"May" the Sun Shine on Hakuna Matata!!!!

Hey guys! I missed another good mixer I see! I'm off on Mondays and Tuesday are always so busy here at work that I can't seam to pop in! Oh well....

I got out and did 4 miles today. The first time out since the Cleveland 10K. My hip has been acting up since last week. Feels like a pinched nerve...so I'm taking it easy.

Sue - Excited for you about the Full in Sept!! I made Jordan promise to not let me book bounceback this year when we go in the fall so I can run a full next year in September.

Dave - Have fun visiting our neighbors of the north!!!

Lynn - Are there other virtual races? That sounds like fun!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok. I've been burried here at work and a busy bee at home. I have an interview for that position on Monday...I need pixie dust!!!

Miss you guys!!! :grouphug:
Good morning everyone! Another rainy and cloudy day here. I'm hoping that it finishes raining by Sunday - the cool weather can stay though :)

Eva - Good luck with your interview! Keep us posted :) Sorry to hear about your hip. Haven't had a pinched nerve before. I guess the Stick or a tennis ball wouldn't do much good in that case?

Lynn - The virtual race sounds fun :)

Sue - I've gotten that attitude at the Running Room before. No idea why. Have you tried going to the New Balance Store (Bayview Village - Sheppard Ave/Bayview) or Running Free? There's a women's only 10K on Center Island in August. Have you heard about it?

Dave/Erica - See you in a few days!

Jennifer - Safe travels! Are you moving to Mississippi permanently?

That's all for me! Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning Team!

Jennifer - good luck with your move!

Dave and Erica - safe travels to Canada!

I got a 4 mile walk in with the dogs yesterday - knee hurt the whole walk, so it was another slow one.

Have a great day everyone!
Lynn and Vicky, I graduated from college and will be moving to Mississippi semi-permanently at least. I'm going to be teaching lower (K-3) elementary school there. I'm spending the summer in Houston first.

No running for me today. Moving counts as cross training, right? ;-)

Lynn and Vicky, I graduated from college and will be moving to Mississippi semi-permanently at least. I'm going to be teaching lower (K-3) elementary school there. I'm spending the summer in Houston first.

No running for me today. Moving counts as cross training, right? ;-)



Congratulations 'Teach', wish you all the best in your noble profession.

Good Morning Team!

Woke up at 4am this morning, felt like I had lead legs so I got up to do the ellip. Bottle of water, sweating for a 1/2 an hour but I feel so much better. Lots of stretching after,a great way to start the day.

Still crappy weather here in NH but tomorrow should be better and it's the weekend!

Have many baby quilts to work on and other stuff going on so I can't wait to get the day started and the OVER so I can play.

I'm sure Dave and Erica and on their way to Canada. Lots to do up their and if I remember correctly Canada's wonderland has a ton of roller coasters and the BEST soft serve. Maybe they can check it out and report back to us!

Have a good one - I'm off to get the warpaint on and fix the hair.

Good Morning Team!

Nice day here again, but it will be getting hot, so I will have to get the dogs out for their walk early!

Have a great day everyone!
Hey Guys,

It's been a really long week here. I have read everything and am pleased to see all of you doing so well.

I will get back into the swing of things, starting Monday! That's the best promise I can make!

The memorial service went well and the spreading of the ashes is coming in July. Poor guy, he was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer 2 years ago. Chemotherapy gave him 3 months remission when it came back in his liver and panacreas. He applied for and was accepted into an experimental program. Like so many of those, the cure killed him and not the desease. The drug was devastating. It probably wouldn't have been my choice, but then again, it wasn't.

Take care my friends.
Good morning team! Happy Friday :) I'm going tonight to pick up my packet for the 1/2 on Sunday. I'm hoping the weather will stay cool. Firefighters and a chocolate station - should be a good time! With all those distractions, here's hoping I finish :rotfl:

Jennifer - I forgot to congratulate you!! I would say moving is like cross training - lots of lifting, heavy boxes etc.

Connie - :hug:

Denise - Lots of coasters at Wonderland. They have great funnel cake but I haven't been there in years! It use to be in the middle of nowhere but the area has really been developed in the past couple of years.

jesters - How's the running coming along?

Okay, that's all for now! Have a great weekend everyone! :wave2:
Hi Kids,

Been busy at work in trial all week and trying to get my admin stuff done early in the morn, did get in a 5K this morn really needed it. This trial is really taking it out of me, will be glad when it is over.

Congrats to Jennifer on the Job, in these times public service does not pay the best but the rewards can not be counted.

Gotta get going, have a great weekend.
Yeah for Friday!

Vicky & Erica, Enjoy the race.

Connie, Glad to see you back on the boards.

Jen, Good luck with the teaching job.

It's my turn to be a spectator this weekend. My husband has his first triathlon of the season. Even with the wetsuit I'm glad that he is doing the swim not me. brrrrrrrr.

Have a great weekend.........Sue
RE Virtual Races: the Bolder Boulder is the only one I can recall of. There was a place to register as a virtual runner/walker. Register on line, run the race the day of the real race, I would think this would be common for fund raising races, i.e. Susan Komen.

We played in our Kayaks last night and they were fun.

Lynn just finished a dog walk.

Yard work today, Have a good one....
Good Morning Team!

Another nice day here today! Think we will try to get the kayaks out again, we were going to yesterday - but waited too long and an band of thundershowers came thru. Dogs got a 3 mile walk in early yesterday morning - before breakfast, it is starting to get warm, and I will have to start walking dogs before breakfast for the summer.

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning Everyone,

I got out today and did 2 easy miles. It's not much, but it's a sight more than I have been doing lately. It felt pretty darn good. I met two St Bernards on my way home. Big ole friendly dogs! The owner kept apologizing for them, but they were really sweet dogs even if they did come up to my waisT!:love:

Lynn, sorry about your loss. Please stay in touch.

Jen congrats on the teaching job!

Good luck Erica!

Off to make laundry soap. See ya! Connie

PS today is the last day of May!!!
Hey everyone! I did the Toronto Women's Half this morning! It was quite chilly but perfect for running. I met up with Kim, Mike, Erica, Dave, Roger and CJ before the race started. I have some pictures but they're on DF's laptop so I'll have to wait until he gets back from his meeting before I can get them. Btw, how do I post pictures?

The course was an out and back through a park that runs through the middle of the city. The paths were narrow and there was one way traffic through lots of course but it was manageable. Lots of giant puddles that were hard to avoid sometimes - luckily it stopped raining last night. A couple of cute firefighters and just when I thought about stopping to check them out - I spot our guys! Mike drove them over - I think this was just around the 10K mark. It was a really nice surprise!!

Unfortunately, for me I lost steam just after 17K and I slowed down a lot after that. I was hoping the chocolate station would give me some extra energy but it didn't. I didn't really even have much energy for that last kick at finish but I did manage to pass a couple of runners. I finished in 2:22 which is still a PB but I was hoping for 2:20 or under. I guess that will be my goal for my September 1/2 :)

Oh, I also saw two cheaters on the course. They turned around early at one of the turning arounds - I don't think they cut much time maybe 2 minutes but it still made me angry.

Sue - How did your DH do on his tri? It really was a chilly day for a swim.

Connie - Saw a couple of St. Bernard's today at the race. They're so adorable!

Have a great day everyone!
Hi everyone! Thanks for all the congratulations! To make things even sweeter I made all A's my last semester!

I am safely back South! It's literally double the temperature down here that it was the day I left.

I managed to get in 30 minutes on an exercise bike in the hotel on Friday and ran 4.75 miles in around 38 minutes (7:50 pace) on a treadmill yesterday. I'm planning to go on a 3.5-6.5 miles "stretch" run later tonight and a long run tomorrow.

Check in with you guys later!

Congrats to all the ladies up north doing the 1/2.

I checked my miles for the month and wanted a nice round number so Mark and I headed out for 4 so I could have an even 40 for May.

I've been doing a lot of sewing this past week. My SIL will be turning a young 60 in August and I had started a quilt for her 5 years ago. It's been in pieces so I set a goal to finish the blocks this weekend and start the assembly process. I met my goal so I'm quite pleased with myself. Same as walking and doing miles, setting a goal in all aspects of our lives helps us to strive and achieve them.

Well I need a bit of food to the miles did seem to make me hungry.

Vicky - we had some of that cold Canadian air come through, could you shut the door! Chance of frost in some higher elevations of the state. brrrrrrrr

Good night all, alarm goes off at 4:30 so I'll be heading upstairs soon.

Last run of May!

Did 4.5 miles in 40 minutes (a "slow" 8:50 pace). The heat, humidity, and hills slowed me down. I'm also in a rotating in new shoes and rotating out old shoes period so that and the moving didn't help.

:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

I know you're all ea-GEAR to share your knowledge about your favorite clothing, training aids and technical toys, so this week's prompt posted here on the 'Ohana thread is:

Beyond the basics, what's your favorite/most-useful/most loved gear?

Of course, feel free to talk about your favorite shoes, socks, tech shirts or sports bras or other necessities. But I think we'd all like to know about that special something(s) that you've added to your "must have" for training, racing days, or just plain pleasure. For some of you, maybe it's your Garmin. Other, a special brand of sunscreen or a specific brand of water belt? Still others, a strategy for taping your legs and feet or a a favorite tracking website?

Please share your special finds with the rest of us. :thumbsup2


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