Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts too........ Part 2

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We're doing the pirate: princess: party whilst we're there and i would like a really nice tee or something anybody have any ideas??
Sorry i missed your chat the other night the time difference got me
Erin - You should check out the Creative Design board. I've never used them - but Ithink they helped Kara with some designs for her shirts. There are some cute ideas there too.

Don't worry about missing the other night - I'd happily do it again. Just going to make the rest of you put it in writing that you'll be there!:laughing:
Erin - You should check out the Creative Design board. I've never used them - but Ithink they helped Kara with some designs for her shirts. There are some cute ideas there too.

Don't worry about missing the other night - I'd happily do it again. Just going to make the rest of you put it in writing that you'll be there!:laughing:

I would have loved to have been there with you for sure, unfortunately 9p.m your time is 2a.m my time :eek: bit late to start drinking hahahhaa

Ok i will look although i am the least creative person ever but thanks for the tip :thumbsup2
I would have loved to have been there with you for sure, unfortunately 9p.m your time is 2a.m my time :eek: bit late to start drinking hahahhaa

Well, we'll just have to start earlier over here, so you can join us!;)

BTW - I'm the "American version" of the least creative person ever!
OK, you must not need to be logged on to the DIS, because when Cammie posted that she "saw" me at 6:04pm tonight, I was not really "here." I was playing the Grocery Game. Anyone else try this? I save sooooo much money on groceries this way. My best yet was spending $20 at Walgreen's and saving $120!!!! Yes, you read that right. I get so much stuff FREE this way.

I feel better today - Cammie, sorry to hear that YOU are sick! No time for a head cold, it's going to start warming up soon. Spring has sprung!

I took DD to the pool this afternoon for about an hour. There were quite a few people there, and it doesn't officially open until March 28th. We have 3 pools here and the "adult" pool is open year round because it's heated. And when it's the only one open, kids can swim there, too. So I just laid out and read and let DD play with her friends. Must be nice to be able to make friends so easily, wherever she goes!!!! Makes me proud as a mom to know that she is so well adjusted. She has done so well with this move.

Then went for a 5 mile bike ride with DH and DD this evening. We were going to the driving range but I can't find my golf shoes anywhere - guess what that means, I get to buy new shoes! :banana:

Even though I feel better, I kinda feel like I have a hangover, just really groggy today. So I'm going to bed early again tonight - I stayed up until midnight reading that darn Lost thread, but I finished it! Now I just need to remember to stay caught up.

Then the dog woke upat 6:15am and when I walked through the dark house, I looked out the kitchen window and saw two HUGE deer standing right by the windows, eating our bushes. They are so pretty, but really destructive! And when I turned on the light on the porch, they scattered. Then I went back to bed and it sounded like an elephant was running through the back yard - I think it was the armadillos rooting around out there. Talk about destructive!!!! DH worked in the yard today trying to undo the damage from those stupid rodents! Plus he got to use his new toy - he had to buy a new lawnmower, since our riding mower would barely fit into our front yard here. I hate that all the yards are so tiny here - we moved from over 1/2 acre in a nicely developed neighorhood of about 100 homes, to less than 1/4 acre in a brand new subdivision that will eventually have over 700 homes. It's just so different.

Well, I'm off for the night. Look forward to "seeing" y'all tomorrow!

Debbie - do you pick up the truck tomorrow??? Yea!

Cammie - what ever happened with the refi?

Tessa & Erin - the trip across the pond is rapidly approaching! yea!

Jillian, Tammie, Renee, Pam, Laura, who else am I missing? Hope y'all are doing well!
Hey everyone I am so very tired. Had a family birthday party tonight and ugh. I have to go to bed now because I have to work in the morning and it is our 1st Anniversery.

Cammie I sorry to hear you are not feeling well with this crazy weather I can see why.

Hello to everyone. Happy st. patricks day
Hiya all

Cammie - get well soon!

Kids both got their 50m swimming yesterday, so we're sooo proud.... eldest had to do it on her back though - she has a big fear of deep water for some reason..?? When she is on her front in the deep end of the pool she starts to hyperventilate and can't do it, on her back I'm sure she could swim a mile......
Don't know how to get her over this -we take her to a pool with deep water and she will swim face down with us there, but when we are not in the pool with her she will not do it.... Maybe just time will do it, as their swimming gets better, they move up groups and have to swim in deeper water each time(across the pool)

They took them on the low diving board to jump off too -youngest went straight to the end and jumped - and then I was proud of eldest - she got to the end of the board this time - didn't jump, but maybe next time....

Am putting together our first aid/medicine kit for our trip this week - any advice? We are taking the kids temperature medicine (Calpol + thermometer) as we don't know what it is called over there, some anti histamine meds for hay fever and cream for bites/stings/rashes and some plasters and antiseptic spray. Also, we always travel with antiseptic eye drops in individual doses in our carry on bags - great for grit/eyelashes/tired scritchy eyes etc, will have to put them in our "liquids" bag I guess.....

Would welcome any advice...
Hiya all
Kids both got their 50m swimming yesterday, so we're sooo proud.... Am putting together our first aid/medicine kit for our trip this week - any advice? We are taking the kids temperature medicine (Calpol + thermometer) as we don't know what it is called over there, some anti histamine meds for hay fever and cream for bites/stings/rashes and some plasters and antiseptic spray. Also, we always travel with antiseptic eye drops in individual doses in our carry on bags - great for grit/eyelashes/tired scritchy eyes etc, will have to put them in our "liquids" bag I guess.....

Would welcome any advice...

Tessa - I always take Neosporin (tube of antibacterial cream) and bandaids - my daughter is a clutz and trips over shadows! :rotfl2: Good call on the anithistamines - I know from "experience" that the pollen is vicious right now! :eek: Make sure you bring plenty of sunscreen - just one hour yesterday and my arms and legs were red (I only applied sunscreen to my face for some reason) and I'm 2 hrs north. Also, hats to block the rays from your scalp!

Erin - You should check out the Creative Design board. I've never used them - but Ithink they helped Kara with some designs for her shirts. There are some cute ideas there too.

Yes, they are wonderful!!! I just printed the designs and ironed them on the shirts - I got so many comments on our shirts when we were there - people asking us where we bought them! Cool!:thumbsup2

Just a quick one today - Overslept so have to get DD ready for school this am and then on to work - probably won't even get a shower until lunchtime! :scared1:
I was playing the Grocery Game. Anyone else try this? I save sooooo much money on groceries this way. My best yet was spending $20 at Walgreen's and saving $120!!!! Yes, you read that right. I get so much stuff FREE this way.

What is this and how can I do it too?

I took DD to the pool this afternoon for about an hour. There were quite a few people there, and it doesn't officially open until March 28th. We have 3 pools here and the "adult" pool is open year round because it's heated. And when it's the only one open, kids can swim there, too. So I just laid out and read and let DD play with her friends. Must be nice to be able to make friends so easily, wherever she goes!!!! Makes me proud as a mom to know that she is so well adjusted. She has done so well with this move.

Then went for a 5 mile bike ride with DH and DD this evening. We were going to the driving range but I can't find my golf shoes anywhere - guess what that means, I get to buy new shoes! :banana:

So jealous! I can't wait until it's warm enough here to do stuff like this! Well, we don't have a pool but looking forward to doing some evening walks or just hanging out on the deck after dinner! Thinking warm thoughts! :flower3:

Cammie - what ever happened with the refi?

Funny you should ask - I'm closing this afternoon. Got the word about two weeks ago that I was approved but still had some conditions that had to be met. Unfortunately it involved going to my ex for some additional documents.:headache: Wasn't really a problem but can I just say how much I hate, hate, HATE him knowing my business?! I can't sneeze without him knowing about it; yet I never seem to know what state he's in from one day to the next. Anyway - it is what it is, so I need to get used to it. Bottom line, the refinance is a go - and that's good news for me!:dance3:

Tessa - We call our meds different things here so I don't know if what you've mentioned covers this but I also bring a good supply of children's decongestant and a cough medicine. Without fail, by mid-week of our trip, one of my girls will have a stuffy nose - must be because of going in and out of ac all week! 20 days for you guys - :banana: !

Feeling a little better today; still have a sore throat though and pretty tired. I feel like I'm on the brink of a really bad head cold. I just want to go back to bed but thinking I should just hit the gym instead.

Happy St.Patrick's Day!
Bottom line, the refinance is a go - and that's good news for me!:dance3:

Tessa - We call our meds different things here so I don't know if what you've mentioned covers this but I also bring a good supply of children's decongestant and a cough medicine. Without fail, by mid-week of our trip, one of my girls will have a stuffy nose - must be because of going in and out of ac all week! 20 days for you guys - :banana: !

Feeling a little better today; still have a sore throat though and pretty tired. I feel like I'm on the brink of a really bad head cold. I just want to go back to bed but thinking I should just hit the gym instead.

Happy St.Patrick's Day!

Cammie - great news on the finance!!!! Must be a total load off your mind. as for exes, I always think who cares what they know, cos who cares what they think anymore -yep?

Thanks for reminding me on the cough meds I have one that really helps with the bedtime coughs, soothes a tickly cough and makes them drowsy too. Might bring some cough drops for me too, I remember that drying effect of the air con from last time - and hand cream!! my hands were like alligator skin when I got back home!!! Can see why there's so many of those creatures out there, the weather suits their skin!!!!

Will definitely remember sun screen Kara! And it made me laugh about tripping over a shadow - my littlest is like one of those newborn colts at the minute - all gangly legs - she doesn't seem to know how long they are and trips ALL the time - just now on the way back from school was the latest, can't find much pink skin amongst the blue bruises on her knees right now!!!

AAARRGGHHH!!!! schools..... We have parents evening next week - 2 girls so 2 teachers to see - do you think they could do the same evening!!!! NO!!!! How (fit your own imaginative expletive here) inconvenient!!!!

OK, can I just say I think I'm having a breakdown? This morning DD went to the bus stop with the neighbor because I was running late. Then I see that she left her plastic easter eggs here (which I volunteered to send to class) and her gallon milk jug (guess they are making easter baskets). So I FLIP out! I called DH and told him to drive home, get this stuff and take it to DD at school. No, I would NOT take time off to do it! I'm tired of always being the one, just because I work at home, to handle EVERY crisis involving DD, or this stupid house! I told him to get home or I was gonna lose it! :scared1:

I feel better now, but seriously, I thought I was gonna crack up! I really do hate this house, and I'm not a big fan of Florida either. DH works so much more here than he did in SC so a lot more falls on my shoulders (and I think I can get support here, because as MOMs, don't we all carry extra responsibility anyway???). I'm just tired of it all..... Physically, emotionally, mentally, you name it. So I went to McD's and ate like a pig for lunch! AND I'm getting my nails done tonight! I hate to spend the money for that when I have long, healthy, natural nails, but I can't do the french manicure myself, so off I go! I need some sort of pick me up anyway.

Cammie - go to www.thegrocerygame.com. It is wonderful! A gal I worked with told me about it at first, and then the woman who started the website was on the Today show (DH saw her there so he thinks this was his idea!!!). What she does is matches up YOUR local grocery store's circulars and sales, with coupons from Sunday's papers. Let's say cereal is normally 3.99 for a box. Your store has it buy one get one free this week, so now it is 2.00 for one box. But through the grocery game you realize that there was a coupon in January for $.50 off, and if you're lucky enough to have a store that doubles coupons, that's actually $1.00 off now so your 3.99 box of cereal is now only 1.00. And the best ones are for toiletries. I can't tell you when the last time I paid for feminine hygiene products!!! At Walgreens they are ALWAYS either free with coupons, plus instore savings, or rebated to $0.

I literally have about 3 or 4 tubes of toothpaste and deodorant in my cabinets because they all ended up being FREE!!!

I think she charges $10 for 8 weeks fnal store. So we use PUblix, 5 for each additional store. So we use PUblix, Winn Dixie, and Walgreens so its $20 every 8 weeks. And I save double that the first week usually. She makes a list for each store, and then you can print it out, and gray out the line items you aren't interested in, and off you go! When we first started doing it, we would always save the receipts just to "prove" to our friends. Yes, some of the savings you would have known about anyway, but I currently have 3 unopened mustards in the pantry - all FREE. Originally $1.99, on sale buy one get one free (so now $1.00) and have $.50 coupone that gets doubled so it's now free! So there is a lot I would not have known about.

Check it out and holler if you have any questions.

Tessa, one think I did think about - feminine hygiene products??? :rolleyes1
How about moleskin for blisters (I always carry it with me but I have yet to ever use it!). And of course aloe or something cooling for sunburns. And Tylenol or some sort of pain killer for headaches, muscle aches?

I think I'm going to go rest for awhile. My outburst this morning really wore me out!
Can see why there's so many of those creatures out there, the weather suits their skin!!!!

...can't find much pink skin amongst the blue bruises on her knees right now!!!

AAARRGGHHH!!!! schools..... We have parents evening next week - 2 girls so 2 teachers to see - do you think they could do the same evening!!!! NO!!!! How (fit your own imaginative expletive here) inconvenient!!!!


Yes, I totally agree! My skin is sooo dry since moving here - don't get it though because it is so humid!

I'm worried that DD's teachers are gonna call the authorities here because she has so many bruises!!! The latest is on her thigh and it's huge! She has no idea where she got it. My mom says we should have named her "Grace." :rotfl2:

Tessa, you potty mouth, you!:lmao:

Funny you should ask - I'm closing this afternoon. Got the word about two weeks ago that I was approved but still had some conditions that had to be met. Unfortunately it involved going to my ex for some additional documents.:headache: Wasn't really a problem but can I just say how much I hate, hate, HATE him knowing my business?! I can't sneeze without him knowing about it; yet I never seem to know what state he's in from one day to the next. Anyway - it is what it is, so I need to get used to it. Bottom line, the refinance is a go - and that's good news for me!:dance3:

Happy St.Patrick's Day!

Cammie - Yea on the refi!!!!! Now didn't we all say it would work out in the end! :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

As for exes, I don't think I could do it - just the whole insecurity factor and competition thing would get to me. I'm not an insecure person by nature, but for some reason, the only time I've ever felt that way was brought on by ex-BFs. I think I'd have a major chip on my shoulder if DH and I ever became exes. Good for you for being so strong!
and bandaids - my daughter is a clutz and trips over shadows! :rotfl2:

Yes, they are wonderful!!! I just printed the designs and ironed them on the shirts - I got so many comments on our shirts when we were there - people asking us where we bought them! Cool!:thumbsup2

Your daughter isn't the only one i'm nearly 32 and still haven't grown out of tripping over nothing .. i am at the moment nursing a twisted foot from falling over nothing on the way to school a few mornings ago :rotfl2:

Thanks i will look at the board but am really not creative at all :laughing:
OK, can I just say I think I'm having a breakdown? This morning DD went to the bus stop with the neighbor because I was running late. Then I see that she left her plastic easter eggs here (which I volunteered to send to class) and her gallon milk jug (guess they are making easter baskets). So I FLIP out! I called DH and told him to drive home, get this stuff and take it to DD at school. No, I would NOT take time off to do it! I'm tired of always being the one, just because I work at home, to handle EVERY crisis involving DD, or this stupid house! I told him to get home or I was gonna lose it! :scared1:

I feel better now, but seriously, I thought I was gonna crack up! I really do hate this house, and I'm not a big fan of Florida either. DH works so much more here than he did in SC so a lot more falls on my shoulders (and I think I can get support here, because as MOMs, don't we all carry extra responsibility anyway???). I'm just tired of it all..... Physically, emotionally, mentally, you name it. So I went to McD's and ate like a pig for lunch! AND I'm getting my nails done tonight! I hate to spend the money for that when I have long, healthy, natural nails, but I can't do the french manicure myself, so off I go! I need some sort of pick me up anyway.

I think I'm going to go rest for awhile. My outburst this morning really wore me out!

Hey Kara i feel for you sounds like you had a really sucky morning .. Monday's are just the worst hey!!! I'm so thankful we only have a 4 day week this week because of Easter :yay:

I hope you had a good rest and a nice chilled rest of the day you deserve it totally :hug:
Cammie - great news on the finance!!!! Must be a total load off your mind. as for exes, I always think who cares what they know, cos who cares what they think anymore -yep?

You got that right!:thumbsup2 Refinancing is done and I will be getting some money back. Of course, the closing agent tells me that "the financial responsible" thing to do would be to take the money and put it into the mortgage - essentially make an extra payment. Now why would I do that when I have two trips to Disney this year. That money is going into the vacation fund!:banana: :banana: :banana:

I'm worried that DD's teachers are gonna call the authorities here because she has so many bruises!!! The latest is on her thigh and it's huge! She has no idea where she got it. My mom says we should have named her "Grace." :rotfl2:

Your DD sounds like me. I brush up against the side of the couch and I get a bruise the size of Texas!:scared1:
Kara - Thanks for the grocery link!


Yes, thank you. I'll check it out for myself later. Looked at it briefly before - have one quick question for now: Do you have to have a Sunday paper coupon flier to get the coupons or does she have them on the website? (did that make sense?)
Hi there-

It's taking me forever to get caught up. It's snowing again. DD is on spring break this week and we will most like go sledding. Such is life in MN.

I have heard about the grocery game too. Sounds great. Haven't signed up yet. Last I looked we just had Walgreen's and CVS. I'll have to go back and check it out. DH thinks I lost a screw the other day. With all of the illness here we've had lots of prescriptions. Target had a coupon for a $10 gift card for each new prescrip. I have 4 new prescriptions. I called all my neighbors and asked them for their Sunday paper. It worked I walked away with $40 in gift cards. I still ended up spending $30 because who can get out of target for under $50. :goodvibes

Cammie- great news on the Refi. Take the extra and enjoy it. My hunch is that you've earned it.

Jillian - Congrats on your anniversary.

Kara - I had my share of freaks outs this weekend too. I'm groveling to DH. MCD's is the greatest when you feel yucky.

BTW did you see the new Happy Meals? I stopped on the way back from the Clinic today. Yes another visit not for DDs but me (ugh). I got 2 of them. Didn't win but was exciting thinking of another trip paid for by MCDs.
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