Live-ish TR WDW/DC/NYC/DL- now with photos!

Still enjoying your reports, too. Enjoy the shopping and have fun. Sounds like NYC has been good to you. :thumbsup2
Well we are back in the House of Mouse... Checked in to Hojos Anaheim across the road from DL at midnight Thursday after our flight from NY was delayed a bit.

So to backtrack... Katz's Deli was great; yes its touristy and a reuben sandwich will set you back $17.00, but it is still full of real old characters and definitely has "soul". It turns 125 this year. The sandwiches are great too, of course!

Next day, it was time to head Uptown to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We grabbed what turned out to be the best bagels of the trip, at a tiny place near our hotel on W33rd called Best Bagel, appropriately. ( We are slightly particular about our bagels as we owned NZs first bagel place for five years, back in the 1990s) They were still warm from the oven- cant get fresher than that!

We had to stop off in Times Square to pick up a soft toy from the mega Toys R Us that DS10 had been wanting to buy.We had also been to FAO Schwarz on 5th Ave but it is now owned by T R Us too, and is a shadow of its former fabulous self, sadly. Big Tip: donot let your kids get carried away in FAO Schwarz candy section- it is WAAY overpriced and you can get all the candy at most US supermarkets for a fraction of what they are charging.

The Met is amazing and I could have spent all day there, but shopping calls, so we left at about 2pm and had a bite at the Lexington Candy Store, a great old soda shop thats pretty much as it was when it opened in 1937. I had never tried the famous trad NY soda, an egg cream, (which contains neither egg nor cream!) so this was my chance. Sort of fizzy chocolate soda- refreshing, but one was enough!

Temple of Dendur, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Back midtown we split up and I went in search of boots - wrong season to be looking for boots, I soon realised and the pickings were slim, as everywhere was all about summer sandals. but I managed to find some clothes at The Gap, and a couple of pairs of Converse, so all was not lost!

Dinner that night was at a new place on Broadway near the Flatiron, called Hill Country Chicken - sort of down-home, country cooking, in a retro-fab environment for trendy young city-folk! great fried chicken and pies, so we were happy!
After dinner we did Top of. The Rock- we had already done the Empire State but the Rock was included in the CityPass, so it was fun to go up at night and see all the lights on our last night.

Hot dogs at Papaya King

Thursday, our last day, we had planned to hit the Upper West side. It was super warm, in the mid .30s by 10am. We went to Zabars Deli and oohed and aahed at all the great food and then bought bagels,,coffee and OJ for a quick breakfast in the park. Then we did a quick stop at the Museum Of Natural History. A staff member told us they get 4000 school kids through there every was LOUD! Masses of kids everywhere and really not so enjoyable as a result.
We had also been to the Nat Hist Museum in DC, so this wasn't a must- do for us, but it was on our CityPass, so...

After that there wasn't much time to do anything other than head back to the Radisson Martinique to check out. They stored our bags for us and we met the lovely manager (Hi Tara!) who has been reading my TR! She chatted with us about the history of the hotel, which they think had a speakeasy during Prohibition and has secret tunnels in the basement leading to the subway! They have a nice display in the lobby of old memorabilia about the hotel, including decorated feather fans and postcards from the 1890s, when it was a popular hotel with the theatre crowd. All fascinating to history-geek me!

The original - and slightly terrifying - marble spiral staircase at the Martinique!

Then it was time to say Bye NYC and off to JFK for our Qantas flight to LAX
Have a great time with the Mouse.

Sounds like you had (mostly) a great time at NYC.

Safe travels home.
Loving your reports Saskiwi. Sounds like you had an amazing time in NY. You are making me hungry with all your food reports. Enjoy your time in Disneyland.
Disney Round Two!

So, this weekend we are back at our "home park", if Kiwis can have such a thing... We decided on an easy start on Friday as we got in so late on Thursday night. We picked up a rental at LAX and finally checked in about midnight. Breakfast at Mimi's is a bit of a tradition, so we did that (cinnamon roll french toast!) and got to the DCA gates just on 9am opening. We were keen to check out Carsland which is new since our last visit in 2011, so decided to spend all day in DCA.

DH went to get FPs for Radiator Springs Racers as they all go by 11 or 12 apparently, while me and the boys moseyed over to see how long standby was. It was 60 mins already so we decided to go in the single rider line. For some reason that we are unable to work out, there didn't seem to be a CM doing the single riders and we were all able to just get on and ride together, with virtually no wait! Odd but fast!!
After that we went over to Luigi's Flying Tires and the boys rode that while I kept an eye out for DH. He decided to ride RSR in single rider too, but it broke down twice on him, so while we waited for him, we wandered around checking out Carsland.
We really liked all the detail and great theming that had gone into it, and the planting of cactus and other exotic looking plants is fantastic.
RSR was fun- shorter than Test Track and it doesn't get up to the same speeds, but the inside section with all the animatronic cars is pretty impressive. The boys enjoyed the tire ride but it wasn't a must-do again. After DH finally got off his ride, we all did the third Carsland ride, Mater's Junk Yard Jamboree. This was pretty fun and we all enjoyed it.

Next it was off to California Screamin, our favourite roller coaster, which I found much easier on my head and stomach if I ride right up front- something to do with being able to anticipate the loops and turns, I think. It is still freaky and I scream my head off, but I don't feel sick!

Getting ready to scream....

Next we walked back to the other side of the park and as it was getting hot we decided to ride Grizzly River rapids. We got just the right amount of wet to cool us off. After using our RSR FPs to ride all together we got some more for Soarin' and then went for lunch. Pacific Wharf and the Boudin Bakery's sourdough bowls were calling us. Broccoli and cheese soup for DH and Chinese chicken salad for me plus something Mexican for the boys and we were set.

We used our Soarin FPs and then it was time to go see "Aladdin". This is a big favourite of ours- this is the 6th time we've seen it. It was a new Aladdin and Jasmine for us, but the same guy playing the genie as when we were here in 2011. He is the star of the show and it really is a pretty spectacular production. I'm happy to report the flying carpet is back too! Last time it was out as they had had a malfunction a few weeks earlier which left Aladdin and Jasmine hanging!

After Aladdin we rode Tower of Terror and got FPs for World of Colour. It was now about 4pm and time for a swim back at Hojo's before dinner. We cooled off and then drove to Marie Callenders up the I5 about 5 minutes, at Anaheim Plaza, for dinner. They are famous for pie, so you can see the attraction for us! I had shrimp tacos and the boys all had sandwiches of various sorts, plus strawberry lemonade (yum), and delicious coconut cream pie. There is also a Walmart there, where we picked up some cereal and breakfast supplies.

Friday night was a Grad Night at DCA. W e hadn't noticed any difference in the park during the day, but when we headed back for our 9pm World of Colour show there were lots of groups of teens heading into the park. WOC was fantastic, as usual. We had passes for the blue zone and sat and waited in the "fire hydrant" spot which I had learnt about on the DIS( it's in the WOC sticky). We had used this spot before and it is a good overall view of the show. It's not close to the water, so you don't get wet, but it is a pretty much unimpeded view.
They have added a "Brave" segment to the show, with lots of bagpipes and celtic music, which works pretty well, and Merida seems popular with the kids. Haven't seen the movie but will have to check it out at some point.

As we headed out of the park, it seemed families were leaving and grads were arriving en masse for their party which went on to 3am, I think. How much fun would that be if you were 18, a night with your mates and a Disney park to yourselves?

This morning, Saturday, we had our Magic Morning entry to use, so we were at the gates to DL by 7.30 and in the first dozen to ride Peter Pan. We managed to fit in about 10 rides before our reservation at Blue Bayou at 12.30- you can fit in a LOT with a MM if you are organised!
It was great riding POC again, as it was closed last time we were at DL. It is a lot better than WDW's version, longer and with an extra waterfall drop, which we love. BB was good- expensive but pretty authentic jambalaya and gumbo, and such a lovely atmosphere under the lanterns by the water, with crickets chirping in the background.
DH and I were comparing the experience with our meal at Be Our Guest, which was a similar cost, but sadly a much less enjoyable experience because of the noise and "food court" ambience of the ballroom at BOG. Our waiter at BB was asking us about BOG as he had been unable to get a dinner ADR for a trip he is planning to WDW later this year, but we told him to just queue and do lunch there instead- and ask for the West Wing for seating if you want to hear yourself think!
Another great update Saskiwi :thumbsup2 We have yet to eat at Blue Bayou, but we might try it out this time around. In some ways I am sad not to be going back to Hojos, but at the same time I am very excited to be staying at a lovely 3 bedroom condo with all the additional space and amenities.
I'm sure we passed each other at some time on Friday! It was our last day, so we did a bit of both parks.

We loved the Hojo too, but this condo is great for a more relaxed atmosphere, and only a few hundred meters more of a walk.

We head home tomorrow. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip.
How are you liking HoJos? We haven't stayed there before. I'm hoping the arvo walk back won't be too tough on 2,4 and 6yo legs.

You guys scored with the single rider on RSR! Well done!
This is our third stay at Hojo, so that says something!

It is not super-flash but we like the comfy beds, the retro theme, the pools (your littlies will love the pirate water playground!) and we find the walk to the parks very easy. If you do a search on youtube, someone has posted a video of the entire walk from Hojos car park to bag check at DL. It is about 8 mins we find.

So yesterday, our Big DL day, we caught the new show, "Mickey and the Magic Map", which is in the FL Theater up the back by Toontown.

It is about 20 mins long and really enjoyable. Quite a few characters that you dont see much are in it, including King Louie from "The Jungle Book", Mulan, Pocahontas, Princess Tiana etc. Lots of dancng and some cool special effects.

We left the park mid-afternoon again and came back for a rest. For dinner we drove to In N Out Burger, who make "the best burgers and fries anywhere", DS10 announced - and he's eaten a few! Make sure you ask for them "animal style", which gets you extra grilled onions and special sauce mmmmmm

We went back to the park about 7.30 and used FPs to ride Indy which had been down earlier in the day. Such a great ride, definitely a favourite with our family.
We aslo jumped on Jungle Cruise, which is a bt shorter than the WDW ride, but still fun and full of terrible puns and jokes from the skipper.

We sat in the Hub to wait for the fireworks . The current show is "Magical", which was new to us. We love "Remember Dreams Come True" best of all
( even better than "Wishes", IMHO), but any Disney fireworks are fab!
We did the same at Mimi's in Anaheim, they served us our bread which was carrot cake and blueberry bread so I wrapped it up and had for breakfast. Don't know how they can eat that as bread with dinner!

Sounds extremely hot over there, we have rain & wind here! You got quite a lot done for first day.

Looking forward to reading along :)

Yeh we did that too at Mimi's-seemed a bit strange to us but made a great breaky!
Just caught up-feeling exhausted as I read but sounds like a fantastic trip and, though not good for younger son, good to know the bug didn't spread itself around and was over pretty quickly! Sounds like you covered a ton of ground everywhere and had some great moments and meals.
Really enjoying your "Liveish TR." I'm rapt that Aladdin's flying carpet is back. I can remember my daughter seeing it for the first time and being amazed by the magic. Great job on your Magic Morning! You certainly managed to get a lot done. :thumbsup2

I'm really looking forward to seeing Carsland and Mickey and the Magic Map in September. Particularly Mickey and Magic Map now I know it has "a few characters you don't see much in it".
what Aladdin show at DL??:rotfl::rotfl:

I'm sure I missed half the park when I was there...but thanks for the update and things to do next time. I agree POC is SOOOOO much better at DL then WDW.....:thumbsup2
what Aladdin show at DL??:rotfl::rotfl:

I'm sure I missed half the park when I was there...but thanks for the update and things to do next time. I agree POC is SOOOOO much better at DL then WDW.....:thumbsup2

Why am I not surprised?

And don't forget to walk THROUGH the castle to Fantasyland next time. :thumbsup2
Hi folks! home again after our long trip from LA via Sydney
Will finish off this sucker in the weekend with our last couple of days at DL - including meals and drinks at Trader Sams (great!) and Carthay Circle Lounge (even greater!) and may even work out how to post some pics once the kids show me how to get them off their iPods..:confused3

(Have just been back through this TR and corrected some of my very dodgy iPad typing errors)
Hi folks! home again after our long trip from LA via Sydney
Will finish off this sucker in the weekend with our last couple of days at DL - including meals and drinks at Trader Sams (great!) and Carthay Circle Lounge (even greater!) and may even work out how to post some pics once the kids show me how to get them off their iPods..:confused3

(Have just been back through this TR and corrected some of my very dodgy iPad typing errors)

Welcome home!!! :wave2::wave2::wave2:

Now you get to all the fun stuff like unpacking and laundry :sad2:


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