MAY W.I.S.H. - Let's make it an aMAYzing Month

1) coffee
2) cats
3) breakfast out

1) Small World
2) AKL
3) Hollywood Studios

(I made it easy on myself, and listed all my own choices first, so I could just copy and delete. :laughing: ...Though years ago, I would definitely have said Epcot for the last one. Those two have flipped for me in recent years.)
Happy Saturday Friends!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their day so far! Very warm here which I love so enjoying to it today and tomorrow, we get a cold front Sunday overnight with a high of 70 Monday.

Fun topic @PollyannaMom thanks for posting! I can post for @Summer2018 tomorrow, my week starts Monday so I will just start a day early!

1) coffee or tea?-coffee! Love coffee!!
2) cats or dogs?-everyone here knows-dogs lol
3) breakfast out or dinner out?-I have to say dinner even though I love breakfast out because I like to have a cocktail with dinners out

1) Small World or Space Mountain?-small world…loved space mountain my entire life however it’s too jerky for me now :-(
2) AKL or Contemporary?-I never stayed at either but AKL is on my bucket list!
3) Hollywood Studios or Epcot?-right now Hollywood Studios but that may change on the 1st when we visit Epcot! We will see!!
1) coffee or tea? Coffee!
2) cats or dogs? Never had a dog, did have cats briefly but too many family members allergic. I like visiting both but all set not having pets right now
3) breakfast out or dinner out? Dinner! I am not a big breakfast fan

1) Small World or Space Mountain? Small World love the nostalgia and how fascinated DD was by it
2) AKL or Contemporary? AKL is a bucket list but since we'd need a DVC or suite room for 5 it will be awhile. Will let you know my take on Contemporary after August as I have only previously been there to eat.
3) Hollywood Studios or Epcot? Tough call. Probably HS now since my boys are big into star wars and toy story. Couple years ago it would have been EPCOT no question Illuminations was my favorite fireworks show

Busy busy day. DS9 and I went to the local farmers market then we all went to the neighborhood history walk this afternoon which was upwards of a mile. I took for granted living in an area so involved in the Revolution as a kid but now I think I appreciate it more. Stopped for ice cream after...the kids barely touching it make me question if they are in fact mine. The boys barely ate any and DD...well...she kept trying to pick it up with her fingers...sticky does not even begin to describe it. But between being outside for 2+ hours with the walk and then playing outside for a bit after dinner tonight everyone should be good and tired...myself included!
…you go to sleep and wake up to self care Sunday.

What’s one thing, big or small, you can do for yourself today to relax and get ready for the week ahead?

I go into work for the first time in over 2 years tomorrow! It seems surreal. I am going to do a hour of yoga today to relax!

What’s everyone else’s plans?
Back from our trip to NYC. It was great. DS2's graduation ceremony was loooonnnngggg. But it was nice and the speakers were really good. Friday night we had planned a Yankees game but it was rained out so instead we went to DS2's final gig in NYC.

Yesterday it was 90 degrees. We went to Coney Island since that's one thing we hadn't done. Tons of people and the Brooklyn half marathon had been that morning. We didn't ride anything--I just wanted to go and look. We got lunch at Tashkent grocery store in Brighton Beach. They have so many choices (over 200 items). It was great fun to look at all the food and try a few different items. Then headed back to the city and caught our flight. DS1 and his wife's flight home tonight was cancelled. There was a bit of a frantic rush this morning to get that all situated. They'll enjoy their extra day in the city. DS2 will enjoy being home with his fiancée and her little one and DH and I will enjoy doing laundry and yard work!
Yesterday was positively wonderful, sunny and warm for the first time in a very long time. I did a lot of things around town but it was all relaxing… at least until I got caught up in the post parade crush of people. I was at a park on one side of the street it was on and needed to get to the museum house on the other side. Ha ha. The house wasn’t open to the public, my Niece had just needed to stop by and check on something and she gave me a private tour. It’s a really awesome house and most of it is original to 1870s when it was built.

It’s warm and sunny again today. At some point I’ll be doing yard work, but first a sit on the porch for breakfast, then repairing the bedroom curtain rod for the drapes Pippa pulled down last night. Yep, that’s my girl!
Tonight was the family dance for DS9's school he and I went early to help set up then DH, DS7 and DD joined us later. They left halfway through as DS7 still has a decent case of the sniffles. All the kids had a great time so it made the hassle of actually planning worth it.
Didnt have a lot of time for self care today but did order some hazlenuts and flaxseed and plan on making myself some granola bars when they come in. Went out to water the veggies today and think I'll be able to pick a decent amount of lettuce and spinach toward the end of the week.
Really need to start watching my portions and snacking...had a chub rub situation yesterday and need to get that in check before August.
Good Morning!!! A fresh week is upon us!!

What are everyone’s goals this week and what will motivate you to reach those goals?

Today is my first day back in the office and it took a lot of motivation to get everything packed up, to bed early and on the road this morning but I got it done! My health goal today is to walk during my lunch break and hopefully everyday this week, weather pending! Also hoping to finish week 9 of my fitness program on YouTube! Motivation is vacation next week!!

Make it a great Monday everyone!!
1) coffee or tea? Neither but I will drink about 2 cups of tea a year when it is really cold and I can't warm up. Usually mint or sugar cookie flavor.
2) cats or dogs? Dogs.
3) breakfast out or dinner out? Either. Depends on the day. Most of the time though it is a late lunch early dinner. Before the rush.

1) Small World or Space Mountain? Small World. Space makes me sick
2) AKL or Contemporary? AKL is on my list. I really want a savannah room.
3) Hollywood Studios or Epcot? Hollywood Studios. I am not a fan of EPCOT. This goes back to when I was a kid.

I didn't have much self-care yesterday. The twins were baptized and I was a godmother to one. It was a long day. We went to noon mass and then the baptism was after and the deacon talked for about 30 to 40 before doing the actual baptism. This was the longest one I have ever been too. I think DD's was 30 minutes and there were about 5 babies. This one was about an hour and it was only the twins and then the party after. So long day. Then I found their formula at Target and ran out to get the last 2 cans. This should get them through the next 2ish weeks so it buys them some time while they look for more. I am going to the movies tomorrow to see Downton Abby with my mom. So this can be my self care day.

My goal this week is to get an hour of walking in 3 times this week.
Goals this week:
Health - Keep walking just a bit extra each day to make up some time.
Health - Set up some health snacking habits.
Home - Get DS settled back in for the summer. (He officially came home from school last weekend, but was off visiting with friends most of the first week. I need to help him go through clothes to pack away, update my standard grocery list, make some plans for time together, etc.)

We uncovered the pool yesterday, so it marks a transition to summer. I read recently that it's easier to change things like personal habits when you piggyback them onto other, concrete changes.
When I had lunch with my Niece and her husband Saturday they gave me an update on the anti-inflammatory diet they've been doing for the past couple months, and I took it as a reminder from the universe that I need to be doing the same.

So, number one goal for this week: focus on reducing dairy, as I know this is contributing to my continuing to cough. I'm still having to take a Benadryl once a day and it knocks me out, so I want to stop taking it. I'll also work on reducing sugar and gluten, but dairy is the big win.

A couple pictures from Saturday, showing how glorious it was:

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Good evening! Motivation this week is to keep on keeping on and not getting down on myself.
DSs are feeling better but DD was grabbing her ear today so she is getting check out tomorrow.
Between calls from her school letting me know about that and calls from my parents nursing home to let me know they are upping some of my mom's meds due to "behaviors" it was a day. I had a lovely salad for lunch but shortly after I finished my work day my sugar TANKED and I started eating EVERYTHING within reach. I had walnuts in the salad but I think the mixed greens+wallnuts+raisins+a couple croutons while delicious was not enough calories and protein. So tomorrow for lunch will be a smaller salad and some soup to see if that works better.
What was the point of that? While I felt a little bad about the snacking I analyzed why I was snacking and made a plan to address it tomorrow. And spent about 10/15 minutes using my thigh master tonight.
Also harvested some lettuce and spinach tonight. The lettuce got a bit over crowded in the pot when combined with the heat from the weekend it was starting to droop so DS9 and I did some harvesting and then DS7 joined us to clean it. Then they both asked to try some...I was shocked! It was so nice though...hoping to get them to eat some more tomorrow night.
Topic Tuesday!!!

Welcome to Tuesday everyone!! We all made it through Monday and it was great to see everyone's motivation for the week ahead!

Topic Tuesday is also Taco Tuesday!!!

Do you and your family participate in Taco Tuesday? Every week or just on occasion? What’s your favorite type of taco?

We do taco Tuesday every single week, it’s really the only meal I make that DD eats. She likes old El Paso crunchy taco kit and I use ground chicken breast as the meat. However, recently I discovered sams club has a absolutely delicious fresh taco kit that cost around $10 and it’s their rotisserie chicken shredded and seasoned, soft corn tortillas, salsa, a creamy cilantro sauce, cheese and cabbage and it’s absolutely delicious!

DHs and Is fav tacos are authentic traditional Mexican tacos. Since I can’t make them that’s a treat for us if we go out for Mexican food.

Heading to Sams on my lunch break to do a pickup and going to get the taco kit for dinner!!

Can’t wait to hear everyone’s taco Tuesday (or not) traditions!
Sadly, we do not do Taco Tuesday. I love tacos, but not as much as I hate hearing DH and DS complain about them breaking/falling apart/making a mess.

Hmmm...maybe I'll run my errands right around noon and get myself some for lunch.
I had walnuts in the salad but I think the mixed greens+wallnuts+raisins+a couple croutons while delicious was not enough calories and protein.

I put grilled chicken and a hard boiled egg in my salads. This seems to help hold me over to dinner. Yay! for recognizing it.

Do you and your family participate in Taco Tuesday? Every week or just on occasion? What’s your favorite type of taco?

We do not. DS loves taco's so we have then every once in a while. DD does not eat them but she really doesn't at anything unless it is McDonald's chicken nuggets and fries. DH and I used to make homemade taco meat. It had tomato sauce, green peppers, onions and garlic. It was so much better then the packets. We stopped when the kids were younger. It was too much work when trying to run around to practices and games. One day we will go back to it. We also make ours with a pound of ground beef and either a pound of ground pork or ground chicken.
Lately everyday has been taco day, because I've been living off of Taco Time... it's the one fast food place that doesn't seem like the food is full of salt and fat.

Growing up my Mom had a regular 7-day rotation of things she cooked and there was a taco night, which were new and trendy at the time. But I think Tuesday was meatloaf, Kraft mac-and-cheese and mushy peas night and tacos were on Thursday. My Dad was kind of a foodie, before there was such a thing, and he would bring "interesting" foods in to the house, including reverse engineering a couple dishes he liked at restaurants. As mentioned, my Mom had her rotation and some things she was really good at, like fried chicken. But I also think she would find new things in magazines to try and I believe that is where tacos came from.
Would love to do taco Tuesday but alas my kiddos are not into them yet. DH and I often do burrito Thursday...99% of the time I get the kids pizza or chicken nuggets on Thursdays before scouts and we eat later. In addition to a local chipotle we have 2 great local places within a 10 minute drive. We favor the local places unless it's late then chipotle is a great alternative.
Love tacos but don't specifically do Taco Tuesday. Had Chipotle for dinner last night (and the other half for lunch today). We did lots of burritos for the boys growing up. They preferred soft shell to hard shell. I prefer hard, but think nachos are easier and pretty much the same thing. DH and I now eat a lot of nachos! So good.


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