Marching Our Way to a Healthy Lifestyle ~ March 2016 WISH Challenge

Can I tell you that my entire life I thought this song said "the wrong me" instead of "roll to me"

I always thought it was The Wrong Me, too. "The right time, the wrong me" completely makes sense!

You know, I think it actually applies more with your lyrics. We're always in the right place, just sometimes we aren't ready to be there yet! Well, we're working our way there now!!
Eek - late on my Woohoo. Yesterday's Woohoo is that my boyfriend put me in touch with a guy looking for graphic design work - logo design specifically. Apparently a bunch of other designers were in the running and my design got picked! It feels so great and makes me feel even more confident about my application for graphic design school (still waiting on the verdict there). I showed my boyfriend the logo and he was shocked at how good it was (I'm completely self-taught), saying he thinks I've found my calling :cloud9:

WooHoo! That is awesome!!

QOTD: "Walking on sunshine" for a few reasons.. 1) It started getting sunny and beautiful out and I'm just adoring the weather 2) I feel like I'm stepping out of my comfort zone here with a career switch.. so far it's been such a positive move, I feel like I'm walking on clouds/sunshine 3) There's a PTR here on the boards with that title and it makes me happy! ::yes::

Awesome choice!
"Walking on Sunshine" is definitely appropriate for the weather I'm having today too. Nice weather makes everything a little better!

@HappyGrape nailed it! But.... if I had to come up with another it would be Painting the Roses Red.... I did the wrong things and ate the wrong foods mid month and when life threw me curve balls. So NOW I have been scrambling around trying to right my wrongs! :rotfl:

Painting the Roses Red ... so true sometimes.

Final percentage this month: 45%

I am doing this the super slow and steady way apparently... but I will take my loses where I can get 'em!

Any loss is good, and even though you didn't reach your goal, you made some great progress despite everything else you had going on!

Final results for March (I won't be able to weigh myself again until Saturday, so today's weigh in will have to do):

My goal was 14 lbs for March.

I ended up losing 14 1/2 lbs which puts me at 104% of my goal.

YAY! Awesome job! I knew you could do it!

While I'm very happy with the end result, I've been pretty lazy the last couple days and I need to get motivated again. I'll be leaving shortly for our state football conference at U of I, and that means unhealthy food and beers. I know the hotel has a good gym, so I've decided to really flip this trip and make it a mini "biggest loser" weight loss contest to try and lose the 4 1/2 lbs I need to get to my 50 lbs mark. Hopefully I can do it or get close - I find eating on the road away from home to be tough.

I love that you're giving yourself a goal for the trip - hopefully that will help keep you on track!

I can't think of a song that fits my journey, but I can tell you the playlist that has been getting me through the month - Amazon Prime Music's "80's songs for Runners". Every song is better than the next (if you like 80's music, which this old fogey does). I don't know why it took me so long to take advantage of Prime Music. I was listening to Spotify with all it's commercials for the longest time. If you have prime and haven't tried it - give it a go, it's great!

Okay, I don't have Prime, but I may have to see if I can borrow someone's account for this. I love 80's music!!

Also, my regular weigh in reporting day is Saturday, but since the scale was super kind to me this morning, I'll go ahead and report my end of the month progress today- as of today, I've lost 1.7lbs since my last weigh in or 9.9lbs over this month. That's .1 short of my 10lb goal or 99% of goal. Even though I didn't make it to 10lbs, I'm thrilled because I wanted a goal that would keep be striving and I think I picked a good one!

You got so close to goal - that is amazing!! Congrats!!

I thought I was doing so well last night. Fell asleep around midnight, woke up around 7 to tell DH goodbye, back asleep until 9 or so. My Fitbit says I only slept 2 hours! I'm still tired so maybe it's accurate. But, goodness. Only 2 hours. Does anyone have any tips for getting more fulfilling sleep? I might lay down on the couch in just a minute and close my eyes for half an hour or so. I'm awake but groggy so my focus is all over the place and I think I'll be more productive after a 30 minute cat-nap than if I force myself to work now.

I'm a terrible sleeper (always have been), so I don't know how much I can help, but ... I find that my sleep quality improves a little if I stick to a routine. If I'm going to sleep around the same time every night and waking up around the same time, my sleep tends to normalize after a while. Of course, since I wake up early to run a few times a week, this doesn't happen much ... but it has worked for me in the past.

This song. It's played before every race to get me in the mood. And this month really kicked my butt (or knee!) and I feel like Mulan in the earliest phases of her training.

Awesome song choice :)

I'm not as introspective as a lot of people, but when I saw this question, the song Pretty Baby popped into my head for some reason. So, I started thinking about it and seems the main theme of the song is that you're with the wrong guy and it's time to move to the "right guy". Well, my issue isn't my guy lol, but it's about other wrong choices I'd been making. Mainly the food I eat and the lack of exercise I get.

It's definitely interesting that you can see your relationship with food/exercise in that song.
And that's an excellent song choice.
Can I tell you that my entire life I thought this song said "the wrong me" instead of "roll to me" :lmao:Makes a whole lot more sense.

Common mistake. Not one that I know from personal experience. Definitely not. (Okay ... yeah ... I used to make that mistake too).
A big thank you to @SarahDisney for hosting this month. I can't believe that tomorrow starts a new month filled with lots of opportunity! You did a fantastic job at keeping us all active, healthy, and accountable.

Final Report
Workouts: 100% of Goal

Knee is ready to tackle the 1 mile speed challenge and the 5K in Carlsbad, CA this weekend. Time to finally break that 40 min 5K. 39:59 or die trying.
This afternoon/evening did not go as planned. I had to drive straight into town on an errand after work and decided to grab some groceries while I was over that way. Didn't get back here until 5pm. Groceries are away, dinner (FWIW) is eaten and now I must dash out the door in the next 10 minutes for that spring sports parents' night! Where has this day gone!?

Also found out that DS is singing in a concert tomorrow night.... and I was supposed to head down to DD's to bring her a car.... so it looks like I'll be putting that off until Saturday or Sunday!

Anyhooo.... I'll be back BRIGHT AND EARLY with our first APRIL challenge QOTD in the morning!.....................P
Question of the Day – Thursday, March 31st:


The finale of Mickey’s Soundsational Parade features characters and scenes from the Disney classic Mary Poppins. This unit includes many of the amazing songs from the movie, including "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious," "A Spoonful of Sugar," and "Step in Time."

For many people, music can form a soundtrack for our lives. There are songs that we can related to when we are struggling, and songs that we can relate to when we succeed. There are songs that motivate us to work harder, and songs that help us celebrate when we succeed.

The month is almost over – what is your swan song for the month of March? Is there a song (Disney or otherwise) that you feel sums up your journey this month? Do you have a song that will keep you energized and on track to finish the month strong?

Today is the official last day of the challenge – so don’t forget to get me your final progress report! I’ll be posting the final progress update on Saturday night, so you have until then to report how you ended the month!

It's no secret I haven't liked this month. I was actually blasting the attached while walking the dog this morning and cracked up when I saw this question.

Goodbye to March!
Final Report
Workouts: 100% of Goal

Knee is ready to tackle the 1 mile speed challenge and the 5K in Carlsbad, CA this weekend. Time to finally break that 40 min 5K. 39:59 or die trying.

Yay! Awesome - you totally rocked this month despite the knee issue!

It's up and ready!!! The April challenge has claimed it's spot here on the WISH boards! First QOTD will be bright and early tomorrow morning! Come save your seat!..........P

Thank you for setting this up - I'll pop over there soon!

This afternoon/evening did not go as planned. I had to drive straight into town on an errand after work and decided to grab some groceries while I was over that way. Didn't get back here until 5pm. Groceries are away, dinner (FWIW) is eaten and now I must dash out the door in the next 10 minutes for that spring sports parents' night! Where has this day gone!?

Also found out that DS is singing in a concert tomorrow night.... and I was supposed to head down to DD's to bring her a car.... so it looks like I'll be putting that off until Saturday or Sunday!

Wow, some days you're so busy it exhausts me just reading about it. I don't know how you manage to do it all, but I'm impressed!

It's no secret I haven't liked this month. I was actually blasting the attached while walking the dog this morning and cracked up when I saw this question.

Awesome song choice ... goodbye to March, and here's hoping that April is a better month for you!


Hello, all!
First, my progress report. I may still get a little more stretching in because my knee is a little iffy (and gentle stretching usually helps), but as of right now, I'm at 1015/875 non-running exercise minutes, for a total of 116%! I definitely had a lot of ups and downs this month, but I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking with my exercise despite everything.

I had an okay day today ... ate pretty well most of the day, then overate at dinner. Plus, after about 4 pm I kinda gave up on my to-do list. I actually sat down and watched the first episode of Daredevil because I didn't really want to do anything else. I didn't love it, but I liked it enough to watch the next episode. Ideally, I would like to catch up on the Marvel Cinematic Universe before I get too far into the Netflix series, but since none of the Marvel movies are on Netflix, I have to wait until I get my hands on them somehow.

I wanted to say thank you to everyone for their kind words about my hosting. I tried to put a lot of thought into my themes and questions, and even though I know some questions hit a little too close to home for some people, I hope we were all able to benefit from the questions and discussion here. I really enjoyed hunting down parade pictures, and I hope you guys enjoyed seeing these pictures!

I hope everyone had a great March, and I'll see you all on the April thread! (Don't forget to get your March final progress reports in ... I'll post the update on Saturday night so that we can see how much green we achieved this month!)
Good morning! Happy April Fool's day! I've done my early morning chat shift and dragged myself up to start the coffee maker and hit the scale.... and the dang scale hit me back! I was expecting a maintain or a small loss and that is not what I saw. I know (again) that other than Saturday/Sunday I didn't hit my daily SP target. But honestly, who knew that not eating enough would cause a gain?! Grrrrr! I'll give myself 24 hours to see a change... so obviously I won't be reporting a final number here for another 24 hours, so I probably won't get in on any final results posts. Oh well.

I've got to get dressed and then I'll be on the new thread to post the first QOTD for April!..........P
Okay I'm gonna report my final progress report today.

I'm down another .6 lbs which bring me to 4.6/5lbs =92%... Not 100% my goal, but I'll take it!
I want to chime in and also thank @SarahDisney for her great job of hosting!

My final check in - I was down 2.5, so after last week's .5 pound gain, I'm at 7.5 pounds lost for the month. I'll take it, but it's 2.5 pounds short of my March goal.

I finished at 75%.
First of all...... HUGE MASSIVE THANK YOU to Sarah for hosting March!

I loved your questions and your pictures!! I love Disney parades, so it was right up my alley!

Sorry I wasn't able to participate as much as I would have liked.... life just kicked my a** lately!

And friends..... head over to the APRIL challenge to keep up the HEALTHY CHATTER! It is ready and waiting for you! Hope to see you there!......P

The results are in - here are our amazing progress reports for the month of March!
For those who did not submit an end of month progress report, I used the week 4 reports.

@4Mickeys - 72.72%
@5xdisneyfans - 109%
@courtneybeth - 100%
@Dr Gunnie - 104%

@dsnyfn1022 - 85%
@dylans mommy - 93%
@Flossbolna - 85%
@Lady Marie - 45%
@mamattorney - 99%
@Oneanne - 101%/104%
@piglet1979 - 75%
@SarahDisney - 116%
@ski_mom - 75%
@tortilla24 - 92%

Congrats to all those who made progress this month! Whether you reached your goal or not, any progress made is amazing.
Thanks for participating this month - it was a great month, and I'm excited to see everyone continue to make progress in April!


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