macro lenses

I hardly ever see any macro photography threads on here. I just got Bryan Peterson's "Understanding Close Up Photography" but haven't read much into it yet. I posted last month with a few shots I had gotten from my new macro lens- Canon 100mm f/2.8. I love it!

Here are some I took a few weeks ago that I finally uploaded today (they're all handheld- I know I probably should have used a tripod but I was too lazy :rolleyes:). We were lucky enough to get a few short downpours mixed with sun so I was able to get some great droplet pics.






Show me some macro shots!!
Love that last one, Karen!

here are a couple that I have posted before (also using the Canon 100mm f/2.8):

Love that last one, Karen!

here are a couple that I have posted before (also using the Canon 100mm f/2.8):

You're right---you have posted these before and this one in particular gives me the willies just as much as when I saw it last time. :eek:

PS: Where is your PTR, Todd? You said you were going to start one and I've been waiting!! popcorn:: ;)
PS: Where is your PTR, Todd? You said you were going to start one and I've been waiting!! popcorn:: ;)

I know, I know... been meaning to get to it and have actually tried to start it a couple of times. Just can't seem to get in the right frame of mind to take the time to do it right. Looking through other people's trip reports, how they have tables of contents, detailed family member intros, dining reservations, the play by play in the park, *ahem* clothes they are buying for the trip ;), it's just a little intimidating. I'd like to make mine an enjoyable read for anyone who wants to invest the time, so I'm just having a little trouble getting started.

Anyway, the short reply is... I promise to start it on Sunday (right now I'm getting ready to head to the beach to meet my family who is already down there), so please stand by :thumbsup2...
A few months ago I got to play with Quicklabs' 150mm macro and since then I haven't been happy with any close-ups I've done with a regular lens...go figure. Now, I troll craigslist regularly looking to get one of my own.

Here are a few I took on her 150mm.




but I gotta ask. What is the difference between a micro and a macro lens? Obviously, I don't do much macro work. :rotfl: Just have always wondered.
No difference...just different names for the same thing.

:lmao: Thanks! My background is in economics and, well, there is quite a difference between macro and micro! Just couldn't figure it out in the photography world.
The micro lenses can be used to screw into microscopes and do very microscopic photography.

I have the 60mm f2.8 Micro... it works the same as a macro when mounted on camerea, it just has that capability. :)

This looks like a great lens and I really like the price. The price is the reason I went with the 60 vs the 105 when searching for a macro lens. I never really LOVED the 105 because it hunted for focus so much. I spent more time waiting on that stupid lens than I did getting the actual shot. Of course, I wasn't as practiced at that type of photography as I was once I got the 60mm... but for the $500 in savings, the 60mm handles what I needed just fine.

When I was looking at the specs yesterday I was trying to figure out why I'd get rid of the 60mm for the 85, and I honestly really couldn't come up with a reason. I might rent it for fun just to try it out. But I think if you are looking at a lens, you really have to figure out what one offers over the other vs. price.

This is a recent shot with the 60mm... totally straight out of camera, just websized/sharpened for web with the watermark.
I'm getting back into photography. I got the 50mm 1.8 and have had fun w/ experimenting w/ low light and dof shots. I think my next purchase may be a macro lens.

Can anyone give any comments/advice?

I see all the different focal length options and not sure what to choose. What should I consider?

I don't mean to hijack the thread - but I'm trying to figure out what a 'Macro' lens is.

Macro photography seems to mean taking a picture of something closer to the lens than is typical, often of a subject that is quite small.

Does that mean that a Macro lens can't focus out to infinity - or does it simply mean a Macro lens is built so that it can focus closer to the lens than typical?
I don't mean to hijack the thread - but I'm trying to figure out what a 'Macro' lens is.

Macro photography seems to mean taking a picture of something closer to the lens than is typical, often of a subject that is quite small.

Does that mean that a Macro lens can't focus out to infinity - or does it simply mean a Macro lens is built so that it can focus closer to the lens than typical?


That and their focus ring is more sensitive in the macro range, they have less field curvature and are very sharp lenses.

They absolutely can focus out to infinity making them a great general purpose lens. Their autofocus CAN be a bit slower depending on model...but not always.

Using extension tubes to focus closer on a standard lens will cause infinity focus to be lost.


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