Looking for March 6th Magic Cruisers

Updated info for Kimnicki to post on board 10, ( Like she has time for that, lol. )

Self, DH, DS 9 DS 5, cabin 6556, Early seating, from NY.
AndPigletToo...where in NY are you flying out of?? We have a late flight out of LaGuardia and it puts us on the boat around 2....it will be tough to get Palo ressies.

Tarralee....we are arriving late as you can see.....we would love to sit with our new DIS friends. I am assumming you will get to dining changes first.

Hi ewelty:wave: Welcome and congratulations! AndPigletToo congrats on that weightloss, I've only lost 20 and have a long way to go! What'll my excuse be after we cruise? For our next cruise hopefully! I've updated the chart and if I've missed anyone please let me know. Tomorrow will be the last time I'll be able to update it before we leave :Pinkbounc :bounce: Yeah!!

Norma30 ~ We are flying out of Rochester and into Cin. Ohio, then to MCO, we leave Friday. Kinda the long way there, but it still beats driving, I'm no good in the car for long trips. Believe it or not, I really have no interest in Palos, and I don't know why. I looked at the menu for there, and nothing impressed me, the regular dining room menus looked better to me, plus I like dining with other people, you won't have to worry about us filling a spot.

Micketboat ~ Yes, will you be going to the Dis meet on Sunday? If so maybe we can set up a time to either walk or hit the excercise room?

Tarralee ~ How are the Mickey heads coming? Did you get to make them from the scrap book paper? We'll be playing our own version of the Hidden Mickeys. It will be fun trying to locate everyones Green Mickey head.

Kimnicki ~ Thanks for the update, and the room change, lol. 6556. Hey... 20 lbs is a lot. Think of it... a bag of dog food weighs that much! Imagine yourself having to lug around a 20 lb. bag of dog food all over the Magic eh? Good job! Can you tell which program I'm on lol?

AndPigletToo's ds's want to be the first ones on the boat! Told them not to count on it!
well,my DD got sick on Thursday,so she did not go to school.she is feeling little better now, but now I am afraid that my other DD is going to catch it.ooo well.I am just hoping that everything is going to be ok. :( :( :scared: :headache: :faint: :faint:

Wow! So, I haven't posted in a while, but school keeps me busy. I have my first exam tomorrow, then two on Thursday. I need to do some last minute shopping before work on Thursday night...one class Friday morning, and then I have four hours to pack! I'll certainly be busy until I get on that airplane!

I'm excited to meet all of you. (And to you State fans...what a sad loss, I almost cried...GO PURDUE, BEAT ILLINOIS!!!) I will hopefully be wearing a Mickey head thing (I'm gonna ask my dad to get one), so hopefully I'll get to meet some of you! Can't wait!
Sanela - here's hoping for healthy little ones. DD4 woke up stuffy this morning. PLEASE don't let her be getting sick. Our Pedi gave me a Rx for Amoxicillin in case we need it for strep or ear infections.

MSUSpartanFan - good luck on your exams. I know how stressful they can be, especially when all you are thinking about is vacation. BTW, I am an UNC alum, GO TARHEELS!

I have had a lousy morning. We were running late, the kids just wanted to dwaddle around. I burned the back of my neck on my curling iron. Then I ran over the recycling box backing out of the driveway, and cut my finger while picking up the glass. But I look at it this way, if I get all my bad luck out of the way before I leave, the trip will go without a hitch.

norma30 - we won't be arriving until late, either. If we can't get into Palo, maybe we can make our own adults only dinner - Pizza at Quiet Cove with a big bottle of wine - in the hot tub.

AndPigletToo - yes I plan to be at the DIS meet on Sunday. We'll make plans to exercise. I am looking forward it.

Looking forward to it. Only 3 more days.

Sorry AndPiglet.....I fixed it:o I guess the people in 6656 would've been a little confused when fellow DISers were banging down the door looking for you!

Thanks Sultan: feel "naked" without a green chip! We will be instantly recognized Im sure: bleary-eyed(after long flight),rusty (after all UK rain)and bemused by all the USA bank-notes which look the same! Naturally, the English accent will be the biggest giveaway! Disney: here we come! Safe journey all. Nat:Pinkbounc
Good Afternoon everybody!

:Pinkbounc I only have 1 1/2 days of school left! I'm so excited! The kids are too! We have been testing all week, so they are bouncing off the walls! We are heading outside for a long recess in a few minutes.

Tonight I'm going to try to gather my stuff up and hope it all fits in my suitcase! Got my $$$ yesterday and tomorrow afternoon I head to the salon for my manicure and pedicure!

Let's sprinkle some pixie dust for safe travels for everyone!

See y'all soon!

:earsgirl: Teresa
Well the van is almost packed. Driving south to pick up the other three people and then we're off!!!!
Leaving here around 4 - 5 pm so everyone have a safe trip and here is wishing for warm sunny days and calm seas.

Cya in a few days,

Safe Trip wishes got out to Gumbo, Natdencro, and MissDisneyTeach. we'll see you soon!!!! M-O-U-S-E.......
Safe trip to all of you!

I'm off to the mall for a few last minute things, hoping to actually pack tonight!! Getting SOOOO excited!
Safe travels to all this week. Let's all do a "beautiful weather dance" tonight. Stop what you are doing at 6:00, look up at the skies, dance a little jig, and ask for fair skies and seas.

TarraLee - I can't believe you are finally going to pack! Well, if you can believe it, I bought some craft supplies today and I am going to try to make a sign for our door with our names on it. Wish me luck, and don't laugh too hard if you pass by 1048.

The dream is almost reality.

I hope everyone has a safe trip and I look forward to meeting you all! Denae I hope you get your mickey chips today, I'll bring some extra incase they don't make it to you in time.

Don't forget to bring your DISers list everyone!

I'll do my dance tonight with you Denae!!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Denae- happy crafting to you! I'm sure your creations will be very nice!

I finally got some clothes for this cruise, went on a *small* shopping spree, then felt so guilty that I bought DH a new outfit too. So, if you see him with his new blue polo and shorts, make sure to tell him its cool (from American Eagle, so he thinks he is too old for it ;)

Can't wait to meet you all!! Everyone have a safe trip!
Hello, everyone!!! We are packed and are driving to Salt Lake City in the morning and flying out on Friday morning! We have made t-shirts that say " The Wyoming Gang "on them! Please if you see us on Sunday, wondering around trying to find the meeting place, grab us and point us in the right direction. We are excited to meet you all. We also will have a sign on our door that says "The Wyoming Gang", so stop in and chat, or let us know of any other fun gatherings! Meet you on the "Magic"! Safe travels to you all!!
Sanela, what's your cabin number? I wanted to make a little door dec for all the DISers, but your # isn't on Kimnicki's chart. See you real soon!


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