@~Losing Weight for Mickey~@

Whats the hardest about dropping a few pounds?

  • Miss Food

  • Just thinking about it

  • Working out

  • Finding support

  • Knowing what works

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Wow, I just saw this part of the group and boy did I wish I would have seen it sooner. We leave in 2 weeks....:cool1: I started the EA Active for the Wii and just finished the 30 day challenge. :banana: Starting it back up again tomorrow to get in more excerise before we leave. Noticing the scale is not going down, I am getting more muscle at the moment but have notice toning which is a perk! I love my water too but must have a coffee every morning. :)
Did you make it back to the gym? I haven't started my new 30 day challenge yet... I think tonight will be the night! Hopefully, no swim meets / nothing planned for tonight, so I hope to get back on track.. (literally)... and get the next challenge started. So.. I'll check in tomorrow... we'll see how many calories I burn... I'm getting the motivation back.. I got to remember I want to actually be in the photo pass pictures.. and not hiding in every one. Plus... it's my intention to get a nice shot of the whole family in front of the castle for our christmas cards... (thinking ahead)... and people who haven't seen me in a while will not think how much weight I gained... Maybe they will think I look pretty good for having 4 kids... :rotfl:
Daisyyy.....I love your idea about the Christmas photo! I am using that idea for my motivation!
I did actually get back to the gym -- minor miracle there!! REALLY didn't want to, but dragged my clothes on and out the door before I could really think about it. I'd like to say I enjoyed myself, but not so much... hopefully I'll do better liking it tomorrow!! :rotfl: I do feel better mentally having gone, though... gotta try to remember that next time. :goodvibes

I think my DH and I ought to have taken out stock in RediWhip -- it is totally what is getting me through. I eat lots of healthy stuff, but it's the ice-cream and junk I miss... so a little RediWhip every night with SugarFree jello (or just straight from the can... :lmao:) works really well!!

What's everyone else's favorite "get through it" food??
What's everyone else's favorite "get through it" food??


Actually Reddi whip sounds good... something sweet.. and just enough to satisfy the craving... I am going to shut down now, and turn on the wii.. and start my second 30 day challenge...:yay: Hope it works.

Good luck at the gym tomorrow. Let us know how you're all making out... Lets stay motivated.. keep it up.. We can do it... :cheer2:
So I started my PTR and probably misspelled a tons but ya'll enjoy the link is in my signature its the :smickey:Birthday Bash PTR:smickey:

oh and my "get though it food" is chips and salsa or popcorn or Ben & Jerry's Karmel Sutra:worship:
Chocolate flavored Redi-Whiip is really good, it helps with the chocolate cravings & satisfies the sweet tooth too. My favorite food is Doritos though as I have mentioned before, DD brought some home this week despite my declaring a Dorito free zone so of course I ate some:scared1:

I'm going to go do my ab exercises now to make up for my relapse. Good luck everyone & hope you can resist temptation better than I can.
Hi all, I'm feeling soooo out of shape. I hate it! Tuesday morning I was working out and hurt my back. The pain was so bad that I was at my chiropractor by Tuesday afternoon. Sat through an all day meeting yesterday and came home near tears. Back to the chiropractor this morning where he said I wasn't improving as quickly as he'd like. I see him again Monday. Needless to say, I haven't worked out in days and boy am I feeling it. Not just physically but it does something for my moods too. Hoping to be able to get back on track tomorrow or Sunday at the latest. :guilty:

Oh, and all your talk about sweets isn't helping at all! hahaha
KPH500.... I hope your back is better soon. My sister suffers from back problems and it really takes a toll on her. She wants to do things with her daughter, but sometimes she just can't. So.. do what the dr. says... you don't want to hurt it worse... and then get back on track when you're feeling better. We'll still be here to cheer you on... I know what you mean about the moods though, I finally did start a new 3 day challenge, and I feel so much better ( mentally)... It may not be doing anything other places, but at least in my head it's working.. :lmao: It's like... (have you ever heard that Trace Adkins song ... "One Hot Momma"... well.. in my head.. thats me. I tell my kids he wrote that song all about me. And they're like.. Nah.... no he didn't... then I say.. why don't you think so?? and then they are like... Oh yeah mom... in your dreams... Oh well... I can still think it.
54 more days for me... Can't wait!!!
54 days ..... LUCKY!! I just booked our anniversary (first ever adults only) trip for November!

103 days and counting here! :woohoo:
54 days ..... LUCKY!! I just booked our anniversary (first ever adults only) trip for November!

103 days and counting here! :woohoo:
You are going to absolutely love it... my DH and I did an anniversary/40th b'day trip in Oct '07, and it was just the BEST time! In fact, we want to to it again -- just not sure our DD's would forgive us for leaving them behind twice!! :rotfl:

I hope your back feels better soon -- I did a fair amount of working out before that trip, too -- but like Daisyyy said, be sure to listen to your dr -- it's better to be able to walk around "the World" than to be a bit thinner, but in pain the whole time! :rolleyes:
Ohhh.. Anniversary trips without the kids... ARE THE BEST! We did our 10th in Oct 05'.... and wanted to do my 40th BD in Dec 07.. (but I was 8 months preg.. and nobody else thought it was a good idea).. I told the kids it was important for us to have just mommy daddy time without the kids once in a while. another time I went with my girlfriend... and told them it was a business trip... :rotfl: they got over it...
well... did I tell you all I did finally start the 30 day challenge again. I am feeling motivated. I am going to do it tonight before bed, but I wanted to get my DIS fix first. Anyone else addicted to this?

I like what Tink said about a Dorito Free home... That's what I need to do.. just ban all of the bad stuff... of course if it's not here it's easier to avoid. (I kid myself when I'm at the market and buy the box of Oreos.. "For the kids"... ) It's totally my fault it's in the house to begin with.. I must resist the urge to buy... ( the bulk size too)... :thumbsup2 ok.. gonna get ready to Wii... check in tomorrow!
I just found your thread! I'm so excited to find out I'm not alone. I am so depressed with myself. When I saw our Disney pictures from last year I freaked out. I had no idea I looked so heavy. I cried for a week and promised myself I would look better next year. 6 months later I am the same size and weight I was then. I have tried counting calories, eating less red meat, cutting pop out of my diet, smaller portions, 3 meals a day instead of 1 monster meal, and I joined a gym. I am so frustrated!!! I can't believe I haven't lost a pound yet! I know I will be miserable if I don't get my weight under control, but I just don't know how.
Our 'baby' is almost 13 so we figured we won't get much push back from him. We were just at Disney the week leading up to July 4th so he was able to get his fix then. To say I'm excited about this hubby & me trip is a major understatement! :lovestruc

blackpearl, let me start by saying .... LOVE the name! :rotfl: I think you'll find this thread a great place to find motivation, tips, humor and a sypmathetic ear or two to just listen when you need to vent. Welcome and good luck to you!
Hi -- I haven't read the entire thread, but one of the first posts said they were on the "you shouldn't put that cake in your mouth plan." :lmao:

That is now me! But, I can add tortilla chips to that as well.

I just walked/ran for 35 minutes for the first time in a looooong time. We have plans to go again in Dec., and I too look at pictures of me and think, who is that? :)

My "baby" is 10, so I guess I can't use that excuse, huh?

Off to the grocery store to buy only "good for you" foods!
We went to Disney for our honeymoon in October 2007, and I felt so great when I saw all our pictures since I had lost weight for our wedding! We went back a year later for our 1-year anniversary and I was so disgusted with myself! I had gained about 25 lbs in a year! My self-esteem was so low! :sad2: I joined Jenny Craig a month later and have been on it now for 8 months now and have lost that 25 lbs and an additional 15 lbs for a total of 40 lbs! :banana: I'm still trying to lose another 10lbs by Labor Day for our trip.... but I'm so proud of myself, feel better than I ever have, and can't wait to get to Disney in September to celebrate DHs bday and our 2-year anniversary! Bring on the yummy food! Wolfgang Puck pizza, Dole Whips, and Goofy's Candy Company Make-Your-Own Snacks, HERE I COME!!!! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
I am late to this thread but joining in anyway. I have several memory books from Disney with me a lil tooo voluptuous (Bhahahahhaha). My family (and friends) are all going back in Dec and I would looove to lose about 30-40 pounds before we go. I know thats asking alot..but Ima try my hardest. :)
Glad I have a place to go now to talk with other people that can relate.:goodvibes
Hey... where has everybody been... this thread is too quiet. We need to keep each other motivated... even if we fall of the wagon once in a while.. (for me that's pretty often)... But jump back on... Have you all been good? working out? hitting the gym? (me.. I haven't been so good.. but I have been working out a little more.. so.. does that make me ahead of the game or behind?) Or maybe it just cancels the other out... I keep trying to do better. Did I say I hate summer .. all the BBQs and party food.. we seem to always have company... and we like to entertain, but of course when people are over we have to be the polite host, and offer them food / beverages.. / wine / beer... and of course join them. I wouldnt want to be rude!... Of course they are twisting my arm :laughing:
So... let me be the 1st to welcome the new posters. Enjoy our thread, and chime in whenever you feel like it.. update us on your progress, and give us any helpful tips / hints / diet successes that may help or motivate the rest of us. Are there any new diets out there that really work? Like the grapefruit diet?? It works because nobody likes the taste of grapefruit.:lmao:
Seriously.. is there anything that works for you? I'll try anything .. at least once.
Today's realization for the MNSSHP... If I was going to dress up like a character, I would have to be Ursula. I have 54 days left and I better make the most of them. I am down 35 lbs, and now I would be happy to lose another 15 before going.

I better get back into working out or I will end up crying again looking at family pics afterwards.
Woohoo 45lbs down from the day he left for the desert...and I still have a few months left to shed some more. I know i wont get the whole 70 off I wanted gone, but hey 50ish is good in my eyes for a year.


Now (oh and i'm laughing because my son goes "Mommy say cheese"....this is 1wk post gallbladder surgery so please excuse the bruising from the 50,000 needles that went into me over the course of a week)


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