Lulu201's Healthy Living Log (comments welcome!)

Friday, 9/12. . .

Got through the day OK--very busy with this and that, so didn't have much time to think about food, though I did give a lot of thought to the marathon!

Exercise: Did some research on the WISH board and found a great website on beginning a walking program and training for a half marathon. If anyone wants to know more, just let me know.
Anyway, I began with the end of week one on the beginners chart; just 15 minutes on the treadmill, went .95 miles. I looked over the chart and figured with the exercise that I've been doing the last month I could start on one of the later weeks, but decided I'd really like to take this gradually and get into the habit of walking every day on the treadie (except my rest day). It should take me approx. 12 weeks to complete the beginner walker pre-marathon training program, and by the end of that (I guess that'll be Dec.), I'll know whether or not I have the discipline to begin the 12 week half-marathon training which includes, gulp, a 15 mile walk on one of the Saturdays!!!!! If I do have the dedication and the stamina, I'll sign up to do the half marathon in 2005!:Pinkbounc

Oh, yeah, I walked Mickey, today, too.

Food: b--coffee with cream, toast w/pb=5
l--3 oz. chicken salad=5
d--2 and 1/2 cups steamed shrimp=5
1/2 cup General Tso's chicken=7 :eek:
1/2 cup rice noodles=2
mushrooms and broccoli in brown sauce=2
1/4 cup cocktail sauce=1

Total: 27/total in bank 21.5

I know, it's been awhile since the ole General Tso and I have been out, but girls, you would've had to lol if you saw me in the restaurant with my 1/2 cup measuring cup, weighing out my chicken and putting the rest on to my DH's plate. I like to go to the Chinese buffet because I can get all the shrimp I want while my DH has anything that he's in the mood for. As you know, I went to the buffet a few weeks ago, but wasn't quite as successful that night. When I went this time, I felt like I was in charge of what I was going to eat, and I wasn't at the mercy of the egg rolls!:p

I guess it's been a month since I started the WISH challenge--will have to check the exact date--but a lot has happened to me since I began! I fell off my original wagon when I went away for Labor Day, but got back on with the help of you sweet WISH friends. Doreen, I get a lump in my throat and a little teary, too, when I think about how generous everyone's been and how wonderfully supportive. There are times that I really think that I'm changing my life for good--that I won't be a slave to the scale (well, most of the time at least;), that I'll exercise and eat right for the rest of my life. Not that I won't slip up. . .it's just that now I know I can mess up and get back on track.

MeMe, when I got your note today and read the part about giving my xl clothes away, I was taken aback for a minute. You know, I never even thought about not ever wearing them again! I mean, I know some people give away their "big" clothes, but I've been in and out of them so many times in my life (I have a least three different sizes in my closet!) that reading your comment introduced to me the possibility of NEVER going back there to xl world again! I have dieted and lost and failed and gained and dieted and lost and failed and gained SO many times that I never even considered that this time the changes could be permanent. But you know what, they might just be this time. I think that that's one of the reasons that I'm considering the half marathon. It represents a long term commitment to taking care of myself and to choosing to lead a healthy life. . .what I wanted, but never dared to think I could really achieve.

Geez, I'm getting quite philosophical tonight! Better get my DH to
take me out before he falls asleep on me!

Onward and downward:)
Lulu, what insight you have!! I'm so proud of you and am also learning from you! You can get philosophical anytime - it gives me so much to think about!

We really could be doing this! We could literally be changing our lives FOREVER! I know that even when I fall off the wagon, I don't choose the same foods I would have in my past life. Even if I do have a little, there's something inside me telling me that a little is enough. I don't think I could ever go back to eating that way on a regular basis again. WOW!!

Hmm, the half marathon....this has been on my mind also. I like your idea, Lulu, of trying to do the beginner's training to see if I've got what it takes to stick it out. Besides, it would sure wrack up those steps on my pedometer....LOL! Maybe we should get together somewhere for one of the long walks?? Valley Forge has an 11k (about 7 mile) trail mapped out courtesy of the local volkssport club. There are others in the area. Maybe there's one that's centrally located for all of us.....just pondering here.

I got a good chuckle out of your measuring cup at the Chinese restaurant - sounds like something I'd do...LOL!! You really are doing great!

I was being silly last night - thinking that two of my best buddies here are Lulu and MeMe - maybe I should start calling myself DoeDoe...:crazy: What do ya think????

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
You go girl! You're so disciplined and focused right now. You're doing an excellent job! And now you want to do marathons. Did you even consider that six months ago? Amazing the changes you're going through, and we all get to witness them. I feel privileged because you're keeping me going. With the way you're going right now, I'm sure you'll meet your goals. We're really proud of you Lulu!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
You guys are so nice and so encouraging--I really feel blessed to have you on this adventure. :) There is no way, 6 months ago, Lisa, that I would've ever imagined what's going on now with my life, with all our lives, and how we've come together to support and care for each other. It's quite amazing. I wonder if anyone not on the boards could really understand it?

Doreen: DoeDoe. . .that is too cute for words! We'll have to form some kind of two syllable screen name club! You may not have wondered about this, but Lulu isn't my real name!! Surprised?:p I know, you all really thought my mom named me Lulu! No, it's Erin. But now that I've used Lulu for a month, I don't know if I can answer to Erin on-line anymore!:p Maybe I should sign my posts with it everyone once and awhile so I don't forget it! Oh yeah, I've seen that there's a lulu71 on the WISH, too--all the more reason to use Erin. But if you become DoeDoe:p. . .

I made a cheesecake today, but not yours, Doreen. I was afraid to buy the whey protein because I had a bad experience with that Atkins baking mix.:mad: I made a WW cheesecake. Not enough fat and too much sugar (1/2 cup), but it's low enough in points and can fit into my plan.

Speaking of points:

b--coffee with cream, tst. w/pb=5 (what a rut I'm in. Tomorrow I'm having cheesecake!)
l--3 oz. chicken salad=5
d--chick fil-a filet, no bun=5
bleu cheese dressing=5
side salad=2.5

Total: 24.5/left in bank 21

Exercise: 20 min. on treadie/1.28 mi.

Anyone interested in the half marathon should check out to get the beginner and half-marathon training schedules. I already told MeMe, but Doreen, why don't you look at it and tell me what you think?

I'm up for meeting somewhere and doing one (or more) of these long walks. . .you should PM me, Doreen, and let me know what city you're in so we can find a half way point. Maybe ask MeMe if she'd like to join us? Hey, anybody on the WISH for that matter. . .maybe we post an invitation on the board then have a few PA training events in the spring, summer, and fall so we could get to know each other and motivate each other?

You all motivate me every day with your strength and your honesty, your successes and your challenges. Thank you so much.

Off to email my brother-in-law stationed in Khazsistan (sp)


No, that doesn't seem right--

Thought I'd try your real name. My real name is not Meme though my nephews call me that. I'll sign my journal once with my real name -see who's paying attention :p

I'd love to do the meet & walk and definitely post to all others and see who want to join. I must admit I ran track in hs and did a 6 mile race once, but that was years ago.

Lulu(oh Erin) you are doing great:Pinkbounc Hooking up with the general again? at least you gave him some boundaries this time:p

Looking forward to your weigh in tomorrow, how close are you to the 10?
I think we all need to be philosophical sometimes. I read somewhere it is motivation to get rid of the old sizes, it's like a passage to a new you. I also have the 3 sizes going in my closet and I plan on having a bonfire one night, hopefully real soon:bounce:
Hey, MeMe, can I pitch my clothes into the fire, too?:D

Sunday, 9/14

b--WW homemade cheesecake (yum!)=6 I love having cheesecake for breakfast, Doreen!
coffee with cream=1.5
l--progresso vegetable italiano soup=2
1 serving of multigrain wheat thins=3
s--1/4 serving of vanilla yogurt, fruit smoothie=1.5
d--1 cup pasta (yum)=4
1/4 alfredo sauce=2
broccoli, peppers=0
2 oz. chicken=2

Total: 25/20.5

Wasn't going to have that s.cow 'cause tomorrow's weigh-in, but I was just too hungry!

No exercise--taking the day off, but dreaming of the h-marathon!
MeMe, you did track!?! Oh, man, you're going to be leaving us in the dust, aren't you? Guess I'd better get into training! Yep, we're gonna plan some local PA WISH events next year!:)

We'll see how things go tomorrow. . .I'm feeling lighter and I'm seriously into the mid-size range in my closet and I know that should be enough for me, but I'd love to be wearing that new clippie before I sail. . .

'til later--
I was thinking about you while I was eating my breakfast cheesecake!! Don't we have a tough life?? LOL!!

You're doing great, no matter WHAT that silly scale says tomorrow!
Starting a new week focused and down 2 pounds! Yay! I'm doing the Two Pound Happy Dance!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Three more to go and I'll be wearing that new clippie on Castaway Cay!:smooth:

I'll journal at the end of the day. . .

Lulu (AKA Erin:) )
WOO-HOO ERIN!!!! 2 pounds lighter - way to go!!!! :bounce: :bounce:
I was thinking about you today as I was sitting in that boring meeting I was in. I'm still at work and I wanted to rush over to your journal to see how you did. Oh my goodness, two pounds! Woo hoo! Let's do the happy dance together because I lost two pounds as well!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Ooh, it's later than I thought. I'll check in with you later or tomorrw a.m. Bye!
Hee-hee! Lisa and I doing our little dance!:Pinkbounc :bounce:
Hey, we gotta celebrate when we can, right?:p

What a day! Busy from 5:30 a.m. Now that my work schedule is picking up, this healthy eating and exercising is going to be quite a challenge, but I think if I can just make it one day at a time. . .

Exercise: 20 min. on the treadmill/1.3 miles
Walked the dog (boy, was he happy!)
Food: cheesecake with 1/2 cup fresh fruit. What a way to start the day! =6
coffee with cream (x2)=2 I don't care how bad caffeine is, you all can have my tootsie rolls, but you're never touching my coffee!
5 oz. chicken salad=7
2 servings of wheat thins (one at l, one at d)=6
progresso minestrone=2
yellow and green pepper slices=0
berries, 1 cup=1
ham and cheese roll=4

Total: 28/31 in the bank

I can't believe I had quite this much to eat; somewhere during the day I counted wrong and I messed everything up! I thought I'd only eaten 24! Oh well, thank goodness for the bank.

I'm gonna roll over my clippie now and hit the sack.

Onward and downward, day by day by day. . .

OK, new day.

Exercise: This week I'm going to follow week #2 of the beginners walker training schedule which means I plan to walk Mon. 20 min. (which I did), Tues. 20 min., Wed. 15 min., Thurs. 25 min., Fri. 20 min., and Sat. 25 min. Sunday I have off! My plans are just to make it through the week; if I can do that, then I'll consider doing week #3!

Long day ahead, work from 8:30 to 5:30 and then rehearsal at church from 7-9. In between there, I'll pick up DD from her after school activity and grab some dinner--probably McDonald's, salad for me.

Had to take some time this a.m. and plan out the whole day's worth of food. If I leave it up to chance, I know I'll end up grabbing a candy bar.

B--cheesecake w/fruit, coffee w/cream=7
L--ham and cheese roll up, cucumber spears, berries=5
D--McDonald's salad w/dressing=11.5
Dessert--maybe a s. cow if I'm hungry.

Wish me luck, girls. . .no, wish me STRENGTH and a smile!
:) :)

Have a good day, I'm hitting the treadie now. . .

9 p.m. The real deal:

B and L as outlined above=12
10 black olives=1
2 taco supremes at Taco Bell=10
1 small vanilla nonfat at Baskin-Robbins=2

Total: 25/30 left in bank

Funny moment: the lady who works in Taco Bell is the first person to ask if I've lost weight since I started watching what I was eating in June. Anyway, she said my face looks thinner. . .she can see my eyes better! I must've had quite the pudgy cheeks!:p
Erin, you are doing SO GREAT!! I'm so proud of you and you should be very proud of yourself! Your encouragement has meant so much to me - THANK YOU SWEETIE!! Did you know you're getting healthier AND helping ME get healthier AND encouraging lots of others around here?? You rock!!

I'll send you a PM about finding a central spot for a PA DIS WISH walk!

Now, in spite of your busy schedule you are staying on track! I hope those training walks are going well. Hopefully we'll both find the courage to face our fears and maybe, just maybe, do that half marathon together. If not the half-marathon, there are lots of shorter 5K and 10K races closer to home. There are also 5K and 10K volksmarches in PA that are not timed. They set up the walking trail and everyone walks at their own pace. Talk about no pressure!! You can walk for free, although I pay $3-$4 per event and get credit in my record books. You can just show up - don't even have to pre-register!! Maybe we should try one together and see how we do? You can check for walks that are available year-round or walks that are only held on a certain weekend. Let me know if you see any that look interesting.

I'm thinking of you and cheering you on, Erin!! Hope you have a GREAT day!
2lbs YIPPIE:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

You make me laugh so much, I bet I lost a couple of lbs(I can only hope, since my scale didn't move:mad: ). I read your other journal posts and each time I chuckle. Thanks!

You are doing so great!!! Let me know where your walking meets are going to be. I'm there:D

I am concerned that the Taco Bell girl knows you :p

keep it up you are doing fabu!
Hi. I'm here, but just barely. An 11 hour day at work, come home and DD needs every bit of attention--which actually I'm glad to give her 'cause when your almost 13 yr. old wants to be with you, you pretty much jump for joy!

Anywho, I'm just gonna tell it like it was:

Exercise--15 minute power walk, 1 mi.
Food--25.5/28.5 in bank

Tomorrow I'll have some free time in the morning, I'm going to nose through everyone's journals then. Thanks for checking in, girls, I appreciate your encouragement. You're almost as nice as my friend the Taco Bell Lady.:p

Her name is Vera, btw.:p
Today has been TOUGH. For some reason, I want to munch everything sight. I've been having food fantasies all day about buttered popcorn and big soft pretzels with lots of salt and chips, oh yeah, lots of chips. I'm struggling and the only thing that has held me in check is knowing that you guys are fighting this war, too, and that if I mess up I have to start with Day One on my clippie!

Even though I've resisted a lot, we still went out to dinner and I ended up needing 9 more points from the point bank. It's hurting!:(

The bottom line:

Exercise: 20 min., 1.35 miles
Food: b--cheesecake and coffee;) =7
l--chicken salad=4
s--soft pretzel and diet pepsi slurpee=3
d--small serving of chicken parm and spaghetti, salad
with lite dressing=19.5
Total=33/18 in bank

This is the lowest amount that I've had in the bank and I'm feeling rather nervous about it. I feel like I'm very close to using up all my extra points and going on a terrible, awful binge! My success up to this point is now on very fragile ground.


I'm going to turn over my clippie and hope that keeps me from thinking about food for the rest of the night!
Erin, {{ hugs }} for you!!! I'm here, sweetie, and I know what you're going through! If I were writing in MeMe's journal I'd tell her to go try on those skinny jeans - do you have any of those clothes that are helping to motivate you?? Go try them on!!!!

You're doing so well. You've been on the right track and your cheat free clippie is looking so beautiful. That silly little clippie has been my biggest motivation lately!! ;) I REALLY don't want to have to start over just for a silly binge. I want to start over because of a major holiday dinner or a big celebration or hitting goal.

Your exercise has been looking good! There's a 5K (3.1 mile) volksmarch in Delaware county at Ridley Park coming up in mid-October. Is that when you're on your trip?? Is that a long drive for you?? I think it's probably 2 hours for us but I'll have to check the calendar and ask DH. If we can't make that one, then I'm sure we can find another one. I would truly love to get to meet you and thank you in person for all the times you've encouraged me and kept me going!

Now, take a deep breath and focus on all the healthy stuff you've been doing for you lately. All that healthy eating and exercise is paying off. You're feeling better than ever and you have that wonderful trip coming up soon!

Chin up, girl!!!! Take good care of yourself!!
DoeDoe :jester: :jester: :jester:
Oh, Doreen, thank you for being here tonight! I know that you're sitting somewhere in the middle of this hurricane and you're helping ME with my food addictions! :(

We came home from the restaurant with three pieces of chocolate cake with chocolate butter cream icing and little chocolate shavings on them (they were included in our dinner but I suggested :confused: we bring them home!! so that I didn't have to sit and watch DH eat his right there). DD and I weren't going to have any, but we know he loves this chocolate cake so we said we'd give him ours. . .

I go upstairs to our bedroom to watch TV because I don't trust myself to be on the same floor as the kitchen, but after about an hour I go down to get a diet Sprite. I open the door to the frig, and instead of the cake slices being in the nice brown bag the waitress gave (oh, MeMe, if you're reading this, the waitress was my new restaurant friend Star, who was very nice, but she'll never take the place of Vera, the T. Bell Lady:p ), the slices of cake are directly in front of the sprite in clear plastic packages, one on top of the other like a doggone tower of chocolate!!!!!!!!!

At that moment I knew I was sunk. I grabbed one of the little boxes and opened it up and stuck my finger right into the buttercream icing. I put my fork into the cake, brought it up to my mouth. . .and stopped. :confused: I thought, wait a minute, I'll just check to see how many points is in this thing. I ran and found my book, and 1/12 of a 9" cake is 12 POINTS!!!!! I went downstairs with my head hanging, handed it to my DH, ran to the freezer, grabbed my last skinny cow and am now at the computer confessing and grasping at your hand of support, Doreen. Thank you so much for being here.

So now my total is 35 points for the day :eek: with a measly 16 left in the bank:mad: , but now I feel better and I'm glad that I didn't blow my clippie on a silly chocolate urge. Like you said, Doreen, if I'm going to blow it, it should be for a good reason! Out of curiousity, I looked at my calendar to see if the TOM was upon me; I'm 9 days away, but there must be some hormonal connection. Maybe my body's screaming for seritonin?

I printed out a whole bunch of the volksmarch stuff; I'll check the dates for Ridley Park. I'm not sure of the distance to R. Park, but I think it would be doable as long as the date is OK.

Tonight's Survivor--I'm going to go drink my diet Sprite, watch the show, and get my mind off things. Thanks so much for putting up with my craziness.

You're a pal, Doe-Doe.:jester:


PS School's been canceled for tomorrow. No alarm clock. YAY!
Erin, I'm sorry I missed you in your hour of need, but you've definitely been in my thoughts. Actually, all of you have. You should be so proud of yourself for resisting temptation. I know I'm proud of you. We really are doing this together, aren't we? I'm glad Doreen was able to be there for you. Doreen, you're such a sweetheart!

I'm sorry I have to cut this short, but I'm exhausted and I promised myself that I would visit everyone's journal tonight. I'll try to see if I can drop by tomorrow. Take care of yourself and remember that you're not alone. If we can't physically be there with you, our hearts are with you! Good night.:o


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