Marathon Weekend 2016

In 2015, they didn't even bother looking at the pictures other than the expo and the marathon. Those were the only ones on the screen when I watched her pull me up in the system.

What John says. The half marathon day I just walked thru the Goofy tent. Only verified picture at finish of full. Now they probably have a very good facial recognition system in place for the other races.
I think they just want you to get used to walking through the challenge tent.

But here's the thing they don't have you walk through the challenge tents in the DL races. So I'm wondering if we will be walking through the tents at all.

I can't remember for the life of me when I noticed the shift (Pixie Dust maybe?). I just remember being startled because we had been walking through the tents before and bam all of sudden the tents are blocked off during the 10ks at DL.
Bad news for me. I was just laid off from my job. Unless I can get something else lined up in the next two weeks, I don't see how I can possibly do the marathon. I'm so sad and disappointed.

I'm really sorry to hear that. But I bet the future will bring you something bigger and better. Don't give up!
12.5 miles done today, longest run yet. It was an ugly one though with foot pain and calf cramps. I think I started dehydrated and then didn't get enough salt in me. Newbie question - at mile 3 I just about had a full on anxiety attack, thinking about how tired I was and how much more I still had to go, and almost gave up. How do you get through that? I tried to think about just the mile at hand but that didn't help much. I find I am much better once mile 5/6 hits. Any advice?
12.5 miles done today, longest run yet. It was an ugly one though with foot pain and calf cramps. I think I started dehydrated and then didn't get enough salt in me. Newbie question - at mile 3 I just about had a full on anxiety attack, thinking about how tired I was and how much more I still had to go, and almost gave up. How do you get through that? I tried to think about just the mile at hand but that didn't help much. I find I am much better once mile 5/6 hits. Any advice?

First, good job with the mental toughness! I hope the footpain is nothing serious though, pay attentio to that! I am no expert, but for me on days when I am struggling I play music that pumps me up. I am old so some AC/DC, Van Halen or even Depeche Mode tends to shift my attitude. I have dealt with a few injuries so sometimes I try to play mental games in my head; remembering what it felt like to not get to run for 6 weeks and be driving down the road past runners and feeling jealous.
This evening my 8 year old daughter, who has taken a real interest in running, ran her third 5k. We ran a local Christmas themed race and it was so much fun. I just had to share how proud I was of her effort and attitude. New PR for her and she did it all herself. I ran with her but she set the pace. It will not be long before I have to work to keep up with her!
Newbie question - at mile 3 I just about had a full on anxiety attack, thinking about how tired I was and how much more I still had to go, and almost gave up. How do you get through that? I tried to think about just the mile at hand but that didn't help much. I find I am much better once mile 5/6 hits. Any advice?

A few thoughts:
1. Make sure you're pacing yourself correctly for the distance, especially in the early miles. If you are tired at mile 3, you may be going out too fast.
2. If thinking about each mile separately doesn't work but you are okay after 5/6 miles, maybe try thinking of it as a 6 mile run with add on miles afterwards.
3. Try to find others to run with. Company can make long runs much more bearable.
4. Can you make the route more interesting? Sometimes looking forward to upcoming parts of the route makes it easier to solider on.
Any potential Coast-to-Coasters in this group this year? My hope is to register for the DL Half in September.

I would love to do DDD in September and get my Walt and Mickey medal. But, I made myself a little deal. I won't let myself go back to Disney again until I find a new job. So, if I find a new job soon, I may be in time to sign up for DDD (because I REALLY want to see the 60th celebration). If not then I miss out and might have to do Avengers.

12.5 miles done today, longest run yet. It was an ugly one though with foot pain and calf cramps. I think I started dehydrated and then didn't get enough salt in me. Newbie question - at mile 3 I just about had a full on anxiety attack, thinking about how tired I was and how much more I still had to go, and almost gave up. How do you get through that? I tried to think about just the mile at hand but that didn't help much. I find I am much better once mile 5/6 hits. Any advice?

Good job pushing through. I OFTEN struggle in the first couple of miles. When I do, I always remind myself that once I hit mile 4 that things get much easier and I just force myself to push through. As for the anxiety attacks, its all mental, obviously. I'm sure you are thinking too much and freaking yourself out about your training and being ready for the upcoming race. When I start this negative (I say negative because it just causes problems) thinking I just remind myself to look around at life that is happening around me. For example, I was running in the dark tonight after work. So, I looked at Christmas lights and I thought about how amazing it was that on 12/12 at 9pm it was 50' up here in MA and I was running in shorts. In other words, I remind myself how happy I am to be running and finally experiencing life. It usually calms me down and keeps me pushing.
Hi everyone! Just found this thread and wanted to join in. :)

I will be running the marathon as will be my husband and sister. We will be getting in late Friday night and will be staying at Animal Kingdom.

From our other past runDisney experiences I don't think I will be able to get any merchandise since we will be going to the last day of the expo. I really just want the "I did it!" t-shirt and sweaty band. We are part of a high school marathon running team and I think it would be really cool to wear it to school to show the kids!

I haven't had a chance to read all the posts but I hope that every who is feeling under the weather feels better soon, great job to every one training, and thank you for sharing all those tips!

Will check back in soon! 4 weeks to go!!!
Any potential Coast-to-Coasters in this group this year? My hope is to register for the DL Half in September.

Coast-to-Coaster here - doing Dopey, Castaway Cay Challenge, and Rebel Challenge (should get corral/bib imfo next week). It will be a mad dash from the Dream on 1/15 to MCO to catch flight to SNA to make the DL expo to get our Rebel Challenge bibs/shirts. 13 medals of bling - part of my bucket running list as I turn 50 (gasp lol) as well as getting 7 continents.

Kessel Runner as we're doing Dark Side and Castle-to-Chateauer (is that a word?) as we're doing 5k and half at DLP. Lots of training!

Will do DL Half in Sept as we're in northern CA and go there often (might do DDD as I did that for first time this past Sept but I've done DL Half every year since 2007 (missed the inaugural one...) Hope you do the DL Half - it's a great course and Coast-to-Coast medal is a great one to earn!
Second Dopey simulation complete with 20.21 mile long run today, 11.21 miles yesterday, 6.42 miles on Thursday and 6.32miles on Wednesday (10k is my preferred min run) Little sore but will pick back up in two days for CCC sim (another 10k), two days off, then Rebel Challenge simulation (10k Friday and lake loop 11.21 miles Saturday) - then I'll go into maintenance mode with 10k every other day - what's everyone else's plan for maintanence or taper?
Was originally going for specific mileage tomorrow, but instead I'm doing as many miles as I can in 4 hours.

Now, if only everyone would leave my house from watching the UFC fight with my husband (and if only his writer would FILE so he could get to work and stop entertaining friends!) ... then I could sleep a little bit, even though I feel it will be less rest than it probably should be.
Something weird I just noticed. The Dooney and Burkes (along with some of the RunDisney posts about them) have disappeared completely from the website. Like they never existed. No mention of possible sell out, no nothing.

Has this ever happened before? Im wondering if there was a defect in one of the designs so they suddenly got pulled.
Second Dopey simulation complete with 20.21 mile long run today, 11.21 miles yesterday, 6.42 miles on Thursday and 6.32miles on Wednesday (10k is my preferred min run) Little sore but will pick back up in two days for CCC sim (another 10k), two days off, then Rebel Challenge simulation (10k Friday and lake loop 11.21 miles Saturday) - then I'll go into maintenance mode with 10k every other day - what's everyone else's plan for maintanence or taper?

Your planned mileage reduction seems like a bit too much for a four week taper. I'd consider adding an 10-12 mile run on the 26th or 27th. When tapering, you want your mileage to reduce gradually, not drastically. For a four week taper, the next week would normally be about 60-70% of the peak week, then 30-40%, and then 20-30% heading into the week before the race. You probably won't lose much fitness by cutting your miles back like you have planned, but your legs won't stay as sharp.
Bad news for me. I was just laid off from my job. Unless I can get something else lined up in the next two weeks, I don't see how I can possibly do the marathon. I'm so sad and disappointed.

I'm so very sorry to read this. I hope that it turns out to be a path to better things for you.

Any potential Coast-to-Coasters in this group this year? My hope is to register for the DL Half in September.

Me! Doing Dopey in January, then Tink in May (with SW Dark Side in between, so C2C2C? ;)). Hoping to get that glorious Kessel Run medal next year.


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