Marathon Weekend 2021

SAFD: Japan hands down. We were stationed at Camp Zama (just outside Tokyo) for three years in the late ‘80’s and every time I’m there I’m filled with wonderful memories and a feeling a calmness. Japan was the best assignment we had in our 25 years of service. Now if they would just bring back the drummers...
SAFD: Also a big fan of the Japan pavilion. It is laid out very well with distinct areas that are will isolated from each other. The food is great (even for my celiac wife @Dug720 ), love wandering in the department store and the Kawaii exhibit is fun.

Other favorites are UK, Canada and France.

Well, I should add I don't do seafood - raw or cooked. I'm not allergic, but it literally makes me throw up. So that makes Japan extra challenging.
I was not online this weekend as the discussion about the viability of race weekend was happening. So, sorry to turn the conversation back in that direction. But, my hope is that no matter what the final decision is on the races occurring, that Disney recognizes that there will be many, many registrants that will not be comfortable with participating in a large scale event, and that they offer deferrals to all who would like them. Then, everyone will get their wish. Those who really want to participate can, and those who do not can defer.
I was not online this weekend as the discussion about the viability of race weekend was happening. So, sorry to turn the conversation back in that direction. But, my hope is that no matter what the final decision is on the races occurring, that Disney recognizes that there will be many, many registrants that will not be comfortable with participating in a large scale event, and that they offer deferrals to all who would like them. Then, everyone will get their wish. Those who really want to participate can, and those who do not can defer.

Deferrals are very unlikely, but prior to cancellation of W&D they were allowing people to cancel and be refunded (typically on a Disney gift card). I wouldn’t be surprised if they continued this practice, especially for international runners facing travel difficulties.
Deferrals are very unlikely, but prior to cancellation of W&D they were allowing people to cancel and be refunded (typically on a Disney gift card). I wouldn’t be surprised if they continued this practice, especially for international runners facing travel difficulties.

Agreed. I think there will be some kind of refund/cancellation option. Like you said most likely to gift card and not straight refund.
France? Acrobats, street artists, architecture, food- Monsieur Paul, Chefs de France, Les Halles, L’Artisan des Glaces, - a future Creperie and Remy ride, Impressions de France with its beautiful air conditioned theater and superb music.

Or Mexico? Or Morocco? Or Japan? Or Canada? Or Italy? Oh, I really can’t decide.

Meanwhile, RIP Off Kilter, British Revolution, Matsuriza, Mo’ Roccan, Sergio, the street acting troupes, and other entertainment that have been axed that I really loved in World Showcase.
I'm a broken record here: I see no way WDW can host races while FL hospitals are desperate for more medical professional staffing. Social distancing, mask requirements, etc. can all be worked out, but they cannot take medical resources away for races when they're needed to deal with COVID. Things have improved down here in FL, but nobody expects that to be a constant: every expert expects to see more surges in cases/hospitalizations with schools reopening. I think that's the biggest wait-and-see factor here.

RunDisney's medical director was a full go for Wine and Dine - she said that they had all the required personnel and equipment (as normal) to conduct the race. The races were cancelled by the higher ups due to the perceived "optics" of having the race weekend. Hospitals around central Florida are not (and have not been) desperate for staff during the pandemic. Many laid off nurses and other professionals in March and April when many normal procedures and surgeries were cancelled.
SAFD: Oh, this is HARD! Especially because I was just there and took about 3 hours to slowly enjoy all WS countries, taking a million photos.

Okay, if I have to pick one... it has to be Japan. 1. Because the architecture is amazing. 2. Because I have 18 years of very fond memories of taking my son shopping in Mitsukoshi. 3. Sake bar. 4. Tokyo Dining. 5. The gardens. 6. The ambient music. I love all of it!

But if I may pick two, I'll add France. 1. Because j'adore real France and can't get there easily, so Faux France fills that void a bit. 2. Champagne et un crêpe chocolat while watching fireworks from a bench far back in the pavilion. 3. Salade niçoise from la Boulangerie. 4. Impressions de France.

Honorable mention: China. 1. A photographer/art historian's dream to explore. 2. No matter how crowded the day, we can always get into Nine Dragons without an ADR and enjoy a really good meal with excellent service.
RunDisney's medical director was a full go for Wine and Dine - she said that they had all the required personnel and equipment (as normal) to conduct the race.
Where/when was that said? I don't recall ever hearing that! Interesting, as Track Shack mentioned at some point that medical volunteers was a big concern for them regarding their races.

Hospitals around central Florida are not (and have not been) desperate for staff during the pandemic. Many laid off nurses and other professionals in March and April when many normal procedures and surgeries were cancelled.
I'm admittedly 100 miles from WDW, so West-Central FL, but our hospitals were absolutely desperate for more staff a few weeks ago and were pulling help from other areas of FL. I know this because my job includes being in on the conference calls discussing the COVID situation and I listened to the heads of our hospital conglomerates make that statement.[/QUOTE]
Where/when was that said? I don't recall ever hearing that! Interesting, as Track Shack mentioned at some point that medical volunteers was a big concern for them regarding their races.

I'm admittedly 100 miles from WDW, so West-Central FL, but our hospitals were absolutely desperate for more staff a few weeks ago and were pulling help from other areas of FL. I know this because my job includes being in on the conference calls discussing the COVID situation and I listened to the heads of our hospital conglomerates make that statement.
Her office is next door to the nurse supervisor at Celebration hospital (the nurse is a rundisney runner) who asked her the day of the cancelation what was behind the decision and that was her response.

as for the hospital situation - similar to testing here: multiple test sites with daily openings here, and i have heard that it has been nearly impossible to get tested in the Tampa area. My sister in law runs the large orthopedic group in Tampa and they laid off more than half of the staff, and have had a hard time getting them to come back to work still.


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