ME Luggage Tags? - UPDATE 4/20 - NEW UPDATE 4/26

Phone call? They knew this would be a problem for a few weeks now, apparently. If I wasn't reading this board, I'd have no idea what to expect.
I agree. They really dropped the ball big time. I at least want to know that someone got fired over it. pirate:
CleveRocks said:
I can't figure our why everyone is so stressed about not getting DME tags yet. WHAT IS THE WORST CASE SCENARIO???

I'll tell you: At MCO, you'll go to baggage claim, gets your checked bags, and then get them loaded onto your DME bus so you get your FREE ride to your WDW resort. Sure, it's not what they promised, but it's still better than paying for Mears or a car service, right???

We've gotten so spoiled so fast. We're getting a FREE RIDE, a ride we used to have to pay for!!! All in all, that's not a bad thing. I'll be arriving on May 8, so it's not like this all doesn't affect me, too. Just relax, you're going away on vacation soon! It will be magical, even if you have to, dare I say it, :earseek: drag your own luggage around for a few minutes.

-- Eric :earsboy:

I thought so too, but I called, was put on hold while the rep contacted "guest services" and was told that I had no shoice but to have DME take my luggage and that there was no room for them tp ut it under the bus. :(
I just called DME and was told that I cannot claim my own luggage and even if I have to show them my luggage claim vouchers, they can still get my luggage behind the scenes faster than I can find it on the carrosel??? :confused3 How will they know what to get if they have no idea that my luggage is DME luggage. I was also told that if I got my own luggage and carried it with me that I would be denied DME as there is not any room for my luggage. :confused3
I received some nice holographic luggage tags today, in a clear plastic reservation confirmation packet. Are these our DME tags?

If so, there were only 4 tags - our family of 5 expects to have at least a few more pieces of checked luggage. What do we do?
That is just your luggage tags you receive a a gift from Disney Travel you will receive a different letter with you ME tickets. You will get 2 ME luggage tags per person. I even received 2 ME tickets for my 1 year old.

When I called DME last week I was told that I can definitely grab my own bag and bring it down and they would throw it under the bus, which was my plan. I just called and was told what you were told. I don't see how it can be faster if the bag is already spinning on the carrosel, but I will take them at their word.

DisneyTrippin said:
I just called DME and was told that I cannot claim my own luggage and even if I have to show them my luggage claim vouchers, they can still get my luggage behind the scenes faster than I can find it on the carrosel??? :confused3 How will they know what to get if they have no idea that my luggage is DME luggage. I was also told that if I got my own luggage and carried it with me that I would be denied DME as there is not any room for my luggage. :confused3
JudicialTyranny said:
Well, there is hope....

I just heard from my travel agent at AAA and she received my ME tags today (May 3) for my May 5 arrival! Talk about cutting it close...

She is DHL'ing them to me today so I get them tomorrow (although that does not always mean they'll be here if it is DHL...).

That's great news - I hope you get them in your hands before you leave! I'm still hoping to get ours before we leave on Saturday (HA!).
Just to let you all know...

I received my tickets today for a May 6 departure. BEWARE, they were wrong. There was nothing for my DS who is 2.5 although everyone assured me it would be all set. There was no voucher or luggage tags for him even though he has a seat. There was also no flight info listed in my booklet for any of us. Just for the record I blame this completely on AAA. I would never use them if there was any other way to get a discount! I swear I know more about what's going on than they do.

Good luck!
So I got the mail today, and lo and behold, there's a letter from Disney! :cool1:

I open it up, and what is it? A CREDIT CARD APPLICATION.

Gee, thanks.
I'm leaving May 7th, no ME tags yet, but I don't think I have to stress. Why? Fortunately, we can stuff everything into carry-ons, not checking luggage, so doesn't that mean we don't need the tags? I called DME a few days ago, and at least we're on the list. So hopefully, we're OK.
I was going with the flow also - until I read on the Resorts board that the June 5th travellers had already received their ME luggage tags?! What is up with that? We leave the 7th as well and probably won't be receiving ours at all. I mean, Hello...shouldn't we have received ours before the June group?! :confused3
Disneyorbust05 said:
I was going with the flow also - until I read on the Resorts board that the June 5th travellers had already received their ME luggage tags?! What is up with that? We leave the 7th as well and probably won't be receiving ours at all. I mean, Hello...shouldn't we have received ours before the June group?! :confused3

I hate to say this, but I think ME has given up on us guests travelling in the first week of the ME operation.

I called ME (again) yesterday - just to see if I'm still listed in the system, but the CM told me that they have everything except my flight information.

What! I've given out my flight info 3 times already to 3 different CMs who told me that they would make sure this information was updated.

We leave on Saturday evening, so there may be a "slight" chance I'll receive something from ME, but at this point I'm not counting on it. I'll just have to wait and see what'll happen once we arrive at MCO. At least I know there are problems with the system - I really feel sorry for those who are not on the DIS boards and have no idea what they may be in for when they arrive next week.
Ha ha!! I don't hate you or any other June travellers for that matter. I was just aggravated at the backwardness of it all ;) However, I just found out that our luggage tags were mailed yesterday via Priority we should have them before our trip!! Thanks everyone for letting me vent! :rolleyes:
Tiggers&Springs said:
1. People who didn't sign up for the service (who may have thought they did) trying to get on the bus;
2. People who didn't get their tags trying to describe their black rolling suitcases (yeah, I've got two of 'em) and handing over their baggage claim checks; (let's not all use the same color ribbon, ok? Dibs on purple.)
3. People who didn't get their tags going to baggage claim to get their bags themselves, and dragging them back to the checkin line and insisting they get put on the bus;

Reluctantly, I may end up in the third category. Yeah, it may end up contributing to the pandemonium, but I may never see my bags again otherwise.
1. If they say they signed up they should be put on the bus. (copied from another post) With so many problems with confirming ME reservations, the reservation list "orta" have no purpose other than as a gauge to predict passenger load with.

2. I guess what will happen is that the CM's will wait until most of the people waiting at the carousel have gotten their luggage and then there will only be a few items to match tags with and no crowds to wade through, thus making it easier for the CM's.

3. I would not be surprised if the CM's tell you to "gate check" your bags when you get to the bus platform or to the welcoming area and the bags go to the truck instead of under the bus.

Trivia: Name a movie whose script contains (approximately) the phrase "orta sorta".
Hint #1: It is not a Disney movie
Hint #2: That phrase is sung.
Disneyorbust05 said:
I was going with the flow also - until I read on the Resorts board that the June 5th travellers had already received their ME luggage tags?! What is up with that? We leave the 7th as well and probably won't be receiving ours at all. I mean, Hello...shouldn't we have received ours before the June group?! :confused3

June 5th people got them already? How odd. We go June 2nd - no tags for us, but we will not be 21 days out until May 12th.
Disneyorbust05 said:
I was going with the flow also - until I read on the Resorts board that the June 5th travellers had already received their ME luggage tags?! What is up with that?
I think that's another case of someone mistaking the WDW Tinker Bell luggage tags (that come with WDW vacation packages) for Magical Express luggage routing tags.

For a description of the real Magical Express mailing and barcoded tags, see "ME Luggage Tags - UPDATE 5/4 - They Came!"
I just got this email from my TA:
Disney has told us that anyone traveling up to May 24 will not be receiving tags. The tags you received with your travel documents (the tinkerbell tags) ARE NOT Mag. Express tags. They are simply decorative luggage tags.

This is what you do:
1. Get your luggage and bring it to the Mag. Express Welcome Center at the airport. They will tag it there and send it to your resort. You will get on your bus for your resort.

2. Ask a castmember in the luggage area (wearing a blue suit with Mickey Hands) to assist you with your luggage. They will aid you with getting it to the Welcome Center.

3. If you are not comfortable with any of those options, many of our clients are choosing alternative transportation such as town cars, Mears shuttle, or car rental.

Unfortunately Disney has had a glitch with Mag. Express beginning and we are unable to do anything other than pass on the info we have to our clients.

Now I'm not sure what to think or do. :sad2: Some of this information is conflicting with stuff posted on these boards.

I suppose we'll just go with the flow, :rolleyes: besides it's our first trip to the World and I plan on enjoying myself regardless.
Disneyorbust05 said:
Ha ha!! I don't hate you or any other June travellers for that matter. I was just aggravated at the backwardness of it all ;) However, I just found out that our luggage tags were mailed yesterday via Priority we should have them before our trip!! :rolleyes:
Don't hold your breath. On 4/27, a CM told us that our tags were being fed-ex'd to us ... then, when I called on 4/30 to find out the scoop, I was told that they had nothing in the computer that tags were sent to me.

It's 5/4, mail has been delivered and no tags. Nothing from Fed Ex either. I am leaving tomorrow night. My only hope is tomorrow's mail ... or Fed Ex. But, I am not holding my breath on that.

dreamingdisney said:
I hate to say this, but I think ME has given up on us guests travelling in the first week of the ME operation.
I totally agree w/this statement. It seems as if they can get the tags out to everyone else except those of us travelling this first week. You'd think they'd cater to us so they could have a successful kick-off.


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