Lights! Motor! Asian?--Feb 2010 Part II. 11/6-Pix, part 2. Page 199.

Hi everyone......Im BAAAAAA-AAAAACK! Sorry for going M.I.A! I can't wait to get all caught up!

Wendy and Derek, Thank you so much for posting updates on Jordan. I can't believe that I have been gone so long I didn't know that he had left. I am so glad that he sought help. I am happy that he is putting himself first and really taking the time to heal.

Wow, you have been gone awhile then. Jordan's been gone since July:rotfl: but thanks for the well wishes on his behalf.

Hopefully he'll be home sooner than later
Any word on a date for his return ???

Keeping him in my prayers.
Loved the Christmas picture, too!

Sorry for the late replies. Haven't been checking this thread as I've been managing my own PTR. No official word yet on Jordan's return. Thanks for keeping him in your prayers and thanks Brenle for the comments on the Christmas photo.
Hi all, :wave2:

Just got a call from Jordan and good news - he has been moved to the Annex (the last living area before graduation)! :woohoo: This means more privileges and also he's closer to graduation! This time he was the only one who moved (often there are as many as 25 moves!)... a little hard for him since there was another guy in the Upper Room (the area he just moved from) who has been there for 8 months, and Jordan left before he did... so although this is good for him, it's hard for him to see those who are still struggling. I feel he is learning to have a bigger heart for compassion for others, maybe something he learned along the way. :sad2:

He also has a tentative graduation date - either Feb 24 (happy birthday to him! :bday:) or the week later, March 3. Just in case any of you wanted to try to see if you could go out for the graduation... it would be on a Thursday and then he said if anyone was staying through Sunday, they could go to prayer on Saturday and Sunday service. I would recommend it if you could, it's a neat place to see...

He also has a new phone number: and the good news is that he is not limited on phone time in the Annex, unless of course someone is waiting for the phone (so just good common courtesy). He said that good times to call are when he's off work and home, which are Mondays and every other Wednesday (this week being one of them - so the next would be Feb 2). He also will have a cell phone that you can call between 6pm-9pm PST on the weekend nights (Friday, Saturday, Sunday nights). That number is
Regarding his plans for the future... although he has a tentative graduation date, it's never set in stone so still continue to pray for his progress and especially for wisdom and direction as to what he should do when he graduates. Pray that God would prepare him in all aspects, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, for leaving Pure Life. He knows that he will never be "healed" on his own and he wants to focus on the daily walk with the Lord and daily realization that it is only with God's power and not his own, that he will make it through the day. Pray for encouragement for that as well. After graduation, he is not sure if he will try to stay out there for a couple months (there is a conference there in April that he might like to attend - so whether that means coming home and going back, or just staying out there until then - is yet to be revealed) or if he'll come home. If he stays, pray for resources for housing and transportation (he already has a job out there, which is another reason that he may stay...), and if he comes home then pray for wisdom in knowing where to go and possibly for job opportunities. There are lots of decisions to be made, so pray for wisdom and guidance for those. :confused3

He is also seeming to be much more prudent in his "plans" for the future (can you say PEEPFEST? :cheer2:) in that he is willing to put off things he wants to do if it's not prudent given his resources, and is willing to wait until the proper time if need be, which is a big change for him! So pray that he continues to seek the Lord's guidance in all that he does, as it will be an ongoing struggle between self-will and God's will, as it is for all of us.

That said, he did say that he's not sure about 2012, but maybe there's a 51st or 52nd birthday party to be had... (Jordan's always been quirky, so it would be right up his alley to have an "off" year celebration, right?

:banana: :dance3: :cool1:

So plans probably won't be made anytime soon, so please feel free to do whatever is best for you all in your vacation planning... but I'm sure you'll know once anything happens. :bored:

Thank you all for your continued love and support during this whole process. :grouphug:

I know that he appreciates each and every one of you and will look forward to talking with you again. :chat: Please let me know if you have any questions...

"You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." Eph. 2:22-24 :teleport:

"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil. 1:3-6 pixiedust:

Thanks for your prayers for God's continued work in Jordan... :thanks:

Thanks so much for the update, Wendy. It sounds like he is definitely on the right path. Our thoughts will continue to be with him on his journey.
Glad to hear that Jordan is making progress! Please let us know if his address changes! Thanks for the update!

PS Is Feb. 24 really his birthday?
Thanks so much for the update Wendy! It is such joyful and inspirational news to hear of his progress! :goodvibes I didn't get to converse very often on here with Jordan before he left, so I didn't get to know him quite as well as some others on here, but he always made me smile and I miss his being here with us! I'm glad he is making progress and continuing to fight and win his daily battles! :thumbsup2 I know he is being blessed, and it is great to see how he is focused on his fellow brothers who are there with him! :thumbsup2
Thanks so much for the update, Wendy. It sounds like he is definitely on the right path. Our thoughts will continue to be with him on his journey.

Thanks so much for the update Wendy! It is such joyful and inspirational news to hear of his progress! :goodvibes I didn't get to converse very often on here with Jordan before he left, so I didn't get to know him quite as well as some others on here, but he always made me smile and I miss his being here with us! I'm glad he is making progress and continuing to fight and win his daily battles! :thumbsup2 I know he is being blessed, and it is great to see how he is focused on his fellow brothers who are there with him! :thumbsup2

Thanks so much, I know he'll appreciate your support!

Thank you so much for the update Wendy! Is his mailing address still the same?

Yup, mailing addy still the same until graduation.

Glad to hear that Jordan is making progress! Please let us know if his address changes! Thanks for the update!

PS Is Feb. 24 really his birthday?

Yup, Jordan and Derek share the same birthday (not birth year though), Feb. 24... hence his initial thoughts of a mini-Peepfest trip in Feb of 2012 - that's when he'd ACTUALLY be turning 50... but now that's all up in the air... doubtful for 2 bday trips, but maybe one, and maybe in 2013 or beyond...

We'll see! Keep you posted!

Thanks Wendy !!!I will be calling him before long using your guidelines !!I need to learn prudence with my limited income too !!But I am a tad older than Jordan and the years ahead are not as plentiful for me !! I thank the Lord for providing me with my Free Trips , truly an answer to a Disney Nuts Prayer . Whenever Jordan is financially and spiritually ready for PeepFest will be the Perfect time !!By the way I turn 65 in March 2012 !!!If it weren't for the aches and pains I would Not believe it as I am still so young at heart , thanks to my inspiring field and Disney Magic !!
I'm going to close Jordan's thread until he returns.
I'm glad he is doing really good and when he reads this, he only has to give me a PM to open it back up, so he can continue with his Trip Report.

I eliminated Jordans phone number in Wendy's post for his safety. Please e-mail or PM her for his number. OhMari
I saw you seeking :tiptoe: around a few threads, glad your back. Come back and play when your ready. We missed you :hug:
Hi Jordan! I am thrilled you are slowly making your way back over here! I have no idea what your plans are for your thread, but do know that whatever it takes to maintain what you've accomplished in Kentucky is what we support you doing, or NOT doing. We want you to stay healthy and whole- and we stand by you and support you.

Love you!!
Coming on to say the same thing Glenn. Great minds think alike. :idea:

Hi Jordan! I am thrilled you are slowly making your way back over here! I have no idea what your plans are for your thread, but do know that whatever it takes to maintain what you've accomplished in Kentucky is what we support you doing, or NOT doing. We want you to stay healthy and whole- and we stand by you and support you.

Love you!!

Totally agree! :hug:


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