Marathon Weekend 2016

So, the only race I've done is a 5K, so some of these may not apply to the longer races, but here goes:
I'm sure there's more, but ... that's what I thought of for now. I hope this helps our first timers!

I am replying to this a bit late with how fast the thread is blowing up right now, but here are my thoughts - though I am not sure I qualify as a veteran even if I am certainly no longer a rookie!

1) Above everything enjoy yourself, do not forget to take in the magic of a RunDisney Race, great entertainment, wonderful volunteers and support and super positive athletes.
2) Do it your way, this is your race, so stop for pictures or not; slowdown on Main Street or not; ride Everest or not; go for a PR or not. You paid big bucks for this race do what you want even if others say you should do the opposite...
3) As others have said, it is crazy packed at times, the worst spot for me was going through the castle. We came to a halt, barely walking for a bit. Make sure to be patient in these sections and yes put up your hand if you are going to stop and check to the leff/right before shifting that direction.
4) Absolutely wear your medal after the race in the parks and Downtown Disney. Take in the compliments and dish 'em out!
5) Based on my experience, be prepared for cold mornings, take throw away clothes or a trash bag if you intend to be in your corral for awhile. Before the Half last year was one of the coldest hours I ever spent (and I am from Michigan!)

Good luck, now back to reading the thread!
For those riding Everest... remember to add roller coaster riding to your training! I violated this rule, rode Everest, and my neck and shoulders cramped around
mile 18! I'm only being slightly silly... just a "heads up."

phones/batteries... I've had GOOD luck with charging cases/phones/marathons. You pay a slight weight penalty but its more fun than having your phone die mid-race. (I use runmeter to "broadcast" my stats to some running buds and it sucks some juice).

I guess I'll do a couple of cartwheels at mile 13 of my long runs this weekend!! :D
@DopeyBadger - thanks for that!

I think @mbwhitti and I have established our three main goals: Beat the balloon ladies, ride Everest and then grab a cocktail for the finish line somewhere in the World Showcase.

If any of y'all see two gals wearing these shirts and having more fun than should be legal for a marathon, say hey! It's probably us!
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Will that be a cocktail in each hand to keep you balanced? :lmao:

As bad as my training has been you 2 should catch me pretty easy. I will be looking for ya
@DopeyBadger - thanks for that!

I think @mbwhitti and I have established our three main goals: Beat the balloon ladies, ride Everest and then grab a cocktail for the finish line somewhere in the World Showcase.

If any of y'all see two gals wearing these shirts and having more fun than should be legal for a marathon, say hey! It's probably us!
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Hey that's me :banana::banana::banana: I'm so pumped I can barely stand it!!!
Late to the party... AGAIN. LOL. You folks need to stop talking so much so I can keep up!

Here's my details:
Race: Half Marathon
Name: Melissa
Bib#: 444XX
Dis'er Name: stitchnj
Costume: going for middle aged runner in a Sparkle skirt. LOL
Corral: I
Early Bird/Late Arriver to corral: Early, it's my first half marathon and first Disney race. I will be at Race retreat
Front/Middle/Back lining up in the corral: probably front to middle
Expected Pace: 12:30

And expo purchases? I am a MUG person. Do they have race weekend mugs?
@DopeyBadger -- fantastic, thanks!

Ran 20 miles this morning and it felt great! SO happy to cross that milestone. Here is the Strava link if you are interested. Got to the river just at sunrise so I included some photos, but I'm not sure if you can see them without being a member.

My mile splits got slower at the end; that was partly fatigue, but I didn't pause my watch for water fountains, photo stops or traffic lights, and there were many of those, especially in the last five miles. However, I'm sure it will be the same on race day so I guess I should take that into account in estimating my pace.

Thanks again for your great tips, encouragement and amusement. Good luck, all -- we're on the home stretch now!

P.S. The only merchandise I want is the car magnet or decal. That's getting a place of pride on the back of the minivan! :yay:
Yay decals! I love when I see them on the road! Part of the brother/sisterhood- mickeymiles!

Beautiful photos!!!
I grew up outside DC, one of them looked like a view from the canal path- nostalgia!

For the advice portion of this thread:

Do NOT take your shot blocks with Gatorade :scared1:

Learned that the hard way!

I'm so excited for you guys!!
So so excited, I've had nothing to do with your training but I still feel like I'm sending my flock out, I guess I lurk more than post so you're saying who is this?!?! Lol!

But seriously, I just love this site, love the support and willingness to share stories and training , to guide and console, I guess I just love you wild and crazy guys!
I looked up my bib number just to see... I couldn't help myself!!
30xxx I'd have been in I, so an extra cheer for the "I" team!! Wish I could be there to meet you.. Next year!!.....( If you defer to you enter a new PoT?)
But honestly I'm cheering for you all!!:cheer2:

Hmmm... Maybe I should have kept my speech for closer to the race?! Lol!

Lastly: for preordered merchandise, like pins etc can someone else pick them up or do you have to do it yourself?
Thanks :)
Do people really get drinks in World Showcase? I saw a margarita mentioned a while back and figured it was a joke, but now I'm thinking it sounds like this can be done.
Do people really get drinks in World Showcase? I saw a margarita mentioned a while back and figured it was a joke, but now I'm thinking it sounds like this can be done.

Heck yea! You pass all of the countries except England and Canada. I didn't get a drink this year but hope to this go around. I'm sure there's some silly time of when they start serving though.
I lost my jaybird Bluetooth headphone in NYC Last month. Hated them but they worked, now I have the plantronics beats I think they're called. They work awesome & are comfortable. I wore them during a Disney visit and they lasted almost 9 hours & my iPhone6 was at 13% with music, MDE, & pictures. I had the headphones in my bag & pulled them out every once in a while to check if they were still powered.
I treated myself to some Plantronics last month and I love them. Amazing battery life for this not-so-fast runner. (But I still plan to have a pair of plug-ins on my person.)
Do NOT take your shot blocks with Gatorade :scared1:

Learned that the hard way!

what exactly happened if you don't mind sharing....

anyway @margitmouse kinda started this but I was already planning on posting something at some point so I want to do it now just so I don't forget in the hustle and bustle of the next month before the races...

I wanted to take a moment and thank each and every one of you, I came here as an outsider just looking for info as I took the plunge to run 26.2 miles, what I got was an amazing group of friends, and yes I consider all of you friends even though we haven't met yet. All of you have helped me feel more prepared than I probably ever would have on my own, weather it be the wealth of training knowledge that's been shared or the ease with which I was able to register. Or even just posting a good laugh or a similar experience during the grind that is training for one of these things. I wish all of you the best of luck in your races, no matter what goals you have set for yourself I believe we all have it inside us to succeed, and if we happen to meet up during the week please stop and say hi id love to put some faces with names. and finally don't forget to enjoy both this last month of training and finally the big event, we have all worked hard for this lets enjoy it.
Be patient.

I'm around a 5-hour marathoner and based on the corral and my pace it is congested nearly all the way from the start until around mile 7 (where the route opens up after GF and Poly). People will stop in front of you, cut in front of you...and you may do the same to them. Just remember you're at Disneyworld, there's a medal (or several) waiting for you at the finish, and there's worse things than being in Florida in January. Try not to get mad because it will ruin your mood. Just go with the flow and have fun!

I have a co-worker that equally loves Disney. (Not the same one that said they were doing a 100 mile race). We often joke about this. I always tell him, "You could light me on fire and put me on Main Street and I will still be smiling because I am at Disney." I have social anxiety disorder. I am as introverted as they come. And while the crowds were overwhelming to me at times for ToT last year I never once got even remotely aggravated. I was achieving a life changing goal in this place created by Walt Disney. How could I possibly be upset???

Changing gears. One month from today is the full!! I'm so excited and also making myself crazy because I can't stop looking at the corrals and documents. Hopefully I'm not the only one that has been staring at the same pictures for multiple days straight now.

I started getting REALLY excited last night when I was reading everyone's posts and now I am just trying to gather as much info as possible. Reviewing the event guide. Rechecking MDE and going through my ADR's, etc... I just can't get enough now.

So now that the reality of Marathon weekend (really should be week) is sinking in after corrals and waivers were released, what do people eye for merchandise purchases at the expo?

I don't usually buy anything but last year I was excited to purchase a pint glass (something I tend to favor more than shirts) in addition to the runDisney Magic Band. I also purchased a pair of older (2013?) NB shoes, the red/yellow/black Mickey versions. I'm hoping the pint glasses will return this year!

I don't buy a lot of stuff when I go to Disney. Sounds weird I know but for the prices they ask, I just never see anything I MUST have. Having said that, I suspect I will find something at the expo this time. And I think the Star Wars Launch Bay (non race related obviously) might relieve me of some of my money this trip.

Thoughts on carrying a camera during the run? I'd rather not drain the battery on my phone but I'm just curious on what everyone has done. :goodvibes

As it has been said already, I would get a mophie battery pack. They will not only help for the race but the parks as well. As for me, I have my personal phone (it will be in my arm band with my RunKeeper going) and I have a work phone (work for a cell phone company). It has an awesome battery and camera. But, I also have a GoPro with a huge battery. I may just do the work phone for the race because I don't know if the GoPro will bug me for 6 hours.

It was almost 60' here in MA today. I had the day off so I went out and got in 10 miles. It is my longest run since getting back from my PF. I know it's nothing compared to some of you, but it was pain free. I felt fantastic the whole time, which hasn't happened in a while. I still plan to get up to at least 15 miles (assuming no more kids get sick and prevent more runs). But today's run restored my confidence that I'll be fine for the race.
Jumping in late.

Race: Dopey
Name: Kimberly (on bib, but prefer Kim)
Bib#: 246XX
Dis'er Name: Mimsy Borogove
Costume: 5K Honey Lemon (lab coat), 10K Kevin, Half Buzz Lightyear (there may be wings), Full Alice
Corral: J
Early Bird/Late Arriver to corral: Early
Front/Middle/Back lining up in the corral: probably middle
Expected Pace: depends on photo stops

Also, I am somewhat shy so don't take it personally if I seem confused or not chatty. I warm up quickly usually, though.
Oh, I have the Plantronics Bluetooth headphones. They are awesome. Good sound, excellent battery life, and comfy. I charge them once a week.
Goofy runners - have any of you done the full distances back-to-back in training yet? I am feeling really energized and ready to go this weekend, thinking about trying my best to do 13.1 on Sat and 26.2 on Sunday. I may also do it the other way around...

I tend to like doing the full distances for races at least once ahead of them as I get really nervous otherwise.

Doing Dopey, but I'll chime in. I'm not planning on doing the full distance in training but below is my peak hard week (starts next week Thursday).

Thurs - 13 miles (10 @ Marathon Pace) - 1:53:42
Fri - 6 miles (Easy) - 0:59:30
Sat - 10 miles (Easy) - 1:32:20
Sun - 16 miles (MP + 40 sec) - 2:22:08
Mon - 6 miles (Easy) - 0:59:30
Tues - 10 miles (6 @ MP - 10 sec in 3x2 mile intervals) - 1:30:28

@stitchnj and @Mimsy Borogove I'll add your info to the list and release a new version in a few days.
what exactly happened if you don't mind sharing....

..... Pace per mile will increase significantly as you seek the next bank of portapotties!

Does anyone know if another party can pick up a preordered pin?
Asking because I bought a goofy race pin but will not be picking it up. I will gladly offer it up to someone who might not have chosen to buy one- I just don't know if you can pick it up. Putting the question out to the experts. Anyone know?
I'm jumping in a little late also.

Race: Dopey
Name: Melissa
Bib#: 23XXX
Dis'er Name: MissLiss279
Costume: No planned costume, but maybe a Sparkle Skirt or two or three or four
Corral: H, but will drop back to J for the marathon to run with a friend
Early Bird/Late Arriver to corral: Probably early
Front/Middle/Back lining up in the corral: usually the front, but probably middle-ish for the half since my bib # was one of the last few in the corral
Expected Pace: 11:30-12 for the half, and 13-14 for the full - I plan to take it easy and have fun. :)

Yay!! This is getting exciting. It's sooo close!


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