Mama Jean's Lawn Displays 2008 Update Page 11 Post 165 - Stick a fork in it. lol

Yikes! You scared me. I thought something happened to Mama Jean. I'm so happy that she is OK that I can't be sad over not seeing the display. :goodvibes

Oh I know! I was worried something had happened, then the one decor had mysteriously been taken down and I was preparing for the worst. Poor Mama Jean to have her work rained on and blown away though!
Mama Jean is so glorious.
I don't think she knows how amazing she is! My favorite is the Black History one. AMAZING. WHERE did she get all of those dolls? I mean, they're kind of frightening at the same time. But the fact that she took the time to make them, set them up, and label them is hilarity in itself.

Mama Jean, I salute you.
Geeze....that was not nice....scaring us all...I was so scared something happened to Mama Jean. You should print out our posts to drop in her mail box....let her know how much her displays mean to so many across the States.

I can't wait to see the next batch of Mama Jean's Yard Town!

Has anyone heard back from Ellen....maybe if we all email Ellen?!?!?
Howdy everyone! It's been awhile since I was able to capture some of the magic that is brought to the world via the talents of Mama Jean, but I have to say that you guys are in for a treat this time. I suppose that we all know that June is the month when lots of couples get married. Sometimes of course, there are cases of cold feet, like the infamous Run Away Bride case. Which, FYI happened very close to the place that Mama Jean calls home. So, it is with great pleasure that I reveal to you the theme of the current Mama Jean display.


Now, I have to admit, that until tonight, I had not read the sign, I knew it was there, but I didn't know what it said. I was too busy trying to get to work to focus on it. I did see most of the rest of the display, but not in the stunningly funny detail that we have all come to know and love from Mama Jean. I hate to, really, I do, but I am going to make you work for the "money shots". lol

The mailbox is decorated, as usual.

The bench has a couple viewing the ceremony.

The flower girl has left a trail of flowers all about.

The Bride dropped the bouquet! Oh no! Whatever could make her do that? It couldn't be because her hands were full, could it?


A remote control in the Bride's hand? What the? And tails in the other?



The groom, he is trying really hard to ditch the old (bowling) ball and chain!

Run, ruffly shirted groom, run!

Do I see rhinestones?

Bedazzlers gone WiLd!

Don't drop the bride's train!

But, wait there's more!

Up the aisle....wait, is that, no, it couldn't be the infamous head, or could it be?

Yep, most of the brown paint has been removed. But, it's the MLK/James Brown head!

Just another shot, look at the kiddos.

Too bad the ring barer is going bald!

The wedding party....oh my!

She didn't forget the spotlights either!

Final shot from across the street.

Sadly, even with all of these photos, there is nothing like being there. But, I hope you enjoyed the Run Away Groom as much as I did.
:goodvibes God bless Mama've got to give her the points for creativity! Sure, the display is...not something that most of us would probably put in our yards. As long as she gets enjoyment out of putting them up, I will get enjoyment from looking at the pictures!:thumbsup2
I have had an awful day, and now this little smidgen of sunshine greets me to melt it all away. Thank you...thank you...thank you.

I can't help but imagine how she could have further enhanced the display with the return of Whitney, serenading the couple with "I Will Always Love You." True love is never easy.:flower3:
so the run away groom is a june thing.

i was thinking she would do a father's day theme.

i guess it is in a way.

she uses a man in it so that is close enough........:laughing:
I think Mama Jean is just trying to crash our virtual shower for Rob!
:lmao: What a great post to wake up to! Love Mama Jean. She proudly marches to her own drummer. How awesome is that.

I think Mama Jean is just trying to crash our virtual shower for Rob!

She'd probably fit right in! :rotfl:

But would Rob be able to get Scott into a bedazzled cumberbun???

That dress would look great on Rob though!

Ooooh! We'd fight over the bedazzled cumberbund! :rotfl2:
OMG! She has out-done herself! I was kinda expecting MLK/JB to show up as the groom but NO! She pulls a fast one -- he's a wayfarer(sans lenses) wearin', John Waters- look-alike-minister instead. STROKE OF GENIUS!!!!!!

And excuse me, we're not opposed to marryin' our 2nd cousins round these parts -- but the bride and groom bear a suspicious full-lipped/Katherine Hepburn cheek boned, facial resemblance -- could they maybe be 1st cousins??? or gulp!!!!! closer than that????? The shame!!!!

AWESOME!!! :thumbsup2 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I am so glad that you guys love the display. I was going to take the photos today, but the forecast was calling for rain last night and today, so I knew that I had better go make the mad dash across town last night before the sun went down much further.

Honestly, the DOT finally finished, in only 3 "short" years, the opening of the main artery of the way that takes me to work without having to go over the busy train tracks, so my around my elbow to get to my butt way to work isn't necessary anymore. I will continue to check out the yard from time to time, because, let's face it, Mama Jean is too good to miss!
Thanks! I needed that it had been too long, in between Mama Jean fixes......I totally cried my way through the beautiful Wedding pictures......Thank you!! Mama Jean :worship: :worship: :worship:
Perhaps I am being slow today--what is with the remote? Is she trying to bribe him with it? Is she using it to control him? Is it supposed to be a stun gun? I am so confused.:confused3 :rotfl:
:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

Mamma Jean (and TNP for posting these wonderful picts)

I had a REALLY crappy day (I worked 7a-3pm on my day off at the hospital and ran around like a woman on fire, then went to Philly..about an hour and a half away to do a party...I am a rep for Fantasia.....a Romance ;) ;) company, only to find the hostess not at home...a waste of my time and gas $$ even though I talked to this gal on Thurs to confirm everything, I still ahven't heard back from her...some people's Mamma's didn't teach them no manners, got into a fight with hubby)

And coming on here to see the new Mamma Jean picts made me smile.:)

Now I am going to bed....with a lil smile on my face thanks to this board!
Perhaps I am being slow today--what is with the remote? Is she trying to bribe him with it? Is she using it to control him? Is it supposed to be a stun gun? I am so confused.:confused3 :rotfl:

My DD asked the same question............maybe the Bride is trying to rewind him back to her! :rotfl2:


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