Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal


I'm debating whether or not to do a TR for marathon weekend. On the one hand, I kinda like writing TRs. On the other hand, I'm not swimming in time, and I don't have any notes about what I did anyway, so it would probably be a very disjointed TR that took me like three years to write (although my last marathon weekend TR took a year, so ... clearly I'm just bad at TRs). I dunno. Either way, there will be pictures somewhere eventually. Just not tonight because I want to go to sleep and I need to pick out clothing for tomorrow's "first post-marathon run" (which was supposed to be today, but ... 14degrees).

Also currently working on the next training plan. Original plan was just to freestyle it, but I have a tendency to overwork myself, so I decided to try to work with Coach to create a plan that has some structure, but also some room to freestyle. But we're not currently seeing eye-to-eye on the long runs, so I'm wondering if I'm better off picking a further away race as my goal race (current plan is NYC Half in March, so I'd have to pick something in April or May), freestyling for a month or so (I'm targeting a "supported training run" half in late February) just to see how it goes, and then working on a plan once I have a sense of how the freestyling works for me and what I like my long runs to be. I dunno. We'll see how this plan creation attempt goes.

Also ... see title. I'm not planning to post super regularly, but I'm also no longer on hiatus. I'm also gonna try to make an effort to keep up with other people's journals, but we'll see how that goes.

EDIT: Forgot to mention - my Marathon Weekend wineglass is too tall for my cabinets. I had to put it in our "overflow" closet (we keep all of our extra dishes/pots that we don't have room for in the kitchen in what is probably supposed to be the linen closet). I haven't used it yet because I'm out of wine at the moment, but when I do, that's probably gonna be a pain in the neck. I still like my stems, but I think I'm starting to understand stemless wine glasses.
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Welcome back from Mini Hiatus!
You look happy AND warm in the picture, I am glad you pulled that out for the 10K, even if the full was not your cup of tea (or coffee.)
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers are the only characters I regret skipping. I didn't see Chip n Dale at all this trip. I kinda failed at life.
To paraphrase Homer Simpson, "he who tires of Chip and Dale antics tires of life." They make plenty of appearances in my race report. Sneak preview: They love playing with spinner medals. . .

Man, I would have loved it if people called me Han Solo! He's my favorite! (Well, him and Chewie)
Chewie is awesome for medal photos. And not just Star Wars medals as I learned.

It's definitely hard to find the marathons that are slow pace friendly, but they're out there. I hope you find another one that works for you. But even if you don't, you're officially a marathon finisher, and that's something that nobody can ever take away from you.
Just last night I was looking at the San Francisco Marathon, but it has a 6 hour pace, and I'm not there yet. But like you said, even if I only run one marathon, I'm very happy that I had the opportunity and grateful for what finishing it taught me about myself.

Either way, there will be pictures somewhere eventually.
Huzzah for pictures! Hopefully in the next few days, I'll start my race weekend report with pictures.
Great recap of your trip! I can't believe anyone said anything about you traveling solo. Lots of people do & it's nobodies business to ask why. Cool you got club level, very fancy! I was busy spending time with a friend most the trip so meet ups didn't happen much for me at all. It's funny you discovered you can skip characters, where I discovered I can stop more and live. Disney races are funny that way. Totally cool about New York marathon. I thought about a trip report as well, but don't see it happening. Congrats Marathoner & a 3 race weekend runner!!!!!
Welcome back from Mini Hiatus!

Thanks :)

You look happy AND warm in the picture, I am glad you pulled that out for the 10K, even if the full was not your cup of tea (or coffee.)

Well, I was wearing three shirts, so definitely warm :). And I love the 10K, which explains the happy.

And the marathon was fun, somewhat. I just wouldn't do it again because it wasn't enough fun.

It's a great picture Sarah, you look happy to be running.

Thank you! I loved the 10K (at least the second half), so I was definitely happy to be running!

To paraphrase Homer Simpson, "he who tires of Chip and Dale antics tires of life." They make plenty of appearances in my race report. Sneak preview: They love playing with spinner medals. . .

Oh, Chip and Dale.
One time one of them (I can't remember which one, but I want to say it was Chip) stole my backpack. The theory is that he may have thought there were acorns in there.

Chewie is awesome for medal photos. And not just Star Wars medals as I learned.

Well this sounds like a good story...
Also, now I feel stupid for not going to see Chewie when I was at DHS post-5K. I just wasn't feeling the characters that day.

Just last night I was looking at the San Francisco Marathon, but it has a 6 hour pace, and I'm not there yet. But like you said, even if I only run one marathon, I'm very happy that I had the opportunity and grateful for what finishing it taught me about myself.

I think NYC is 6.5, and if you're past the time limit, they don't sweep you - they just reopen the streets and you have to run on the sidewalks, but the finish line is still there and there's basically a giant party for the final finishers.
Just saying :)

Huzzah for pictures! Hopefully in the next few days, I'll start my race weekend report with pictures.

This sounds exciting!

Great recap of your trip! I can't believe anyone said anything about you traveling solo. Lots of people do & it's nobodies business to ask why. Cool you got club level, very fancy! I was busy spending time with a friend most the trip so meet ups didn't happen much for me at all. It's funny you discovered you can skip characters, where I discovered I can stop more and live. Disney races are funny that way. Totally cool about New York marathon. I thought about a trip report as well, but don't see it happening. Congrats Marathoner & a 3 race weekend runner!!!!!

I was definitely a little surprised about the solo comments.
I'm sad that I didn't get a chance to meet you, but hopefully you had a lot of fun with your friend!

Love your pic!! I hope to see more soon. :)

Thanks! Maybe this weekend I'll get around to more pictures .... I don't think it's happening tonight and I have an event tomorrow night.
I'm basically terrible at actually doing things I say I'm gonna do.
Oh, Chip and Dale.
One time one of them (I can't remember which one, but I want to say it was Chip) stole my backpack. The theory is that he may have thought there were acorns in there.
Those two might be the most fun characters to meet together or even by themselves in the parks. Around the time an Alvin and the Chipmunks movie was released, I asked Chip and Dale when Disney was going to come to their senses and make a movie starring them since they were way cooler than those singing squirrels. Next thing I knew, Chip and Dale proceeded to reenact the fight scene from The Matrix. You've never seen The Matrix until you've seen in reenacted by 5 foot tall chipmunks.

Well this sounds like a good story...
Chewie gets really excited for runners wearing medals. He really gets into it. I even have a photo of me "giving" him the medal he wasn't given at the end of the original Star Wars.

I think NYC is 6.5, and if you're past the time limit, they don't sweep you - they just reopen the streets and you have to run on the sidewalks, but the finish line is still there and there's basically a giant party for the final finishers.
Just saying
That's something to consider. 6.5 hours is substantially closer to my current fitness. I've always wanted to visit New York also. This year may be tough because there's a lot of change coming at work so that needs to settle out first.
Those two might be the most fun characters to meet together or even by themselves in the parks. Around the time an Alvin and the Chipmunks movie was released, I asked Chip and Dale when Disney was going to come to their senses and make a movie starring them since they were way cooler than those singing squirrels. Next thing I knew, Chip and Dale proceeded to reenact the fight scene from The Matrix. You've never seen The Matrix until you've seen in reenacted by 5 foot tall chipmunks.

Please tell me you have video of this Chip and Dale Matrix fight scene situation ....

Chewie gets really excited for runners wearing medals. He really gets into it. I even have a photo of me "giving" him the medal he wasn't given at the end of the original Star Wars.


That's something to consider. 6.5 hours is substantially closer to my current fitness. I've always wanted to visit New York also. This year may be tough because there's a lot of change coming at work so that needs to settle out first.

Timing isn't great for me this year either ... but I registered anyway. Which may or may not have been a terrible idea...
But next year is the 50th anniversary, so if you're interested, that's a good time to run!

Great finisher picture! Looking forward to your pics and/or report :)

Please tell me you have video of this Chip and Dale Matrix fight scene situation ....
Sadly no video, but I do have photographic evidence of one of the greatest Chip and Dale moments in history. And the fact that this is not hands down the single greatest Chip and Dale moment in history says more about how much fun those two are. I long ago stopped wondering what they would possibly do next to top their previous antics because they managed to keep topping said previous antics.

Such as the time they decided to hide behind the pillars by the exit from the Tower of Terror gift shop in California Adventure and jump out to startle people as they left the attraction. Many a person already shaken by the ride let out a startled gasp of surprise and then laughed when they realized who was scaring them.

Or the time they decided to sneak up on Cruella De Vil meeting guests on Main Street and startle her. Which of course is even funnier since it was Cruella De Vil.

But next year is the 50th anniversary, so if you're interested, that's a good time to run!
Plus that gives me more time to feel comfortable at that pace. Coach wanted me in the 6:30 to 6:45 pace for the marathon this year and I think I was in that vicinity since I finished in 6:58 including quite a few character stops and ran with the 6:30 pace group without much trouble for a few miles before I lost them after a photo stop.
So i have popped in and said one or two things on here, but haven't really said Hey yet!

So Hey! I was on a pretty long DIS break, but i am back now (for the time being).

When i ran my 5k a few years ago you inspired me to start running, then i had some personal things go on and stopped, i want to start again and i am not going to lie following here is motivating me again! I have found since i don't have a distinctive aviator people are like who is this crazy lady posting like they have followed me forever.... i am crazy but you know that's how things go
Plus that gives me more time to feel comfortable at that pace. Coach wanted me in the 6:30 to 6:45 pace for the marathon this year and I think I was in that vicinity since I finished in 6:58 including quite a few character stops and ran with the 6:30 pace group without much trouble for a few miles before I lost them after a photo stop.

Yay! See you in NYC in 2020, hopefully!

So i have popped in and said one or two things on here, but haven't really said Hey yet!

So Hey! I was on a pretty long DIS break, but i am back now (for the time being).

When i ran my 5k a few years ago you inspired me to start running, then i had some personal things go on and stopped, i want to start again and i am not going to lie following here is motivating me again! I have found since i don't have a distinctive aviator people are like who is this crazy lady posting like they have followed me forever.... i am crazy but you know that's how things go

Hi! Welcome back to the dis! Good to see you again. Some people change their avatars a lot, so I just try to remember screennames ... and of course I remember yours. Good to see you back here!
Now go run another 5k :).
Hi! Welcome back to the dis! Good to see you again. Some people change their avatars a lot, so I just try to remember screennames ... and of course I remember yours. Good to see you back here!
Now go run another 5k :).

Thanks, when your planning a trip its a bit easier to be on the DIS, a bit harder when you have nothing coming up if you know what i mean!

Its on the list, hoping to get back to running in the spring. Its so cold and dark when i get up at 515, i can not imagine getting up any earlier to run!
Thanks, when your planning a trip its a bit easier to be on the DIS, a bit harder when you have nothing coming up if you know what i mean!

I know exactly what you mean :)

Its on the list, hoping to get back to running in the spring. Its so cold and dark when i get up at 515, i can not imagine getting up any earlier to run!

Fair point. Winter running in the northeast requires either a treadmill or enough flexibility in your schedule to go out later in the morning (or both). But during the summer you'll be begging for those cold temperatures because it gets really hot really early some days.
United Airlines NYC Half: Anatomy of a Training Plan


Oh, this one was a doozy. Poor Coach @DopeyBadger probably thinks I'm schizophrenic (I'm not, just indecisive). But anyway, let's get to it.

As some of you may remember, last year's United Airlines NYC Half was my first race working with Coach Billy. I answered his list of 20 questions (mostly not sarcastically), gave him as much info about my schedule as I could, and ended up with a great plan that helped me cut about 4 minutes off my PR. Since then, I've worked with Billy in various capacities - some plans I've created and run by him, some plans he's created with my input. The marathon plan he created was basically exactly what I needed ... but I ended up in a bad place in the middle of the plan and wasn't able to complete the plan as scheduled. Thankfully, the plan was written well enough for me to be able to finish the marathon even without sticking to the plan perfectly.

One of the things that really helped me get through runs in the later stages of marathon training was being flexible about run days, distance, and type of run. I wanted to carry that over into the next plan, so I asked Billy to write me a plan with two pieces of information: Long run distance/duration and rest of week duration. He rose to the challenge and sent a plan that made a lot of sense ... but I didn't feel like the long run distances were long enough. So Billy tried again. Same result. Billy tried a third time ... this one was too aggressive for me. So it looked like I was gonna be a troublemaker for this plan.

I started to try to think of what I wanted to do. Left to my own devices, but knowing what I know from working with Billy, what would I want my long runs to be? I made a list and sent that to Billy. From there, everything spiraled into a mess of numbers that made no sense to me and it was just bad.

Saturday morning I woke up and realized that I was doing something wrong. Taking it easy shouldn't be this difficult. So I decided to do take a step back. I made a list of long run mileage/durations and then the total week duration (and by #math, the mid-week duration), assuming the long run was 30% of the week's running (except race week, when it's 50%).


Once I had that, it was time to focus on the hard run progression. Coach had given me some suggestions, and I used that to make a list of 12 possible hard runs, progressing from running three miles at tempo pace with a rest interval in between each mile to running 3 mi + RI + 1 mi. The plan is that on days when I want to do a hard run, I'll do whatever is next on the list. I may or may not get to the last hard run. I don't know how frequently I'm going to want to do hard runs. But when I do, I want to know that I'm progressing, and I think this will allow me to do that.
image (1).png
(Oh, and each hard run will have a warm up and cool down of at least 0.5 miles each)

So ... that's the plan. Week one did not go as plan because of weather and apartment stuff (nothing big, just a small issue that cut into my run time and is fixed now), but I'm hoping that this week things will go well. (Although, I may have to do my math again, because something seems weird ... but I'll figure it out).

Also ... to get back to the original purpose of this journal ... I went to Starbucks on Friday and got my usual (tall bold in a grande cup) and it was terrible. I don't know what bold they're brewing right now, but I don't like it. Sigh.
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