Loose vs. Lose!

jackskellingtonsgirl true enough,but whenever I type anything in the reply to thread box , like this one I have a red dotted line underneath any misspelled not misused words. I forget/forgot its through Google tool bar and Yahoo tool bar and AOL tool bar that it happens !

Its all just so automatic I don't give it a second thought ! I just right click the correct word and boom.

Unless of coursse I cannt botthher to righht clich then it all staysss qwrong Like all of these with red liness <VBG>
There's a lady on the cruise boards exhorting everyone to put their ID/room key on a lainart and someone else is complaining about the service the received from their cabin stewart.
I know this is petty and it's probably just the ex-English major in me but this has been driving me nuts and I need to get it off my chest....

I read so many posts on these boards in which people use "loose" when they should be using "lose." For example, I really need to "loose" weight before I go on vacation........it should be "lose." Don't they watch The Biggest Loser? It's not The Biggest Looser!
Loose describes how your clothes fit after you lose the weight.

OK, I feel much better now and should probably go and take my medication:rotfl2: It's amazing how the littlest things can drive you nuts!

It's enough to make me "loose" my mind!:goodvibes

I so feel you. Where did you go to school? I majored in English at UC Berkeley and always like to meet other wrod geeks. :)
There's a lady on the cruise boards exhorting everyone to put their ID/room key on a lainart and someone else is complaining about the service the received from their cabin stewart.

Does her fionce know about it? It's going too effect him to.
Oh, well, okay - if we can refer to posts on other boards... There's somebody on another board here whose credit card was never out of her position...
I work with a girl who's getting married soon. She doesn't want a lot of kids at her wedding so the only ones she's inviting are intermediate family.

Same girl also knows someone who's not been feeling well. She knew she had affection. Antibiotics cured her ammonia, though.
As a second job partner dude and I work as scopists for a court reporter out of Atlanta, Georgia. We take her transcripts, read the steno, listen to audio, and put it in a form that will then be presented to the Court of Appeals. We, unfortunately, are not allowed to correct grammar. It's downright scary, folks!

The best is when people misspell words in the title of their thread...
On the Theme Park Attractions and Strategies board there are the following threads: "The Nest Promo" instead of The NEXT Promo, "Wich attraction has the best soundtrack?", and "Wich country in the world showcase is the best?" :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Are they kidding me?
The best is when people misspell words in the title of their thread...
On the Theme Park Attractions and Strategies board there are the following threads: "The Nest Promo" instead of The NEXT Promo, "Wich attraction has the best soundtrack?", and "Wich country in the world showcase is the best?" :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Are they kidding me?

Sometimes the titles are so mangled I can't even work out what the topic is supposed to be!:scared: :rotfl2:
Fly my little grammar monkeys....fly! I am so glad to see this thread doing well. I'm especially proud to see that all of the politically correct defenders of the spell check challenged have avoided putting in their two "sense":rotfl2:
Fly my little grammar monkeys....fly! I am so glad to see this thread doing well. I'm especially proud to see that all of the politically correct defenders of the spell check challenged have avoided putting in their two "sense":rotfl2:

I thought about it but it didn't make any since.
As you can tell from my tag I've failed to proof read my posts and I am sure there are worse ones out there!

(At least I didn't say worst one's:laughing: )
Just found this one on the Strategies board....

"Hi, I was curious to the parks do fireworks everynight or is there a schedule that sais when and where it all happens."

...I went on down to the Audubon Zoo and they all "axed" for you....

It happens all the time - someone stops and axes me a question.
While we're on the subject, can anyone explain the origin of "you guyses" and "your guyses" as in "I'm going to put your guyses suitcase in the closet."

This is a really interesting question about the development of language. See the following excerpt from Wikipedia:

"Because you is both singular and plural, various English dialects have attempted to revive the distinction between a singular and plural you to avoid confusion between the two uses. This is typically done by adding a new plural form; examples of new plurals sometimes seen and heard are y'all/you-all (primarily in the southern United States and African American Vernacular English), you guys (in the U.S., particularly in Midwest, Northeast, and West Coast, and in Australia), you lot (in the UK), youse (Scotland, Northern England, Australia, New Zealand) youse guys (New York City region, Philadelphia, Michigan's Upper Peninsula; also spelt without the E), and you-uns/yinz (Western Pennsylvania, The Appalachians). English spoken in Ireland, known as Hiberno-English, uses the word ye as the plural form, or yous. Although these plurals are useful in daily speech, they are generally not found in Standard English. Among them, you guys is considered most neutral in the U.S. It is the most common plural form of you in the U.S. except in the dialects with y'all, and has been used even in the White House."

Nothing is ever simple. ;)
Chip007, that is really interesting! :) I never would have thought to look it up!

I have lived in the south (Texas and Florida) since 1978. The obvious way to make "you" plural is to say "you all".:rotfl2:
Yowza! :rolleyes:
You guys really get your "panties in a bunch" over this stuff?
Better than getting our panty's in a bunch ;)

Speaking of nothing, has anybody been to that Irish restaurant at Disney World? You know, the one where they serve your meat from skewers - O'Hana (or O'Hanna, or Ohana, or O'hana's, or....)


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