Listening to Podcast at work


Gianna, Joey and Dominic's Daddy
Mar 31, 2008
Who else listens to the Podcast at work? I am a police sergeant on the midnight shift. I download the Podcast to my squad car laptop and patrol while listening to the gang. I actually had a prisoner ask me what I was lsitening to. The Podcast gang help me get through 4AM on.
I work in IT, so sometimes when I'm at my desk, I pull it up on my computer. Other times when I'm out working on a particular project I might put my iPod on while I'm working. I only do that in areas where people aren't going to look askance when I about die laughing....
Hey there Sarge! I work as a police dispatcher at a small department. On my shift it's just me and three other guys. I go back to night shift this Friday for six months, so I will be right there with you! I listen to the podcast when I'm on nights and make the guys listen to it with me at times. They think I'm crazy, but I don't care!
Hey dispatcher week is coming up. I will make sure to post a Happy Dispatcher Day note for you.
I work at my computer all day (I am a graphic designer) so I listen every Tuesday and Wednesday online.

Basically I sit here w/ my headphones on laughing and suffering odd looks from my coworkers!
I work as a buyer for a construction company in London. So in between spending £20,000 on a client's bathroom and going home after a long day, I listen to the podcast at my desk. I am constantly getting funny looks from people as I try to stop laughing :rotfl2:
I'm a CAD tech so I'm on my computer all day and listening to the Podcast helps the day go a little faster. Sometimes I'll wait and put it on my iTouch but not today!!!
I can't listen at work, the principal would frown on that! However, DS and I listen in on our hour commute to and from school. :thumbsup2
I am an analytical chemist (sounds thrilling, right?) and most of my work is done on the computer. I listen when I am integrating and going through pages and pages of spreadsheets. It totally gets me through the day. I would go OUT OF MY MIND otherwise. (Though my co-workers do think that I am already out of my mind to listen to so much Disney stuff) I am a perfectly sane person in the mental institution we call a lab. :rotfl:
I sit in front of a computer all day also. The podcasts are the only things that keep me awake at times...... Love them..... :lovestruc I want to get a hook-up for my car so I can listen then also....:woohoo:
I sit in front of a computer all day also. The podcasts are the only things that keep me awake at times...... Love them..... :lovestruc I want to get a hook-up for my car so I can listen then also....:woohoo:

I actually spent $20 and got a small transmitter for my iPod at Best Buy. Granted it can be grainy on occasion, but overall it works well for its purpose.
I am a web developer for a Children's Hospital. I definately listen to the podcast and DisRadio.
I do!

I work at a computer all day..if I didn't have the podcast I'd go crazy sometimes!
Who else listens to the Podcast at work? I am a police sergeant on the midnight shift. I download the Podcast to my squad car laptop and patrol while listening to the gang. I actually had a prisoner ask me what I was listening to. The Podcast gang help me get through 4AM on.

Um... Pete & Co? Will there be segments in future to draw the prisoner demographic? How to carve a fake gun out of a turkey leg? Can I pick a number? :laughing:

Just as with the Armed Services, thanks to all on the DIS (and in this thread, obviously) who work to protect us..:thumbsup2
I just started Friday. I am listening to the old ones now. I love the show.:goodvibes
I sit in an office alone, everyday. So I hit the "listen now" button and it is like I am sitting with good friends! The Pod cast keeps me sane. The other people I work with refer to the Dis Boards and The Dis Podcast as "my people" . ie: what day is it that you listen to "your people" in the computer?

If you met some of the people I work with....I would much rather have the Dis'ers as "my people" then them!

Thank you!


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