Line Cutter Rage

I remember this story. It's unforunate that it's still going on. I've never experienced major 'line cutter' problems but then we've always gone during a slower season. I'm sure I'll be seeing WDW in a new light come this May. :scared:
I remember this story. It's unforunate that it's still going on. I've never experienced major 'line cutter' problems but then we've always gone during a slower season. I'm sure I'll be seeing WDW in a new light come this May. :scared:

The park may not be empty in May, but it certainly is not packed as some busier times. Use fastpass and get there for the rope drop and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

My brother sent me this story its a shame things like that have to happen.
ok this reminds me of when my mom, my ex, and I were in MGM and we had been using fast passes all day....... and the last couple of rides we just waited in the stan-by line because all the fast passes were gone. some people went by us in the fast pass. normal to me and mom but my EX gets really mad and asks why they get to cut in line?? mean while me and mom are staring at him dumb struck and we had to explain that we had been doing this all day and it was ok to do. :rotfl: we couldn't believe that after using fast passes about 20 times he hadn't notices what we had been doing all day

I guess he wasn't the sharpest tool in the box????:lmao:
Wow! Now that is insane!

I did something the other day that I could hear everyone at the boards yelling at me.

I was late to work (going to work at the Disney Store) in the mall parking lot...going up and down looking for a spot when the car in front of me stops (very suddnely) so I stop but had to swerve out of the way of a car backing I go around the car that slammed on his breaks so he can have that spot (being nice here) but much to my surprise in this there is another car backing up so I stop to get in. I pull in and notice a car waiting (that I did not see) I was actually going to back up and let them have it. (I am nice like that) but they sped up and left. I was in DH very small short car and could not see over the huge Hummer backing up....

I did not see them I swear. But I ducked down to avoid any fights! LOL!
Ive never had a problem in WDW, but in Disneyland Paris we almost got into a few fights. The French and the English seem to understand the concept of queuing very differently. We almost got punched trying to go into the fast pass queue (with fastpasses i might add!)

Sad this turned ugly!
I know that this story is not a laughing matter, but I find it really funny that the lady wouldn't just use words towards the lady like "Excuse me but I was there before you" instead of punching. What a world...:scared1:
This happened right after we returned home from the World last year. All I could do was just shake my head. To say that everyone in the parks was completely considerate would have been foolish. There were some very nice people that we stood in line with, some who had line holders in place & 50 family members that waltzed up 2 minutes before we loaded in. It really just went with the territory and the fact that not everyone is kind and considerate. Had we been temperamental people sure it could have gotten ugly a couple of times, but you're on friggin' vacation! Let some stuff go.

**I find it sad that I work constantly to talk with my kids about using "their words" and this gets displayed. That lady may have lasting brain damage because of getting on a GIANT tea cup. Signs and Wonders.
I would like to add one last thought. This thought is-There are plenty of rude people around WDW, no doubt. But there are a handful of those rude people who take it too far. Like a man who was politely asked another man to stop swearing. Well, the man who was swearing bit the man who asked him to stop. In a world like ours, rude people exist in great quantities. It's sad, but hopefully they will learn a valuable lesson for what goes around comes around.


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