Magic Kingdom Demon Birds!

Did you know that certain areas along the Boardwalk actually have those little machines where you can buy bird food (well, it's for the fish and ducks, but believe me, the birds fly in!)? I used to look for those machines and loved to feed the fish and ducks. However, on my last trip, when I came to realize how aggressive the birds are and how frightening the birds are to little children (I saw a little girl throw a panicy, screaming attack on TSI as the birds flew on to the table she was at), maybe Disney should remove those machines. Much as I love sitting in the chairs on TSI and throwing the food from those machines out to the ducks, I'll be the first to admit IT'S NOT WORTH IT. And, BTW, please don't anyone yell at me-I only feed the food from the machines Disney's put there!
We're not the only ones! We lost an order of french fries in Adventureland. These birds sure do get around. I can't (but definitely do) believe that one landed on your hand. I live and work in downtown Boston and have never EVER seen such agressive behavior in birds. Everyone is correct to say that it is people that are making them this bold. When people feed them, they learn (a) not to fear people and (b) they can can what they want. I like the idea of an EE for rifle-toting folk. Maybe Disney should contact the NRA. Something tells me they could produce a quick and promising result.
Watch out in EPCOT by the American Adventure. The birds are always stealing guests funnel cakes. I have seen it happen at least once on each trip and we go three to four times a year. This past Dec. I had a bird poop on my hand in Tomorrowland. Talk about gross. My son also had a bird poop on him in Frontierland a few years ago. I am really careful around birds in Disney now.
I feel your pain. I had one swoop down on my head and steal my churro in Mexico at Epcot. I was NOT happy, though all those around me were very amused. :p

Needless to say, I eat my churros under protective cover now.
Sorry We are guilty of feeding the birds. On main street a couple years ago, my DH had some popcorn and a little blackbird came by and was eating it right out of his hand. We wondered why it was so tame and came that close to us. But I guess I know now. Thanks for the warning on the seagulls coming and stealing food. No more eating outside for me either.
I witnessed the same thing when we were there in December of 2000. It was at epcot and a gentelman had just purchased a foot long hot dog. He started to walk away and the gull swooped down in front of him and took the whole thing bun and all right out of his hand. I was impressed that the CM at the hot dog stand witnessed it and called him over and gave him a replacement.

After experiencing this we now eat under cover whenever possible.
I witnessed the same thing when we were there in December of 2000. It was at epcot and a gentelman had just purchased a foot long hot dog. He started to walk away and the gull swooped down in front of him and took the whole thing bun and all right out of his hand. I was impressed that the CM at the hot dog stand witnessed it and called him over and gave him a replacement.

After experiencing this we now eat under cover whenever possible.
:eek: RuthAnne: Sorry to scare you like that. As bad as it sounds, I've found that if I buy something to eat,and there are birds around, I will every so often wave my free hand around my head and that seems to keep them away. Of course, someone walking around waving their hand around their head may get some strange looks from other guests. I can also understand people wanting to feed the birds. Those little birds are really harmless. The ones that are a problem are in fact the seagulls and the crows,which are both quite huge and agressive,but the hand wave works with them as well. And speaking of bird poop, be real carefull when you go through the caged in aviary area at AK. My DW has had several hats ruined in there. Needles to say, we do not visit that area any more.:eek:
We were quite amazed in December at all the "bird activity" in MK, especially around the shores of the Rivers of America. These birds were more than plentiful, they were taking over!! And we saw many, many people toss them popcorn, bread, french fries... whatever they were eating.
So, they are conditioned to recognize food and people and that they can get food from people. It's a bit sad, actually, because you can't go back and "retrain" them... they have to be thinned out. So, until the population can be "controlled," it seems that the birds will be around, haunting the parks, until they decide to move on. Or develop high bad cholesterol levels and start dropping off of heart attacks.;)
demon birds?????? More like smart hungry birds!!!!!! I agree that it is not good for the humans or the birds that people feed them. Bird populations grow and humans get upset when these intelligent animals who are used to competition for food get aggressive with US. If it makes you feel any better, the birds are probably dying of heart disease from eating so much fried food. My birds at home behave this same way so I guess it doesn't bother me too much. I think the birds are cute.
When we went to Sea World, all of the food area buildings had these large, horizontally-spinning "antennas". It took me a few minutes to realize that they were being used to keep the birds from landing above the seating areas. We ate at a table with an umbrella over it and I don't recall birds being a problem.

My sympathies to all that have been "attacked" by the birds. I've gotten "dumped on" :eek: at the beach and know how horrible and embarrassing that can be.
:D I also noticed a series of wires above the outdoor eating area at CB. Looks like they are to keep the birds from the food area. They are quite close together and I assume that's what they are for. Anyone else notice these wires?:cool:
Last October my husband and I were sitting out side at the Grand Floridian out door seating area eating a hot dog and French fries, he picked up a French Fry and got it half way to his mouth when a bird swooped down and pluked it right out of his hand. It was pretty funny at the time, but I sure wouldn't want one landing on my head.
Why visit an aviary at WDW??? It seems all of WDW is an aviary lately!!!


But, sometimes it doesn't matter even if you eat inside under cover. While eating at Pecos Bill in the MK (where the birds are absolutely terrible!!!), I decided to eat inside cause of the birds. Several times I saw them swoop inside the building and take food off people's tables and then fly back outside!!! And that wasn't near the doors either but deeper in the building!
I saw something worse while at the park. We were sitting having breakfast. A few finches, gulls and a crane were standing around waiting for people to drop food. Well, the crane became impatient and grabbed a finch by its feet and tried to swallow it. A few of the children became upset as well as a few parents. Finally one of the parents scared the birds away. I was amused because I've never seen this before, but my girlfriend was about to cry in horror.
I've seen those wires used to keep away the birds too.
I THINK they had them at the Boardwalk for a while but they don't have them anymore.

We feed Cardinals at home and THEY are very beautiful birds.

I can't see anything cute about sea gulls though!
I remember reading a story once about a situation where a little girl, walking with popcorn by the Grand Floridian, got attacked by a gull. As she moved trying to get away from it, the popcorn kept spilling on the ground, attracting more gulls. A CM came over to try to save her and in using his hands and feet to try to shoo te birds away, he accidentally dropped kicked one of the birds into a bush. The absurd part were that some guests watching this, reported the CM for abusing the birds!


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