Marathon Weekend 2020

This is the second time it’s been listed as sold out. It came back so I wouldn’t be surprised if it came back again.

No. If it's sold out, even if I end up liking the new course once it's released, I can't sign up. It will stay sold out (or at least I'm pretending it will).
Oh, ah, so I never got around to signing up for the marathon. But all my travel plans are hard booked, so I guess I;m coming down anyway!
CHH in MK. We try to time it so we get there right about when it opens for lunch. Then we make a dash to a window table on the 2nd floor overlooking the HM. Bliss

Prior SAFD:
My knee (DH) continues to ebb and flow. By that, I mean that I do have pain returning here and there. Got a really good massage 10 days ago, and am thinking about making them a regular part of the training plan. But today was the 3rd straight day of running. @DopeyBadger Goofy plan week 8. And before, during, and after the run I suddenly realized it feels pretty good. My quads get tight, and that seems to set things off. I've been using The Stick and my PureWave Massager, and they appear to be helping.
But I just looked at the trailing 4 weeks of running, and my mileage is back about where I was before the injury, so something is improving. Knees are bilaterally sore, but its an ache like I've been using them, and that's ok.

She proudly told me this week that she's running the most in years (maybe ever) and she's pain-free.
Super sad at the moment. Had to cancle a local Marathon, I wanted to run this Sunday. But I cannot because of a cold, I caught last week during our "short" WDW Trip :-(

How do you americans handle the icecold ACs and did not get sick or catch a cold? I am really in panic thinking about our next trip to WDW, which starts end of this year and leads to the Marathon Weekend! I do not want to catch a cold again, right before Dopey! Any advice?!
Zinc. At the first sign of itchy scratchy throat, or if your best friend sneezes on you at lunch. Available in lozenges as ColdEeze or generic versions next to boxes or bags of ColdEeze.
Well, not to be pedantic, but you don't really get sick from cold right? You get sick from germs. And any place with that many little kids is bound to be very, very germy. Plus you probably flew there, and an airplane is germ city, forget about it, I can never fly without getting sick. My advice is just hand sanitizer all the time. And wash your hands even more frequently than you think you should. I still wind up getting sick from travel though so hopefully other folks have even better advice.

Edited to add I'm sorry you had to cancel your race :(
I live in Florida. Air conditioning doesn't cause colds. I'd be sick everyday since my house A/C system runs nearly 365 days a year if that was the case. Germs cause colds and germs are everywhere. WDW is one giant petri dish so I'm pretty strict about washing my hands and using hand sanitizer there. Planes are disgusting germ infested tin cans too.
Out of curiosity, why cancel the local marathon? Is the cold that bad? If it was just a normal head cold, I'd go ahead and run the race rather than forfeiting my entry fee. Just slow down and take it easy rather than racing it hard.

I'm not sure what products you have locally, but one trick for avoiding colds is to start taking an immune booster like Emergen-C or Airborne and lots of Vitamin C a couple of weeks before the event. It's certainly not foolproof, but every little bit helps.
As has already been said, AC doesn't cause the common cold; viruses do. I can't get the flu shot for medical reasons, and I've had pneumonia a couple times, which leaves me extra susceptible to respiratory illnesses, so I am very, very careful during cold and flu season. Per doctor's advice, I don't fly and I avoid other places where lots of folks are packed into confined spaces, like Disney buses. (I realize that's easy for me to say - I live near WDW and drive there, anyway.) I wash my hands before eating, and never, ever touch my face/eyes/mouth without first washing my hands. At WDW, I avoid touching things like railings, etc. as much as possible. I keep my distance from anyone coughing or sneezing. In any hotel room, I wipe down light switches, door handles, TV remotes, counters, etc. with Lysol wipes. I get adequate rest and sleep, and I eat healthy foods that promote a good immune system. If I do feel an illness coming on, I take the time to rest and recover instead of pushing through and making things worse. <knock on wood> It's no magic pill, but it's worked for me so far!
Zinc. At the first sign of itchy scratchy throat, or if your best friend sneezes on you at lunch. Available in lozenges as ColdEeze or generic versions next to boxes or bags of ColdEeze.

Yes, I think you all are right. The plane on our way to Orlando was full of sick people. Maybe I caught the cold there.

My theorie with the AC was like. I sweat a lot during this visit and coming out of the heat into those icecold rooms did not feel that comfortable. We got Emergen-C at CVS, but looks like it was to late.

Why canceling the local Marathon? I had a very good training, but in my last two (taper) weeks, I only did one slow run. Going upstairs leaves my breathless at the moment, so I cannot imagine running 42k right now, not even slow. Anyway, it gets better everyday and may the Kona broadcasts brings motivation to do that Marathon on Sunday ;)
I’ve been home from work with a sick kid for four days now. This has given me the opportunity to watch endless YouTube videos of marathon weekend from the past years. Gotta say I’m super excited now! I hadn’t given much thought to layers and the weather until now but after seeing how different the weather can be each day I’m making a shopping list. I just hope I can fit it all in my suitcase!
Yes, I think you all are right. The plane on our way to Orlando was full of sick people. Maybe I caught the cold there.

My theorie with the AC was like. I sweat a lot during this visit and coming out of the heat into those icecold rooms did not feel that comfortable. We got Emergen-C at CVS, but looks like it was to late.

Why canceling the local Marathon? I had a very good training, but in my last two (taper) weeks, I only did one slow run. Going upstairs leaves my breathless at the moment, so I cannot imagine running 42k right now, not even slow. Anyway, it gets better everyday and may the Kona broadcasts brings motivation to do that Marathon on Sunday ;)

Sorry to hear your sick. But yeah if you flew home on a plane that’s where you were most likely exposed since air is recycled through the plane. There’s a reason why a lot of people get sick after traveling.

Also since I saw a homeopathic med was recccomended I am going to repeat this to everyone: Please check any otcs before you take them to see if they are homeopathic. Homeopathic meds are not regulated here in the US at least and most of the time don’t contain enough medicine to actually do any good. You want to stop yourself from getting sick? Use a mask! More then likely any vitamins and homeopathic meds aren’t going to do any good and instead since your getting the placebo affect your now exposing more people thinking your better when your not.

I can’t remember what flu ‘medicine’ it was that we talked about in my chem class we talked about when we took it. But do you want to know what we realized after running the math? It was almost entirely duck liver and sugar water. The medicine part was so little (I think it was under 2 percent?) that you were essentially buying the above ingredients.

So please check your meds. Most homeopathic meds are so diluted they may cause a placebo affect but they sure aren’t going to do anything.

I just felt a need to say this. If you want to spend money on those meds thats your pergoative though I personally think it’s a waste (most multis/vitamins are also unless you have a medical condition where you can’t absorb them you get them normally through your food) but just know they actually don’t do much to cure a cold and your probably honestly just wasting money.
Sorry to hear your sick. But yeah if you flew home on a plane that’s where you were most likely exposed since air is recycled through the plane. There’s a reason why a lot of people get sick after traveling.

Also since I saw a homeopathic med was recccomended I am going to repeat this to everyone: Please check any otcs before you take them to see if they are homeopathic. Homeopathic meds are not regulated here in the US at least and most of the time don’t contain enough medicine to actually do any good. You want to stop yourself from getting sick? Use a mask! More then likely any vitamins and homeopathic meds aren’t going to do any good and instead since your getting the placebo affect your now exposing more people thinking your better when your not.

I can’t remember what flu ‘medicine’ it was that we talked about in my chem class we talked about when we took it. But do you want to know what we realized after running the math? It was almost entirely duck liver and sugar water. The medicine part was so little (I think it was under 2 percent?) that you were essentially buying the above ingredients.

So please check your meds. Most homeopathic meds are so diluted they may cause a placebo affect but they sure aren’t going to do anything.

I just felt a need to say this. If you want to spend money on those meds thats your pergoative though I personally think it’s a waste (most multis/vitamins are also unless you have a medical condition where you can’t absorb them you get them normally through your food) but just know they actually don’t do much to cure a cold and your probably honestly just wasting money.

Homeopathic or not, percentage of active ingredient is a horrible way to judge the potential efficacy of a medication. Efficacy is determined by delivery of a therapeutic dose of the active ingredient, not based on the concentration of the active ingredient in the dosage form.


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