Light show on Cinderella castle after the park closes?


I'm going to Disney World!
Jan 25, 2002
Light show on Cinderella castle after the park closes? I thought I read somewhere that if you are in the MK late shopping on main street after closing time that at some time there is a music and light show on the castle. Does anyone have more info on this? Is it still done? What time after official closing time does it take
place?(1/2 hour, one hour) I have never stayed long enough to see this and would like to on my next trip.

All info is appreciated!:earsboy:
I've heard it called the Kiss Goodnight and one of the "disers" has some photos of it....haven't seen it myself but I plan to!

If it what I think it is, it's when the colored lights on the castle change. So first the castle will be lit pink, a while later it changes to tourquoise, a while later orange, etc. My family was noticing it on E-Night, as well as when we ate dinner at 'Ohana's. I thought it was really cool. :cool:
The castle always changes colors when its dark...its so pretty!! But the kiss good night is supposed to be something else that happens after the closing time. Ive read about it on here, and finally while on a trip with my parents, I stayed to wait for it. I sent my DS home with Pappy, and my mom and my 2 DD's waited , and waited, and waited, and waited. We finally asked a CM if he knew if it would happen that night, and he wasnt even sure what we were talking about. He went and asked another CM and they said it usually happens about 30 minutes after closing. Well, we waited almost an hour, and it never did happen. We were really disappointed. The really nice CM who never heard of the kiss good night stayed around with us, and kept going to ask other cm's if it was going to do it. We had no luck that night!!!!:( We are going back again with my parents at Thanksgiving, maybe we will stick around on Turkey Day until after closing and see if they do it then!! Id love to see pictures if anyone has the link!!! Thanks!
When I went this past May I was told that the Kiss was supposed to happen 1 hour after park closing. I waited around for another hour or so beyond that and no Kiss. The CM I spoke with kept asking at Guest Relations when it would happen, but I guess it malfunctioned that night. However, I did get to stay in the park with one other couple and their 2 girls and have the view of the castle changing colors and a deserted Main Street almost all to myself. Unfortunately DH was sick that night and didn't get to share my experience :(
I found a link to a video of it.

I'm sorry to read that it hasn't happened when some people stayed just to see it. That is what I was wanting to avoid, hanging out for an hour or more to get to see it or it not happening at all.

If there's a CM out there that's in the know please pass the info along.

Maybe they only do it on nights when a lot of people are not leaving. Kind of a very very polite, please leave.:teeth:
WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This video WILL make you cry!!!!! :sad:
But it is beautiful and touching. *reaches for tissue* See what you did!!! *blows nose*:wave2:


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