will be able to spot me. I will be the one sitting on the bench outside all the cool rides eating a mickey bar. You will see me often.. please say hi.

haha! Just kidding, kinda???

This is so bitter sweet right now.. augh!

OK, here is a question - what do I say to DD to 'bow out' - I am not sure if I want to tell her yet.. just in case.. and she will be wondering what is wrong with mom.. I am commando at disney usually ;-)

and I never bow out of any rides.. usually ;-)
When you have to bow out tell her you feel like you might be getting a stomach bug . With a bug the feeling comes and goes.... as with morning sickness
How old is your DD? I am sure when you do tell her she will be thrilled.
My DD begged for a sibling for yrs. But with being divorced at the time it would of been a bit difficult... I just kept telling her to have a baby mom had to be married.
It worked :)
I am remarried now , she is 10 yr old and now sees some high points of being an only child.
She says the best thing about being an only is more toys and stuff at christmas.
Sounds strange but, my SIL had horrid morning sickness and I read somewhere--we were preg at the same time--to drink lemonade and eat potato chips. She tried it and it made her feel much better! One of my preg I walked through the grocery store looking for something I could eat and only came up with rootbeer and potato chips. Just eat what sounds good and don't wait too long between meals--who knows maybe you won't have m/s this time!!
CONGRATS!!!!! I was in your situation back in 1998 - we realized just a couple weeks before our trip that I was pregnant. (Boy, were we surprised!) Don't worry about it, you'll have a great time. Just be sure to rest often and drink lots of water!

Have a wonderful trip!
I went to WDW prego too! Congrats!! It was fine! Bring your crackers and bottles of water (can get expensive buying them). Plan to go back to the room midafternoon for a nap and rest by the pool. I did not go on any super fast rides but there is plenty of other things to do instead. Enjoy!
How far along are you? Are you already getting sick? My morning sickness didn't strike until the 14th week. Also, all the excitement and fun of being at Disney should take your mind off all that and you'll have a great time. I went to Disney 7.5 months pregnant. I rode practically everything, including the race track. The main reason the staff was concerned was that they weren't sure I could get the harness around my big belly. I would go into every ride assuming you can ride, and then ask the cast member if it's okey for you to ride. They should be very friendly and helpful. Have a great time!!
I was in the same boat two years ago! I checked with my OB/GYN before I left & she said to stop worrying, relax, enjoy & have a geat time. Drink your water, rest in the afternoon. The only rides I passed on were the coller coasters (they just held no appeal as I worried about morning sickness). There was TONS of stuff to do even without the coatsers. Ask your doctor if you are concerned.

Congratulations!!!! and have a wondeful trip!!!
We just got back from Disney yesterday. I found out I was (am) pregnant about 15 days before we left also. I have never had morning sickness, but this pregnancy I do! And it is not just in the morning, it is all day. My advice to you, is to take it slow!!! Drink lots of water and don't do any ride that you feel are unsafe for your baby. We went to the parks in the morning went back to our resort in the early afternoon and went back to the parks in the late afternoon. I wish I could give you some advice about what to do about morning sickness, but I just looked green the whole time we were at WDW! Good Luck!
ckmommy! I understand your 'green feeling'

UPDATE - I think I am in my 7th week now. I found out 8 days ago that I was prego and am leaving for Disney next Friday. I visit doc today. I have been constantly queasy.. yuck! Queasy to the point where I don't want to eat.. but do. the more I eat, the better I feel ;-) which isn't saying much. I am just hoping not to be heaving all day long at WDW LOL!

I am crossing my fingers that doc gives me go ahead on Splash.. it just doesn't seem to be a hard ride. I am ok with no RnR or TOT or Test Track or Space.. but please please don't take my Splash!

LOL.. I know - I will do what doc says and not push it, won't jeapordize over splash ;-)

I will update everyone tomorrow with what my doc says.
I just got from the Dr. on Tuesday, and found out that my very green feeling is not from being a wimp, but that I am having TWINS!!!! What a shock! Hope all goes well with your Dr. visit, and s/he does not give you any HUGE surprises!
Congrats on the twins. I vacationed at WDW 5 months pregnant with twins-it was great!!! Our last vacation without kids!!! They are now almost 8 years old. They were 5 years old before we took them but have been a total of 5 times. What a blessing for you!!
I rode all the rides pregnant. I was only 8 weeks at the time. At that stage my Doc said just avold things that hit you in the belly. I would suggest avoid Space M. That restaint catches you right in the belly.
We are going in Nov and I will be 7mos with #2. I plan to sit it all out then of course. What do ya'lll think about KS then?
ckmommy- congrats!!!!!!

with my DS I was sooooo sick that I could not hide it from ANYONE!!! I was nauseous 24 hrs a day.Even when I woke up in the middle of the night-right away, there it was.The only thing that made me feel better was to throw up. I would go in the bathroom and pee first- if I didn't, it went everywhere. Then I would put my hair back in my scrunchy and just throw up. I did fell better for a while after doing this.

They have something new now-ask your doctor. It is a little bracelet that you can where on your wrist and it stops nausea. I think you need a prescription. I would have killed for some thing like that . My morning sickness started getting worse around the 12th week and lasted for a few months. I was even in the hosptial for dehydration because in one night I threw up 12 times (not becasue I wanted to). The doctor then put me on phenergan, which does away with the nausea, but not good for the baby. It is a no win situation. I would ask about the bracelet before you leave, just in case.
WOW TWINS.. congrats!
I wish I could do that.. get 2 done with one pregnancy! What Luck!

Doc told me to stay away from the coasters and to use my judgement on the other stuff. So, I will be 7-8 weeks and need some help from 'been there and done that mommies'

Kali River Rapids - I don't remember this being bad.. please help!
Safari - i know this is weak, just sit up front, right?
Indy tomorrowland speedway ???
Splash - opinions and help please

thanks everyone!

I will stay far away from the roller coasters , TOT, body wars, star tours teacups etc...

I am feeling good - not sick yet!


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