making things from scratch?

that is so sweet of you. I've seen similar recipes, but the problem always ends up being finding the unflavored kojel for non-restaurant purposes.

And of course the *light* corn syrup issue, even if DS could suddenly eat corn syrup...I've only seen Karo, and it has the HFCS in it. :(

I haven't been bothered at all not eating smores since I went veggie, but 2 weekends ago we did a family campout through REI and our local parks system, and everyone was eating 18million HUGE smores and they looked SO good. Actually noticed one of the kids who had been sitting quietly and being reasonable and polite change behavior completely after starting to eat the smores, just like my son would (if we weren't veggie). We had had to explain why DS couldn't eat most of what was being offered to him, and why, but the boy's custodial grandparents were never around to hear it, and we coudln't figure out a good way to talk to them about our suspicions on what was causing his behavior swings, though they had just talked to hubby about the boy's recent ADD diagnosis. Wish we could have figured it out...the difference in his mood, actions, self-control, and voice were STUNNING, after he started eating the corn syrup in the marshmallows and the HFCS in the HoneyMaid graham crackers.

THAT HAS nothing to do with this thread, I apologize, it was just a long-winded way to WHINE about marshmallows, b/c what they are is corn syrup and some sort of gel, and we just will never be able to have them. WHINE.

OK done now. :goodvibes

Hi bumbershoot, did a quick google search on marshmallows without corn syrup and found this uses maple syrup and cream of tartar to help get that marshmallowy texture.....thought you might be interested:goodvibes

Maple Syrup Marshamallows

3 Tbs. (21 g) gelatin
1/2 cup water

2 cups maple syrup

1/4 tsp. salt
1 Tbs. vanilla extract

Pour gelatin and water into blender or mixer bowl. Let it sit while you heat up the maple syrup. Cook the maple syrup to hard-ball stage or 250 degrees. Pour it slowly into the gelatin while the mixer or blender is running. Add the salt and vanilla. When it's very fluffy and seems to be done expanding pour the mixture into a greased pan. Let it set, cut into squares, and voila! Marshmallows!

My latest trick is to add a pinch (about a 1/4 tsp for you measuring types) of cream of tartar. This helps to fill the place of corn syrup in creating a fluffy marshmallow texture.

I think I am going to try this recipe the next time!:lovestruc
Noodleknitter, you're going to HATE me when swimsuit season comes around again :lmao: .

There's no real recipe for ciguida bread per se, just don't bother trying to make it "good for you" & use whole wheat flour. It is what it is and what it is is cold weather comfort and pure, crusty sin.

Use your favorite french bread recipe for the dough (make sure to use bread flour) and while it rises take about a pound or so of pork fat back (NOT salt pork...and look for the real meaty kind) cut into pieces about 1/2" small & place in a stock pot. Over low-med heat cook the pieces of fat back until nearly all of the fat had melted away and the remaining pieces are crispy & crackly brown. Scoop out the pieces with a spider or slotted spoon, drain on paper towels & salt to taste (easy does it but if you make a bland dough it's OK to go a little heavy on the salt). Stir into the risen dough & mix well to distribute the ciguide throughout then form into loaves or place in a tube pan & let rise while you preheat the oven to 400.
Once oven is warm & dough has risen again bake until golden brown. Try this hot out of the oven. Then HIDE THE RECIPE!

LOL, that is evil! And thanks for the suggestion to ditch the wheat flour. I get a bit rabid about that, sometimes!
Here is a homemade ketchup recipe:
1 (28-oz) can whole tomatoes in purée
1 medium onion, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2/3 cup packed dark brown sugar
1/2 cup cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt


Purée tomatoes (with purée from can) in a blender until smooth.
Cook onion in oil in a 4-quart heavy saucepan over moderate heat, stirring, until softened, about 8 minutes. Add puréed tomatoes, tomato paste, brown sugar, vinegar, and salt and simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until very thick, about 1 hour (stir more frequently toward end of cooking to prevent scorching).
Purée ketchup in 2 batches in blender until smooth (use caution when blending hot liquids). Chill, covered, at least 2 hours (for flavors to develop). Cooks' note:
Ketchup can be chilled up to 3 weeks.

I think I am going to try this one!!:love:

I made the ketchup today! It turned out great! :yay:
Next time I think I will cut down on the sugar and add a touch more salt, maybe some cayenne pepper for a little kick....hehehe...but this is a great basic ketchup recipe!! thanks figaromeetsmarie!
BTW have you all tried other recipes posted here? how did they turn out?
keep the ideas coming!:hippie:
Just found this thread and loving it!! Can't wait to try some of these!!!!!!!!!:goodvibes
oh my gosh, I just had to post, we made the homemade marshmallows today, they were so GOOD! Marshmallows have always been kind of a take em or leave em kinda thing for me, so I was shocked at how much I loved these! Thanks!!!
I made the ketchup today! It turned out great! :yay:
Next time I think I will cut down on the sugar and add a touch more salt, maybe some cayenne pepper for a little kick....hehehe...but this is a great basic ketchup recipe!! thanks figaromeetsmarie!
BTW have you all tried other recipes posted here? how did they turn out?
keep the ideas coming!:hippie:

i make my own ketchup with no sugar. It's a SCD recipe, for those that cannot eat any refined sugar.

Homemade Ketchup

1 can of sugar free tomato juice
a little honey to taste (or you may substitute sachrine)
salt, pepper, whatever spices you like.

Put in pan and boil down to about half.

I cook mine in the oven so I don't have to stir it as much. If it becomes too thick, you have suger free tomato sauce. If you cook it longer, it becomes tomato paste.

This is so easy, and have gotten rave reviews from all who eat it, including many waitresses who see me putting it on my food (yes, on this diet I take my own condiments into a restaurant.)
Would you share your recipe? I'd love to make tortillas!

6 c. flour
1 t baking powder
1/2 t salt
1/2 c. oil
2 1/2 c warm water

Combine all, mix well. If too dry, add a little water, if too wet, add more flour. Divide into 16 balls. Roll out, using flour as necessary to desired size of circle. Cook in skillet over medium heat (I use cast iron) til bubbles appear, turn. You can cook to desired state of browness.

This is the original recipe. I don't use oil in mine. I think it does just fine without it. HTH!
To the PP who posted about Good Eats pretzel... THANK YOU!!! :hug:
I just made some today and was afraid they won't turn out good but man-oh-man were they good...

The only thing I missed is the pretzel salt. Kosher is ok but I think Alton was right, the salt makes a HUGE difference.

And one day I'll figure out which butter Auntie Anne uses because the meijer unsalted butter just doesn't taste the same.

Thanks again! :thumbsup2
oh my gosh, I just had to post, we made the homemade marshmallows today, they were so GOOD! Marshmallows have always been kind of a take em or leave em kinda thing for me, so I was shocked at how much I loved these! Thanks!!!

glad you liked them! :cloud9:
6 c. flour
1 t baking powder
1/2 t salt
1/2 c. oil
2 1/2 c warm water

Combine all, mix well. If too dry, add a little water, if too wet, add more flour. Divide into 16 balls. Roll out, using flour as necessary to desired size of circle. Cook in skillet over medium heat (I use cast iron) til bubbles appear, turn. You can cook to desired state of browness.

This is the original recipe. I don't use oil in mine. I think it does just fine without it. HTH!

thanks for the tortilla recipe!! would you mind sharing the flatbread recipe as well??
Very easy!!

1 quart, litre, or bag of milk, any kind (2%, 1%, skim, homoginized)
1/4cup or more plain yogurt. I use bavarian

Scald or boil milk till small bubbles form.
Cool milk till tepid, or even cool over night in fridge

Stir in yogurt

Remove bulb from oven and replace with a 60 watt bulb.
Turn oven light on.

Pour milk/yogurt mixture in clean jars. The jars must be really clean, but I don't steralize them. You do not have to seal them either. I place my jars on a cookie sheet incase I spill them, but I haven't spilt them yet.

Put in oven, and keep the light on for 24 hours. The yougurt will be ready before this, but I like to make sure the sugar is digested.
Anyone have a good pita bread recipe? I think I would like to try to make some of those.

Thanks to everyone who has shared their recipes. I am just getting into the whole make it yourself thing. DS has asperger's syndrome and the more I study the more it seems that diet is a big factor with these kids. So I am trying to eliminate food I can't pronounce. LOL... and because i feel i should contribute:

i make my own noodles for soups and such. This is the way my mother and grandmother did it and I can't eat chicken noodle soup any other way.

1 cup flour
1 egg
salt and pepper

mix flour, egg, dash of salt, dash of pepper, and a tablespoon or so of water. keep adding water until you get a dough like consistency. on a floured surface roll out noodles. when mostly dry cut into desired shape and add to soup. you can use these without drying them out. and you can dry them completely and store for a little bit in the freezer.

that is the best i can do for a recipe. i learned by doing it with my mother and grandma. we never saved them, just used them that day.
1 pkg yeast
1 c warm water
2 t olive oil
1 t salt
2/3 c whole wheat flour
up to 2 c flour

Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add oil, salt and whole wheat flour, beat at med speed for 3 minutes. Stir in enough flour to form a firm dough. Knead 6-8 minutes. Place in greased bowl, let rise in warm place 45 minutes. Punch down. Divide into 8 equal pcs. Roll each into 8" circle. Heat nonstick skillet over medium heat. Spray with cooking spray each time you cook one. Cook to desired browness.
Granola bars

2 c rice krispie type cereal
1 1/2 c. quick oats
1/2 c raisins (Opt)
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c corn syrup
1/2 c peanut butter
1/4 c mini choc chips

Combine cereal, oats & raisins in large bowl. Combine brown sugar & corn syrup in saucepan, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add peanut butter. Pour over dry mixture, Combine well. Add choc chips. Press into 8X8 square dish, when cool cut into bars.


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